irclog2html for #uclibc on 20060307

00:00.50SpanKYkhem: only when using a bum compiler
00:01.24SpanKYJockeHome: no, i think we only do that to force it into bss
00:01.31SpanKYotherwise gcc defaults to putting it into comm
00:01.47daliasyou mean data
00:03.13SpanKYi mean bss
00:06.10JockeHomewhy leave __curbrk at a random start value? doesn't it make mose sense to have it zeroed?
00:06.30SpanKYwell look at the c versions ... it isnt used until it gets set
00:07.04SpanKYdalias: i dont really know what i mean
00:08.18JockeHomeSpanKY: x86 does void *__curbrk = 0;
00:09.15SpanKYbut we do it only to keep gcc/binutils happy
00:09.29SpanKYyou cant make aliases to it otherwise
00:09.38SpanKYcause it is comm data
00:09.57SpanKYwe should really be marking it with like attribute((nocommon)) or whatever
00:10.03JockeHomeOK, then so should ppc
00:10.28SpanKYyeah, i think if we use __attribute__ ((nocommon)) instead, it should be fine
00:11.23JockeHomevoid * __curbrk=0;
00:11.36JockeHomecomplete asm for this:
00:11.51JockeHome.file   "curbrk.c"
00:12.25JockeHomewhat? gcc -S ...
00:12.37JockeHomeyou too :)
00:19.02JockeHome--- brk.S       (revision 14457)
00:19.02JockeHome+++ brk.S       (working copy)
00:19.02JockeHome@@ -24,7 +24,14 @@
00:19.02JockeHome-       .comm   __curbrk,4,4
00:19.05JockeHome+       .globl __curbrk
00:19.09JockeHome+       .section        ".sbss","aw",@nobits
00:19.11JockeHome+       .align 2
00:19.15JockeHome+       .zero   4
00:19.17JockeHome+       .size   __curbrk, 4
00:19.21JockeHome+       .type   __curbrk, @object
00:19.25JockeHomecompiles, but untested
00:28.04SpanKYJockeHome: go to sleep yet ? :)
00:28.36SpanKYoh well go to sleep
00:28.39SpanKYi'll send an e-mail
00:37.11*** join/#uclibc thraxisp (
00:47.00*** join/#uclibc blindvt (
01:08.00khemhow can I remove a TEXTREL reference from a shared lib
01:08.36khemmy problem is that the shared lib has this TAG in dynamic section and it means something is not PIC in the library
01:13.20solardepends. some arches like arm had a bug where every created executable would be marked at containing a text relocation
01:13.48solaryou can't usually just remove the program header markings. As the executable will still containing the problem
01:18.32khemhmm my arch is arm
01:18.54khembut its just one shared lib which has it and others do not
01:19.04khemfor e.g. I do not see it in
01:19.10khembut I see it in
01:29.22khemaha I see function user_from_uid() is creating this for me
01:41.36SpanKYkhem: install scanelf and run `scanelf -T` :p
01:41.43SpanKYit'll tell you the source of TEXTRELs
01:51.02khemSpanKY: scanelf is it part of elfutils
01:54.14SpanKYno it isnt
01:54.18SpanKYit's something solar and i write
01:59.11khemSpanKY: does it tell me about the symbol which caused the issue
02:00.29SpanKYit's quite small and is C only (memory/fake?) [0x4190] in $d [0x4180]
02:02.40khemhmmm what do I understand from this
02:02.49khemits the output of scanelf -T
02:07.50SpanKYdoes the .so have debugging ?
02:08.00SpanKYwhat version of gcc/binutils ?
02:08.42khem3.4.3 and 2.15.94 (patched equal to 2.16.1 almost)
02:08.50khemI think it does not have debug info
02:08.56khemhmmm let me see
02:09.01SpanKYis it stripped ?
02:13.25khemhmmm no
02:13.41khemproc/ ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, ARM, version 1 (ARM), not stripped
02:14.36SpanKYstrip it and then run scanelf on it
02:14.54SpanKYsometimes having the debugging symbols in there can give better output, sometimes it hits intermediate symbols like $d
02:15.14SpanKYi should update it to skip things like .L12
02:15.24khemyes locals
02:15.45khemalso has something similar
02:16.18khemSpanKY: dollar symbols are not stripped in ARM
02:16.43khemthey are used by other consumers like according to EABI
02:16.59khemI should have said "may be used by"
02:18.22SpanKYkhem: i integrated kevquinn's work into scanelf
02:18.50SpanKYkhem: well was libproc built with -fPIC ?
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04:04.08solarrecall spanky arm had every executable with textrels.
04:04.17solarshould be fixed in svn by psm however
04:04.30SpanKYyes, but khem said he's using a fixed version of binutils
04:04.41SpanKYand unless khem is also using uClibc-0.9.27, he shouldnt be seeing this issue
04:05.08solarkhem: does it only happen with the one executable?
04:06.32*** join/#uclibc Newsome (n=sorenson@
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06:53.33SkyNetIsHere_comok this is driving me nuts  i just tried building buildroot on my THIRD gentoo box and still errors on busybox... libbusybox...
07:55.29blindvt`SkyN, what error are you seeing specifically
07:58.42blindvt`SkyNetIsHere_com, and what gcc are you using? Paste the error to
08:39.03*** join/#uclibc psaksa (
08:48.26*** join/#uclibc blindvt (
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09:23.29CIA-603psm * r14458 10uClibc/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Add UCLIBC_HAS_SSP_COMPAT option guarding gcc-3.x ssp support
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13:55.38*** join/#uclibc vodz (
14:00.05vodzhi all
14:08.58blindvt`is anybody else seeing errors for busybox' defconfig (see ML)?
14:10.21vodzafter removed "extern" keyword?
14:13.20blindvt`yes. Not sure if it's only me, though.
14:13.24*** join/#uclibc sjhill (
14:14.37vodzblindvt`: but it strange. For example coreutils/libcoreutils/coreutils.h: warning: 'struct stat' declared inside parameter list
14:14.55vodzbut this line not changed
14:16.47vodzand for cp.c changed exterm main_cp() to main_cp(). Its eq for me
14:20.43vodzvery very strange... May be macrox borken now?
14:21.00blindvt`erm, no! It's only me.
14:22.44blindvt`never mind
14:25.22vodzblindvt`: if i have strange error, I see preprocessor out. May be help this for you.
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15:08.37*** join/#uclibc blindvt_ (
15:17.53*** join/#uclibc landley (
15:39.27vodzhmm, intersetd text
15:49.05vodzIf something can be made one hundred ways pervert and think up hundred first. Ideological principle of Perl.
15:51.26*** join/#uclibc landley (
16:00.24vodzC++ is a great language for garbage collection primarily because it creates less garbage. (c) Stroustrup
16:33.49sjhillthat's a bunch of crap
16:34.55landleyThe statement by Stroustrup, or the C++ language? :)
16:37.08blindvt`landley, re redhat9 is ok, so all is alright. no, it's not alright. vda said that plain make-3.80 didn't work (unfortunately he apparently updated to the current make-3.81-rc1). I'll try to find the time to fetch and install that vanilla 3.80
16:40.36CIA-603psm * r14459 10uClibc/ldso/ldso/ldso.c: Remove additional endif pointed out by vapier
16:41.32psmSpanKY: what does filter-out libgcc-glibc.ver remove?
16:42.04vodzblindvt`: And all I was right. Complication of makefile rules in what good has not resulted. Really it is impossible to make that there were no these dependences?
16:42.45landleyUbuntu claims to have make 3.80, and it's building with that.  (Even e2fsprogs.)
16:42.52SpanKYpsm: there is a gcc script which adds glibc versioning symbols
16:42.54landleyDunno what strange patches they've applied, though.
16:46.32vodzIn comparison with e2fsprogs, fdisk code is the ideal sample. Though for some reason landley name fdisk code as the worst.
16:46.59landleyNo, fdisk is second.  I agree e2fsprogs is the worst.
16:47.42*** join/#uclibc thraxisp (
16:51.13blindvt`landley, yes. I tested it on ubuntu and it worked there for me even with the initial patch.
16:51.26landleyIt's slackware it's failing on?
16:51.28landleyWhich version?
16:52.07blindvt`landley, no idea what version of slack. He said he uses vanilla make-3.80 from (just installing that locally)
16:52.39vodzmy Slackware 9.1.0. But i have not fresh SVN copy
16:52.46landleyI'll have to resurrect my Firmware build before release.  Mount's almost together again...
16:54.33vodzSlackware 9.1.0 have GNU Make 3.80
16:55.20vodzSlackware 10.0 too
16:57.33landleyIt's Patrick's style to use the current release version of software in as unmodified a form as he can get away with.
16:57.40vodzhmm, and Slackware 10.1
16:58.22landleyI looked at moving to Slackware instead of Ubuntu a year ago, but that's when Patrick was still sick, and Slack had fallen a bit behind.
16:58.29landley(He wasn't using a 2.6 kernel yet.)
16:59.41vodzI use Slackware only, started from 1.0 (with 1.0.0-pre kernels)
16:59.51landleyIt's a nice distro.
17:00.57vodzheh, in my table I found Slackware-3.0 with 1.2.X kernel
17:03.02blindvt`vodz, heh. i used to use slackware-3 and -4
17:03.40landleyI used SLS once, but it didn't like the hardware I tried it on.
17:04.09landleyWandered through OS/2 for a few years.  Eventually came back to Debian and they drove me to Red Hat.
17:04.50vodzhave debian is not vanilla kernel?
17:05.20blindvt`vodz, yes. debian does patch the kernel
17:05.37landleySo does Gentoo.
17:05.46landley(Greg Kroah-Hartman maintains gentoo's kernel.)
17:05.50landleyDunno who maintains Debian's.
17:05.57vodzadd other hardware suppopt?
17:06.24blindvt`tends to work mostly well (except the current 2.6.15 from debian has completely foobared pcmcia support)
17:07.52vodzah, pcmcia... My pcmcia is very old and do tnot require 2.6 k
17:08.23landleypcmcia support moved into the kernel, and they were dropping support for the old external pcmcia package.
17:08.31landley(There was some discussion about this on the kernel list, a few months ago.)
17:09.03landleyThe new hotplug infrastructure makes supporting pcmcia in the kernel make sense.
17:09.14vodzmay be, but pcmcia also old a technology
17:09.28blindvt`completely foobared as in it crashes about as fast as any suse kernel i've seen ;)
17:10.07landleyNew laptops still use pcmcia for wireless cards, they just build it in inside the case.
17:10.14landleyUse it as a bus interface, or some such.
17:10.28landley(Only now it's "cardbus".)
17:10.30blindvt`vodz, well, it's just 2.6.15 from debian that doesn't work with pcmcia. The majority of the rest of debian's 2.6 series worked well for me with it
17:10.40vodzmy two notebooks have pcmcia, third - without
17:11.25landleyGotta run...
17:23.51vodzTomorrow in Russia a female holiday and the day off. In honour of a fire on a manufactory in New York where was lost about 150 women.
17:25.47*** join/#uclibc samrobb_ (
18:20.26khemsolar: spanKY: I only see it in few of shared libs
18:20.50khemone ofthem is is another one
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18:41.26psmkhem: what do you see in the libs?
18:41.40psmhave you found what happens w/ opt* ?
18:43.01khempsm: I am stuck with textrels appearigng in some of shared libs
18:43.31khemother libs dont have it
18:44.25khemI have not got to a point where I could find the real reason for opt* issue
18:48.19psmkhem: textrels are know issue w/ uClibc due to old libtool/ltconfig used by configure
18:49.30psmI have added to gentoo bugs a description how to detect this and how to solve (gentoo build system provides a way for it)
18:50.51khempsm: SpanKY gave me a tool which is able to detect it
18:51.10khempsm: i could not get around to solve it yet
18:51.22khemdo you remember the bug nu,ber
19:15.12psmkhem: #74088
19:39.20SpanKYprocps doesnt fall into the libtool category
19:39.27SpanKYit doesnt use any autotools
19:47.03psmprocps is completely wrong, it needs including sys/user.h (ps/common.h and minimal.c) and LIBPROC := proc/libproc-$(TARVERSION).so to Makefile
20:05.56khempsm: are you looking in proc/ file
20:08.53khemthats the one which builds library
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20:09.18psmkhem: I was speaking of gentoo's build, havent looked to buildroot
20:26.14CIA-603pgf * r14460 10busybox/shell/cmdedit.c: (log message trimmed)
20:26.14CIA-6vi-mode changes: eliminate warnings from out-of-range-for-type
20:26.14CIA-6case labels that are emitted by gcc4. rearrange macros to
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22:10.50z0mbhi could someone answer a linux newbie question for me plz? :-O
22:11.06z0mbhow do i set path on a BB? setenv doesnt work
22:14.04khemexport directive should do
22:14.38z0mbso to set /opt/bin in path
22:14.42z0mbexport /opt/bin
22:14.57z0mbin ø
22:15.05khemexport PATH=$PATH:/opt/bin
22:15.16z0mbok thanx alot :-)
22:17.03*** part/#uclibc z0mb (

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