irclog2html for #uclibc on 20070130

00:12.18CIA-1003aldot * r17662 10buildroot/target/device/x86/i386/busybox.config: - update snapshot config for ia32 config
00:14.24*** join/#uclibc randomguy (
00:16.47*** join/#uclibc mtr_ (
00:16.54*** join/#uclibc andersee (
00:35.42CIA-1003aldot * r17663 10buildroot/target/device/x86/i386/busybox.config: - drop some stuff
00:44.42CIA-1003vda * r17664 10busybox/networking/libiproute/ (ll_types.c rt_names.h): preparatory patch for -Wwrite-strings #8 (missed part)
00:58.19CIA-1003aldot * r17665 10buildroot/ (4 files in 3 dirs):
00:58.19CIA-10- generalize the menuconfig linux kernel support
00:58.19CIA-10- simplify toplevel mkdir rules a tiny bit
01:01.29blindvt__andersee, ok. So i'll revert the "install uClibc headers" patch in the next days unless you beat me to it.
01:02.41blindvt__andersee, I was thinking about striving into the direction where people want to use a pre-built toolchain to build stuff. This options doesn't make sense in these cases (no idea what led me to think it would make sense)
01:04.07blindvt__was i thinking about a static, pre-built toolchain to build a new target? Don't remember
01:05.00blindvt__even that wouldn't make sense, i admit. We'll drop it. sorry
01:11.38CIA-1003vda * r17666 10busybox/editors/sed.c: micro optimization
01:12.30anderseeblindvt__: no problem
01:12.50anderseeblindvt__: just noticed it trying to test out uClibc
04:15.26*** join/#uclibc jacques (n=jacques@nslu2-linux/jacques)
04:18.11*** join/#uclibc ambroseL (
04:35.54*** join/#uclibc ashes (
05:41.58*** join/#uclibc wrobbie (
07:24.32*** join/#uclibc _olistudent (
07:26.31*** join/#uclibc blindvt_ (n=bf@
08:35.34CIA-1003aldot * r17667 10buildroot/package/linux/: - delete empty dir that looks like a CVS leftover from before boards were introduced
09:04.26blindvt`heh. When i try to compile that C app with my ada compiler, i get errors ;)
10:51.38*** join/#uclibc whirm (n=whirm@
11:27.50*** join/#uclibc warly_ (
13:01.51*** join/#uclibc Gerrath (n=Shane_@unaffiliated/gerrath)
13:34.41*** join/#uclibc sjhill (
13:36.12CIA-1003jacmet * r17668 10buildroot/package/busybox/ ( Busybox 1.4.0 support
13:36.21*** join/#uclibc adeeln (
13:37.22CIA-1003jacmet * r17669 10buildroot/package/busybox/ (6 files): busybox 1.4.0 support files
13:37.36*** join/#uclibc Gerrath (n=Shane_@unaffiliated/gerrath)
13:38.18adeelnis there a concise listing of all the features busybox provides....i.e. sed, vi, nano, etc ?
14:23.32*** join/#uclibc landley (
14:37.19*** join/#uclibc bradley_vier (n=barth@
14:41.41bradley_vierI have the following problem : mmap() fails on a custom rootfs/kernel  (kernel 2.6.18, uclibc 0.9.29, busybox but the same program works on the default rootfs/kernel (2.4.31)
14:42.09bradley_vierHave you got any idea about what is missing / misconfigured ?
15:10.01*** join/#uclibc blindvt__ (n=bf@
15:21.32*** join/#uclibc ambroseL (
15:23.54*** join/#uclibc hiyuh (
16:47.29CIA-1003jacmet * r17670 10buildroot/package/busybox/ busybox 1.4.0 seems to use CONFIG_PREFIX instead of PREFIX
17:22.58*** join/#uclibc Gerrath (n=Shane_@unaffiliated/gerrath)
17:26.40CIA-1003aldot * r17671 10uClibc/libc/misc/glob/glob.c: (log message trimmed)
17:26.40CIA-10- should look if LFS is enabled as suggested by pkj in #1131. This generates
17:26.40CIA-10identical cc1 input for LFS enabled (compared to before r17652) but makes sure
17:33.54CIA-1003aldot * r17672 10buildroot/package/ - make absolutely sure that we are not trying to go into jobserver mode for MAKE1
17:36.53CIA-1003aldot * r17673 10buildroot/target/device/x86/ - make sure to check against ia32
17:37.36CIA-1003aldot * r17674 10buildroot/target/device/x86/i386/ - set preferred kernel format to bzImage for i386 family
17:38.42CIA-1003aldot * r17675 10buildroot/target/ - honor the given kernel format and fallback to zImage if none was specified
17:45.33CIA-1003aldot * r17676 10buildroot/toolchain/uClibc/ (uClibc-0.9.29.config - add some defaults for arm and set them later on depending on the .config
17:46.07*** join/#uclibc landley (
17:47.04CIA-1003aldot * r17677 10buildroot/package/ncurses/ - explicitely pass the configured $(DISABLE_LFS) in. Also set --disable-big-core
19:19.49*** join/#uclibc adeel_n (
22:29.07CIA-1003vda * r17679 10busybox/shell/hush.c: hust: -Wwrite-strings fixes
22:30.10CIA-1003vda * r17680 10busybox/shell/hush.c: hush: style fixes
22:31.27CIA-1003vda * r17681 10busybox/shell/hush.c: hush: now it's -Wwrite-strings clean
22:32.10CIA-1003vda * r17682 10busybox/shell/hush.c: hush: style fixes
22:44.11CIA-1003vda * r17683 10busybox/shell/lash.c: lash: -Wwrite-strings fixes
23:10.07*** join/#uclibc blindvt_ (n=bf@

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