irclog2html for #uclibc on 20060403

01:17.21*** join/#uclibc Xires (
01:23.31*** join/#uclibc sjhill (
01:56.58*** join/#uclibc Xires012 (
02:34.47*** join/#uclibc Xires012 (
02:54.11*** join/#uclibc El-Lotso (n=EnergonC@
02:54.23*** part/#uclibc El-Lotso (n=EnergonC@
06:43.04*** join/#uclibc blindvt_ (
06:59.52*** join/#uclibc vapier (
07:50.37*** join/#uclibc vodz (
07:50.56vodzhi all
07:52.19vodzblindvt_: why into arping you do not use cfg |= opt & 127 ?
07:52.56vodzvs if(opt & 1) cfg |= 1; if(opt & 2) cfg |= 2...
07:55.00blindvt`vodz, that would be better, yes.
07:56.53blindvt`vodz, btw. in arping, i didn't use bb_common_buf1, because if someone would set the BUFSIZ too low, it would brake.
07:57.38vodzblindvt`: i do not know with my 20 y experience system with BUFSIZ less 256
07:57.40blindvt`well, more stuff would brake for e.g -DBUFSIZ=0, i guess
07:59.28vodzblindvt`: and is not problem too. See coreutil/realpath.c
08:00.50blindvt`vodz, hm. That would of course work
08:04.28blindvt`vodz, did you see the mail on the list about getting the symbols of libbb.h and scanning the applet source to emit dependencies to these functions, so they are built transparently?
08:05.50vodzblindvt`: and RESERVE_CONFIG_BUFFER in while(1) is bad idea, RELEASE.... must moved to finish() or atexit, and RESERVE to top of main()
08:07.42blindvt`vodz, this thread:
08:09.30*** join/#uclibc psaksa (
08:09.53vodzblindvt`: I last time look the list very selectively. At me interest was gone to be engaged in the project full time. Only the fan now. Something last time is a lot of bazaar, instead of real a work.
08:15.54vodzblindvt`: why not. your URL is "more busyboxes" a work.
08:23.46blindvt`vodz, i don't 100% agree about the RESERVE_CONFIG_BUFFER in while(1). It trades binary size vs. runtime. I.e. if you choosed to malloc your buffers, then you are willing to be slower as you want a smaller binary
08:24.16blindvt`vodz, i certainly see why it's not ideal, runtime-wise
08:27.16vodzblindvt`: for me, RESERVE_CONFIG_BUFFER must moved to applets_struct to busybox_main and all RELEASE to atexit() in run_applet_by_name()
08:27.48vodzits clear and beautifully
08:29.35vodzand more use as first need buffer - common_bufsiz1[max(4097, BUFSIZ+1)]
08:31.04vodzit make clear, small and fast
08:33.35vodzMy unique consent with Rob - that may to be the name of the buffer not beautiful. ;-)
08:33.49blindvt`so you would do {count,{size1,size2,size3,...} in (or around) the applet_struct and then use applet_buf[0..count] in the applet-source. Did i understand this right?
08:37.22vodzblindvt`: Somehow so. The truth it will demand very serious attitude to support of change as to watch it is necessary in a complex. I do not see it now.
09:02.32blindvt`vodz, yes, i don't see us changing this soon
09:19.51vodzwtf "Woot" ? Is a interjection?
09:34.05blindvt`vodz, yes.
09:39.39vodzaha, "it originated via music and culture."
09:40.17vodzi think, use culture-depend modern word in international mailist is bad idea
09:46.31CIA-1003aldot * r14734 10busybox/networking/arping.c: (log message trimmed)
09:46.31CIA-10- set flags in a more reasonable manner. Thanks, vodz.
10:32.12*** join/#uclibc FireEgl (i=Atlantic@Atlantica.Tcldrop.US)
11:25.49CIA-1003aldot * r14735 10busybox/util-linux/ipcs.c: (log message trimmed)
11:25.50CIA-10- do away with useless fwd-decls, redundant bb_printf calls, silence warning
11:45.43*** join/#uclibc Jenna (n=cherryRe@
11:46.34*** part/#uclibc Jenna (n=cherryRe@
11:52.06CIA-1003aldot * r14736 10busybox/networking/arping.c: - use bb_opt_complementally; Saves another 14 bytes. (thanks again, vodz)
11:59.08blindvt`is there a convention in busybox about treating stdin/out buffers on exit? AFAICS there isn't..
12:03.02blindvt`i lean towards dropping fflush() before calls to exit() as most likely, the closing I/O will drain the buffers for me
12:04.50blindvt`(and no, i'm not talking about using bb_fflush_stdout_and_exit() instead)
12:05.21Xires012any reason not to use ffsync?
12:10.08blindvt`Xires012, ffsync? Do you mean fasync?
12:12.08Xires012no,'s a macro that does an fsync on the provided fd(if provided) & then does similar to an fflush
12:15.18blindvt`Xires012, i can't find ffsync in uClibc.
12:15.43Xires012oh, crap..I forgot it wasn't there
12:16.18Xires012sorry, I'll fish for the patches when I get some time, K?
12:18.42blindvt`Xires012, ah, FFSYNC is there
12:20.25Xires012blindvt_; ah, K..make sure it's the same thing though
12:20.40Xires012I had to make mine after someone told me about it
12:21.21blindvt`but it's a BSD'ism and from the looks boils down to O_SYNC. I'm pretty sure that i don't need that on stdio for the most part :)
12:29.04blindvt`wonder how we could a callgraph analysis to generally warn about these printf bloat..
12:29.14CIA-1003aldot * r14737 10busybox/networking/arping.c: (log message trimmed)
12:29.14CIA-10- coalesce printf calls.
12:29.52blindvt`can't type. could do a, even
13:04.42*** join/#uclibc prpplague (n=billybob@
13:14.52*** join/#uclibc sjhill (
13:56.20*** join/#uclibc prpplague (n=billybob@
13:57.51*** join/#uclibc prpplague (n=billybob@
14:00.26mjn3blindvt_, BUFSIZ is defined by stdio.h and ansi/iso requires it be at least 256
14:12.13*** join/#uclibc El-Lotso (n=EnergonC@
14:15.45blindvt`mjn3, i see. So we should better make sure that in libbb.h, #ifndef BUFSIZ  #define BUFSIZ 4096 ends up >= 256, which doesn't seem to be the case currently
14:16.17*** join/#uclibc Han (n=han@unaffiliated/Han)
14:17.55HanHi. Is there a livecd with uclibc installed so I can try building an application from the livecd?
14:18.19YazzYHan: yes
14:18.36HanAnd perhaps it would be nice if the FAQ would mention the -nostdinc gcc-option.
14:19.43YazzYHan: has one
14:19.49YazzYthey use busybox etc
14:20.39YazzYor maybe
14:22.46HanI wonder if they include gcc etc...
14:23.46*** join/#uclibc prpplague (n=billybob@
14:43.33*** join/#uclibc blindvt_ (
15:00.30*** join/#uclibc El-Lotso (n=EnergonC@
15:46.20CIA-1003aldot * r14738 10busybox/ (coreutils/printf.c modutils/modprobe.c): - make append_option and multiconvert static.
16:39.33CIA-1003aldot * r14739 10busybox/ (18 files in 4 dirs):
16:39.33CIA-10- move buffer allocation schemes to libbb.h
16:39.33CIA-10- include the correct headers: applets need busybox.h while lib* need libbb.h
16:43.00*** join/#uclibc andersee (
16:43.41blindvt`andersee, hi. please add a 1.1.1 version to the versions of busybox in the bug-tracker
16:48.21anderseeblindvt_: how about just 1.1.x?
16:48.31anderseeand 1.2.x?
16:49.30*** part/#uclibc Han (n=han@unaffiliated/Han)
17:10.45prpplagueor X.X.X
17:12.30anderseeprpplague: nah, apparently ICANN scrapped .xxx
17:12.46anderseeprpplague: slashdot says so, so it must be true
17:15.36anderseeand a one legged man in a butt kicking contest
17:42.11*** join/#uclibc thraxisp (
18:07.37*** join/#uclibc tux1800 (
18:56.27*** join/#uclibc khem (n=khem@
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20:53.51blindvt_andersee, thanks
21:00.03*** join/#uclibc zakalwe (
21:00.03*** join/#uclibc Masta-G (
21:04.58Masta-Ghey I tried building a toolchain for sh4 little endian gcc-3.4.4 but libstdc++-v3 fails with "macro "index" requires 2 arguments, but only 1 given"
21:05.11Masta-Git does the same thing for 3.4.5 and 3.4.6
21:07.23Masta-Gcould someone please have a quick look at
21:07.31Masta-GI think its because i using fc5
21:16.56CIA-1003aldot * r14740 10busybox/Makefile: - make sure that we see all lib*/.c in IMA-mode even when not building the .so
21:40.54khemMasta-G: have you looked into 304-index_macro.patch
21:41.21khemMasta-G: this is available for GCC 4.1.0 so you may not get it for 3.4.x directly in buildroot
21:42.23Masta-Gi see
21:42.31Masta-Gthanks, i will give it a try
22:44.02*** join/#uclibc blindvt_ (
23:04.29*** part/#uclibc YazzY (n=yazzy@unaffiliated/yazzy)
23:05.07*** join/#uclibc thraxisp (
23:09.32*** join/#uclibc FireEgl (i=Atlantic@Atlantica.Tcldrop.US)
23:38.34*** join/#uclibc tux1800 (

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