irclog2html for #uclibc on 20070213

00:54.39CIA-1003vapier * r17872 10uClibc/ldso/ldso/mips/resolve.S: use /*...*/ comments rather than #... so we can preprocess
02:26.18*** join/#uclibc KhemHome (
02:43.39*** join/#uclibc ambroseL (
02:52.49*** join/#uclibc wrobbie (
07:09.32*** join/#uclibc blindvt__ (
07:57.04*** part/#uclibc KhemHome (
09:47.47CIA-1003pkj * r17873 10uClibc/
09:47.47CIA-10Do not produce spurious "/bin/sh: [: too many arguments" if
09:47.47CIA-10$(HEADERS_BITS_SUBARCH) is empty (which it most likely is).
10:11.25*** join/#uclibc vodz (i=1000@
11:01.03Xridewhen is next realse of buildroot comming?
11:16.55blindvt`_Xride, i don't think there will be one
11:17.40blindvt`_Xride, it doesn't make much sense to put out a distinct release for it, imo.
11:55.36*** join/#uclibc ashes (
12:26.45*** join/#uclibc sjhill (
13:11.04blindvt`_sjhill, re: the 17800 revert
13:14.11blindvt`_sjhill, with 17800 up until the revert, the lib/modules and the kernel were not copied to the targetfs before it was packed/genfs'ed. If you look at the diff of the revert from yesterday, you can see that we now (again) put the linux26 target in the TARGETS before the tarroot targets, so the kernel and modules proper end up in the root before that get's packed
13:14.18blindvt`_sjhill, see?
13:21.44*** join/#uclibc whirm (n=whirm@
13:30.27*** part/#uclibc Mirell (
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13:30.57sjhillwould someone kindly get ops and ban 'Mirell' please, thx
14:00.52CIA-1003jacmet * r17874 10buildroot/package/dialog/ -2 patch no longer available. Patch by Stefan Feilmeier
14:14.06Xridehmm .. bb-1.4.1 doesn't install it self
14:29.18Xridehmm it seems that bb-1.4.1 needs to be called with CONFIG_PREFIX and not PREFIX
14:51.07*** join/#uclibc ambroseL (
15:01.39CIA-1003jocke * r17875 10uClibc/ (5 files in 2 dirs): (log message trimmed)
15:01.39CIA-10Add missing bits/fenv.h that got lost in the e500 port.
15:01.39CIA-10clean up E500 math support somewhat.
15:26.45*** join/#uclibc blindvt__ (n=bf@
15:26.49*** join/#uclibc landley (
15:47.20*** join/#uclibc Mirell (
15:47.29MirellNow with no danger of CatOnKeyboard scenario
15:50.36*** join/#uclibc mjn3 (n=mjn3@
15:51.21*** join/#uclibc andersee (
15:51.46*** join/#uclibc blindvt`_ (n=blindvt`
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16:30.11*** join/#uclibc ibot_ (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
16:30.11*** topic/#uclibc is discussion of uClibc and Busybox | uClibc released 28 January 2007 | busybox 1.4.1 released 25 January 2007 | for non uClibc/busybox such as buildroot and general setup issues try #elinux or #edev
16:57.28*** join/#uclibc ambroseL (
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17:21.56*** join/#uclibc Gerrath (n=Shane_@unaffiliated/gerrath)
17:26.55vapierandersee: alive ?
17:28.06mjn3vapier, he was about an hour ago
17:28.33vapierwondering how he feels about setting up as a buildbot master
17:30.09anderseevapier: howdy
17:30.15anderseevapier: yeah, I'm alive
17:30.29anderseevapier: I'd be happy to, though I am a bit concerned about disk space
17:30.41anderseevapier: as the system doesn't have a lot of room...
17:30.55vapierah that sucks
17:31.31anderseevapier: I suppose we could ask the odsl folks for a bit more disk space in the Xen virtual world
17:34.36vapierbuildbot is only in Debian testing, so to install it a bunch of things needed to be upgraded
17:34.42vapieri didnt want to do that without asking you first :)
17:38.39anderseevapier: as long as you don't break the box, I'm happy
17:38.50anderseevapier: you break it, you get to fix it
17:39.29vapierheh, fair enough
17:41.35anderseesolar: oops, yeah
17:41.49anderseemy brain is turning to mush apparently
17:42.04vapieri'm hoping buildbot will allow me to get more native testing and remove reliance on my one desktop amd64
17:44.41anderseevapier: it would also be nice if we could add qemu into the build system and get runtime testing for at least x86, x86_64, mips, and arm.
17:45.33vapieri'd set up actual native clients on those arches with buildbot
17:47.50blindvt`vapier, hm. i don't see any difference between uClibc-svn and glibc on my host fo rbug #420
17:48.04blindvt`vapier, are you shure that isn't fixed yet?
17:48.18blindvt`s/shure/sure/;# even
17:49.57blindvt`vapier, you pointed me at #420 when i asked for the failure..
17:50.19vapierright, ftell() in the tests
17:53.26solarvapier: would a ppc64 be fine?
17:54.03solarre OSL.. I'm talking to them now. There is no spare xen envs for a while. (they are waiting for a new blade cluster to go live)
17:54.05blindvt`the testcase in  works for me on svn, fwiw
17:54.54solarvapier: it's got like 8CPU's and 32G of ram
17:55.40vapiersolar: the host doesnt matter
17:55.49vapieror rather, the master doesnt matter
17:55.52vapierit doesnt do work itself
17:55.57vapierit just tells slaves what to do
17:57.15solarahh. then that ppc64 would make a better slave
17:59.32landleyandersee: I'm working on automated qemu builds. :)
17:59.45vapieri'll see if i can configure buildbot to only save the last log or two ... that way disk space shouldnt be too much of an issue
17:59.54vapierand if at some point we get more, then goodie
18:00.20landleyIf you need to throw hardware at something, I might be able to convine the timesys guys to get you a login on the new x86-64 systems we're trying to buy.
18:00.40landley(We also have 8 gazillion instances of actual hardware.  Arm, ppc, mips...)
18:00.49landleyThat would be more problematic, though, as the access controls on those suck rocks.
18:01.16solarcan you get timesys to donate an arm,ppc,mips ?
18:01.29vapierblindvt__: did you test misc/seek ?
18:01.40solarand then get them ship over to the OSL
18:02.31*** join/#uclibc warly (
18:05.06landleysolar: possibly.
18:05.10landleyI can certainly ask.
18:05.30landleyLemme see, who would be the right channels to go through here...
18:05.49anderseesolar: guess we should also ask OSL if they are open to adding a pile of testing hardware for us
18:06.07vapierhow about i get the infrastructure set up first
18:06.10vapierand then we know what to ask for ;)
18:06.24vapierand what people can contribute without even handing over hardware
18:06.33blindvt`vapier, just screams Success on me
18:07.07vapierthat just means errno wasnt reset
18:07.14landleyHmmm, setting 'em up inside timesys and giving you ssh access to them is easy for us to do.
18:07.18vapieror rather, the stdio layer assumes nothing was wrong
18:07.19landley"us" being the engineering department.
18:07.26landleyWe wouldn't require additional approvals for this.
18:07.38landleyMailing hardware outside of the building requires getting a manager to sign off on stuff. :)
18:07.42landleyNot out of the question, though...
18:08.19blindvt`vapier, without a testcase for your failure i can't even try to help
18:08.28vapierblindvt__: what are you talking about ?
18:08.37vapiertest/ is *full* of testcases :P
18:08.48vapieropen up seek.c and look at the error, it's obvious what the problem is
18:09.21vapierwe call fseeko() twice and ftell() does not report the correct location
18:09.31blindvt`vapier, you sure that the disk ain't full?
18:09.45vapieri could stab you
18:09.49vapierthe glibc one passes fine
18:10.06vapiereven if the disk were full, ftell() is *larger* than it should be
18:10.14JockeHomevapier: good mood today? :)
18:10.16vapierso maybe if my disk were full, the test would pass :P
18:10.29vapierabout normal i think
18:10.34landleyWe've got ppc stuff we might be able to spare.
18:10.38blindvt`guess i should actually read your error then ;)
18:10.38landleyAnd possibly some older arm stuff.
18:10.41landleyShortage of mips at the moment.
18:11.16vapierftell() failed, we wanted pos 1008 but got 2000: Success
18:12.23solarandersee: yeah they are cool with it.
18:12.47solarandersee: vapier has a bunch of junk boxes there.
18:13.19vapieryeah i'm such a jerk for donating machines :p
18:14.15solaryeah atleast you could of sent a mipsel box that does not crash while rsyncing.. you jerk
18:14.35vapieri take the kernels the mips team gives me
18:15.10anderseebest if we could nfs boot with an nfs root on
18:15.32anderseewould make testing easy
18:15.50anderseeof course, we'd also need a way to power cycle to box
18:15.53solarso right now if had more disk space that would be fine to make the master?
18:16.54anderseeas long as the build cpu cycles didn't kill off the mailing lists, svn, etc, etc
18:17.26blindvt`vapier, works just fine for me for i586 and gcc-4.2 and HJLu-utils-...10 . Any fancy flags you use?
18:18.09vapierblindvt`: whatever uclibc defaults to
18:18.17vapieryou can see my toolchain there
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18:20.55blindvt`must be something unique then :P
18:24.13blindvt`saw that, but couldn't really see what toolchain that uses, of course
18:24.32vapiertoolchain is irrelevant to the config options
18:25.03*** part/#uclibc _whirm (n=whirm@
18:33.15landleySo everybody's using gcc-4.2 and 4.1.2.
18:33.21landleyDid I miss a release announcement?
18:33.39landleyOr does 4.1.1 simply suck so badly that nobody in their right minds would use it?
18:33.41landley(This I can believe.)
18:34.12landleyI've actually been _told_ that a random cvs snapshot is preferable to the release version of gcc, but haven't been given a "known good" snapshot URL.
18:35.16blindvt`landley, i already told you via mail that there's an 4.1.2-rc2 that contains that asm with cpp fix
18:35.47landleyNot caught up with today's email yet.
18:35.48blindvt`also it looks like vapier converted the comments already
18:36.00landleyblindvt: he did.
18:36.04blindvt`the asm comments, that is
18:36.20landleyNow over on #cross-lfs we're trying to debug
18:36.34landleyWhich with V=1 becomes
18:36.54landleyWhich seems to be feeding several dozen separate file arguments to an if [ -n blah blah blah... ]
18:37.05landleyWhich makes bash sad.
18:38.09landleyThat's what last night's uClibc snapshot is currently doing on mips.
18:38.48blindvt`someone fiddled with some test stuff earlier today, IIRC. Didn't pay much attention, though
18:40.28blindvt`landley, r17873
18:44.09landleyuClibc soure viewing is dead right now, it seems.
18:44.17landleyImportError: no module named svn.
18:44.26landleyAnd I still need to get my C key fixed.
18:46.32blindvt`landley, svn diff -r17872:17873
18:46.39landleyblindvt: got it.
18:46.47landley(Had to wander over to my uClibc svn diretory.)
18:46.51landleyI was over in #cross-lfs.
18:56.56CIA-1003aldot * r17876 10buildroot/toolchain/gcc/4.1.2/402-libbackend_dep_gcov-iov.h.patch: - backport fix for PR30620
20:05.23CIA-1003vapier * r17877 10uClibc/extra/Configs/Config.powerpc: cleanup style
20:11.43CIA-1003vapier * r17878 10uClibc/ add silentoldconfig target
20:53.22*** join/#uclibc ashes (
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21:42.54*** join/#uclibc Gerrath_ (
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23:09.46*** join/#uclibc blindvt_ (n=bf@
23:27.49*** join/#uclibc blindvt__ (
23:30.49JockeHomevapier: Cool, ppc still builds :)
23:42.55CIA-1003vda * r17879 10busybox/ (libbb/full_write.c networking/httpd.c): httpd: a little bit more correct handling of CGI "HTTP/xxx" output

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.