irclog2html for #uclibc on 20060114

00:10.28JockeHomepsm: pong
00:12.57psmwhat do you think, should I try to hide malloc/calloc/realloc/free/memalign?
00:15.21JockeHomepsm: nope, these need to be preemtive
00:15.55psmall of them ?
00:15.57CIA-1003vapier * r13272 10uClibc/test/misc/stdarg.c: simple stdarg test
00:16.19CIA-1003vapier * r13273 10uClibc/libc/inet/netlinkaccess.h: make sure linux/types.h doesnt screw us up
00:16.26JockeHomehmm, not sure. maybe not memalign
00:16.33CIA-1003vapier * r13274 10uClibc/libc/misc/sysvipc/ipc.h: fix sem funcs on 64bit arches
00:16.52JockeHomedo the same as glibc
00:17.07CIA-1003vapier * r13275 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/common/ (fstat.c fstat64.c lstat.c lstat64.c stat.c stat64.c): dont include bits/kernel_stat.h as xstatconv.h already does and use sys/stat.h rather than bits/stat.h
00:17.47JockeHomethere are a few packages that whant to use there own versions of malloc and friends, mostly debugging stuff
00:20.43CIA-1003vapier * r13276 10uClibc/ldso/include/dl-syscall.h: use regular headers rather than trying to get tricky
00:28.24*** join/#uclibc andersee (
00:32.29SpanKYmake it an option JockeHome ?
00:32.56SpanKYyes the reason the mem related functions are exported is so debuggers can hook into em (ala dmalloc and such), but how often does that situation come up on uClibc
00:33.34anderseeSpanKY: howdy
00:34.19anderseeits good to have all my projects pretty well current
00:34.33anderseeand finally have a bit of time again
00:35.08anderseeSpanKY: so whats been happening while I've been hiding?
00:35.38SpanKYsome random guy has been getting nios/nios2 stuff working in uClibc/buildroot
00:35.42SpanKYand elf2flt integration
00:36.09anderseethats nice -- it'd be nice if all the other broken arches were made current as well
00:36.21SpanKYi bought a bfin board so i should be able to test that :)
00:36.46SpanKYx86_64/uclibc is pretty far along (if you ignore threads)
00:37.23SpanKYpsm has gotten relocations down a ton so LD_DEBUG=all isnt nearly as hard to parse
00:37.27anderseeSpanKY: excellent.  I just got a dual core opteron box...
00:38.03anderseeSpanKY: cool re relocs -- LD_DEBUG=all used to print 100MB of junk....
00:38.22SpanKYyeah, the # of relocs at first start is less than 60 iirc
00:38.24SpanKYmaybe less
00:38.30SpanKYerr much less heh
00:41.01anderseeI've gotten a few reports in my inbox of problems with buildroot -- things failing to boot or init failing or some such
00:41.25anderseeseen anything like that with the latest and greatest?
00:41.45anderseeguess I should use this shiny new opteron box to do some builds and find out
00:42.03SpanKYive never used buildroot to generate a bootable image
00:42.04*** join/#uclibc [g2] (n=Tom@nslu2-linux/g2)
00:42.12[g2]SpanKY hey
00:42.14SpanKYall the /dev and target stuff i have yet to touch and i probably wont
00:42.25andersee[g2]: evening
00:42.31[g2]andersee hey!
00:42.51SpanKYandersee: to be honest, ive gotten portage to the point where i use buildroot to verify things in Gentoo, not so much with actually using buildroot anymore :)
00:43.09anderseeSpanKY: :-)
00:43.13SpanKYive managed to use just Gentoo to bootstrap uClibc envs ... done it with sh4/ppc/arm so far
00:43.37[g2]SpanKY all the patchset for the kernel are in the nslu SF repo under kernel
00:43.47anderseeSpanKY: I've been using my gentoo/uclibc box quite a bit this past month.
00:43.50[g2]we're running 2.6.15 and the latest Intel drivers
00:44.11[g2]and both LE and BE kernels runs and build
00:44.35anderseeSpanKY: I probably need to update things, but havn't yet bothered to learn how to do anything gentoo specific beyond 'sudo emerge foo'
00:45.13SpanKYandersee: it does take a bit of work and knowning how emerge operates
00:45.22SpanKYwhich is what i work on fixing
00:45.31SpanKY[g2]: good news man
00:45.40anderseeSpanKY: how would you estimate the latest uclibc is holding up then?
00:45.42[g2]excellent we're there
00:45.57SpanKYandersee: what do you mean ?
00:46.08[g2]jbowler builds and runs Thumb/non-thumb uclibc too
00:46.55anderseeSpanKY: i.e. TODO items needed before cutting another release.  I know I need to do some work on pthreads (the older stuff), to ensure mutexes are unlocked when a thread gets canceled.
00:47.01[g2]SpanKY do you know fx3|chilla ?  He's running gentoo on the nslu2
00:47.13SpanKY[g2]: nope
00:47.26SpanKYandersee: thats what i was worried you were going to ask :)
00:47.29andersee[g2]: cool
00:47.40andersee[g2]: I should order an nslu2 to play with
00:47.49SpanKYnah, order one of those boxes [g2] makes
00:48.03andersee[g2]: what boxes are those?  url?
00:48.05SpanKYbefore we cut a release, i think we need to get the hidden_proto() stuff psm has been toying with in
00:48.21SpanKYandersee: i also committed the updated pthread forwarding stuff so that needs testing
00:48.26[g2]I'll be updating the web _very_ soon
00:48.37SpanKYthat should solve the 'binary foo uses which is linked against' issue
00:49.02[g2]the dev boxes are 533Mhz IXP425 64MB 3 MiniPCI, 2 serial (1 external/jTAG) USB 2.0, POE .....
00:49.11[g2]board, case and ps
00:49.30[g2]runs debian, gentoo, uclibc thumb BE LE ...
00:49.35SpanKYget the cases in yet ? :)
00:49.45[g2]yeah I did get a couple
00:49.49andersee[g2]: you badly need pics
00:49.51SpanKYmy netwinders just cant hack it anymore when it comes to building stages
00:50.31[g2]SpanKY I'm ready to ship you one
00:50.34anderseeSpanKY: indeed.  My netwinders (both of which I moded up to the max possible 256MB) are both boxed up now...
00:50.50SpanKY[g2]: want me to paypal you the cash or ... ?
00:51.08[g2]SpanKY can you send a check ?
00:51.13andersee[g2]: -> 404
00:51.15SpanKYe-mail your addy
00:51.24SpanKYi'll send it out monday at the latest
00:51.34SpanKY[g2]: make sure you include your business cards btw :)
00:52.00SpanKYandersee: ignoring GLX issues, modular X seems pretty easy to build/use in uClibc btw
00:52.16SpanKYi got modular X running in uClibc-0.9.28/SuperH
00:54.21anderseeSpanKY: very cool
00:54.40SpanKYandersee: how about i post a "TODO" list of what i think would make for a good 0.9.29 to the mailing list
00:54.44SpanKYand others can throw in what they have
00:55.16anderseeSpanKY: please update uClibc/TODO
00:55.32anderseeSpanKY: you can CC that to the list of course, but best to keep it checked in
00:55.48SpanKYoh and i threw together a very basic hppa port
00:55.52[g2]ring ring
00:55.54SpanKYstatic binaries and such work
00:57.57anderseeSpanKY: cool.  Do they still make hppa boxes?
00:58.07SpanKYi think so
00:58.14SpanKYthey just made the last cpu last year though :/
00:58.20SpanKYit's nasty, wish i could afford one
00:59.17CIA-1003psm * r13277 10uClibc/ (671 files in 70 dirs): hidden_def/hidden_proto: convert all users (I hope) termios split, add some missing headers, other jump relocs removed
01:00.10andersee[g2]: what are the 3 ribbon cable plugs on the top/right of the hw-4533 board for?
01:00.15SpanKYspeak of the devil ha
01:00.23CIA-1003vapier * r13278 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/common/__syscall_fcntl.c: 64bit arches dont need no stinkin fcntl64
01:00.26andersee[g2]: next to the serial cable
01:01.34[g2]andersee the 10/14/10 pin headers
01:02.31[g2]it'll actually be COM2/JTAG/GPIO I2C on the next batch
01:02.36psmSpanKY: I am done, I can cleanup some stuff (unneeded prototypes and the like)
01:02.43psmandersee: welcome back
01:02.49SpanKYpsm: good, cause i got warnings/errors for you :)
01:02.54SpanKYwant me to it ?
01:02.57anderseeso I could hook up the GPIOs to some optical isolators and use then to turn on the house lights or some such
01:03.01anderseepsm: thx
01:03.30[g2]andersee those are 2 USB 2.0 ports next to the db-9
01:03.35[g2]high speed
01:03.48psmandersee: could you check my mails to ml about threads/cancellable syscalls? that and some other issues I asked there have to be decided before .29
01:03.52[g2]and the board is all industrial temp rated
01:03.58anderseedoes the nslu2 have usb 2 hight speed?
01:04.03anderseepsm: will do
01:04.10[g2]andersee yeah
01:04.10anderseepsm: I badly need to catch up
01:04.31[g2]it's about 25% faster to disk than the slug running at 266
01:04.47[g2]as it has the 533 MHz cpu
01:04.53anderseepsm: so yes, I'll review your mails and try to answer
01:05.08[g2]I haven't tried to optimize the I/O
01:05.54[g2]bonnie++ measures 11MB disk I/O to external hd
01:06.44CIA-1003psm * r13279 10uClibc/libc/stdlib/stdlib.c: Correct atoi()
01:08.56CIA-1003psm * r13280 10uClibc/libc/stdlib/stdlib.c: Correct libc_hidden_proto
01:10.36CIA-1003psm * r13281 10uClibc/libc/string/x86_64/strpbrk.S: s/libc_hidden_proto/libc_hidden_def/
01:11.02psmSpanKY: what compiler was it 3.4.5 didnt failed?
01:11.21SpanKYx86_64-gentoo-linux-uclibc-gcc (GCC) 3.4.5 (Gentoo 3.4.5, ssp-3.4.5-1.0, pie-8.7.9)
01:12.53SpanKYoh, x86_64/clone.S just needs features.h i think
01:14.50psmI have thought that syscall.h gets it, but errno is blocked
01:15.22CIA-1003psm * r13282 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/x86_64/clone.S: needs features.h
01:15.34SpanKYshouldnt it be HIDDEN_JUMPTARGET(exit) ?
01:15.54SpanKYotherwise it'll fail to link because it's looking for __GI__exit instead of __GI_exit
01:16.09psmit was originally _exit, that changed to _exit_internal, now back
01:16.30psmearlier exit changed to __exit
01:18.05psmcould you look into libc/misc/statfs, I had to disabled the hidden usage in *vfs64.c files, due to this, if you enable the commented lines you should get the same
01:20.34CIA-1003psm * r13283 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/common/pread_write.c: s/__read/read/ and write in fake part
01:20.53psmthe warning about mbstate is old
01:27.00psmif you set hidden_def/proto to empty, you'll get (almost) .28 similar behaviour (no duplicates x and __GI_x), if you dont like __GI_, we can change it to __
01:27.33SpanKYpsm: `scanelf -qRs __GI_exit libc` -> __GI_exit  libc/stdlib/exit.os
01:27.49SpanKY$ scanelf -qRs __GI__exit libc
01:27.49SpanKY__GI__exit  libc/stdio/popen.os
01:27.49SpanKY__GI__exit  libc/sysdeps/linux/common/_exit.os
01:27.49SpanKY__GI__exit  libc/sysdeps/linux/x86_64/clone.os
01:28.32psmthere are 2 exits, exit() and _exit()
01:28.54psmI havent changed that behaviour (at least not on purpose)
01:29.41SpanKYwell _exit() isnt defined anywhere
01:29.53SpanKY$ readelf -s libc/stdlib/exit.os | grep GI.*exit
01:30.22SpanKY$ readelf -s libc/sysdeps/linux/common/_exit.os | grep GI
01:30.38SpanKYreally need to update scanelf to print defined/undefined info heh
01:33.15SpanKYhmm, maybe related to the INLINE_SYSCALL stuff
01:35.03SpanKYno, that doesnt seem to be it ...
01:35.08SpanKYmy _exit.os isnt defining any symbols
01:36.23psmwe should either use correctly INLINE_SYSCALL or dont at all
01:36.33psmmaybe the loop again?
01:36.42psmwhile (1) ?
01:36.44SpanKYit doesnt matter, it still doesnt work
01:37.34SpanKYthat doesnt work
01:38.44psmwithout while as well?
01:42.31SpanKYwhen i comment out libc_hidden_def(_exit), i get the symbol
01:43.30psmthat should be equiv w/ strong_alias(_exit,__GI_exit)
01:43.48SpanKYyou mean __GI__exit ;)
01:43.52psmsorry: strong_alias(_exit,__GI__exit)
01:44.12SpanKYand you mean hidden_strong_alias
01:44.25SpanKYusing hidden_strong_alias(_exit,__GI__exit) works though :/
01:44.36SpanKY$ readelf -s _exit.os | grep FUNC
01:51.32CIA-1003psm * r13284 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/ (mips/pipe.S mips/pipe.c sh/pipe.c): Add hidden versions of pipe()
01:52.38SpanKYhrm, looks like ftruncate.c is doing the same thing for me :/
01:54.43psmare there more that you miss from
01:55.43SpanKYyeah a bunch, but they're all the same issue
01:55.50SpanKYi'll try i386 to see if it's the same
01:57.48CIA-1003vapier * r13285 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/ (5 files in 5 dirs): need features.h for new HIDDEN_JUMPTARGET()
02:00.25SpanKYno, i386 is bad too :/
02:08.42CIA-1003psm * r13286 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/common/setregid.c: missed to define internal setregid
02:23.53CIA-1003psm * r13287 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/common/seteuid.c: another missed hidden
02:25.31khemI get can't resolve symbol '__udivsi3'
02:25.50khemthe symbo exist in /lib/ on my rootfs
02:26.18khemsomehow it is not finding this shared library it seems
02:26.27khemHas someone seen this before
02:27.40SpanKYkhem: is your stuff linked against ?
02:28.03khemit is softfloat
02:31.03khemSpanKY: it seems it is linked with -lm thats what I see on commandline
02:31.21SpanKYreadelf -d <booga>
02:31.31SpanKYpsm: a ton of files are broken on my system :/
02:31.36psmSpanKY: cache /etc/ is corrupt, could this be some commit from you?
02:32.13SpanKYcant test if i cant build :)
02:32.32khemSpanKY: it just shows and
02:32.42khemhow come it got linked at first
02:32.56khemstatically, it should have barfed
02:33.12psmfor you only: set hidden_def to strong_alias(x,__GI_x)
02:33.27SpanKYkhem: try <booga>
02:34.09psmI have 4 *truncate* defined
02:34.18psmalso _exit
02:34.50khemSpanKY: that works
02:35.12khemhow can I add it to DT_NEEDED in my binary
02:35.18SpanKYrebuild it ? ;)
02:35.33SpanKYpsm: you have your .config somewhere ?
02:38.44khemSpanKY: It still does not link with libgcc
02:39.14psmI paste in a mom
02:39.32psmwell, is faulty
02:40.25psmthe one from 20060109 worked
02:41.06SpanKYtry reverting that
02:41.56psmSpanKY: my config
02:43.05psmany easy way to revert w/ svn ?
02:43.23SpanKYsvn up -r 13275 ldso/include/dl-syscall.h
02:45.55SpanKYhmm your config worked
02:46.33psmwhat is different?
02:46.56SpanKYlemme rebuild it one option at a time ;)
02:50.00psmit was that commit to dl-syscall.h
02:50.09SpanKYk, so revert it ;)
02:54.03SpanKYpsm: ok, first enable ipv6/netlink
02:54.14SpanKYthat'll cause like two failures
02:57.51CIA-1003psm * r13288 10uClibc/libc/inet/ntop.c: Correct 2 issues if ipv6 is enabled found by SpanKY, thx
03:01.19CIA-1003psm * r13289 10uClibc/ldso/include/dl-syscall.h: Revert 13276, cache corrupted on x86
03:05.29SpanKYdisable these options:
03:10.38CIA-1003psm * r13290 10uClibc/libc/stdio/ (_WRITE.c fclose.c): other failures w/ different options
03:11.01SpanKYi got more, hold ;)
03:16.23SpanKYstime.c:(.text+0x31): undefined reference to `__settimeofday'
03:16.53SpanKYsame config, but x86_64 target
03:17.48CIA-1003psm * r13291 10uClibc/libc/stdlib/arc4random.c: adapt to new hidden
03:20.06CIA-1003psm * r13292 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/common/stime.c: another from SpanKY
03:26.17SpanKYpsm: ok, my problems stem from debugging it seems
03:26.27SpanKYenable DODEBUG
03:26.49SpanKYi was debugging x86_64/uClibc which is why i had it on
03:27.55CIA-1003psm * r13293 10uClibc/libc/misc/intl/intl.c: s/__strcmp/strcmp/
03:29.22SpanKYyeah, with DODEBUG=n, everything is peachy
03:29.31SpanKYwith DODEBUG=y, all hell breaks loose ;)
03:29.48psmdo you have the brk redefine? I dont see where it comes from
03:32.38SpanKYwith i386, everything works now if i turn off DODEBUG
03:33.23psmdoes malloc redefine brk if debug enabled?
03:33.26SpanKYx86_64 though hates lockf64()
03:33.28SpanKY../../../libc/misc/file/lockf64.c:53: warning: asm declaration conflicts with previous rename
03:34.51psmwould it work if you change the line to fcntl64 ?
03:36.34SpanKYthat works for me
03:37.21psmreadelf -s .os ? does it have non __GI_fcntl ?
03:37.32SpanKYbefore or after my patch
03:39.03psmthe same as in libc/misc/statfs, I had to disable the redirection for the *64(), you end up w/ jump reloc for fcntl64
03:39.50psmnot reversed ?
03:40.14SpanKYwhat i posted works for me on i386 and x86_64
03:41.13psmreadelf -s? __GI_fcntlx or plain?
03:41.44SpanKYhrm true
03:42.38SpanKYdoesnt seem to matter, i always end up with fcntl64
03:44.12psmwould be good to find some solution to this ...
03:44.42SpanKYi'll leave my local thing for now as it only breaks on 64bit host
03:44.52SpanKYfixing the DODEBUG is higher priority :)
03:45.38CIA-1003psm * r13294 10uClibc/libc/misc/file/lockf64.c: disable redirect for fcntl64 until a good way is found
03:52.35psmwell, I found a solution, but that means reediting almost all files
03:52.59psmlibc_hidden_proto should be moved before the function is defined
03:53.32psmwhat I do not understand, why DODEBUG influences it
03:57.22psmits too late, I cant think anymore ...
03:58.11psmmaybe only the ones using syscalls?
03:59.02psmwell, bye
04:23.00CIA-1003vapier * r13295 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/common/longjmp.c: enable _longjmp alias else less fails to build
04:35.45CIA-1003vapier * r13296 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/m68k/ (crt0.S crt1.S): update to new uClibc startup style
04:38.55CIA-1003vapier * r13297 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/m68k/bits/ (fcntl.h mman.h stat.h): sync with glibc
04:41.23CIA-1003vapier * r13298 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/m68k/bits/setjmp.h: sync with glibc
04:42.40CIA-1003vapier * r13299 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/m68k/crt0.c: old
04:58.31SpanKYRemove the booke stuff.  There is no reason to punish people for
05:57.09*** join/#uclibc ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
05:57.09*** topic/#uclibc is uClibc - for discussion of uClibc and Busybox | uClibc 0.9.28 released 17 August 2005 | busybox 1.1.0 released 11 Jan 2006 | for non uClibc/busybox such as buildroot and general setup issues try #elinux or #edev
06:00.16*** join/#uclibc hgb (
06:13.56CIA-1003vapier * r13300 10uClibc/TODO: update TODO
06:17.20CIA-1003sjhill 07uClibc-nptl * r13301 10/libpthread/nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mips/ (fork-nptl.c fork.c): Rename file.
06:35.30CIA-1003vapier * r13302 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/m68k/bits/setjmp.h: shouldnt have trimmed the _ASM #if check
06:35.37CIA-1003vapier * r13303 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/m68k/__longjmp.S: need features.h
06:40.00CIA-1003vapier * r13304 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/m68k/bits/stat.h: forgot to cut out the other __USE_MISC section
06:42.53CIA-1003vapier * r13305 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/m68k/ (Makefile.arch __syscall_error.c clone.S): use __syscall_error trick
06:50.35CIA-1003vapier * r13306 10uClibc/test/misc/seek.c: use regular fseeko()
06:54.33*** join/#uclibc landley (
06:54.41landleyHey Erik!
06:55.32landleyPlease put the busybox 1.1.0 stuff in my directory on up in the downloads bit.
06:57.03landley(Or give the downloads directory a group access that I can put stuff in.  I can come up with my own key to sign things with...)
06:59.10CIA-1003vapier * r13307 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/m68k/__syscall_error.c: make sure we set errno properly
07:04.45anderseelandley: evening
07:06.49landleyPlease put the busybox tarball up.
07:07.06landleyIt's not but-free, but it needs to ship.
07:07.19landley(Release early, release often.  There will be a 1.1.1.)
07:07.43landleyAnd if 1.1.0 isn't up on the website by the time 1.1.1 is ready, I'm going to send you a cake.
07:07.58landley(It's the strangest threat in the history of programming, I know...)
07:08.33landleyThat would be "bug-free" if I could spell.
07:08.52landley(Moving to pittsburgh.  Brain fried.  The boxes!  the boxes!)
07:09.00landleyI have waaaaay too many books.
07:09.56anderseemoving again?
07:10.01landleyStill pittsburgh.
07:10.27landleyI get on a plane sunday morning, my first day of work is monday.
07:10.49landleyThat's part of the reason 1.1.0 had to ship, but I _meant_ to get it out weeks earlier.
07:10.59landley(Deadlines are, unfortunately, highly motivational to me.)
07:11.01anderseewhats that?
07:11.01landleyYup.  Timesys.
07:11.06landleyThey hired me.
07:11.08anderseehey cool
07:11.15landleyI'll be working about 15 feet from Garrett.
07:11.33landleyThis means FWL is likely to develop c++ support sooner rather than later. :)
07:11.40landleyI don't suppose you know anything about cross-compiling?
07:12.02landley(I'm trying to replace the "run sed against the source code" method of configuring binutils and gcc with actual ./configure arguments.
07:12.10landleyUnfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any way to specify what I want to.
07:12.20landleyi explained what I was doing to Dan kegel, and his response was, in its' entirety:
07:12.41landley"... must ... not ... scream ..."
07:12.47landleyThat's a direct quote.
07:13.26landley(In theory, the cross-compiler mechanism can be used to build the Linux From Scratch /tools stage without requiring root access to create a /tools symlink.
07:13.49landleyAll I have to do is individually specify different build and runtime library paths.
07:13.59landleyAnd there is _no_way_ to do this from ./configure, that I can find.
07:14.05anderseeI never do anything dev stuff as root
07:14.17landleyI use User Mode Linux to simulate root access.
07:14.29landleyBut I'm trying to move to QEMU instead, which means I can't easily borrow the host system's root filesystem.
07:14.32anderseeuml, qemu, fakeroot, etc
07:14.35landleyWhich I do during the /tools build stage.
07:14.42CIA-1003vapier * r13308 10uClibc/ldso/ldso/m68k/dl-startup.h: fixup so we can at least get to the ldso Standalone execution step
07:14.48landleyqemu has no equivalent of UML's hostfs.
07:15.01landley(It has samba mounts, but those are case insensitive and that make sthe build go "boing".)
07:15.10landleyConfiguring NFS on the host requires root access.
07:15.21landley(So far, anyway.  Probably a way to do that without it...)
07:15.40landleyBut if I could get the darn cross-compiler to do what I want, I wouldn't need it.
07:16.00anderseeyou could always use sed....
07:16.04landley_And_ I could get the generated /tools to be for Arm or PPC or x86_64 and since I'm using qemu anyway...
07:16.10landleyYeah, that's what I've been doing.
07:16.23landleyBut using sed to specify a different target processor is a whole can of worms that I'm trying to avoid.
07:16.29landley(See Dan Kegel's head exploding, earlier.)
07:16.50landleyI've been reading crosstool's source.
07:16.58landleyAnd the Linux From Scratch cross-compiler book.
07:16.59anderseebtw, busybox-1.1.0 is signed and in place
07:17.03landleyAnd poking a bit at buildroot.
07:17.08landleyCoolness, I'll crank out an announcement.
07:17.20landleyIs there any way the download directory to grow a group access I could be added to?
07:17.25anderseecongrats on the new job
07:17.26landleyOr should I just bug you again next time? :)
07:17.46landleyThere are a good half-dozen seperate cross compiler references, which all have one thing in common.
07:17.49landleyWnat to guess what that thing is?
07:17.52anderseelandley: probably.  bug me about it and we'll get it set up
07:21.27CIA-1003vapier * r13309 10uClibc/ldso/ldso/m68k/dl-startup.h: add back in _dl_start_user
07:21.27Newsomelandley: can you use this feature of qemu? -
07:21.31anderseeand thanks for keeping on top of busybox
07:23.14Newsomelooks similar to UML's hostfs
07:23.37anderseeNewsome: yep, though looks to be rather more restrictive
07:23.50Newsomehmm, true
07:27.16Newsomecould probably use FUSE + sshfs
07:37.02SpanKYheh, people are alive
07:37.06SpanKYwhich JockeHome was alive
07:37.12SpanKYi need him to fix m68k lazy relocs heh
07:37.35CIA-1003vapier * r13310 10uClibc/ldso/ldso/m68k/ (elfinterp.c resolve.S): m68k ldso works again (well, lazy relocation is broken atm)
07:38.05Newsomewow, looks like great service
07:38.28Newsomehrm, still broken I guess
07:42.17CIA-1003vapier * r13311 10uClibc/TODO: m68k is doing much better now
07:43.05SpanKYbe nice if we could unify a lot of the arch elfinterp.c code
07:43.24CIA-1003landley * r13312 10busybox/docs/ 1.1.0 is out.
07:47.16anderseeSpanKY: indeed
07:48.15SpanKYmake it a 0.9.30 goal :)
07:50.35CIA-1003vapier * r13313 10uClibc/ldso/ldso/m68k/elfinterp.c: grab some more fixes from x86_64
07:53.28SpanKYandersee: btw, there's a neat "feature" atm where if you build with DODEBUG, fails with a lot of undefined references
07:53.46SpanKYpsm is gonna fix it up when he gets back
07:58.06CIA-1003vapier * r13314 10uClibc/libc/signal/sigaction.c: dont hide __libc_sigaction
07:59.04anderseeSpanKY: presumably that is what folks had complained about, re buildroot failing
07:59.36SpanKYandersee: well the bug was introduced a few hours ago so i dont think so :)
07:59.46anderseemaybe not
10:18.14CIA-1003vapier * r13315 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/arm/crt1.S: fix loading of argc/argv for arm/nommu
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17:02.06ico2how do i make busybox mdev put loop devices in /dev/loop/loop*
17:02.29ico2currently it helpfully creates 255 /dev/loop? devices
17:06.23*** join/#uclibc pinchartl (
17:07.15pinchartlI'm trying to create an intrd image which includes busybox. I've been able to mount the image at startup, and when the kernel starts linuxrc, I get the message "/bin/sh: Can't open auto".
17:07.30pinchartlcould anyone help me ?
17:09.18ico2pinchartl:  never seen that error before, sorry
17:10.22pinchartlok... I'll try to debug busybox to find out where it comes from
17:10.51pinchartlbtw, does anyone know if there's a way to redirect the console to a network connection, like netconsole does with the kernel messags ?
17:14.12ico2how do i make the busybox init handle ctrl-alt-del properly? it has ::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/reboot in its inittab
17:39.18Newsomeico2: busybox mdev doesn't do subdirectories
17:41.31ico2Newsome:  damn
17:41.52Newsomeico2: it just puts everything into /dev
17:42.05ico2Newsome:  Newsome will the next version be capable of doing this?
17:44.28Newsomeico2: I'm not really sure.  It sounds like the sort of thing that would take up more bytes of code than it would be worth in busybox
17:45.27solarwhy would you need subdirs?
17:45.38solaror rather what needs to be in a subdir?
17:46.12ico2solar:  loop devices
17:46.17ico2solar:  i use 255 of them
17:46.25ico2a bit messy in /dev
17:49.38solarthats not really a problem however is it?
17:49.43solarother than just how it looks
17:50.18solarwhen we hashed out the ideas for mdev we wanted it to be really simple and based on what the kernel was dishing out
17:51.57Newsomefirst I'd heard of anyone even using mdev yet :)
17:52.19solarit would indeed add a few extra bytes of you wanted to remap /dev/loop[0-255] to /dev/loop/[0-255] cuz when mdev first runs it processes /sys/block,decives and creates the device nods in /dev/ then later in it goes back and sets all the permissions etc.
17:52.52solaryou can do quite a bit from the conf like shell actions. So if you wanted to say create /dev/loop/<symlinks> you could do that
17:53.33solarNewsome: likewise.
17:53.44solarI'm glad somebody is making use of it
17:55.49Newsomeico2: other than lots of devices in /dev, does it work?
18:12.39*** join/#uclibc ambroseL (
18:17.43SpanKYit must be my birthday !
18:18.15Newsomehmm, looking again at mdev, I don't think it would be that difficult to do path remappings from the conf file, but doing the sort of pattern matching that udev does would be quite painful, and it wouldn't automatically work with hotplug remove
18:19.04NewsomeAlso, I don't think the conf enables shell actions yet, just UID, GID, and permissions.
18:25.13SpanKYJockeHome: hmm, no worky, it just segfaults immediately now
18:25.23SpanKYJockeHome: non-lazy relocation works :)
18:30.35*** join/#uclibc ico2_ (
19:18.54CIA-1003sjhill 07uClibc-nptl * r13316 10/ldso/ldso/x86_64/ (. dl-debug.h elfinterp.c resolve.S): Merge from trunk.
19:19.10CIA-1003sjhill 07uClibc-nptl * r13317 10/Changelog.full: Merge from trunk.
19:22.52CIA-1003sjhill 07uClibc-nptl * r13318 10/libc/ (82 files in 4 dirs): Merge from trunk.
19:24.16CIA-1003sjhill 07uClibc-nptl * r13319 10/libc/sysdeps/linux/mips/ (bits/stat.h bits/syscalls.h brk.c pipe.S sigaction.c): Merge from trunk.
19:32.14CIA-1003sjhill 07uClibc-nptl * r13320 10/ (26 files in 16 dirs): (log message trimmed)
19:32.14CIA-10Get rid of more glibc NPTL symbol and alias madness. Also disable usage of
19:32.14CIA-10'libc/sysdeps/linux/common/fork.c' when NPTL is being used. Finally, there
19:45.46CIA-1003psm * r13321 10uClibc/libc/ (405 files in 43 dirs): make DODEBUG=y happy, update sysdeps/common/* copyright
19:45.57psmSpanKY: could you please test ^^ ?
19:58.40CIA-1003psm * r13322 10uClibc/libc/string/_collate.c: DODEBUG=y and XLOCALE as well
20:02.23CIA-1003psm * r13323 10uClibc/libc/stdio/scanf.c: get rid of wcrtomb jump reloc
20:05.11*** join/#uclibc zakalwe (
20:07.27CIA-1003psm * r13324 10uClibc/libc/string/_collate.c: get rid of strcmp jump reloc
20:11.56CIA-1003psm * r13325 10uClibc/libc/stdlib/strtod.c: same for iswspace*
20:16.21CIA-1003psm * r13326 10uClibc/libc/stdio/putwchar.c: same for __fputc_unlocked
20:16.23SpanKYalmost psm
20:16.58SpanKYlibc/libc_so.a(getaddrinfo.os): In function `gaih_inet':
20:16.58SpanKYlibc/inet/getaddrinfo.c:615: undefined reference to `__GI_in6addr_loopback'
20:16.58SpanKYmake[1]: *** [lib/] Error 1
20:18.54CIA-1003vapier * r13327 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/ (8 files in 8 dirs): fix broken commenting
20:19.54CIA-1003psm * r13328 10uClibc/libc/inet/in6_addr.c: I should also test w/ ipv6, missed that, thx SpanKY
20:20.31JockeHomeI don't think this will work either, but one never knows
20:20.57JockeHomepossibly there is something more that needs to be fixed
20:27.06CIA-1003psm * r13329 10uClibc/libc/misc/file/lockf64.c: get rid of fcntl64 jump reloc
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21:04.08CIA-1003psm * r13330 10uClibc/libc/misc/statfs/ (fstatvfs64.c statvfs64.c): get rid of *stat*64 jump relocs
21:04.29psmSpanKY: could you check if the *64() changes work for you and are correct ?
21:12.31*** join/#uclibc ulf_k (
21:19.59*** join/#uclibc khem_home (
21:21.13khem_homehey I am getting this make problem make[1]: *** No rule to make target `|', needed by `../../extra/config/conf.o'.  Stop.
21:22.30khem_homeI figured out that this fails with make 3.79 and works ok with make 3.80 but my build machine has 3.79 and it is impossible to upgrade make on that box
21:23.35khem_home0.9.28 worked fine but now the makefiles are changed completely
21:24.17psmI used | for dependencies
21:24.21khem_homethe issue is due to ori'ng the dependencies.
21:24.28psminstall 3.80 as gmake and use that
21:24.30khem_homepsm, guten morgen
21:24.42khem_homepsm, thats what I can not do
21:24.47psmabend hier
21:25.40khem_homeI could do that but its a production machine so I can not upgrade to make
21:25.49khem_homepsm, any workaround
21:26.20psmyou could try to remove | from all the makefiles, but they are there on purpose
21:26.23khem_homeI can build it locally on my fc4
21:27.16khem_homepsm, do you see any problem if I remove |
21:28.06khem_homewhat is | meant to do here
21:28.10psmyou will loose the dependency chain (that is not bullet proof yet), so some parts will build before others
21:29.36khem_homehmm, that can cause issues. but I think we should still make it possible to use make 3.79 its widely used on distros still in use
21:30.00psmtarget: a | b ($^ matches a, but not b, but b has to be present, before running target)
21:30.45khem_homea: b.c dep
21:30.51psm3.80 was done in 2002, we have already parts that need binutils-2.16.1
21:31.03khem_home$CC a.c will do same
21:32.15psmif you remove | , then you also have to remove what is after it
21:33.05psmI am not intending to remove those, feel free to propose some solution that works w/ 3.79
21:34.00khem_homepsm, ok I will what I can do
21:35.40psmtop level's(as of each lib) have to be changed
21:35.54khem_homepsm, yes its a lot
21:36.03solarpsm: all the redhat based distros seem to be at 3.79 still
21:36.09psmI know, I wrote it
21:36.40psmsolar: what is the current toolchain state there? glibc/gcc/binutils ?
21:39.42khem_homepsm, rhel3 has gcc 3.2.3 glibc 2.3.2 binutils 2.14.90
21:40.10psmand fc4?
21:40.16khem_homepsm, I build using cross toolchain to toolchain is not an issue for me
21:41.04khem_homefc4 has gcc 4.0.2 binutils 2.15.94 glibc 2.3.5
21:41.39psmthat is a bad combo for gcc/binutils
21:42.44khem_homepsm, why is that
21:43.03khem_homeI think they have right patches backported
21:43.14khem_homefor binutils to supports gcc4
21:43.21psmbinutils is too old (and faulty)
21:44.10khem_homebut it has make 3.80 so I had an escape route using host make and cross toolchain
21:44.22khem_homebut unfortunately build system does not
21:45.12ico2__Newsome:  in response to your earlier q, yes
21:45.19ico2__mdev did work
21:47.11solarpsm: RHEL Taroon = binutils- glibc-2.3.2-95.33 gcc-3.2.3 ; Centos-4.2 make-3.80 binutils- gcc-3.4.4 glibc-2.3.4-2.13 ; Centos-3.6 = binutils- glibc-2.3.2-95.37 gcc-3.2.3-53 make-3.79.1-17.1
21:49.19SpanKYsorry, but not having make-3.80 is pathetic
21:49.29SpanKYit was released over three years ago
21:56.41khem_homeSpanKY, agreed but production systems dont get upgraded that easily
21:57.23psmkhem_home: are you using buildroot?
21:57.34khem_homepsm, no
21:57.59khem_homebut I do have make as part of packages
21:58.40psmthen build it first (buildroot has a similar solution iirc for sed-4) and use it
21:58.42khem_homeso what I plan is to compile make 3.80 first and then use it instead of what is not host
21:59.13khem_homepsm, yes I think thats what I  gonna do
22:01.02khem_homepsm, I think Q option in sed gave me some problem a while ago
22:01.33khem_homeI wrote a small awk script as workaround
22:01.52psmI know redhat stayed long time w/ sed-3.0.2 iirc
22:02.06khem_homebut I think compiling sed make makes sense
22:02.21khem_homepsm, yes and suse too
22:08.30solarsuse added pax-utils a few days ago :)
22:11.04psmwith that name?
22:11.32psmfine then ;)
22:12.14solartime for me to call it a day. cya later
22:17.29*** part/#uclibc khem_home (
22:18.46CIA-1003psm * r13331 10uClibc/libc/signal/ (signal.c sysv_signal.c): get rid of duplicates, even bsd_signal is questionable
22:20.38SpanKYkhem: 3 year lag time is no excuse :p
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23:22.34CIA-1003sjhill 07uClibc-nptl * r13332 10/test/nptl/ (tst-_res1.c tst-_res1mod1.c tst-_res1mod2.c):
23:22.34CIA-10Remove invalid test. This test will not pass on uClibc because we are not
23:22.34CIA-10concerned about backwards compatibility of the resolver code.
23:33.40*** join/#uclibc ulf_k_ (
23:35.03bug1ive moved to NZ !
23:35.26bug1now if only my computers where here :(

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