irclog2html for #uclibc on 20060224

00:13.47*** join/#uclibc Newsome (
00:32.40SpanKYnite !
01:18.26CIA-1003vapier * r14252 10busybox/docs/style-guide.txt: add exception for uncuddling brackets
01:21.39*** join/#uclibc landley (
01:27.02landleyYou try rearchitecting sed to be happy with embedded nul bytes.
01:27.34landleyDismantling the special casing for optional \n characters along the way and replacing it by propogating the read length to every usage point of the string.
01:46.00CIA-1003landley * r14253 10busybox/testsuite/seq.tests: Add a test suite for seq.
01:50.32*** join/#uclibc basit (n=abasit@linuxpakistan/basit)
01:50.41basitis auto_ptr supported by ucLibc?
02:00.57SpanKYwtf is auto_ptr
02:14.43*** join/#uclibc thraxisp (
02:17.23solarc++ thing
02:30.42CIA-1003landley * r14254 10busybox/ (coreutils/sort.c editors/sed.c libbb/get_line_from_file.c):
02:30.42CIA-10A few changes falling out from the effort to make sed handle embedded NUL bytes.
02:30.42CIA-10Checking in to reduce the diff between my tree and svn...
02:35.04daliasi don't see how the _c_ library would support auto_ptr
02:35.06daliasit's a c++ feature
02:45.36*** join/#uclibc landley (
02:45.57landleyAnd now irc is being stroppy.
02:46.00landleyIt's that kind of week.
02:48.51CIA-1003landley * r14255 10busybox/docs/ Mention patches directory as a read-only svn alternative.
02:55.26CIA-1003landley * r14256 10busybox/docs/ (docs.html header.html): Move FAQ under docs, add programming.html to docs list.
03:12.05CIA-1003landley * r14257 10busybox/include/libbb.h: Missed one in the get_line_from_file() update...
03:13.48*** join/#uclibc landley1 (
03:15.02*** join/#uclibc landley (
03:15.05landleyThat's better...
03:15.35CIA-1003landley * r14258 10busybox/ (e2fsprogs/ext2fs/getsize.c shell/hush.c):
03:15.36CIA-10I was playing around with a dependency generator a couple weeks ago and I found
03:15.36CIA-10some #include files that aren't in the tree. No biggie...
03:16.05landleyHa, and finally I've got the superflous crap in my tree either reverted or checked in.
03:16.32landleyNow to get back to banging my head against sed.c...
03:18.56ashesberyllium nickel alloy has a tensile strength of 300,000 psi. its 375% stronger than the best high tensile steel
03:19.21landleyI tend to go for silicon nitride and carbon nitride myself...
03:19.30landleyWhere does one get berylium nickel alloy?
03:19.40landley(Vapor deposition of diamond's pretty cool too.)
03:19.52landleyI want that for my glasses, but they won't do it in the US.
03:20.12ashesi found berylium for sale at $20 per gram
03:20.20ashes99.9% pure
03:20.33ashesthen just get someone to mix it with nickle
03:21.34ashesberyllium has a 1287 ╟C melting point
03:21.46ashesand its lighter than aluminum
03:22.13ashesits toxic though
03:23.03ashesberyllium dust inhaled causes a disease. a scratch from a peice of beryllium causes a rash. it also amplifies alpha radiation
03:23.31landleyDarn it, it's snowing.
03:23.37landleyThat's pittsburgh for you...
03:23.58ashes245,000 psi yeild capacity
03:25.28ashesberyllium nickel alloy is only 2% beryllium, 97% nickel
03:25.56ashespure beryllium would have several million psi load capacity
03:30.43landleyI'm not sure it scales quite that way.
03:30.50landleyTake irridium: strong but really brittle.
03:35.15ashespure beryllium tensile strength is only 58,000 psi
03:35.25ashes98.5% pure
03:36.05landleyThere's a reason people alloy things. :)
03:36.48landleyThe beryllium in nickel sounds like the carbon in steel.
03:36.51landleyA little goes a long way.
03:38.19ashescarbon has the highest tensile strength of any material we know of. beryllium is much lighter though
03:38.29landleyCarbon can.
03:38.31landleySoot doesn't. :)
03:38.46landleyAnd the tensile strength of carbon dioxide is left as an exercise to the reader.
03:38.58landley(Well, you can freeze it...)
03:39.25landleyAnd in _theory_, alloying diamond could help it just as much as alloying steel does.
03:39.45landleyStick stuff in there to break up the crystaline fracture planes diamond cutters take advantage of.
03:39.59landley(Presumably, more fun with vapor deposition?)
03:40.23landleyA honeycomb is generally stronger than the underlying solid material...
03:41.04ashesberyllium has a hexegon structure
03:41.22landleyIn 2d or 3d?
03:41.33ashesim not sure
03:42.03landleyGraphite has a marvelous 2d structure.  Unfortunately in 3d it fractures darn easily into little plate things...
03:42.22ashesa hex is the second strongest shape, i think, under the sphere/circle
03:42.32landleyDiamond has a repeatable 3d structure with the tetrahedral bonds and all.
03:42.50landleyIn theory silicon can do the same thing.  Possibly that's what granite is, I've never looked it up.
03:43.03*** part/#uclibc Newsome (
03:43.06landley(And germanium, but I doubt anybody would really care.)
03:45.15landleyI spent a summer researching metals, back in high school.
03:45.49landleyVan Nostrand's scientific encyclopedia can be remarkably entertaining under the right circumstances...
03:53.53landley(Writing sed test corner cases.)
03:53.57landley(sed -i with no filename.)
03:54.21landleyMultiple files and the $ last-line indicator.
03:54.25landleyWith and without -i...
04:32.07*** join/#uclibc SpanKY (
05:30.11*** join/#uclibc Laggy_McGee (
05:30.39Laggy_McGeeSo, I created the filesystem, and copied to my CF disk...  Now what?
05:30.59Laggy_McGeeWhat kernel do I use, where do I put it...?  Where is the installation/booting documentation?
05:35.54SpanKYuhh there is none
05:36.03SpanKYthat's *highly* target dependent
05:36.06SpanKYand that's your job
05:37.02Laggy_McGeethere's nothing about using GRUB on an IDE HDD on an x86??
05:37.38SpanKYgo read grub documentation
05:58.48daliasyay, i figured out how to make environ semantics fully correct without weak symbols
06:11.25*** join/#uclibc tty56 (
07:12.22*** join/#uclibc blindvt__ (
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08:53.44*** join/#uclibc vodz (
08:54.13vodzMoscow 23 Feb 2006
08:56.19vodzIn this photos have not russians, caucasian or near east only
08:56.38blindvt`vodz, i can trigger a cornercase where strlen goes into an infinite loop. Can't we just use __builtin_strlen in bb_strlen() ? For the non-IMA case, we can -fno-builtin-strlen, but i'm not sure if you intended to have strlen builtin in bb_strlen or if you want to use the strlen from libc there.
08:58.17vodzblindvt`: again infinite loop? Hmm. May be for CONFIG_BUILD_AT_ONCE only
08:58.59blindvt`vodz, yes, it's IMA only.
08:59.23vodzblindvt`: Ohh, i be afraid of this :(
08:59.39vodzblindvt`: -fno-builtin-strlen Ah, good idea!
09:03.26vodzblindvt`: hmm. But why infinite loop? I can`t understand withg quick analize. :( Before xfunc used strlen->bb_strlen, after xfunc use builtin strlen...
09:06.58vodzhaw translate (form bb mailist): nano forever? nano is 10e-9?
09:09.20blindvt`vodz, nano is an editor. (pico, nano, joe, etc)
09:10.03vodzAbout, give then in to cultivate a complex of fault before east people. The Europe has well succeeded in it. And still it is possible to arrange a genocide to itself, that to them here would be is better, aha. People certainly it is a pity. But I do not see sense in поднимании similar politcorrect that.
09:10.37vodzподнимании = lionize
09:11.00vodzfrom comment to URL drogoi...
09:12.03vodztraslate bu mashine
09:14.26blindvt`vodz, we do want to use the strlen() from libc, yes? If so, we can generally try if CC accepts -fno-builtin-strlen and all should be well, ok?
09:16.10blindvt`vodz, well all would be well then even for IMA then if we'd move all strlen() in the applets to use bb_strlen() that is.
09:16.48vodzblindvt`: for me, bb_strlen must die. before my patch in IMA mode my gcc 3.3.3 generate warning: strlen undeclared, may be #define strlen(s) bb_strlen(s) hide strlen->__.... a declaration
09:17.31blindvt`vodz, ah! The better if we just remove it. Will you do this, please?
09:19.09*** join/#uclibc quitte__ (
09:20.41vodzblindvt`: The current maintainer chase us a urinate cloths. ;-)
09:21.49vodzblindvt`: can you rename "blindvt_" to other? b<tab> is not work, must typed full :(
09:22.06blindvt`vodz, is there any fundamental reason why we have bb_printf, by the way? IIRC it increased the size of an applet compared to using plain printf
09:23.24blindvt`vodz, i can't rename him currently, sorry. Just talk to "him" instead of me, epic doesn't highlight anything anyway :)
09:25.07blindvt`vodz, i don't quite understand what you mean with the current maintainer and our clothes.. You mean he is intimidating?
09:27.07vodzblindvt`: bb_printf by mj3, he is more made.
09:27.56blindvt`mjn3, ping
09:28.16daliasbb_printf is evil :/
09:28.43blindvt`vodz, ok. Will you take care of removing the bb_strlen wrapper throughout the tree soon?
09:29.42vodzblindvt`: I think now: may be set #define strlen(s) bb_strlen(s) after bb_strlen(..) { } body remove bug in IMA mode
09:30.41vodzbut can`t test it. I can`t show problem always
09:31.53blindvt`vodz, i saw it with mount -t nfs.
09:32.36*** join/#uclibc woody__ (n=woody@
09:33.47vodzblindvt`: hmm. Also. For remove problem with require -o nolock for mount -t nfs - require portmap. But in mailist have wrong opinion: "portmap require for NFS servers only"
09:34.59blindvt`vodz, i'll try that. If it doesn't work then i suggest we just  ex - $(find ./ -name "*.c") g/bb_strlen/s//strlen/g
09:36.12vodzblindvt`: you say: find . -name "*.[hc]" | xargs sed g/bb_strlen/s//strlen/g ?
09:40.21daliasis there any chance of getting a patch accepted so that busybox doesn't have to munge with the internals of FILE* for bb_*printf?
09:42.33vodzdalias: may be wait before mj3n awake
09:44.34daliaswow excellent
09:44.35dalias11720 dalias    16   0    64   60    44 S     0.0  0.0   0:00 busybox
09:48.19blindvt`vodz, i admit i normally say for i in $(find ./ -name "*.c");do ex - $i <<done;done
09:49.03blindvt`vodz, but find ./ -name "*.c" | xargs sed -i -e "s/bb_strlen/strlen/g;x" should do the same. The former is interactive, which is quite conventient at times.
09:50.31daliasgcc is so stupid for inlining strlen
09:50.41daliasthe inline version is certainly slower than an optimized version
09:52.29blindvt`dalias, -fno-builtin[-funcname] and use __builtin_funcname for the gcc-variant of funcname
09:55.04daliasyeah i know
09:55.14daliasi'm just saying it's a stupid anti-optimization
09:56.48blindvt`dalias, yes. Perhaps it should default to off for -Os *shrug*
09:57.39daliasfor everything except -fexpensive-optimizations it should be off
09:58.01blindvt`reminds me of tcc getting strlen wrong. I ment to take a short glance at that.. hm
09:59.22blindvt`ah no, it was sizeof. whatever
10:01.51daliashmm wtf why does gcc insist on putting .align before my string literals??
10:05.24vodzwhy not?
10:07.15daliasbecause it's putting .align 5 (32 byte alignment!) and wasting tons of space
10:07.37daliasand there's no point in _any_ alignment for string data
10:09.09vodzwrite(1, "str", strlen(str)) if "str" aligned - very good idea
10:10.43vodzmem*, str* inline function very fast if begin str is aligned
10:11.50vodzelse - spaghetti if+goto :(
10:13.25daliasfor write it makes no difference
10:13.41daliasif it's not aligned the first few bytes will just be read byte-by-byte instead
10:14.28daliasit's almost impossible for str* functions to take advantage of alignment
10:14.42daliasthey can, but they need to use very fancy bit-twiddling to catch the null termination
10:14.53daliascertainly not feasible inline
10:15.06daliasi'm just trying to figure out how to disable this..
10:19.30vodzfrom glibc: strcpy_small (...) switch ((unsigned int) __srclen) { case 1: __u->__uc = '\0'; case 3: _u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 2); case 5: __u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); ....
10:19.58vodzand etc etc a tricks
10:20.56vodzand its c-like dumb demo, not asm gcc inlines
10:21.11daliasi just rtfs'd gcc
10:21.40daliasit's fucking optimization for idiots who write code like strcpy(a, "fucking long string here");
10:21.49daliaswhere the optimizer knows the source is a constant
10:22.05daliashuge waste of space
10:22.18daliasfortunately i just found the tine of i386.h to remove it
10:24.23vodz__builtin_constant_p  used before call strcpy_small(...) ;-) And call memcpy with know size
10:26.15daliasevil gnu extension crap for 1% performance gain at 15% size increase
10:27.02daliasand in all but trivial benchmarking software it's actually a performance _loss_
10:27.06daliasbecause size == speed
10:27.23daliasbasically all realworld code is memory-io/cache-bound
10:27.33daliasso bigger code == slower code
10:30.09vodzok, must buy computer with memory cache eq busybox size ;-)))
10:35.14vodzfrom long time dispute ru.os.cmp: must buy computer with memory cache eq JRE size ;-)
10:37.17daliasdamn java kids..
10:41.12vodzexcuse me, its russian-context :(
10:45.28vodzRabbit breeding. Advice to the farmer. Cultivation and leaving.
10:45.36vodzexample translated
10:48.26vodzInscription: Daily feeling of the superiority:
11:05.56vodzMy current location
11:06.36*** join/#uclibc psm (
11:13.17vodzah, have more
11:16.23blindvt`vodz, for your amusement. last week i was here:  I didn't knew that before, but Marx is buried there. See
11:16.54vodz - My current location of building
11:17.47vodzleft second the building, but have this building of top
11:20.51vodzblindvt`: wow,  beautifully
11:22.16vodzI did not think, that with Marx so respect.
11:22.44vodzBut US fight communists
11:23.15blindvt`vodz, it's an impressive cemetary. It looks more like a forest, only the tops of the gravestones are looking through ivy
11:26.56vodzA russians bath
11:28.44*** join/#uclibc Kwon (
11:48.01Kwonanyone is using or used Boot Everywhere linux distro?
11:51.35vodz Lift of the President of Russian Federation. Ohh
11:55.42vodz Hmm Austria is like winners sport? Interesting
11:58.37vodzEnglishmen have recognized Livanov (the Russian actor) as the best Holmes
11:59.01vodzWow! We know always !
12:00.37blindvt`vodz, just in wintergames and due to skiing counting as N different sports, i guess
12:01.03blindvt`Kwon, no, i haven't
12:06.11*** join/#uclibc thraxisp (
12:14.19vodzblindvt`: heh, Well and Russian always does not carry with Bobsleigh, sceleton etc. It is the expensive sports.
12:21.39vodz Livanov - Holmes
12:40.42*** join/#uclibc leoncamel (n=leoncame@
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12:55.14Kwonhow i change the same value on the screen? like a percentage number that is changing from %1 to %2 to %3 etc
12:58.46*** join/#uclibc woglinde (
13:03.02blindvt`Kwon, hm? Please explain.
13:03.47Kwoni want to code a program in c that shows a number on the screen, and then changing this number
13:04.20blindvt`Kwon, not sure, perhaps you mean  i=1;echo %$i;echo %$(($i+1))
13:04.50Kwonecho is a c function?
13:04.56blindvt`Kwon, where you'd say i=$(/my/program)
13:06.02blindvt`Kwon, no. You're asking a basic C question. May i suggest to ask in #c or read a C FAQ or comp.lang.c or the like?
13:06.34Kwoni didnt get an answer from any of these resources
13:08.49vodzbusybox xhvt applet
13:08.59vodzvery trivial
13:10.03blindvt`Kwon, I don't believe that. Search for simple C code example increment  Sounds like you're asking how to write something like void main(void){int i=0;i+=1;printf("%i\n",i);}
13:10.20blindvt`Kwon, your '%' should be printable via %% iirc
13:15.55Kwonblindvt`: but this will print %1, right?
13:16.16Kwoni want the 1 to be changed to 2, and 2 to be changed to 3, do you understand me?
13:17.09blindvt`Kwon, that would be a simple while or for loop around the increment and print
13:17.54Kwonbut that wont print a new number to the screen? i want to change the current number that is already on the screen
13:18.12solaruse \r vs \n then
13:19.05Kwonwhat \r does?
13:19.17solarman ascii
13:19.30Kwonand i must use printf and not puts or another function?
13:19.42Kwoni know what ascii is
13:19.51solarthen why dod you ask me
13:20.11solarthe answer to your question about \r is in the ascii manpage
13:20.39solarand a little trial and error never hurt anybody for a hello-world.c
13:22.11blindvt`if you want to delete the already printed stuff then you have to use backspace, obviously. for(i=0;i<9;i++){printf("\b\b\b\b%%%i", myinteger);sleep(1);}putc('\n'); hope that helps
13:24.12blindvt`getting the number of backspaces right depending on how many digits myinteger has is left to you as an exercise ;)
13:24.17vodzblindvt`: printf("%%%-3d", i); sleep(1); printf("\b\b\b\b");
13:24.54vodzor n = printf("%%%d", i); while(n--) putchar('\b')
13:25.23blindvt`vodz, it was a silly example. Note that you calling printf twice is wasteful compared to just printing once :P
13:27.22vodzblindvt`: I like not move cursor to before number. Only before change number :-P
13:28.41vodzcursor can have full size and shadow first numeral
13:29.28Kwoncan i identify the main hard disk for opening it and writing bytes to it?
13:30.39blindvt`Kwon, of course. look at what blockdev slash is on and operate on that.
13:30.59Kwonwhat is blockdev slash?
13:34.47vodzKwon: libbb/find_root_device.c
13:36.15vodzand main hardisk is strange a term
13:37.02vodzroot may be /dev/hda, but other paths may be /dev/sdf10
13:37.10vodzwhat main disk?
13:39.56Kwonok, all hard disks
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13:46.43Kwonwhat is root device>
13:47.40psmKwon: some un*x basic knowledge would be good ...
13:47.53Kwonthe boot device?
13:48.02Kwonwhat if the boot device is floppy?
13:49.20blindvt`Kwon, i encourage you to really read up on unix semantics. Never looked at it but perhaps it's nice:
13:53.18vodzIn my live I used a boot devices: punch tape, punch card, magnetic tape, 1 ton disks etc etc etc
13:56.01vodzIn my table have lie VHS magnetic tape - its russian arch device: spec ISA card with video system ;-)
13:56.50blindvt`vodz, eew punch tape :) don't forget netbooting via PXE
13:57.14vodzhmm, why lie :-O placed may be more right?
14:00.33vodzblindvt`: PXE have little sense: M$ do not like memory main disk (Kwon term) ;-))
14:06.49vodzby popular russian fiction writer
14:06.51blindvt`vodz, my first really comfortable PC was a dual P2@400MHz with 2GB ramdisk for the system and scratch. Took a while to boot but was a pleasure to work on
14:09.08vodzblindvt`: 400MHz with 2GB ram? Hmm. I do not believe this computer configuration
14:09.30vodzelse if not Sun  hardware
14:10.27blindvt`or was it 1.5GB? most likely. It was alot, anyway
14:11.20vodzmy first Linux have 386SX25 with 2Mb memory
14:12.19vodzI do removed and removed code from kernel, libc and utilites for can comfortable with it
14:13.15CIA-1003pkj * r14259 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/bfin/bits/syscalls.h: Fix the _syscall6() macro (I hope).
14:13.21vodzAnd FreeBSD 2.0 in this PC is not started anyway
14:14.19vodzafter 1.2.13 I can relief
14:14.53vodzhmmmm, or 1.1.13? Ohh. get old
14:16.13psm1.2.13 sounds ok ...
14:19.20vodzmay be, but i wokr with linux pre 1.0 kernels
14:34.00psmI meant 1.2.13 was a good, usable kernel
14:35.35vodzO yes, 2 series is a spaghetti. I have ceased there something to understand.
14:36.21vodzsmp, threads ... bloat and slow
14:38.35vodzafter added threads to libc, size 0.4  up 1.2 Mb
14:39.10vodzafter added wcwdth - 2.3 Mb
14:39.27vodzits progress? :(
14:55.00mjn3someone was looking for me?
14:55.16psmmjn3: long time ago ;-(
14:55.23vodzmjn3: blindvt` ask about bb_printf
14:57.06mjn3what did he want to know?  it was a hack to set the stream error indicator for non-stream related errors.  that way, an applet could check ferror() for both types of errors rather than having to check the return value of every printf call
14:57.53blindvt`mjn3, i read it and i think i don't have a question anymore. Thanks anyway
14:59.54psmmjn3: there seems to be some conflict w/ INT_MAX < LONG_MAX/UINT_MAX == ULONG_MAX in ifdef L_abs and L_labs (libc/stdlib/stdlib.c)
15:05.25psmlets assume I compile stdlib.c w/ -DL_abs -DL_labs
15:05.48psmthe conflict will show up in strong_alias(labs,abs)
15:06.13psmbecause both the earlier mentioned conditions will met
15:07.21psmthe same happens w/ atoi/atol
15:09.05psmwhat is the correct approach, dont build atoi and abs if UINT_MAX==ULONG_MAX?
15:09.54psmor dont strong_alias if INT_MAX<LONG_MAX
15:16.43mjn3so you are saying that you have a platform on which both conditions are met?  what are the values of the macros?
15:21.18psmI see INT_MAX and LONG_MAX being defined by gcc (difference in value being only appended L)
15:22.02psmlimits.h has same values for UINT_MAX(appended U)/ULONG_MAX(appended UL)
15:23.24psmunsigned long = unsigned ?
15:25.08mjn3those are just tests to compare the size of long vs the size of int.  since sizeof() is a C operator, it can not be used in preprocessor conditionals.  i'm curious about how both conditions could be met
15:30.03psmx86: sizeof int 4/long 4
15:32.47mjn3yes.  and on x86 i get only one of the tests evaluating to true
15:34.02mjn3need to head to work.  i'll be there in about 15 min
15:38.27*** join/#uclibc blindvt__ (
15:46.05blindvt`Kwon, i have to run now. bbl
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16:15.42blindvt`with an old make when building out-of tree, i furthermore need to conditionally include the toplevel stuff to avoid endless loops when including files in make. Fix is:
16:15.44blindvt`find */ -name Makefile | xargs sed -i -e "
16:16.09blindvt`/top_srcdir=../i ifndef top_srcdir
16:16.12blindvt`/top_srcdir=../a endif
16:16.18blindvt`/top_builddir=../i ifndef top_builddir
16:16.51blindvt`/top_builddir=../a endif"
16:17.09blindvt`i'll check that in later, fwiw.
16:19.17psmmjn3: I double checked, the problem exhibits due to different prototypes of abs/labs and atoi/atol probably, you are right about that check, it does not happen at the same time
16:29.03CIA-1003landley * r14260 10busybox/util-linux/fdisk.c: Cleanup from Denis Vlasenko.
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17:42.00vodzConditions in the list becomes intolerable. I already cry. After reception of a maintainer Rob became completely deranged.
17:42.18vodzlist = bb maillist
17:48.51daliasmjn3, i posted to the bugtracker with several major reasons why the printf error hack is a bad idea (and dangerous)
17:50.20daliasand two easy alternatives that are portable and don't rely on hacking with the internals of an opaque structure
18:16.22CIA-1003psm * r14261 10uClibc/libc/stdlib/stdlib.c: guard __ignore_x correctly, move undefs to their proper place, add prototypes. Should I do all the other *max aliases as well
18:28.13psmmjn3: the warning about DECIMAL_DIG, wouldn't it be enough to use gcc's __DECIMAL_DIG__ ? or at least use it if DECIMAL_DIG is undefined?
18:31.40CIA-1003psm * r14262 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/common/bits/uClibc_fpmax.h: Correct comments
18:59.42*** join/#uclibc prpplague (n=billybob@
19:01.25*** join/#uclibc zerdith (
20:43.39SpanKYah, vodz left ... i was gonna send him this
20:51.36mjn3-workanyone with an account on mace using lots of hard drive space?  there's none currently free
20:52.18mjn3-workand erik is still out of town
20:53.30SpanKYi only use morris
21:01.14CIA-1003psm * r14263 10uClibc/libc/stdlib/stdlib.c: Do not use __XL_NPP macro
22:06.47*** join/#uclibc sphaerynx (
22:10.33*** part/#uclibc sphaerynx (

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