irclog2html for #uclibc on 20060321

00:12.24*** join/#uclibc thraxisp (
00:34.24*** join/#uclibc Serbitar (
01:24.23*** join/#uclibc blindvt (
01:52.26*** join/#uclibc hgb ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:56.06*** join/#uclibc landley (n=landley@
01:56.17landleyThings like bb_askpass() are way too obscure.
01:56.51landleyIt returns a pointer to a static buffer, so of course tito's password rewrite (which does simplify the code greatly) calls it once, calls it twice, and does a strcmp on the two pointers for "reenter your password" code.
01:56.55landleyIt's the _same_buffer_.
01:57.15daliasthen put 2 internal buffers
01:57.24daliasand a static int variable which switches between them each call :))
01:57.25landleyThat would be "malloc".
01:57.43landleyIt's not entirely tito's fault, although I need to check all this stuff before actually checking it in.
01:57.45daliassorry i was just trying to make it even more evil ;)
01:57.53landleyIt's a function that begs to be abused.
01:58.00landleyWhich is not a good thing to have anywhere near the password code.
01:58.09daliasi've actually made code like that once :P
02:12.07*** join/#uclibc sjhill (
02:20.28daliasbtw landley did you hear earlier when i was talkingto psm?
02:20.34daliasville is going to lgpl tre
02:20.50dalias(finally a good regex implementation!)
02:23.36landleyWho is ville, and what is tre?
02:24.01landley(I wrote a regex implementation almost ten years ago.  Kept meaning to rewrite the one in uClibc, but I was under the impression they'd already fixed it...)
02:24.02daliasTRE is the regex implementation that's smallest, fastest, and closest to posix compliance
02:24.16landleyI take it ville wrote it?  (Person or organization?)
02:24.31daliasgnu regex and rx are very broken and bloated
02:25.30landleyGnu anything is generally very bloated.  Broken is optional.
02:25.40landleyDunno about rx.  Is that what's in uClibc?
02:25.40daliasheh yeah no kidding
02:26.02daliasno, gnu regex (ancient version most likely) is in uclibc
02:26.22landleyWell, if the tre thing doesn't work out, let me know and I'll add it to my todo list.
02:26.41daliasi expect the current gnu version mallocs a copy of the whole string and preconverts it to wchar_t string...
02:26.42landley(It's one of those things you put off for a year and then do in a week...)
02:26.45landleyI have many of those things.
02:27.09daliasjust like current version of gnu fnmatch does...
02:27.48landleyI like ascii.
02:27.51daliascurrent gnu fnmatch seems to impose a length limit on the string (which violates posix, even tho in practice the strings are normally under PATH_MAX) so it can preconvert the whole thing to wchar_t
02:28.19daliaslimiting to ascii is bad
02:28.34landleyutf8 is ascii with a tailwind.
02:28.36daliasif you implement things sanely, supporting utf8 has essentially no overhead beyond ascii
02:28.50landleyBeing 8 bit clean is common sense.
02:29.05dalias8bit-clean and utf8 are partly exclusive
02:29.44daliasfnmatch can do byte comparisons rather than character comparison most of the time, and fully support utf8
02:29.44daliashowever bracket expressions are lists of _characters_ not bytes
02:29.44landleyHow are 8 bit clean and and utf8 exclusive?
02:29.55daliasso for a bracket expression you need to process the expression and the string as characters
02:30.04daliasalso for ? (in fnmatch) and . (in regex)
02:30.09daliasthey match a character, not a byte
02:30.35daliasso what do you do if the next sequence in the string is not a valid character? :)
02:30.46landleyMe?  Treat it as bytes.
02:31.05daliasgnu behavior (lovely) is to fail to match, i expect
02:31.17landleyThere are three or four ways to express most utf8 characters anyway, I vaguely recall.
02:31.18daliasmeaning that "rm *" cannot delete files with malformed utf8 in them, in utf8 locale...
02:31.24daliasthere is only one way
02:31.45landleydalias: the kernel ignores utf8 and treats everything as bytes.
02:31.47daliasif not utf8 would be very broken, like most other multibyte encodings
02:31.57daliasas it probably should
02:32.03landleyBeing _able_ to get away with that is what made me decide utf8 was a good thing.
02:32.13landleyOnce again, we're back to the 99% solution.
02:32.19daliasmy point was that i don't think "*" will match malformed sequences with gnu regex
02:32.24daliasgnu fnmatch
02:32.30landleyA few things (unfortunately sed and sort) may have to care.
02:32.39landleyI say unfortunately because I handle those myself. :)
02:32.51daliaswhich is amusing because it makes it almost impossible for root to rm files with invalid sequences in them if a malicous user creates such a file :)
02:33.12landleyI wonder what tab completion would do?
02:33.17landleyOh well, not going there today.
02:33.34landleyRight now, busybox tries very hard not to care about locale.
02:33.43landleyAt some point we may have to start, but for now?  No.
02:33.43daliasin my implementation of fnmatch, * matches any number of bytes
02:33.50daliasand only . and [] care about the idea of characters
02:34.01dalias?, not .
02:34.08daliaskeep confusing regex/fnmatch syntax :)
02:34.17landleyI've implemented both.
02:34.37landleyIf I recall, [] is similar, ? is ., and * is .*
02:34.44landleyTrying to remember if there were any other differences...
02:34.58landleyOther than lack of {,} and () and so on.
02:35.02daliaswell the difference is in the complexity of the languages
02:35.38daliasfor fnmatch you always have exactly one position you're at in the pattern and in th estring (except for '*' but its easy to special-case it)
02:35.55daliaswith regex, you have to keep track of multiple parallel possible states
02:36.04landleydalias: I know, I've done it.
02:36.20landleyIt was ten years ago, but I implemented this crud back when I was working on OS/2 for IBM.
02:36.27daliasi'm hoping to condense TRE to a tiny, compliant regex implementation
02:36.37daliaswhich we can use in both my libc and uclibc
02:36.48landleyI vaguely remember I could start over from scratch and do it in a three day weekend.
02:36.52landleyIt wasn't _that_ hard of a problem.
02:37.05landleyThe hard part was making .*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* not blow up on you. :)
02:37.27landley(Can current regex syntax specify greedy or miserly matches?)
02:37.40landleyI remember I had a flag for that, don't remember how it was specified...
02:37.41daliasits always greedy
02:37.44daliasaccording to posix
02:37.54landleyIs there a gnu extension for this?
02:37.57daliasif you dont want it to be, write your regex accordingly
02:38.00daliasnot afaik
02:38.06daliasthere's a perl extension for it
02:38.08landleyI had both working, long ago...
02:38.14daliasbut pcre is totally different from posix regex
02:38.18landleyIs there a standard for perl regexes?
02:38.23daliasyes, perl :)
02:38.38landleyPerl is not a standard.  Perl is an implementation of larry wall's stream of consciousness.
02:38.46daliasexactly ;(
02:38.49daliaserrm ;)
02:38.56landleyRight, I'll worry about it later.
02:39.06landleyGotta beat passwd.c and obscure.c into shape.
02:39.09daliasanyway its just a matter of writing your regex appropriately
02:39.32daliasi should update by bb checkout and see what portability issues remain
02:39.58landleydalias: rather a lot.
02:40.03landleyI'm worrying about that for 1.1.2.
02:40.22daliasi'm going to try to make some new (hopefully as noncontroversial as possible) patches to clean up the dependence on glibc/linux headers, etc.
02:40.40landleyThere is now a platform.h, and localizing dependencies there is a good thing.
02:40.53landleyYou might want to talk to Shaun Jackman, he was getting busybox to work with newlib.
02:43.10daliasi need to join the mailing list
02:43.21landleyThere's a web archive. :)
02:43.25daliasi know
02:43.49daliasbut that doesnt work very well for participating
02:43.56landleyLong ago anybody could post to the list, but then Erik got overwhelmed with spam.
02:44.05landleyHe was filtering it personally before then.  Got to something like 1000 a day...
02:44.11daliaswell i would not dream of using a list without subscribing
02:44.15daliasyou'll break threading
02:44.27landleyI read every message. :)
02:44.33dalias(i dont think the web archive has the message-id's)
02:44.41landleyI seem to create half of 'em. :)
02:44.48landleyThere's mbox files somewhere...
02:44.52landleyNot that this is necessarily helpful.
02:45.05daliasbut that would defeat the purpose -- might as well just subscibe
02:50.02landleybb_pwd.c is an abomination.
02:50.34landleyGluing a half-dozen .c files together (so that even their #includes are inside #ifdefs) is not an improvement over halfing a half-dozen separate .c files.
02:50.42landleyI admit I'd like to keep the proliferation of .c files down.
02:50.45landleyBut _ouch_...
02:51.00landleyI may have to admit I was wrong on that one.  Use separate files...
02:54.10landleyAnd the behavior is too complex for me to understand on the third reading, which is never a good sign...
02:54.32landley(Yes, there are comments about what bb_getpwuid() does.  And what the function it calls does.)
02:54.55landleyBut the buffer it passes in the first argument is NULL, and the second function has an assert making sure that isn't so, yet Tito wrote both...
02:54.58landleyI'm confused.
02:55.07landleyAnd coming down with another cold.  Ah, northern weather...
02:55.32landleyI think I should go home and see if tomorrow's going to be a sick day.
02:55.41landleyGood night...
06:35.40*** join/#uclibc psm (
06:59.31psmblindvt: ping
06:59.50*** join/#uclibc fishhead (n=d3200@unaffiliated/fishhead)
07:00.03*** part/#uclibc fishhead (n=d3200@unaffiliated/fishhead)
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07:00.23*** part/#uclibc fishhead (n=d3200@unaffiliated/fishhead)
07:00.46*** join/#uclibc f1shhead (
07:00.49f1shheadfuck your lame ban on me
07:00.52f1shheadso as I
07:00.58f1shheadwas saying
07:01.06f1shheadis there a complete distro built against uclibc
07:01.21f1shheadas in something that would run on 8 meg of ram
07:01.39psmf1shhead: gentoo
07:02.00f1shheadyou being serious or sarcastic
07:02.30f1shheadit's a 486-100 laptop motherboard and just the lcd, else I would smash a machine with 8 meg of ram max capacity
07:02.46f1shheadas long as the lcd is still ticking it has some embedded potential
07:36.25*** part/#uclibc f1shhead (
07:42.52*** join/#uclibc blindvt_ (
09:06.47*** join/#uclibc vrm (
09:07.01*** join/#uclibc zslevin (n=zslevin@
09:25.28*** join/#uclibc tchan (n=tchan@lunar-linux/developer/tchan)
09:39.59*** join/#uclibc tty56 (n=johannes@2001:6f8:1331:3:f955:c4d7:f7d:8a72)
09:48.27*** part/#uclibc zslevin (n=zslevin@
09:52.30*** join/#uclibc Jenna (n=cherryRe@
09:53.02*** part/#uclibc Jenna (n=cherryRe@
10:01.21*** join/#uclibc psaksa (
11:06.49CIA-1403aldot * r14587 10busybox/Rules.mak:
11:06.49CIA-14- workaroung pr25795 in gcc-4.1
11:10.50blindvt_psm, pong
11:11.43psmcould you test the patches for gcc-4.2.0?
11:12.14psmhave you*?
11:18.48blindvt_psm, i built a toolchain and a system with it. My uemacs had runtime problems with it, though i'm not sure if it's uemacs fault or the toolchain. Most other stuff worked ok, but i didn't test it thoroughly
11:20.18psmok, thx
11:22.58CIA-1403aldot * r14588 10buildroot/package/uemacs/ (5 files): - add uemacs
11:57.06CIA-1403aldot * r14589 10buildroot/package/uemacs/uemacs-4.0.15-lt.02.patch: - drop mktmp hunk
12:31.22*** join/#uclibc prpplague (n=billybob@
14:38.43*** join/#uclibc tty56 (n=johannes@2001:6f8:1331:3:cc18:9bdd:4103:6aaf)
15:19.11*** join/#uclibc landley (
15:35.15*** join/#uclibc tux1800 (
15:38.18*** join/#uclibc thraxisp (
15:42.52*** join/#uclibc blindvt_ (n=bf@
16:00.29*** join/#uclibc sjhill (
16:07.54CIA-1403landley * r14590 10busybox/ Temporarily disable shared library for the 1.1.1 release.
16:14.37*** join/#uclibc ashes (
16:18.43*** join/#uclibc tty56 (n=johannes@2001:6f8:1331:3:cc18:9bdd:4103:6aaf) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:22.24CIA-1403landley * r14591 10busybox/libbb/ Patch from Shaun Jackman to make loop.c build only when needed.
16:35.54CIA-1403landley * r14592 10busybox/examples/ Patch from Stuart Hughes upgrading
17:14.53*** join/#uclibc vodz (
17:59.31*** join/#uclibc andersee (
17:59.41landleyHiya andersee.
18:00.05landleyDid your father weigh in?
18:00.52anderseelandley: yep, all looks good
18:01.26anderseelandley: he does want to call and talk to him
18:01.39landleyI'm running a _little_ late on the release (what else is new, playing with passwd opened a few new areas in need of cleanup, but I'm keeping a lid on it.)
18:01.43landleyandersee: understandable.
18:01.53landleyWhen do you think we'll have something we can make an announcement based on?
18:02.04landley(If it's more than 24 hours, I'm not holding up the busybox release.)
18:02.12landley(Doesn't actually _need_ to be coupled...)
18:02.14anderseedunno -- will try and call dad this morning
18:02.31landleyOn the whole, it sounds highly cool.
18:02.40landleyAnd I expect we've confused the heck out of everybody else listening to this channel. :)
18:02.57landleyMysteeeeeerious announcement.
18:03.11landleyReal soon now.
18:03.14landleyWatch for the omens.
18:03.17andersee<uber secret extra mysterious goings on afoot>
18:03.57landleyP.S.  Is it time to fork off a buildroot list, d'ya think?
18:04.44landleyI'm not very involved in that side of things, but I'd pay more attention to buildroot if it ever had a release I could play with. :)
18:04.56landley(Just practicing my nagging.)
18:05.33anderseelandley: heh
18:06.01anderseewas up to 3am last night and finally found the bug I
18:06.10anderseewas up to 3am last night and finally found the bug I've been hunting the past week
18:06.30anderseeso hopefully I should be able to give buildroot some more lovin this evening
18:07.01landleyIf I could just find something that could build kernels and filesystem images I could boot QEMU with for ppc/arm/mips, I'd be happy.
18:07.29landleyI'm slowly trying to get that to work in the context of my job, but it's not a high priority.
18:07.54landley(Timesys focuses on actual boards, of which there are 8 gazillion, rather than emulated environments that don't match what customers actually pay for.)
18:07.58anderseelandley: buildroot targets for qemu is highly interesting
18:08.06landleyA certain amount of impedence matching is required...
18:08.10landleyandersee: yup.
18:09.38blindvt_landley, some of your new applets neither have a license nor a copyright statement..
18:09.56landleyblindvt: which ones?  (It's an oversight.)
18:10.05anderseeblindvt_: which means they are MINE!  All MINE!!! muhahahahahahahahahaha!
18:10.14blindvt_landley, don't know offhand. iirc mdev
18:10.20blindvt_andersee, hehehe
18:10.52landleyNope, mdev is copyright me and frank sorenson, and GPLv2 or later.
18:11.34landleymount has three copyright notices (bruce perens, erik, and me.)
18:11.41landleyAnd again gplv2 or later.
18:13.23vodzbut have bruce`s code from mount?
18:14.12vodzshark... hmm. idioms?
18:15.05anderseevodz: there is a popular (and very stupid) movie where the bad guy wants to mount lasers on sharks
18:16.38vodzandersee: ahh. a popular legeng - have mount lasers to dolphins by war`s mans
18:17.07vodzlegeng- legend
18:17.08blindvt_landley, perhaps it was switch_root? don't remember... egrep  -Lir "(copy(left|right)|GNU)" *
18:18.11landleyvodz: I dunno if bruce's code is still in mount or not, but the code mine is based on is copyright Erik and Bruce, so...
18:18.45landleyblindvt: you're right, switch_root is missing the header.  I'll fix that now.
18:20.44CIA-1403landley * r14593 10busybox/util-linux/switch_root.c: Fix missing copyright and license notice.
18:22.35landleySigh...  And the standard fun nest of config symbols to make passwd and md5sum/sha1sum share code in the library...
18:24.02blindvt_andersee, landley, oh and could you two please make sure that we have a branch for the stable busybox-1.1.x series?
18:24.02anderseeblindvt_: certainly
18:24.02landleyOk, I learned svn from andersee.
18:24.02landleyExplain the advantage of branching here?
18:24.02landleyI'm not putting out a
18:24.03landleyIt's just not happening. :)
18:24.17anderseeblindvt_: svn copy url:/trunk/busybox url:/branch/busybox-1.1.1
18:24.28landleySo we have a snapshot of the code...?
18:24.37anderseelandley: a branch in svn is the same as a cvs tag
18:24.47landleyThere was a bit of trouble with fixes in 1.01 not making it into 1.1.1.  (I know of at least one orphaned right now...)
18:25.11blindvt_also it would be handy if we could make sure that the udhcp thing is an external svn-module for busybox. We wouldn't have to manually sync the two then.
18:26.23blindvt_andersee, yes. *I* know how i can cp branches (or do tags) :)
18:26.23anderseeblindvt_: indeed.  I'm not sure how to do that however.
18:26.44anderseeoope.  Meant to point that to landley
18:26.51blindvt_andersee, it was something with svn:ext or the like. Don't know offhand
18:27.09landleyThanks, ibot.
18:27.44landleyibot, what is ibot, what is?
18:27.46ibotlandley: what are you talking about?
18:30.03anderseeibot: what is the ultimate answer to life the universe and everything?
18:30.05ibotI think you lost me on that one, andersee
18:30.15anderseeibot: what is 6 * 9?
18:30.18ibotandersee: I think you lost me on that one
18:30.23anderseeibot: 6 * 9?
18:30.25ibotrumour has it, 6 * 9 is 42
18:32.18anderseeibot: seen mjn3-work?
18:32.30ibotmjn3-work is currently on #uclibc (1d 2h 19m 3s). Has said a total of 1 messages. Is idling for 23h 30m 20s, last said: 'toloquta: given that _stdio_openlist_delflag is an int, i think your script needs work'.
18:32.49landleyibot: seen ibot?
18:32.51ibotibot is currently on #gpe (6d 5m 15s) #bzflag (6d 5m 15s) #familiar (6d 5m 15s) #kierra (6d 5m 15s) #brlcad (6d 5m 15s) #utah (6d 5m 15s) #oe (6d 5m 15s) #zaurus (6d 5m 15s) #gllug (6d 5m 15s) #openzaurus (6d 5m 15s) #silvercat (6d 5m 15s) #opie (6d 5m 15s) #uclibc (6d 5m 15s) ...
18:33.11landleyibot: seen ?
18:33.29anderseeibot: zap landley
18:33.32ibotACTION takes out a cattle prod and gives landley a good jolt.
18:50.02landleyShould I make it so that when you enable md5 or sha1 passwords it disables crypt() support?
18:50.14landleyTrying to work out how the config entry for this should look.
18:51.03landleyMore like crypt support is an "enable legacy crypt support" thing that's hidden unless you enable MD5 or SHA1 passwords...
18:53.11blindvt_landley, do we have the ability to select with a commandline-switch which hash is used?
18:53.40landleyNot at the moment.  I should probably add that.
18:53.52landley(I'm _trying_ not to let this turn into a big rewrite.  Really I am.  I wanna ship _today_.)
18:54.14landleyWell, actually I wanna generate a tarball today and then hold off on making an announcement until I get solar to look at the new passwd code...
18:54.19blindvt_landley, yes. that would be good. A simple switch shouldn't trick you into rewriting it, agree? :)
18:54.24landleyBut still.  1.1.1 has taken too long...
18:54.36landleyConsidering that passwd currently has no md5 or sha1 support?
18:55.04landleyThere was a patch that reshuffled our md5 and sha1 code in libbb to make it easier to use outside of md5_sha1_sum.c...
18:55.17landleyBut that's still the only current user, and using it is a ~5 step process.
18:56.02blindvt_landley, doesn't httpd also use something with md5?
18:56.05landleyThe current code isn't even using _salt_.  (Tito's is, which is the basis for what I'm doing, but the shadow stuff is a mess, the memory allocation is confused by the static buffers...
18:56.11landleyblindvt: could be.
18:56.42landleyI have no idea how the current passwd code appends the salt for sha1 and md5 passwords.
18:56.46landleyAppend?  xor?
18:57.32landleyI don't know what variant of encoding they use for the resulting 128 bits, either.
18:57.49landleyI can do my own, and we'd read the passwords we wrote, but ideally it would be nice to read the passwords other passwd tools write.
19:01.27blindvt_no idea. There is that problem with gfortrans line-parser which goes bahoo for empty statements i've half-fixed and should revisit to finalize it..
19:01.52landleyThere's a gnu fortran?
19:01.58blindvt_gnu fortran compiler, yes
19:02.41blindvt_landley, the successor of g77
19:04.24landleyI'm trying to avoid asking "why".
19:04.32landleyI know there's a lot of engineering code written in fortran...
19:04.35landleyLibraries and such.
19:06.30anderseelandley: the 'why' is of course 'one compiler to rule them all and in the darkness bind them'
19:06.40blindvt_also applications, not only libraries. Most of the stuff which is math-intensive is in fortran.
19:06.46landleyDarkness and binding sounds like gcc, yes.
19:07.03blindvt_s/is/still is/;
19:07.25anderseestill, it is a much better compiler than most commercial ones i've used
19:08.40blindvt_yes, it's quite ok, overall
19:10.16landleyIt's the best that's out there, but configuring it to do anything unexpected (like use a uClibc, cross compile, _not_ search /lib and /usr/lib for libraries...) quite hard.
19:11.08blindvt_landley, -nostdlib should do the latter, no?
19:11.17landleyThere are five things I want to tell it, individually.  But if I can't express it as pc-harball-gnu-gnu-gnu-dammit, it's not happy.
19:11.30landleyblindvt: passed in as an argument when invoking the resulting compiler, yes.
19:11.44landleyModifying the compiler to not do that by default?  Under 3.3 you had to modify the source code.
19:11.57landley4.0 seems to be an improvement, and at this rate 4.2 or so may actually do what I want.
19:21.31*** join/#uclibc sjhill (
19:25.04landleySigh.  I'm going to need a passwd test suite, aren't I?
19:25.59psmlandley: there is some in uClibc, I dont know how useful
19:26.16landleyuClib calls the command line passwd command?
19:26.33landleyDidn't think so.
19:27.33landleyDarn it, I want to lie down and I _am_ lying down.  Colds...
19:32.37landleyblindvt: would copying the hash type from the root password work, do you think?
19:32.41landley(As a way to get a reasonable default?)
19:32.52landley(Or whatever the first passwd entry turns out to be.)
19:33.37blindvt_landley, not sure. I'd default to the stronges one available and have a command-line switch to specify another one.
19:33.47blindvt_strongest even
19:33.59landleyWhat is the use of being able to specify another one?
19:34.38landley(*shrug*  I can do it.  I'll see if the old passwd command has any switches for this already...)
19:34.59blindvt_landley, perhaps if you suddenly have to go back to crypt from md5, or have to go from sha to md5?
19:36.18landleyI'm not seeing a command line option for selecting encryption type in the passwd on my ubunutu system.
19:37.10blindvt_that one most likely uses the encryption requested via pam
19:37.22*** join/#uclibc Xires (
19:37.50landleyIf ubuntu uses pam I'm going to feel violated in a moment.
19:38.03psmI recall seeing a separate passwd pkg (and the shadow suite), the shadow pkg does not have tests
19:38.09landleyOh _ick_.
19:39.52blindvt_psm, what do you think wrt the algorithm used for passwd? Should it be selectable via a cmd-line switch or just default to the strongest one available?
19:42.35psmI havent ever seen switching of type (do you want to mix up the content of /etc/shadow w/ des/md5/other?)
19:45.47psmI have seen control in /etc/login.defs to decide if you use MD5 or not
19:46.30landleypsm: we're not doing that.
19:47.36psmwell, then default to strongest and allow to use less strong somehow (as option, if you dont want it controlled in a config file)
19:47.53psmcmdline option*
19:54.38CIA-1403psm * r14594 10uClibc/libc/unistd/getopt-susv3.c: stderr does not have hidden version anymore, disable it's use
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19:57.15landleyTime for lunch.
20:02.13*** join/#uclibc andersee (
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21:25.05psmblindvt: ping
21:31.59blindvt_psm, pong
21:32.54psmhave you tried building bb w/ _GNU_SOURCE undefined, defining some other combo like _POSIX_SOURCE/_XOPEN_SOURCE/_ISOC99_SOURCE?
21:35.28blindvt_no, not that i know.
21:37.36*** join/#uclibc tty56 (n=johannes@2001:6f8:1331:3:c422:5709:4184:2d2e)
21:37.58psmtry it once when you have time, it relies on many GNU/BSD extensions, I have thought I can use it to test uClibc, when I disable all GNU stuff, but it fails in too many places
21:38.39blindvt_ok. /me takes mental note
21:41.02daliasdue to lack of configure script, bb is actually about the worst program to try to get running without gnu extensions..
21:41.29daliasmost programs work just fine or have a few trivial mistakes like assuming one header file includes another
21:41.39daliasbut porting bb is a lot of work
21:42.04psmdalias: I can't use your getopt/getopt_long[_only] combo, even gcc strikes
21:42.52psmdalias: #ifdef __USE_GNU/__USE_BSD ?
21:43.44daliaspsm, ?
21:44.34psmfnmatch/glob seem to be ok
21:46.02psmwell, bb does not compile against your fnmatch due to GNU FNM_LEADING_DIR
21:56.29daliaswhat program uses FNM_LEADING_DIR?
21:56.54daliasoh yeah
21:57.05daliastar with the -X option or whatever
21:57.13daliasi disabled that in menuconfig
21:57.29daliasreally it should just be fixed to work without FNM_LEADING_DIR
21:57.39daliasimo it's not too hard
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