irclog2html for #uclibc on 20051112

00:03.12CIA-203psm * r12217 10uClibc/libc/string/frv/ (memcpy.S memset.S): Add hidden versions
00:09.43CIA-203psm * r12218 10uClibc/libc/string/sh64/ (memcpy.S memset.S strcpy.S strlen.S): Add hidden versions
00:48.15CIA-203psm * r12219 10uClibc/libc/string/sparc/ (17 files in 3 dirs): (log message trimmed)
00:48.15CIA-2Add hidden versions, hope I made it correctly. Sparc optimized string functions
00:48.15CIA-2are not usable with current build system, each function (as long as asm) should
01:00.01*** join/#uclibc thraxisp (
01:03.53CIA-203psm * r12220 10uClibc/libc/string/x86_64/ (10 files): Add hidden versions
01:09.18CIA-203vapier * r12221 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/common/bits/ (kernel_stat.h setjmp.h): make people provide these headers when porting
01:10.27CIA-203vapier * r12222 10uClibc/ (28 files in 3 dirs): initial port to hppa
01:15.08CIA-203vapier * r12223 10buildroot/toolchain/gcc/4.0.2/100-uclibc-conf.patch: simplify uclibc patch so bitrot cant hurt us
01:41.59*** join/#uclibc landley (
01:57.08*** join/#uclibc Sgt-Donan (
02:06.55*** join/#uclibc thraxisp (
02:09.29landleyThe darn tar segfault is some kind of heap corruption.
02:09.41landleySticking printfs in moves the point of the crash.
02:09.51landleyI _hate_ that kind of bug...
02:19.07landleyNope, misinterpreted something...
02:19.19landleyDereferencing a null pointer.  Fun for the whole family.  So _why_...
02:28.54landleyAh.  We're declaring header_verbose_list to take a constant argument (a pointer to a structure), which we then take the address of and modify.
02:28.56landleyThis is segfaulting.
02:31.50landleyNice to have narrowed it down to the segfaulting statement...
02:31.53landleySomething simple...
02:54.10CIA-203landley * r12224 10busybox/archival/libunarchive/header_verbose_list.c: I noticed that "tar tvjf file.tbz" was segfaulting. This fixed it.
02:54.33landleyOk, the problem was that localtime(&blah->mtime) needed to be localtime(&(blah->mtime));
02:54.47landleyTwo hours to find that.
03:11.28landleyOf course the failure to extract any archives is a separate problem. :)
03:12.28landleySo that's what that does...
03:14.49landleyHas anyone looked into feeding busybox "-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections" and then feeding the linker --gc-sections?
03:15.27landleyIf it works, we could stop #ifdeffing around functions we're not using...
03:15.35landleyhave the compiler rip those out for us (like it's _supposed_ to...)
03:15.49landleyThat message was from 2000, so presumably a five year old compiler can do this.
03:44.50*** join/#uclibc ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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03:57.13*** join/#uclibc zslevin (n=zsdjw@
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04:19.57landleyIt's been a quiet week here in #uclibc...
04:20.08landleyWhere all the developers are above average...
04:20.32landleyRight, bonus points for the people in asia getting a Prarie Home Companion reference...
05:05.39landley*crickets chirping*
08:19.31*** join/#uclibc black_13 (
08:19.58black_13anyone awake
08:21.34*** join/#uclibc landley (
08:21.57black_13someone is awake
08:22.04landleyYup. :)
08:22.10landleySomeone is thumping on busybox tar, even.
08:22.13black_13in austin?
08:22.36landleyAnd you're in dallas, it would seem.
08:22.36black_13lewisville (denton county)
08:22.49landleyAn ex-roommate of mine went to college in denton.
08:22.53landleyAnd then moved to abeline.
08:22.57black_13i am having a devil of a time
08:23.03black_13with busybox and uclibc
08:23.11landleyWhat are you trying to do with them>
08:23.37black_13the error ./busybox: can't resolve symbol '__ctype_b'
08:23.50landleyNot a clue on that one.
08:23.53landleyNever seen it before.
08:23.59landleyWhich version of uclibc, which version of busybox?
08:25.39black_13busybox 1.00 uclibc 0.9.28
08:27.18black_13why up so late
08:32.12black_13ok you did the right thing went to sleep
08:37.27landleyNo, still here.
08:37.48landleyWhere in the build do you get this error?
08:38.38black_13always helps to read the instructions
08:38.59black_13i hasnt finished compiing but i was using the target compiler
08:39.05black_13which shouldnt matter
08:39.49black_13but does
08:40.06black_13i am using buildroot
08:40.17black_13if you familiar with that
08:41.10black_13no dice same problem
08:47.56landleySorry, I don't do buildroot. :(
08:48.05black_13no problem
08:48.13black_13i think i have figured out the dealio
08:48.14landleyI put together my own build system instead.
08:48.22landleyThe problem with buildroot is there are no releases.
08:48.28landleyYou're always grabbing some random CVS snapshot.
08:48.36black_13yeah pretty much
08:48.39landleyUntil they fix that, it's tough to compare notes.
08:48.55black_13what do you use uclibc for?
08:49.14landleyI'm making my own distro.
08:49.53landleyYes, there is an open source driver for my laptop's 3d card!
08:50.08landleyBeta as anything, but hey...
08:51.03black_13i would like to figure out how to make a buck
08:51.09black_13but i digress
08:51.29black_13hey while i am talking do you know anyone who knows anything about windows xp embedded?
08:51.45black_13xp embedded is what i do during the day
08:52.58landleyMy condolences.
08:53.06landley(Why on _earth_ would anyone embed xp?)
08:53.16landley(How?  Doesn't the sucker require 128 megs of ram just to _boot_?)
08:53.39landleyI'm trying to think if I know anybody around Austin who still supports XP.
08:53.50black_13i dont question the wisdom of anyone who pays me
08:54.11landley(I know a few people who use it because it's what came installed on their machine...)
08:54.41black_13but you points are valid its a hog .... i wouldnt mind that but the tools for xp embedded suck
08:54.44landleyWhat are the hardware specs of your embedded xp project?
08:55.02black_13its a slot machine
08:55.23landleyI meant memory, cpu, storage...
08:55.57landleyYeah, I guess if you want random unpredictable behavior that costs money, XP is the logical choice...
08:56.22black_13we sell the slot machines for about 15 to 20 grand
08:56.50landleyYeah, I'm familiar with the niche.  Eating 200 watts isn't a big downside in that niche...
08:57.10landleyNeither is weighing 200 pounds.
08:57.17black_13its not like a set top boxk that has to conservative
08:57.35black_13actually the weight is coming down
08:57.54landleyAnd with no network access or keyboard it's harder to crack one.
08:58.07landley(I'm not saying impossible.  A friend of mine managed to crack UT's web kiosks.)
08:58.19*** join/#uclibc JockeHome (
08:58.26black_13well the is key board only use by the operators
08:58.33landleyThey have explorer, and via explorer he managed to access the "accessibility" feature for the onscreen keyboard.
08:58.45black_13my currenty problem is the shitty way of dealing with drivers
08:59.00landleyAnd once he had that, he installed vnc or some such and pwned the box.
08:59.20landleyDealing with xp you're in for a world of pain.  As I said, my condolences.
08:59.36landleyMy way of dealing with it comes from the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy's advice about vogon grandmothers.  "In brief: avoid."
08:59.51*** join/#uclibc keturn (n=kevint@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn)
08:59.52black_13yeah i knwo but i figure if i get good at it i can leave the company and up my bill rate
09:00.27landleyI paid my dues under OS/2.  And I was already good at programming (I'd been doing it since I was 12).
09:00.41landleyOf course since encountering open source programming I've met many people who are _better_ than me at programming.
09:00.47landleyWhich was a humbling experience, I can assure you...
09:01.22landley(There have always been people with domain knowledge I don't have.  But before I encountered linux-kernel I'd never met people who were better at thinking through programming problems than I am.)
09:01.42black_13well i fixed busy box
09:01.42landleyNow I have.  And it's a good thing to have somebody to learn from...
09:01.51landleyToolchain problem?
09:02.04black_13dont use the cross compiler
09:02.14landleyToolchain problem.
09:02.16landleyIt usually is. :)
09:02.27landley(We tend to notice when it doesn't build for us.)
09:03.39landleySo tell me about the distro you're making.
09:03.48black_13the thing with xp is that you are suppose to recreate all the things that the driver installer did for you what a cluster fuck
09:04.21landleyBinary snapshots sound like your only option with XP.
09:04.30black_13binary snapshot
09:04.51landleyYeah, get one system working (with a hex editor if necessary), and then clone it.
09:05.03landleyReproducibility really isn't an option.
09:05.45black_13what one of the books sugest is using programs that take a diff of the registry and something involvign inf files
09:06.23landleyIn XP the registry leaks (bloats continually), but of course running from CD that's less of a problem.
09:06.40landleyI assume there's some kind of ramdisk or something the registry lives in?
09:06.59landley(Somebody explained how to boot xp from a read-only media to me once, and I had to make them stop because it hurt.)
09:07.21black_13yeah yeah yeah pick on xp is like pick on a retarded kid
09:07.38landleyGenerally retarded kids didn't do something to deserve it.
09:07.45landleyxp was premeditated.
09:08.13landleyIt was perpetrated with malice of forethought.
09:08.20black_13look man i like linux i mean realy like linux
09:08.27black_13but i am pragmatist
09:08.58landleyI'm a pragmatist too.
09:09.06black_13the original platform was linux basic
09:09.26black_13it ran on a derivative of redhat 7.3
09:09.30landleyAt times when I've been unsure whether I could make a living as a programmer without using Windows, I've contemplated becoming a paralegal.
09:10.07landleyI also want to get a master's degree so I can teach at the local community college.
09:10.14landleyIt's good to have backup plans.
09:10.28landleyBut I'd literally rather flip burgers than program for windows.
09:10.42black_13actually man its just a job
09:10.47landleyI know.
09:10.50landleyPersonal preference.
09:10.57black_13that is how i view ... just a job i do the best i can
09:11.12landleyEver read Terry Pratchett's "Small Gods"?
09:11.51black_13its funny my boss jump me one day and said "black_13 you just dont care do you" well i dont ... i cant i have to distance from this so when i get home i can relax
09:12.14landleySee, my problem is I can't not care about programming and still do it.
09:12.20black_13he kind of backed off ... he was having bad day
09:12.51black_13like i said i do linux at night when i have some time
09:13.01black_13and windows really made sense
09:13.04landleyI've switched jobs and taken a 2/3 pay cut to work on things I found more interesting than what I'd been doing.
09:13.13landleyIt's wandered over the years from OS/2 through Java to Linux.
09:13.24landleyPython, cgi, embedded systems...
09:13.52black_13there was a company that already had a pretty good gaming plafrom but it needed to be put into xp embedded
09:14.12landleyI'm not saying you eat kittens for a living. :)
09:14.20landleyI view it as a form of bureaucracy.
09:14.33landleyYou put the pink slip in the pink slot, the blue slip in the blue slot, and the yellow slip in the yellow slot.
09:14.39landleyAnd they pay you.
09:14.50landleyAnd then you go home.
09:15.04black_13pretty good and for about a year i was working out my house
09:16.38landleyI wrote a series of columns on a related issue (the three different mindsets of hobbyists, 9-5 workers, and bureaucrats.)
09:16.43black_13anyway the linux i am workikng is 2.6 kernel using buxy box keeps part of the file system in memory the rest is sqashfs i am going to
09:16.54landleyHow companies evolve from start-ups to conglomerates, back when I was writing an investing column for The Motley Fool.
09:17.01landleySomebody collected the links to all 7 articles here:
09:17.23landleyblack13: you should look at the system I'm doing.
09:17.35landleyI've got busybox, uclibc, and squashfs in that too. :)
09:18.10landleyAnd it builds and runs right now, although it doesn't do much useful yet.
09:18.16landley(Woo, a _shell_prompt_!)
09:21.18landleyAh, getting kicked out of the coffee shop.
09:21.21landleyIt used to be 24 hours. :(
09:21.34black_13where ?
09:23.06landleyMetro, on the drag at UT.
09:23.23black_13i was in vegas for while
09:23.48black_13wireless in the strip clubs
09:24.52black_13man i gotta turn in
11:04.16CIA-203landley * r12225 10busybox/libbb/copyfd.c: (log message trimmed)
11:04.16CIA-2My last change to this file broke tar x. Sigh. (Trying to make sure we work
11:04.16CIA-2on file sizes between 2 and 4 gigs on 32 bit machines. For supporting >4 gigs,
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20:18.43*** join/#uclibc tchan (n=tchan@lunar-linux/developer/tchan)
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22:35.40*** join/#uclibc sjhill (

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