IRC log for #uclibc on 20070523

00:26.52CIA-1003vda * r18670 10busybox/shell/hush_test/hush-misc/shift.tests: fix execute bit on hush-misc/shift.tests
00:29.57*** join/#uclibc svolpe (n=Gerrath@unaffiliated/gerrath)
00:32.44CIA-1003vda * r18671 10busybox/shell/ (5 files in 3 dirs):
00:32.44CIA-10hush: fix a bit different instance of "No EOL" bug,
00:32.44CIA-10add testsuite for that. Expand another testsuite.
01:02.40*** join/#uclibc wrobbie (
01:08.18*** join/#uclibc zitu (
01:16.07*** part/#uclibc zitu (
01:25.53*** join/#uclibc landley (
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05:36.27*** join/#uclibc doc|E (n=doc@
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06:29.46*** join/#uclibc hw (n=hw@
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10:01.26*** join/#uclibc Xride (
10:56.30*** join/#uclibc paines (
10:56.36paineshi guys
10:57.05painesi am playing around with udhcpc and facing some problems
10:57.13painesis this the right place to ask ?
10:59.04Xridepaines: i guess
11:05.24painesi configured my dhcpd to send a bunch of custom options.
11:06.05painesi have extenend udhcp to recongnize those options and the default.script to pipe these options to a file, so that then could be used somewhere else
11:07.30paineswhen I set all those custom options in dhcpd, the udhcpc client will print warnings about too long options. If I just set few it is okay.
11:37.54*** join/#uclibc paines_ (
11:38.56*** join/#uclibc sjhill (
11:49.00*** join/#uclibc zapp-branigan (n=zapp-bra@
11:49.13zapp-braniganhi i have a problem compiling the uclibc
11:49.24zapp-braniganresolv.c:(.text+0x90): undefined reference to `__stack_chk_fail'
11:49.25zapp-braniganresolv.c:(.text+0xa0): undefined reference to `__stack_chk_guard'
11:49.44zapp-branigancan some helpme ?
11:50.51zapp-branigani have found that the problem is stack guard feature
12:10.41mnemoczapp-branigan: you have ssp enabled
12:21.24sjhillzapp-branigan: yep, disabled ssp
12:26.04*** join/#uclibc wiechu (
12:27.01wiechuanyone compiled php with uclibc ? any one would like to help ?
13:01.30CIA-1003vda * r18672 10busybox/shell/ (3 files in 2 dirs): (log message trimmed)
13:01.30CIA-10hush: fix job control with eval /bin/external_prog
13:01.30CIA-10hush: fix parsing of unterminated "str with no EOL
13:57.50*** join/#uclibc blindvt__ (
14:08.50*** part/#uclibc paines_ (
14:30.03*** join/#uclibc likewise (
14:30.06likewisehi all
14:33.44sjhillyou're going to ask a question...i can feel it
14:37.37wiechusolar, sorry for bothering but i found some logs from that channel and You've said there that You've compiled php with uclibc... i got some errors about internal_function, do You have maybe any patches for php which can help ?
14:48.27solarwhats "that channel" ?
14:49.18solar (php)
14:52.38wiechuthat channel means #uclibc
14:53.11solar"that" means "this" ? new to me :)
14:54.06solaranyway yeah we probably have a few patches. I also built it pretty minimal
14:54.21wiechuI just need minimal php with mysql support
14:54.27solar(bzip2 cgi cli ncurses pcre pic readline reflection session spl zlib)
14:54.28wiechui've build mysql server yesterday with uclibc
14:54.34solaris how i build it.
14:55.21solarthose flaps map to whatever php options exist
14:55.39wiechuas for now i try to compile it with --disable-all but i have some damn error all the time
14:57.10solargimme a sec. I'll tell you the full cmdline we use
14:57.24likewisesjhill: so I am only one step away from being blacklisted, right? :-)
14:57.43wiechuif You could check that:
14:57.46wiechuit's what i get
14:59.41sjhilllikewise: heh
15:05.15solarbeing that your error is in zend. You might want to look at whatever our zend patch does.
15:06.48wiechui've seen that
15:06.52wiechuI'll check it
15:10.05likewisecrosses fingers and asks... I would like to debug "can't handle reloc type 0x49 in lib" issues on powerpc, but I do not understand where the "LD_DEBUG=ALL" setting must go? I've read kernel command line, is that correct?
15:14.06*** join/#uclibc landley (
15:17.03CIA-1003vda * r18673 10busybox/shell/hush_test/hush-bugs/noeol3.right: hush: prepare testsuite for new, fixed error message format
15:17.52sjhilllikewise: LD_DEBUG=ALL has nothing to do with kernel command line
15:19.20sjhilllikewise: you need to enable the LD debugging option when building uClibc
15:20.08likewisesjhill: yes, that one I got figured. But I read this, then doubted it was correct:
15:21.11likewisesjhill: so my question is: do I need anything else beyond setting the LD debugging option?
15:23.10CIA-1003vda * r18674 10busybox/shell/ (5 files in 3 dirs): hush: make syntax error messages a bit more useful
15:27.03solartry the word all vs ALL
15:32.58*** join/#uclibc zapp-branigan (n=zapp-bra@
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15:42.08CIA-1003jacmet * r18675 10buildroot/package/ncftp/ Strip binaries at install. Closes #1365
15:55.48wiechusolra, zend patch didn't help :/ nor any other :(
15:56.11wiechumaybe I'm missing some libs ?
16:14.52solarno idea what you are missing did and or did not do.
16:15.36solaras shown we re run autoconf/libtool update config.* and all that jazz
16:16.13wiechuok, anyway thanx for help solar, i found a guy who had same problem I had and he wrote some patch for that I will talk with him in the evening
16:24.56*** join/#uclibc mcgrof (
17:17.44*** join/#uclibc SpanKY (n=UserBah@
17:23.02*** join/#uclibc prpplague (
18:13.51*** part/#uclibc wiechu (
19:05.48*** join/#uclibc zapp-branigan (n=zapp-bra@
19:10.10zapp-braniganmnemoc please how can i disable ssp ?  in the uclibc buildroot?
19:23.30*** join/#uclibc prpplague (
19:30.32zapp-braniganhow can i disable SSP  ?
19:53.09zapp-branigani have disable ssp in the uclibc buildroot and the error is present __stack_chk_fail
20:41.22*** join/#uclibc wiechu (
21:02.25solarask psm
21:04.25*** join/#uclibc khem (i=kraj@nat/montavista/x-5e02cd31097826a1)
21:57.50*** join/#uclibc blindvt_ (
21:58.05*** part/#uclibc wiechu (
23:34.54*** join/#uclibc mtr_ (

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