irclog2html for #uclibc on 20060929

00:22.18*** join/#uclibc hmmhesays (
01:13.34*** join/#uclibc blindvt__ (
01:14.58*** join/#uclibc KhemHom1 (
01:15.08*** part/#uclibc KhemHom1 (
01:15.18*** join/#uclibc KhemHom1 (
01:15.35*** part/#uclibc KhemHom1 (
01:16.59*** join/#uclibc KhemHom1 (
01:24.50*** join/#uclibc hiyuh_work (
01:25.44*** join/#uclibc wrobbie (
02:15.36*** join/#uclibc pierrelux (
02:17.18*** join/#uclibc Newsome (
02:18.54*** join/#uclibc KhemHome (n=kraj@
03:26.40*** join/#uclibc ico2_ (
05:20.48*** join/#uclibc ico2_ (
06:21.04*** join/#uclibc blindvt__ (
07:30.13*** join/#uclibc psaksa (
08:03.17*** part/#uclibc KhemHome (n=kraj@
08:21.02CIA-403vda * r16256 10busybox/ (findutils/xargs.c libbb/getopt_ulflags.c): xargs: simplify option parsing
08:24.14CIA-403vda * r16257 10busybox/libbb/getopt_ulflags.c: getopt_ulflags: formatting fixes
08:37.22*** join/#uclibc wrobbie (
09:17.19*** join/#uclibc ico2_ (
11:15.28*** join/#uclibc ico2__ (
12:58.20*** join/#uclibc common (
12:58.22*** join/#uclibc common_ (
13:14.39*** join/#uclibc ambroseL (
13:21.55*** join/#uclibc ico2__ (
13:31.50*** join/#uclibc prpplague^2 (n=billybob@
13:57.31CIA-403vda * r16258 10busybox/libbb/getopt_ulflags.c: (log message trimmed)
13:57.31CIA-4getopt_ulflags: fix indentation in comment (needs to be 8 _spaces_
13:57.31CIA-4in order to look correct to both 4 tab and 8 tab population).
14:14.14*** join/#uclibc Newsome (
14:17.36*** join/#uclibc hmmhesays (
14:22.22*** join/#uclibc blindvt_ (
14:43.52CIA-403vda * r16259 10busybox/util-linux/mount.c: mount: fix bug 946 (mount -f should update mtab)
14:55.27*** join/#uclibc ChrisWhite|Work (n=chris@gentoo/developer/ChrisWhite)
15:05.56*** join/#uclibc hiyuh (
15:08.48*** join/#uclibc landley (
15:17.23prpplaguelandley: greetings
15:25.16landleyprpplague: hello.
15:25.44landleyI'm forcing myself to do a 1.2.1-fixes.patch, which is what becomes 1.2.2...
15:28.10prpplaguelandley: fun fun fun
15:35.11*** join/#uclibc wrobbie (
15:49.22*** join/#uclibc KhemHome (
16:08.45*** join/#uclibc Sgt-Donan (
16:56.14*** join/#uclibc hmmhesays (
17:14.42*** join/#uclibc SpanKYx (
17:17.13CIA-403vda * r16260 10busybox/ (4 files in 3 dirs): top: add support for -b, -n <iterations>
17:32.35prpplaguelandley: toybox repo up yet?
17:40.25*** join/#uclibc tkp (
17:41.30tkpthere seems to be a problem with busybox start-stop-daemon
17:41.47tkpwhen you try to use it to start busybox's own udhcpc daemon
17:41.55tkpit seems to think it's already running...
17:42.10tkpI guess because in a way, it is - since it too is part of busybox
17:42.17tkpanyone know about this?
18:28.00*** join/#uclibc landley (
18:28.31landleyWell, I pinged Denis, and he seems willing to maintain BusyBox.
18:29.03landleyHe obviously has more energy for it than I do just now. :)
18:31.59prpplaguelandley: so you've been paroled?
18:32.22prpplaguelandley: do you have to go into a "busybox offenders database" ?
18:36.00landleyprpplague: dunno.  Probably.
18:36.26landleyI'm poking at a 1.2.2 release, which should be out in the next few days.
18:36.43landleyI'll probably hand over the reigns officially after that.  Gotta ping andersee first, though.
18:37.04landley(The whole issue of root access to morris I leave in andersee's hands.  It's his server.)
18:37.14prpplaguelandley: well, i'll be interested in adding if i can to toybox when i have time
18:37.22landleyI'm setting up my server at home.
18:37.27landleyprpplague: I look forward to it.
18:37.41landleyI'm not against having many developers, I just get rapidly tired fighting subversion.
18:37.48landleyThe new one's mercurial.
18:38.13landleyAlas, when the parts for the server arrived, I discovered a slight problem.
18:38.34landleyExcellent motherboard, nice case and power supply, the two sticks of ram fit in nicely, and the hard drive is in.
18:38.37landleyTwo slight problems.
18:38.57landley1) My non-laptop dvd drives are all in storage, have to go get one to install anything on it.
18:39.11landley2) Newegg's idea of "barebones" does not include a CPU.  (Sigh.)
18:39.31landleyYeah, order went out yesterday, but it won't be here before monday.
18:39.40landleyI'm away at Ohio LinuxFest for the weekend anyway...
18:40.03landley(I'm really tired and would much rather spend the weekend recovering and poking at toybox, but I promised Beth, so...)
18:40.17landleyAnd I'm throwing a Penguicon room party there.  Obligations...
18:40.22landleyWhere in the states?
18:40.28prpplaguedallas, texas
18:40.41landleyA bit urban for my tastes, but not bad.
18:40.45landleyI still miss Austin.
18:41.03prpplaguewell techincally its in between dallas and ft.worth, not as bad as actual dallas
18:41.24prpplaguejust happy that my exile is over
18:42.14prpplagueanyone else having problems with the git on
18:50.28landleyWhy were you exiled?
18:56.09slapinHi, all!
18:56.16prpplaguelandley: my wife is from barbados and we were working on getting her a visa to come to the states
18:56.22prpplaguelandley: took us almost 2 years
18:56.56slapin__NR_socketcall is no longer available in kernel 2.6.17 EABI. and uClibc doesn't compile. Any ideas?
18:57.01prpplaguelandley: i'm lucky because i can telecommute, alot of people have to live apart or lose their jobs to move over seas
19:01.30prpplaguelandley: the immigration system for the states is totally broken
19:35.40*** join/#uclibc dalias_ (
20:27.06*** part/#uclibc KhemHome (
20:59.36CIA-403vda * r16261 10busybox/findutils/grep.c: grep: implement -o option. Patch by Jac Goudsmit.
21:04.48CIA-403vda * r16262 10busybox/ (findutils/grep.c include/usage.h): grep: add help text; fix style
21:31.19CIA-403vda * r16263 10busybox/ (17 files in 10 dirs): Yet another silly little byte saving. couldn't -> cannot
21:47.44CIA-403vda * r16264 10busybox/ (include/libbb.h util-linux/losetup.c): losetup: use /dev/loopN or /dev/loop/N according to CONFIG_FEATURE_DEVFS=n/y
22:06.58*** join/#uclibc KhemHome (
22:10.26*** join/#uclibc rgb__lmnop (
22:12.24*** join/#uclibc KhemHome (
22:23.11*** join/#uclibc blindvt__ (
22:31.33*** join/#uclibc Newsome (
22:43.47CIA-403landley * r16265 10busybox/docs/ (license.html news.html): Mention the new address.
22:58.12*** join/#uclibc slapin_n770 (
23:10.36*** part/#uclibc KhemHome (
23:11.52*** join/#uclibc KhemHome (
23:20.38*** part/#uclibc slapin_n770 (
23:41.42CIA-403vda * r16266 10busybox/coreutils/wc.c:
23:41.42CIA-4wc: reduce source cruft, make it so that "wc -c" (one option, no filenames)
23:41.42CIA-4will not print leading blanks.
23:42.32CIA-403vda * r16267 10busybox/coreutils/ ( wc.c): wc: optionally support very large files in wc
23:45.19*** join/#uclibc pierrelux (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.