irclog2html for #uclibc on 20070126

00:01.57CIA-1003vapier 07uClibc_0_9_28 * r17528 10/ (37 files in 21 dirs): pull accumulated fixes from trunk
00:11.42JockeHomevapier: pong
00:12.15vapierJockeHome: nm, just wanted to check about ppc vfork
00:12.23vapierthe 0.9.28 tag differs from the actual 0.9.28 release ;)
00:12.47JockeHomeI see, so you are fixing this now?
00:12.59vapieralready did
00:13.17vapierwe're going to try and make next blackfin release with 0.9.29
00:13.33vapierso my priorities have shifted back ;)
00:13.45JockeHomeahh, good. then .29 actually needs to happen :)
00:14.20JockeHomesolar: did you test the affinity patch?
00:16.04vapieryeah just doing a quick
00:16.39JockeHomevapier: got a sched_get/setaffinity patch for uclibc but it needs updated syscalls.h
00:16.44JockeHomeala ppc
00:17.06vapieri've integrated all of the fixes we've accumulated in Gentoo
00:17.11vapieradding the buildroot ones now
00:18.05JockeHomeyou want the affinty stuff for .29? busybox needs it I am told
00:18.36JockeHomesyscalls.h needs to be updated for a few archs if so
00:19.16vapier*shrug* commit it if you got it baby
00:20.22JockeHomewell, I havn't done anything about syscalls.h so it wont compile for some archs
00:20.49JockeHomeso that needs to be fixed first, but not by me. I only do ppc
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00:21.29JockeHomeshould be easy to copy the glibc ones and adjust
00:22.06CIA-1003vapier 07uClibc_0_9_28 * r17529 10/ (83 files in 24 dirs): pull accumulated fixes from trunk
00:22.16JockeHomeI did it for ppc and got VSYSCALLS in the process
00:25.11CIA-1003jocke * r17530 10uClibc/ldso/ (ldso/ldso.c libdl/libdl.c):
00:25.11CIA-10Fix libdl bug reported by Cedric Hombourger in
00:28.49solarvapier: be sure to skip
00:28.57vapierJockeHome: that something you want to merge in as well ?
00:29.13solar<blindvt_>  you definately don't want that one
00:29.23JockeHomenot sure if it applies
00:29.30vapiersolar: i did skip it, but by accident
00:29.33vapieri copied *.patch ;)
00:31.04solarwell that worked out well then
00:31.24JockeHomevapier: skip the libdl for .28.1, its a minor problem and it might break something
00:31.31CIA-1003vapier * r17531 10uClibc/ dont actually have to worry about local changes as svn export takes care of that
00:33.14CIA-1003vapier 07uClibc_0_9_28 * r17532 10/Rules.mak: tag
00:33.54CIA-1003vapier 07uClibc_0_9_28 * r17533 10/Makefile: import simpler dist/release target from trunk
00:35.10JockeHomevapier: did you include the crt1 fixes for ppc?
00:35.40solarhe got the secureplt patch I think
00:35.55vapierif it's in Gentoo, it's in
00:36.10vapieronly other thing i'd want to fix is that stat bug that solar is intent on blaming tar for ;)
00:36.26JockeHomenot secure plt
00:36.34solarthanks btw. reboke my uclibc chroot
00:36.34JockeHomedunno if its in gentoo
00:36.43solarthat version needs to be p.masked
00:36.45vapierJockeHome: you mean r3 ?
00:36.54vapierthat's in Gentoo ;)
00:37.06JockeHomestatic builds for ppc on 2.6
00:37.31vapieri did that for JoseX
00:38.56*** part/#uclibc Scrye (
00:40.59vapieri'll try and get that fixed tonight ... after new scrubs ;)
00:42.28JockeHomevapier: know whats wrong with the linux headers in svn? your autobuilds fails due to some header problems
00:43.23JockeHomevapier: fix what?
00:43.36anderseevapier: I notice you skipped the uClibc-0.9.28-mutex-cancel.patch
00:43.49vapierandersee: you sure ?
00:43.55vapierJockeHome: which arch
00:44.35JockeHomeall as I recall
00:44.59anderseevapier: pretty darn sure: svn co "svn+ssh://" ; cd uClibc_0_9_28; patch < ../uClibc-0.9.28-mutex-cancel.patch
00:45.16vapieri hrm
00:45.16andersee3 minor rejects
00:45.20vapieri think i forgot to remove the --dry-run
00:45.36vapiercause i def spent time fixing the rejects
00:46.21anderseewas just checking to see if anything got missed and noticed
00:47.51CIA-1003vapier 07uClibc_0_9_28 * r17534 10/ (60 files in 21 dirs): even more accumulated fixes from trunk
00:48.20vapierJockeHome: all i see is cris and that's because cris' headers are broken
00:48.40vapiersuperh is still broken from the pread updates
00:49.06JockeHomethats waht I mean
00:49.14JockeHomefrom your logs
00:49.52vapierso by "all" you mean "powerpc" ;)
00:50.08JockeHomeno just an example
00:50.19JockeHomethis is just ppc however:
00:50.23JockeHomeconformance/definitions/signal_h/15-1: build: FAILED: Compiler output:
00:50.23JockeHomeIn file included from /usr/local/src/uclibc/trunk/catalyst/uClibc/include/sys/ucontext.h:27,
00:50.45JockeHomeehh, better paste instaed
00:51.19vapieri think i need to rebuild my ppc gcc
00:52.45vapieryeah i think i know what it is
00:53.35vapiertime to commute home
00:53.51vapierso back in like an hour or so :/
00:57.45JockeHomeprobably in bed by then
00:58.20JockeHometime 01.58 here
01:52.15*** join/#uclibc wrobbie (
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03:46.18*** join/#uclibc blindvt__ (n=bf@
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06:10.42*** join/#uclibc JockeHome (
07:01.13CIA-1003vda * r17535 10busybox/include/libbb.h: fix non-ipv6 compile
07:02.57CIA-1003vda * r17536 10busybox/networking/hostname.c: fix option -F mishandling
07:12.05*** join/#uclibc blindvt (n=bf@
07:14.02CIA-1003vapier * r17537 10busybox/Makefile: respect CFLAGS/CPPFLAGS in env
08:50.09*** join/#uclibc bradley_vier (n=barth@
08:55.30CIA-1003aldot * r17538 10uClibc/include/_lfs_64.h: - fix format of comment
09:03.27CIA-1003aldot * r17539 10busybox/miscutils/ - readahead depends on LFS
09:07.27CIA-1003aldot 07busybox_1_4_stable * r17540 10/miscutils/ - readahead depends on LFS
11:26.58*** join/#uclibc warly_ (
11:27.50*** join/#uclibc ruoso (n=ruoso@
11:37.28blindvt`whirm, i did not forget your patch but i need to chase down a miscompile of the native cc1 beforehand :-/
11:37.56whirmblindvt`: no problem, hit'em hard! :-)
12:49.35*** join/#uclibc sjhill (
13:10.43whirmI get my_getopt.c:(.text+0x33f): undefined reference to `__stdout' even after renaming the patch and rebuilding everything
13:10.48whirmthe command is:
13:10.58whirmgcc   -o comp_err  comp_err.o ../mysys/libmysys.a ../dbug/libdbug.a ../strings/libmystrings.a -lpthread -lcrypt -lnsl -lm  -lpthread
13:11.18whirmmaybe I should add ./build_i586/staging_dir/usr/lib/libc.a to the command?
13:18.35blindvt`whirm, your package is foobared unless that line is ment to build a comp_err for the host. comp_err sounds familiar, what package is this?
13:19.08whirmblindvt`: i'm still packaging mysql  :-)
13:20.45blindvt`you're mixing host- and target stuff there, from the looks. check your .configured target
13:21.54whirmblindvt`: thanks
13:29.43whirmill drop the towel, i cannot lose more time on this....
13:39.58blindvt`SpanKY, that said, i don't quite see how having a _dl_dprintf is of any advantage. Why doesn't this just use the generic printing in the first place?
13:41.52sjhill_dl_dprintf is needed for printing debugging messages from the dynamic loader...because until the dynamic loader completely relocates itself
13:42.02sjhillyou cannot call functions
13:42.18blindvt`sjhill, hmz. That obviously makes sense
13:49.44*** join/#uclibc michal` (
14:00.27*** join/#uclibc ambroseL (
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14:51.40CIA-1003aldot * r17541 10buildroot/toolchain/gcc/ ( (log message trimmed)
14:51.40CIA-10- for the native target gcc, drop --enable-optspace in favour of using the configured flags (that default to -Os anyway).
14:52.52blindvt`gcc is still huge, but that's definately better than what we had before :)
15:19.54sjhillvery nice
15:20.03sjhillwonder what that will do to my NPTL stuff
15:22.14blindvt`sjhill, I'll let my test-compile finish and will check in a BR2_PREFER_IMA that turns on IMA compiles in gcc (--enable-intermodule) and busybox. uClibc still needs fixing although psm already did alot to make uClibc behave
15:23.06blindvt`sjhill, check in in the evening, i ment to type
15:25.51landleyWhat _is_ --enable-optspace?
15:26.05blindvt`see docs/invoke.texi
15:26.24blindvt`but i'm gone already ;)
15:27.36blindvt`it's really just -Os instead of O2. Put short, nonsense iff you know what optimizations help on your arch
15:28.24*** join/#uclibc blindvt (
15:28.56blindvt`the casual user that doesn't use any BR2_TARGET_OPTIMIZATION get's the same size as before since BR2_TARGET_OPTIMIZATION defaults to -Os anyway
15:41.35landleyWhy would --enable-optspace bloat the compiler by 20%?
16:01.41*** join/#uclibc whirm (
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16:19.40vapierblindvt: erm, what ?
16:19.42vapierldso cant use functions
17:14.18*** join/#uclibc KhemHome (
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18:30.41*** join/#uclibc tchan (n=tchan@lunar-linux/developer/tchan)
18:55.45*** join/#uclibc landley (
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20:26.52*** join/#uclibc Gerrath (n=Shane_@unaffiliated/gerrath)
20:35.23*** part/#uclibc Khem (i=Khem@nat/montavista/x-d10b761d6411b64b)
20:36.24*** join/#uclibc Khem (i=Khem@nat/montavista/x-684348cb0c4c60b7)
21:55.36solarCan somebody please revert
22:54.02CIA-1003vda * r17542 10busybox/libbb/parse_mode.c: bb_parse_mode: do not do umask() needlessly.
22:55.13CIA-1003vda * r17543 10busybox/include/libbb.h: fix "expr has no effect" warning
23:00.07CIA-1003vda * r17544 10busybox/ (coreutils/chmod.c findutils/find.c):
23:00.07CIA-10find: fix -mtime, -mmin, -perm (+ add symbolic perm handling)
23:00.07CIA-10chmod: better name for a variable
23:24.29*** join/#uclibc ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
23:24.29*** topic/#uclibc is discussion of uClibc and Busybox | uClibc 0.9.28 released 17 August 2005 | busybox 1.3.1 released 27 December 2006 | for non uClibc/busybox such as buildroot and general setup issues try #elinux or #edev
23:29.52*** join/#uclibc blindvt (
23:31.08CIA-1003vda * r17545 10busybox/ (include/libbb.h libbb/xfuncs.c): fix bin2hex bug. lowercase = uppercase | 0x20, not | 0x10!
23:35.14CIA-1003vda * r17546 10busybox/docs/ add link to post 1.4.1 patches
23:57.18*** join/#uclibc ashes (

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