IRC log for #uclibc on 20070522

00:04.21*** join/#uclibc khem (i=kraj@nat/montavista/x-58efae85a310d991)
00:42.57*** join/#uclibc khem (i=kraj@nat/montavista/x-ffc7523fc2663e4f)
00:45.35*** join/#uclibc khem (i=kraj@nat/montavista/x-506300e5370e0eca)
00:59.24*** join/#uclibc wrobbie (
01:53.51*** join/#uclibc Mirell (
02:01.47*** join/#uclibc mtr_ (
02:35.05*** join/#uclibc landley (
04:21.05*** join/#uclibc doc|E (n=doc@
04:22.04*** join/#uclibc slimm609 (
04:22.12slimm609hello all
04:22.52slimm609can someone help me with a minor problem i am having
04:26.18slimm609anyone on??
04:26.34Xrideslimm609: no i'm not here
04:26.50slimm609can you help me plz
04:27.16Xridei'm not a mind reader
04:27.36slimm609i am having a problem with busybox 1.5
04:27.59Xrideplease use
04:28.17Xridefor temporary upload of the log
04:28.38slimm609i am trying to link /bin/sh to /bin/ash but it says sh: applet not found
04:29.04Xridethis is on a running system?
04:29.12Xrideor in build phase?
04:29.19slimm609for an initrd
04:29.37slimm609sorry  its version 1.4.2 not 1.5
04:29.44slimm609build phase
04:30.37Xridehmm so you are trying to do something by hand or?
04:31.02slimm609yea cause 1.4.2 doesnt have sh built in only ash
04:32.01slimm609if i run ash it works but it seems that when i link sh to ash it send sh to busybox
04:32.31Xrideoki then it should be something like: cd buildroot/build_arch/root/bin && ln -s busybox ash
04:32.53Xrideslimm609: well i'm not sure if it is going to work or not
04:33.07slimm609ash is there and working
04:33.28slimm609i do a ln -s ash sh  and try and run it and it doesnt work
04:34.08slimm609it works on version .60.5
04:34.37Xrideslimm609: i think you need to do ln -s busybox sh
04:34.41slimm609but sh is built into busybox on that version
04:35.58Xrideeverything is build into busybox if it is there.. then it is only a matter of links
04:36.21slimm609i cannot find an option for sh in 1.4.2
04:39.52slimm609do you know of any patches for sh ?
04:46.16Xridehmm it seem spooky, as far as i remember i've been using /bin/sh on live systems without any problems
04:46.50Xridei will first have access to my build environment in something like 1½ hour
04:46.50slimm609i am trying and trying and it says applet not found
04:47.06slimm609i have even tried busybox sh
04:54.56slimm609any ideas?
05:41.40*** join/#uclibc blindvt_ (
05:59.47*** join/#uclibc blindvt__ (
07:37.22*** join/#uclibc vrm (
07:40.57CIA-1003jacmet * r18664 10buildroot/package/libgtk12/ Use select instead of depends for dependencies
07:42.51CIA-1003jacmet * r18665 10buildroot/package/dillo/ Use select instead of depends for dependencies
07:55.45*** join/#uclibc ashes (
08:58.22*** join/#uclibc Redhatter (n=stuartl@gentoo/developer/redhatter)
09:51.13*** join/#uclibc Redhatter (n=stuartl@2001:388:f000:0:0:0:0:279)
10:31.45CIA-1003jacmet * r18666 10buildroot/package/fontconfig/ (3 files): Use freetype-host for host tools. Fixes #1328
11:17.46CIA-1003jacmet * r18667 10buildroot/package/xorg/xorg-6.8.2-joystick_h.patch: Fixup joystick.h include with modern kernel headers. Patch from #1217.
11:59.52CIA-1003jacmet * r18668 10buildroot/package/ ( ncftp/ ncftp/ ncftp/ ncftp package. Patch from #1355
13:01.51*** join/#uclibc blindvt__ (
13:11.43*** join/#uclibc zakalwe (
13:12.22*** join/#uclibc whirm (n=whirm@
13:42.15*** part/#uclibc brainiac|server (n=brainiac@colchester-lug/member/brainiacghost)
14:05.05*** join/#uclibc prpplague (
14:25.33*** join/#uclibc doc|E (n=doc@
14:34.54*** join/#uclibc doc|Espania (n=doc@
14:36.41*** join/#uclibc doc|Espania (n=doc@
14:56.11*** join/#uclibc doc|E (n=doc@
16:47.13*** join/#uclibc svolpe_gerrath (n=Gerrath_@unaffiliated/gerrath)
17:47.22*** join/#uclibc khem (i=kraj@nat/montavista/x-bbf9dc81c0e3d7fc)
20:44.58*** join/#uclibc blindvt_ (
21:46.31CIA-1003vda * r18669 10busybox/miscutils/hdparm.c: hdparm: make -T -t code smaller (-194 bytes), and output prettier
22:20.36*** join/#uclibc zitu (
22:33.36*** join/#uclibc whirm (n=whirm@
22:46.06*** join/#uclibc JockeHome (
23:36.09*** join/#uclibc mtr_ (

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