irclog2html for #uclibc on 20061217

00:32.47*** join/#uclibc hiyuh (
01:00.01*** join/#uclibc ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
01:00.02*** topic/#uclibc is setting the topic is fun
01:17.58*** join/#uclibc ibot_ (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
01:17.58*** topic/#uclibc is setting the topic is fun
02:52.42*** join/#uclibc CIA-10 (
04:13.45*** join/#uclibc landley (
04:27.35*** join/#uclibc uriahheep (
04:27.55uriahheepuclibc is designed for fpu-less architectures. right?
04:28.36Bertlhmm, why?
04:28.43uriahheepjust wondering :P
04:29.10uriahheepi'm wondering if it would be better to use it instead of glibc for a gp2x
04:30.55Bertlthat's a dual core arm or so?
04:31.10uriahheepwell, no
04:31.13uriahheepdual cpu
04:31.17Bertlah, right
04:31.21uriahheepone has an mmu, one doesn't
04:31.39Bertlwell, uClibc will definitely use less resources
04:31.50Bertlglibc got quite bloated over the years
04:32.34uriahheepwhat's the compatibility rating on uclibc? nowadays, will pretty much anything compile with uclibc without any patching?
04:33.32BertlI don't know for sure, but I'd say, you probably will need to do patching for most stuff, unless it was kind of designed for it
04:34.03Bertlbut the number of packages which are contained in the buildroot for example, gives a good idea what should work and what not
04:34.34uriahheephmm, k
04:34.40uriahheepgot a link to the buildroot?
04:35.00uriahheepheh never mind
04:35.27Bertlit's linked on the main site :)
04:35.28uriahheephmm, a ported gcc is in the buildroot?
04:35.41Bertlthere are options for several toolchains
04:35.51Bertlsome of them work, others dont depends on the arch
04:36.02uriahheephmm, k
04:36.12Bertlfor example, the sparc requires gcc 4.x as I found out
04:36.30uriahheepah :-/
04:36.44uriahheepdo sparc's have mmu?
04:41.03uriahheephmm, k
04:41.11uriahheepwhy are you using uclibc on it then?
04:42.04BertlI'm trying to get it work there, because I do some testing in a virtual environment (QEMU) for several kernel archs, and it would be fine to have a common boot/test image
04:42.16uriahheepah, k
04:42.42Bertland images around 16M and 32M are much nicer than 600M or 2GB :)
04:42.50uriahheep;) true
04:58.58*** join/#uclibc El-Lotso (n=EnergonC@
05:10.34*** join/#uclibc garrettkajmowicz (
05:11.00landleyBertl: nope, most stuff works with uClibc without patching.
05:11.06landleyThis has been true since about 0.9.26.
05:11.31landleyHi garrett!
05:11.39Bertllandley: ah, good to hear, didn't succed with strace yesterday though
05:17.26garrettkajmowiczhi, landley.  I just got my server/net connection working again.  I'm going to go get some sleep and then finish the re-install.
05:18.06garrettkajmowiczNo more annoying whine from server machine (528 MB drive removed; was only used for swap, anyways)
05:29.14landleygarrett: woot.
06:14.04*** join/#uclibc garrettkajmowicz ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:14.04*** join/#uclibc landley ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:14.04*** join/#uclibc hiyuh ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:14.05*** join/#uclibc common ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:14.05*** join/#uclibc Xires (
06:48.25*** join/#uclibc Newsome (
07:54.42*** join/#uclibc CIA-10 (
08:13.28*** join/#uclibc blindvt_ (
08:18.30*** join/#uclibc CIA-10 (
08:56.42*** join/#uclibc landley_ (
08:57.56*** part/#uclibc landley_ (
10:16.33*** join/#uclibc wrobbie (
10:33.25*** join/#uclibc CIA-10 (
11:12.22Kalozanyone crosscompiled xorg 7.1 (or 7.2rc) for busybox?
11:12.33Kalozerm, i'm too sleepy
12:36.24*** join/#uclibc Sgt-Donan (
14:20.44*** join/#uclibc wrobbie (
15:57.47*** join/#uclibc blindvt__ (
16:32.52*** join/#uclibc garrettkajmowicz (
17:27.13*** join/#uclibc landley (
17:28.09CIA-1003vda * r16981 10busybox/include/usage.h: fix/shorten some usage strings
17:29.01landleyDenis is kind of energetic, isn't he?
17:29.07landley(He's vda.)
17:29.56solarvda was the .ru guy that did the orig e2fs stuff for bb before vapier commited his?
17:30.03CIA-1003vda * r16982 10busybox/ (debianutils/start_stop_daemon.c libbb/read.c):
17:30.03CIA-10start_stop_daemon: fix bug where any program name was "matching"
17:30.03CIA-10processes for which readlink(/proc/N/exe) fails
17:38.23landleysolar: dunno about the e2fs stuff, I'd have to check.
17:38.46landleyvda is a .ru guy.
17:40.29landleyAnd his judgement's generally pretty good.  And he listens when people explain stuff, without being led by the nose either.
17:40.49*** join/#uclibc alesan (
17:43.29landleySo I sit down at the coffee shop to get FWL phase 2 finished today, and what am I doing?
17:43.39landleyReading a history of alcohol in the james bond films.
17:43.54landleyWelcome to the internet.
19:08.33CIA-1003vda * r16983 10busybox/archival/tar.c:
19:08.33CIA-10tar: report error if child dies while writing out the end of tarball
19:08.33CIA-10(e.g. out of disk space).
19:12.12landleyWhat's gcrt1.o?
19:12.15landleyDunno that one.
19:15.38landleyNevermind, profiling.  zapped.
19:20.08SpanKYsolar: no, that was vodz
19:20.26SpanKYyou can tell ... vda's english isnt completely broken ;p
19:21.14CIA-1003vda * r16984 10busybox/coreutils/od_bloaty.c: od: remove bug-for-bug compat (because the bug was fixed in coreuitls)
19:31.37landleySpanKY: vda actually speaks english.
19:31.43landleyVodz used a translation program.
19:32.03landleyThe difference is, no matter how much trouble we may have communicating with vda at any given time, he's _learning_.
19:32.16landleyVodz's translator never improved, even after 3 years.
19:43.19CIA-1003vda * r16985 10busybox/debianutils/start_stop_daemon.c: start_stop_daemon: make code a bit more readable
19:48.13BertlSpanKY: so you are working on the sparc port?
19:50.29SpanKYBertl: idly
19:50.54Bertlwell, I already figured a few broken things
19:51.22Bertlbut I'm still unable to get a basic 'working' setup
19:53.10SpanKYi give up on buildroot ... installing a sparc-gentoo-linux-uclibc cross-compiler
19:53.51landleySpanKY I've never made buildroot do much for me.  I find nested makefiles totally opaque.
19:54.05landleyHowever, is coming along nicely...
19:55.00Bertlyeah, well, the nice part of buildroot (if it worked) would be that you can build for all the archs in an automated way
19:55.27SpanKYi've integrated it into Gentoo so i can automate everything with emerge
19:56.16landleyIntegrated uClibc, you mean?
19:56.44landleyBertl: you invoke my scripts with "./cross-compiler armv4l"
19:57.03landleyOnce it has a config file for each architecture you're interested in, automating it to iterate through them is fairly trivial.
19:57.47landleySpanKY: does gentoo embedded cross compile, or build natively?
20:01.13Bertllandley: what exactly do your scripts do? downloads the source code tarballs (and verifies the sha1 sums if it has one for that package), and sets up version-independent symlinks so the rest of the scripts dont' have to care about versions.
20:03.18Bertlokay builds a relocatable cross compile toolchain out of binutils, gcc-core (C only, no c++ yet), an updated version of the old uClibc wrapper (which I use to make the toolchain relocatable), kernel headers (from make headers_install in the current linux kernel), and uClibc.
20:04.18landleyIt also builds a hello world program and does a test run of it under qemu to verify that the toolchain works (this assumes you have qemu already installed, still pondering how I want to handle that).
20:04.32Bertlsounds good
20:04.49landleyThen it tars it up.  By "relocatable" I mean you can extract that tarball into any directory, add its' bin to your $PATH, and use it.  It should just work.
20:05.09landley(And actually $path is optional, you can call it via ../blah too. :) is what I'm working on now.  It builds a minimal native environment (including native compiler) that I can boot into and run under qemu, and build the rest of the system natively.
20:05.53Bertlfor which archs have you tested the cross build?
20:06.30landleyI'm trying to get armv4l to work all the way first.
20:06.35landleyDepth first, not breadth first.
20:06.41landleyI've poked at x86_64, though.
20:06.45Bertlah, so early stage ...
20:07.00landleyAnd I've got the guts of armv5l and armv4be too.
20:07.13landleyI'll be doing ppc and mips when I get around to it, plus x86.
20:07.30landleyThere are design documents linked from the website that go into a lot more detail.
20:08.06Bertlokay, will look into your scripts, as I have kernel toolchains for almost all linux-kernel archs, I'll see, maybe I can integrate your uClibc part and fix up the brokenness for some of them
20:08.21landleyAll the magic is in the wrapper script.
20:08.37Bertlwhat's the license of those scripts?
20:08.38landleyI spent weeks trying to patch gcc into submission before giving up and deciding that its path logic was too stupid to live.
20:08.45landleyThe wrapper overrides _everything_.
20:08.48landleylicense is gplv2.
20:08.56Bertlokay, great
20:12.08landleyIn some ways my approach is hideously wasteful of disk space compared to multilib.
20:12.35landleyBut if you have an x86-gcc and an x86_64-gcc in your path, and all their binaries and libraries and such live in separate directories, the result is likely to _work_. :)
20:18.08CIA-1003vda * r16986 10busybox/networking/
20:18.08CIA-10httpd: we don't have FEATURE_HTTPD_WITHOUT_INETD anymore,
20:18.08CIA-10remove it from
20:49.13CIA-1003vapier * r16987 10uClibc/extra/Configs/ for now, dont allow mmu users to select file format
20:51.51SpanKYblah, this sparc box is slow ... takes like 20 seconds to build uclibc
20:56.05CIA-1003vapier * r16988 10uClibc/libc/stdlib/malloc-standard/malloc.c: rename local "brk" var so it doesnt namespace collide with the brk() function
20:56.24SpanKYah nice, sparc gives me segv
21:02.57Bertlyep, that was what I got on the cross compiling too :)
21:03.11Bertl(after I realized that gcc has to be at least 4.0.1 :)
21:05.02SpanKYi'm using 4.1.1 here
21:05.13SpanKYwaiting for gdb to emerge
21:05.49Bertlbtw, is uCLibc supposed to be built against sanitized kernel headers or should it work 'out of the box'?
21:06.23Bertlwhat I mean is, would a 'make headers_install' in a recent kernel tree give me what uClibc expects?
21:09.56SpanKY <- those are against sanitized headers
21:10.07SpanKYatm, i think only cris has screwed kernel headers
21:10.15SpanKYwell, bfin too, but i cheat so it doesnt matter
21:20.50landleyBertl: linux- is the first one that produces usable headers.
21:21.02landleyUsing that, it builds for me just fine.  And I can build busybox with the resulting toolchain.
21:21.21landleyHaven't tried bfin or cris.
21:21.31landleyTried x86, x86_64, and armv4l.
21:25.10Bertlk, tx
21:26.27SpanKYbroken pthread call, great
21:30.45landleySpanKY: ?
21:55.49*** join/#uclibc CIA-10 (
23:20.37Bertlany idea why I would get this:
23:20.38Bertlsocketcalls.c:179: error: syntax error before "__libc_recvfrom"
23:20.39Bertlsocketcalls.c:180: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `_syscall6'
23:21.43Bertlwhen building uClibc 0.9.28 for i386, missing include?
23:22.21landleyI'd try the current -svn.  It's close to release.
23:22.38landley(If I have to _drive_ to utah... :)
23:33.21Bertllooks good, at least it compiles :)
23:35.07landleyCurrent svn should work ok on i386 unless they broke it today.
23:35.16landleyarmv4l has a weird problem I'm chasing.
23:35.22landleyarmv5 (EABI) works, as do most of the other platforms.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.