IRC log for #uclibc on 20070404

01:17.16*** join/#uclibc wrobbie (
02:22.42mcgrofI'm puzzled. I got busybox-1.5.0, using kexec-1.101. What I do is mount /dev/hda1 on /mnt and then do the kexec -l --command-line="foo" --initrd= etc.. and it starts booting fine but it then cannot find the root dev specified (/dev/hda1)
02:22.45mcgrofanyone see this before?
02:31.08*** join/#uclibc Skapare (
06:05.10*** join/#uclibc dalias (
06:05.14daliassolar, you around?
06:10.22*** join/#uclibc blindvt__ (
07:25.01*** join/#uclibc hw_ (n=hw@
08:27.45*** join/#uclibc reppel (
08:31.14reppelhi, is mklibs actually working for you in buildroot?
09:19.06blindvt`reppel, it'd help if you could describe what is failing resp. what you expect it to do. I'm not familiar with it, sorry
09:37.32reppelblindvt`: i selected "run mklibs" from the buildroot menu but it doesn't run it
10:16.41CIA-903vda * r18318 10busybox/ipsvd/ (tcpudp.c udp_io.c): (log message trimmed)
10:16.41CIA-9ipsvd: use IP:PORT syntax for environment vars. Pros:
10:16.41CIA-91. it's saner (matches internal libc sockaddr abstraction).
11:02.57CIA-903vda * r18319 10busybox/ (include/usage.h ipsvd/tcpudp.c ipsvd/udp_io.c): Add/improve comment, shorten some usage texts. No code changes.
12:22.48*** join/#uclibc wrobbie (
12:44.11*** join/#uclibc vrm (
13:06.53*** join/#uclibc svolpe_gerrath (n=Gerrath_@unaffiliated/gerrath)
13:35.59*** join/#uclibc prpplague (
13:45.25*** join/#uclibc kasc (
13:45.43kaschi there
13:52.11kasci've got a problem with building busybox from within a busybox environment. the Makefiles use -prune option with find, but the busybox find implementation doesnt seem to understand -prune
13:52.17kascany ideas? ^^
13:56.03blindvt`kasc, USE_DESKTOP(            ACTS(prune))
13:56.52blindvt`kasc, do away with this silly CONFIG_DESKTOP thing for find and instead add an option for the args of find that are currently hidden with DESKTOP
13:58.35CIA-903aldot * r18320 10busybox/coreutils/stat.c: (log message trimmed)
13:58.35CIA-9- remove superfluous bss user (flags) and manually unswitch some areas:
13:59.50CIA-903aldot * r18321 10busybox/coreutils/stty.c: (log message trimmed)
13:59.50CIA-9- remove some bss users.
14:01.26CIA-903aldot * r18322 10busybox/coreutils/dd.c: (log message trimmed)
14:01.26CIA-9- remove bss users. Shrinkage while at it. See XXX for further, pre-existing bugs
14:06.40kascprune seems to be quite well embedded within all those desktop stuff. is it safe to just move the code outside the #ifs or will that run me into more trouble?
14:07.25blindvt`kasc, introduce a CONFIG_FIND_PRUNE and use that instead of DESKTOP
14:07.52blindvt`kasc, the same for all other args of find that are hidden below DESKTOP
14:08.12blindvt`kasc, then, after cursory testing, send the patch to the mailing-list, please
14:08.59kascoh, ok
14:09.40blindvt`s/CONFIG_FIND_PRUNE/FEATURE_FIND_PRUNE/;# i ment to type
14:27.54*** join/#uclibc blindvt__ (
14:39.08*** join/#uclibc KhemHome (
15:10.35kascblindvt`: patch sent ;)
15:43.31*** join/#uclibc sjhill (
15:55.25blindvt`kasc, what subject? Don't see it yet..
16:00.44kasc[PATCH] un-desktopize find
16:08.12kasclooks like the busybox implementation of patch is kinda broken...
16:24.06kascpatch relies on the original file being there, which under usual conditions is not.
16:25.21*** join/#uclibc ambroseL (
16:39.04blindvt`kasc, i don't think your mail got through. Please send a copy to me directly
16:46.15kascdo i, by chance, have to be subscribed to the list to send to it?
17:01.35blindvt`kasc, indeed :)
17:02.34blindvt`kasc, on the bright side, that subscription is free of charge and done easily
17:03.42blindvt`it's a relatively low-volume list
17:05.53kasci was hoping i was getting some simple fix without to subscribing to yet another list, but since it looks like i have to also fix the busybox patch, it might really be better to actually subscribe
17:15.12kascok, resent the patch
17:19.45blindvt`kasc, that one made it to the list, good. You forgot the attachment, which is suboptimal
17:20.08kascuh well ^^
17:20.58kascresent, with patch this time
17:21.23kascanyways, bbl in some hours or so
17:40.05blindvt`kasc, that patch must be against an older version, isn't it? Can you please diff against trunk? TIA for your patience
17:49.49CIA-903vda * r18323 10busybox/ipsvd/tcpudp.c: reword comment
17:57.56CIA-903aldot * r18324 10busybox/TODO: - note cosmetic glitch in tail
17:58.33*** join/#uclibc KhemHome (i=KhemHome@nat/montavista/x-3262d46c4d653ab8)
17:58.40CIA-903aldot * r18325 10busybox/TODO: - remove debugging output. sorry..
18:00.29blindvt`KhemHome, hi
18:00.42KhemHomehi there blindvt`
18:06.20blindvt`KhemHome, quick question inline:
18:06.20blindvt`lately going over the accumulated "bloat" in coreutils..
18:08.18blindvt`up until recently, i've largely avoided big parts of those, i admit, just fooled with a bit of coreutils here and there and cowardly avoided the risk of causing breakage with random shrinkage ;)
18:09.44blindvt`they are relatively concise, still offer opportunities upon closer inspection, fwiw
18:10.30KhemHomeI guess you are targetting code size ?
18:11.15blindvt`i guess that putting effort into coreutils is most benefical, overall
18:11.34KhemHomeprobably yes
18:12.26KhemHomebool is 1 byte long ..
18:13.18blindvt`is mixing ops on fd's and filps hazardous? IIRC it's not, but didn't look
18:14.12blindvt`KhemHome, bool is often char, depending on arch and toolchain. For some bool is benefical, compared to int
18:15.28blindvt`VRP often doesn't grok stuff, so i prefer to rely on it where it makes sense
18:15.42blindvt`to not rely, even
18:16.34KhemHomewhat is bb_common_bufsiz1 type?
18:16.48blindvt`char*, ISTR
18:17.31blindvt`we flag globals with attribute data. quite a nice trick
18:18.02blindvt`helps on nommu, i'm told, so i'm moving towards it when i touch stuff
18:20.11KhemHomeI think the patch looks ok to me
18:20.16blindvt`i'm still unclear how i would go about emulating an ia32 without mmu.. or any random arch qemu supportsfor that matter
18:20.21KhemHomeyou save the intructions to access bss I think
18:20.37KhemHomeas you get rid of static in there
18:21.18blindvt`KhemHome, yes, it's ok, but i ment to do away with the fileno handling and go to FILE* throughout. Guess i can't avoid to pass the filename in then.. hmz
18:21.31KhemHomeblindvt`: is there a way to compare the performance ?
18:22.18blindvt`KhemHome, well, i once wrote an applet speed patch (see --speed that counted the cycles spent in an applet
18:24.21KhemHomeblindvt`: fstat will need a file descriptor so you can not avoid fd
18:24.46blindvt`there was even a yearly reminder ;)
18:25.23blindvt`KhemHome, yea, but i could pass in the filename and stat that instead
18:26.55KhemHomeblindvt`: as it seems from patch lseek also uses fd
18:28.05blindvt`KhemHome, i didn't fixup tail_read yet but wanted to hear if someone would have a better idea than to additionally pass in the filename to use there along the FILE*
18:28.47blindvt`KhemHome, what do you think about that applet --speed patch? Sounds usefull for debugging/devel ?
18:29.17blindvt`i didn't get much feedback but questions on how rdtsc would work :-(
18:29.58blindvt`which is certainly not the kind of feedback i'd wanted to have for a patch, but oh well
18:30.20KhemHomepassing an additional argument prolly is same in terms of code size
18:30.31KhemHomeblindvt`: the applet idea is nice
18:30.43KhemHomeblindvt`: it could be a config option
18:31.15blindvt`KhemHome, the patch had it as a config-option already, IIRC :)
18:31.35KhemHomeyes I see
18:32.11KhemHomeI think this is useful
19:32.06*** join/#uclibc quitte (
20:29.19CIA-903aldot * r18326 10busybox/coreutils/tail.c: (log message trimmed)
20:29.19CIA-9- minor shrinkage
20:30.50blindvt`that was the wrong stats. was 1362 afterwards *shrug*
20:52.06CIA-903aldot * r18327 10busybox/ (33 files in 15 dirs): - sed -e "s/char[[:space:]]*\*[[:space:]]*argv\[\]/char **argv/g"
21:26.31kascblindvt`: i'm not sure about what to do with the "and" "or" and "not" stuff within #if ENABLE_DESKTOP in find.c near line 345
21:30.16kascshould the long argument versions stay in DESKTOP?
22:10.46*** join/#uclibc blindvt_ (
23:10.59*** join/#uclibc common (
23:41.36CIA-903vda * r18328 10busybox/ (findutils/ findutils/find.c include/usage.h): (log message trimmed)
23:41.36CIA-9find: un-DESKTOPize (Kai Schwenzfeier <>)
23:41.36CIA-9find: -group, -depth (Natanael Copa <>)

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