irclog2html for #uclibc on 20061003

00:21.04*** join/#uclibc hiyuh_work (
00:22.25*** join/#uclibc ico2_ (
00:50.10*** join/#uclibc JockeHome (
00:57.44*** join/#uclibc wrobbie (
01:13.54*** join/#uclibc KhemHome (
01:49.39*** join/#uclibc haary (n=haary@
02:16.40*** join/#uclibc Newsome (
02:41.13*** join/#uclibc steven_ (n=steven@
03:28.59*** join/#uclibc ambroseL (
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04:34.03*** part/#uclibc haary (n=haary@
06:22.49*** join/#uclibc ico2__ (
06:27.53*** join/#uclibc blindvt_ (
06:49.29*** join/#uclibc Magni (
07:01.55*** join/#uclibc wrobbie (
08:23.17*** join/#uclibc ico2_ (
08:47.09*** join/#uclibc vrm (
09:16.09*** join/#uclibc psaksa (
10:23.18*** join/#uclibc ico2__ (
10:48.24CIA-403vda * r16295 10busybox/networking/traceroute.c: traceroute: do not look up icmp protocol# in /etc, it is well-known :)
12:33.15*** join/#uclibc thain (i=tsavola@nat/movial/x-dbac7164ac3bba3a)
12:33.50thainis there a reason why buildroot does not support kernel headers newer than 2.6.12?
12:34.11thainnewer ones don't have relevant changes?
12:35.49blindvt`thain, the kernel headers are a sanitized version of the normal headers. I don't think that there are newer sanitized, standalone headers
12:35.49*** join/#uclibc El-Lotso (n=EnergonC@
12:39.06blindvt`thain, that said, i put an the possibility to use a full 2.6.18 tarball for the headers into svn recently. Only slightly tested, though. strace needed fixing and i don't think that i've checked that patchlet in yet. Give it a go if you feel like, and let me know how it goes for you.
12:39.40blindvt`thain, someone mentioned a headers_install target for the kernel, but i haven't had time to look if that's something we want.
12:39.44blindvt`thain, hth
12:45.59thaini don't have an urgent need; i was just wondering
13:22.21slapinHi, all!
13:23.14slapinproposed patch submitted to mailing list
13:23.50slapinYou will also need mmap patch and interworking (__USE_BX) patch.
13:33.05blindvt`slapin, you should really have dropped that tee'ing to /tmp/c ;)
13:34.11blindvt`let's see what khem says
13:34.58blindvt`slapin, hi, btw :)
13:35.29slapinblindvt_, hi, I resubmitted it.
13:36.00slapinjust forgot stripping some debugging code.
13:43.08slapinfinally done.
13:46.51*** join/#uclibc praefect (
14:28.13*** join/#uclibc blindvt_ (
14:33.13*** part/#uclibc blindvt` (n=blindvt`
14:51.45CIA-403aldot * r16296 10buildroot/package/sudo/ - late binding isn't a good idea there, i did end up with an empty SOURCE.
15:10.29*** join/#uclibc Newsome (
15:30.37*** join/#uclibc KhemHome (
15:43.54*** join/#uclibc tkp (
15:44.01tkphi guys
15:44.07tkpanyone arount atm?
15:44.36tkpjust trying to use the busybox umount command...
15:45.03tkpbut it seems that whatever flags I pass it (or even with no flags at all) I just get a usage error message
15:45.08tkpand nothing unmounts
15:45.29tkpthe command I was trying to use was:
15:45.29tkpumount -f -a -r
15:54.08*** join/#uclibc Gnat42 (
16:05.54*** part/#uclibc Gnat42 (
16:25.22*** join/#uclibc ico2_ (
16:27.15CIA-403vda * r16298 10busybox/ (8 files in 4 dirs):
16:27.15CIA-4runit/chpst: "change process state" utility
16:27.15CIA-4It's "nice" on steroids - can set uid/gid, mem/cpu limits etc. +3.5k
16:35.55dagbis there a way to save the console input and output to file with busybox? Something ala 'script'
16:38.07*** join/#uclibc KhemHome (i=Khem@nat/montavista/x-82e37806e2238bde)
17:09.21*** join/#uclibc KhemHome (i=Khem@nat/montavista/x-a90659faeb5f07ec)
17:53.29CIA-403vda * r16299 10busybox/runit/ (. Makefile chpst.c uidgid.c uidgid.h): Yeah, yeah... I forgot about 'svn add'... fixing that
18:19.55CIA-403vda * r16300 10busybox/networking/traceroute.c: traceroute: fix compilation if netinet/protocols.h is missing
18:24.44*** join/#uclibc andersee (
18:32.13*** join/#uclibc Jacmet (
18:32.14*** join/#uclibc ico2_ (
18:34.30*** join/#uclibc blindvt_ (
18:40.47*** join/#uclibc Jacmet (
18:44.09*** join/#uclibc KhemHome (i=Khem@nat/montavista/x-cd6970997dd9243a)
18:54.30*** join/#uclibc Gnat41 (
18:58.42*** join/#uclibc KhemHome (i=Khem@nat/montavista/x-ec75acfc65a082dc)
19:03.08CIA-403vda * r16301 10busybox/ (4 files in 3 dirs): random style fixes
19:57.22CIA-403vda * r16302 10busybox/ (12 files in 6 dirs): lots of silly indent fixes
19:58.39CIA-403vda * r16303 10busybox/ (libbb/xfuncs.c util-linux/fdformat.c): fdformat: remove redundant check
20:28.54CIA-403vda * r16304 10busybox/ (17 files in 7 dirs): rename bb_default_error_retval -> xfunc_error_retval
20:33.28*** join/#uclibc ico2_ (
21:01.00CIA-403vda * r16305 10busybox/ (121 files in 21 dirs): (log message trimmed)
21:01.00CIA-4getopt_ulflags -> getopt32.
21:01.00CIA-4It is impossible to formulate sane ABI based on
21:01.35CIA-403vda * r16306 10busybox/ (45 files in 17 dirs): bb_applet_name -> applet_name
21:47.40*** join/#uclibc KhemHome (
21:56.55*** join/#uclibc KhemHome (
22:07.25*** part/#uclibc KhemHome (
22:15.51*** join/#uclibc KhemHome (
22:27.56*** join/#uclibc ico2__ (
22:46.53*** part/#uclibc Gnat41 (
23:00.19*** join/#uclibc tchan (n=tchan@lunar-linux/developer/tchan)
23:39.00*** join/#uclibc Newsome (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.