irclog2html for #uclibc on 20051107

00:12.49CIA-803psm * r12174 10uClibc/libc/string/ (6 files in 6 dirs): Disable multi build on asm files. i386/powerpc could be used if the source is splitted up
00:28.10psmmjn3: ping
01:07.59CIA-803psm * r12175 10uClibc/libc/string/ Enable multi, because the arch specific versions are non-multi now
01:24.37*** join/#uclibc landley (
01:27.50landleyWhy does lash's command interpreter parse escape sequences?  (Ala \n?)
01:28.50landleyOk, why does it attempt to parse them, and fail?
01:28.59landley(Try "echo hello\tworld"
01:29.06landleyor echo hello\n
01:29.14landleyand contrast that with echo hello\n\n\n
01:29.32landleyWhich for some reason gives hello
01:29.32landleylash: tcsetpgrp: Operation not permitted
01:33.27landleyIt's actually good to know there _is_ a bb_process_escape_sequence(), though.
01:33.30landleySed should be using it...
01:57.55landleyAh, remembering fun sed corner cases...
01:57.59landleyecho "henry" | sed 's\nr\aa\'
01:58.07landleyProduces "heaay"
01:58.19landleyBecause \ is the delimeter, so \n and \a don't get parsed...
01:58.48landleyThe sequencing of this stuff was _finicky_, and I'm about to perturb it...
01:58.54landleyTime to make a test case...
02:02.37landleyI'm trying to remember what sed -i - is supposed to do...
02:02.43landleyModify a file called "-", I suspect...
02:07.26landleyDarn it, busybox sed is failing the "henry" test at present...
02:07.39landleySo the sequencing is already screwed up.  Toldja it was tricksy...
02:24.50*** join/#uclibc thraxisp (
03:19.56*** join/#uclibc ambroseL (
04:43.20*** join/#uclibc varun (
04:43.52varunhey anyone has idea how can i use ncurses with uclibc?
04:44.17varunhow can I build it so that I can compile my code using ncurses in busybox
04:44.33varunI don't want to use buildroot
04:44.59varunanyone there?
05:02.11*** join/#uclibc enerv (
05:14.39varunany one there
05:29.26*** join/#uclibc enerv (
06:03.21mjn3varun: if you don't want to use buildroot, fine.  but that isn't stopping you from seeing how buildroot does it and then doing it yourself
06:05.21varunthanks for that great help
06:06.32mjn3you want personalized help, feel free to offer me a contract.  you're already using thousands of lines of my code so i wouldn't be complaining if i were you
06:08.06mjn3one of buildroot's purposes is to show of how to use uClibc with a number of packages
06:08.25mjn3saves answering the same question millions of times
06:10.32varunthis is my contract ..
06:11.08varunbut neways will thought abt it
06:52.31*** join/#uclibc landley (
06:58.48landleySniffle.  Broke my beautiful test suite...
06:58.55landley(Putting the pieces back together...)
06:59.07landleyAdmittedly, with new design issues...
07:06.20landley... Tumbleweeds drift past.  Sound of wind blowing...
07:14.41*** join/#uclibc _cow (
07:25.52landleyMy recent foray back into the land of busybox sed has reminded me I need to beat the sed test suite into submission.
07:26.16landleyWhich reminded me that the testsuite code I was doing kinda got hijacked when I let it stall...
07:26.27landleySo I'm trying to shoehorn its original intent back in.
07:26.46landleyGot redone, now I need to bang on runtests to move what belongs there.
07:26.57landleyThen clean up the individual .tests files to the new notation.
07:27.06landleyWhat I do for fun on a sunday evening...
08:28.13*** join/#uclibc vrm (
08:39.50cow``landley, would the combine patch be acceptable if i'd beat it into producing same-sized code as before for gcc-3.4 ?
08:50.57CIA-803landley * r12176 10busybox/testsuite/ (8 files): (log message trimmed)
08:50.58CIA-8Fix the test suite so that individual *.tests files can be run ala
08:51.19landleycow: for 1.1, gcc 3.2 and 3.3 are still going to be used by people.
08:51.35landleyYou'd have to make it optional, somehow.
08:51.50landleyAnd the added complexity for an optional feature would be a hard sell.
08:52.15landleyFor 1.2, we can basically say "3.4 and up are the recommended compilers" and accept a size penalty for 3.2 and 3.3.
08:52.19landleyBut not for 1.1.
08:52.37landleyOn a side note: do you think you can get it to produce same-sized code for 3.4?
08:52.58landley(Keep in mind that I want to ship 1.1 by the end of the year.  There will probably be a -rc1 in early December.  Then in January, we open the -devel tree for 1.2.)
08:53.07landleySo I'm only suggesting holding off for about two months.
08:55.47cow``landley, i could look into making it equal size for 3.4, i didn't do so yet, just concentrated on 4.1, as that's the one im most interrested in.
08:56.00*** join/#uclibc psaksa (
08:56.09landleyIs 4.1 out yet?
08:56.10cow``landley, holding it off until 1.2 is out is basically ok with me
08:56.19landleyUntil 1.1 is out, you mean. :)
08:56.40cow``landley, no, not yet. But from what i got, it ought to go into freeze later this year
08:56.58cow``landley, yes right. until 1.1 is out
08:57.12landleyCool.  Just wondering if I needed to upgrade my Firmware build to a whole new compiler so quickly...
08:58.18landleyI hath gotted the test suite beatened back into shape.  Forsooth.
08:58.30landley(I just confused everybody on the list who doesn't have english as their first language.)
08:58.30cow``landley, i only put emphasis on tweaking flags a bit for 4.1, and i'm almost certain that some of those tweaks did actually hurt the 3.x series (strength-reduce, for one, also the last checked entry which is related to strength-reduce)
08:58.55landleyKeep in mind that in 3.2 at least, some of the flags are actually _buggy_.
08:59.10landleyWe're going to need to introduce a "platform.h" file at some point.
08:59.30landleyI'm starting to stumble across #ifdef NEWLIB crap in various parts of busybox.  (#ifdef uclibc was bad enough...)
08:59.37landleyWe need to bury that in header files.
09:00.03landleyI'm not sure how we'd go about doing something similar for makefiles, but you get the general idea...
09:00.28landley(And yes, I've stumbled across #ifdef glibc, too.  Or perhaps it was GNU_C.)
09:06.35CIA-803landley * r12177 10busybox/testsuite/TODO: It was a bit out of date.
09:09.24landleyTime to wander home, the coffee shop's closing up. :(
09:09.31landley(It used to be 24 hours.  Mope.  Sulk.  Pout...)
09:12.55*** part/#uclibc cow`` (n=cow``
10:10.18ZtaHm, I have a clock somewhere that's running too fast.
10:11.00ZtaAbout ever 60 secs in real life, my system has gained 2 secs.
10:11.10ZtaNow I'm trying to debug this.
10:11.42ZtaThe crystal clock on board will most likely proove to run as expected.
10:11.59ZtaBut how is that clock ever handed to Linux?
10:12.48ZtaI use UBoot.  Isn't it UBoot that tells Linux how fast the clock is?  That converts the clock to Linux' 100 HZ?
10:12.58ZtaCan anyone please help?
10:13.41ZtaCan I see or read the clock configuration from UBoot in its prompt or when booting?
10:15.08ZtaIs there any useable information from Linux itself (/proc/time-or-something?), or is it completely lost, once UBoot has lied to it about the clock on the outside world?
12:01.11ashesthe operating system can't keep time
12:04.34ZtaHow does Linux know how fast the external clock runs?
12:04.38ZtaWhere do I configure that?
12:05.16ashesthere's no way for linux to know whether the clock is running fast or not
12:05.45ashesyou should run ntpd to sync the clock with an outside source
12:22.31ZtaI am talking about hardware here
12:45.09*** join/#uclibc Masta-G (
12:45.17*** join/#uclibc prpplague (n=billybob@
12:49.15Masta-Glatest uclibc cvs is still broken for sh
12:49.18Masta-G../../libpthread/linuxthreads/libpthread_so.a(attr.os): In function `__pthread_attr_setstacksize':
12:49.18Masta-G: undefined reference to `__pthread_max_stacksize'
12:49.18Masta-G../../libpthread/linuxthreads/libpthread_so.a(attr.os): In function `__pthread_attr_setstacksize':
12:49.18Masta-G: undefined reference to `__pthread_init_max_stacksize'
12:49.19Masta-Gmake[3]: *** [../../lib/] Error 1
12:49.21Masta-Gmake[3]: Leaving directory `/home/mastag/dc/buildroot/toolchain_build_sh4/uClibc/libpthread/linuxthreads'
12:49.23Masta-Gmake[2]: *** [_dir_linuxthreads] Error 2
12:52.18Masta-Gnot using the latest snapshot of uclibc will work though
13:09.43prpplagueis andersee the only one actively reviewing issues for buildroot?
13:15.27*** join/#uclibc ade_br (n=ademar@
13:26.01*** join/#uclibc psm (
13:53.20prpplaguevapier: don't suppose you've had a chance to re-look over that patch submission for the arm variants additions
14:03.52*** join/#uclibc Negative[work] (n=negative@
14:08.17*** join/#uclibc sjhill (
14:18.54psmsjhill: ping
14:22.48sjhillpsm: pong
14:23.42psmhow much have you change for nptl directly related to files in current uClibc svn ?
14:23.54psmless Makefile*
14:24.09sjhillevery filed in ldso/ldos and ldso/lidbl
14:24.23sjhillprobably 10 files in 'include'
14:24.47sjhillprobably another 10 or 12 files in the libc code
14:25.00sjhillobviously the entire libpthread/nptl directory is brand new
14:25.31psmthe newly added files are not important, only the changed ones
14:26.32sjhillthe kicker is that there are files in libpthread/nptl that are actually compiled in libpthread/nptl, but are linked in to libc
14:27.34psmthis should be probably done also in linuxthreads I think, now libc code is "polluted" w/ some weaks to overcome this
14:28.23psmhow have you solved this (to add files from nptl to libc , where should I look ?
14:29.00sjhillhold on
14:30.38psmif you add your changes to the mainline files, I could try to make you the needed support in new build system ( I am using code currently that goes to ldso and libc.a , so the one for nptl shouldnt be a problem as well)
14:32.40sjhilllook for the '' and '' targets
14:33.10sjhillalso, the AR_LIBP_CSRC, SO_LIBP_CSRC, etc.
14:34.04sjhillthose targets are called by 'libc/Makefile'
14:34.11sjhillthose two files will show you how i did things
14:34.27sjhillthere are 4 or 5 levels of directories in nptl that have objects
14:34.34sjhillerr, maybe just 2 or 3
14:39.53sjhillpsm: find everything okay?
14:57.33psmsjhill: what should be ok?
15:04.25psmsjhill: *routines = means <routine>.c source files ?
15:07.27psmthe only diff between AR_LIBP and SO_LIBP are static/shared-only-routines and pt-allocrtsig or SO_LIBP are built w/ -DSHARED and AR_LIBP w/o ?
15:07.49sjhillthat's possible
15:07.58sjhilli'd have to look through all of the makefiles in nptl
15:12.15psmI think you meant AR_LIBC and SO_LIBC  (not LIBP)
15:14.55*** join/#uclibc __cow (
15:23.30psmsjhill: I wonder why the only file built w/ -DNOT_IN_libc is pthread_atfork.c
15:25.47psmnot true, havent looked at Rules.mak
15:30.01sjhilldown the road, it may be possible to simplify the compile flags
15:30.14sjhilla lot of those trigger different things in header files
15:30.27sjhillthe dependencies are horrific to say the least
15:30.43sjhillthe progression will be to eliminate the 'nptl/compat' directory first
15:30.47sjhilland then address the compile flags
15:31.00psmwhy do you have the clone/vfork asm files in there?
15:31.13sjhillprobably because i have not deleted them
15:31.22sjhilli have  private todo list that is not on my website
15:31.27psmwell, due to -DSHARED been used in pthreadP.h, almost everything has to be built twice
15:33.20sjhilli highly suggest you go with what is my makefiles and not try to optimize things right now
15:33.31sjhillthe stuff is going to change again before i finish
15:41.02*** part/#uclibc uriahheep (
15:41.38*** join/#uclibc thraxisp (
16:13.03*** join/#uclibc tchan (n=tchan@lunar-linux/developer/tchan)
16:20.02*** join/#uclibc mjn3-work (
16:20.57psmmjn3-work: ping
16:27.14mjn3-workpsm: hey
16:28.17psmmjn3-work: hi, was  libc/misc/pthread/weaks.c created by you?
16:29.29sjhillblame Canada^H^H^H^H^H^H andersee
16:30.46psmsjhill: am I right, that this could need a similar treatment as you do w/ nptl LIBC/LIBP so that files get compiled into libc instead of libpthread?
16:30.53*** join/#uclibc andersee (
16:31.08psmwhen you speak of the wolf ;)
16:31.23sjhillpsm: yes, i had to modify that file
16:31.35sjhillbut it's pretty much all andersee's fault
16:33.43psmmjn3-work: is the comment in libc/string/wstring.c about not doing any changes to this file valid currently too ?
16:36.15mjn3-workdon't worry about it.  a haven't even looked at elks in ages so i'm not worried about it building for that anymore
16:43.24mjn3-worksjhill: does nptl support priority inheritence protocol attributes for mutexes?  that would be PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT
16:46.22anderseesjhill: morning
16:46.30anderseemy fault eh?
16:50.01psmare the lines 24-25 necessary in libc/misc/pthread/weaks.c and if yes, do they have to use __P ?
16:56.12sjhillmjn3-work: don't know. i haven't had to go to that level yet
16:56.26sjhillmjn3-work: grep through the nptl directory on glibc and it it's in there, then yes :)
17:27.22*** join/#uclibc waldi (
17:46.02*** join/#uclibc nitinkg (
18:11.59*** join/#uclibc woglinde (
20:44.05enervpsm, hello
20:45.33psmI have seen that already ...
20:47.01psmyou should apply the buildroot patches to gcc, then try again
20:47.14psmalso to binutils
20:47.53psmtarget i486-linux-gnu means glibc
20:48.41enervpsm, which the sequence to create toolchain?  uClibc binutils to after GCC?
20:48.54psmsee what buildroot does, it can create it for you
20:49.22psmnormally binutils, headers, gcc, uclibc
20:50.59enervpsm, hnnn, thanks maybe this is problem. i'm constructing toolchain for Debian
20:51.45psmdebian does not include uclibc related patches...
20:52.43enervpsm, yes, but i'm packing together patchs buildroot
20:52.50enervgcc, binutils
20:53.24enervpsm, binutils-i386-uclibc-cross_2.16.1-1_i386.deb its ok
20:53.51psmbinutils has gotten most of the uclibc related patches upstream
20:54.28enervpsm, hnnn good... but i need this now, for dd's working in new plataform
20:54.51enervafter i'm concert this
20:55.08psmbut not in 2.16.1
20:56.15psmit is in the hjl versions probably from up
20:57.21enervpsm, hnnn no problem :) for the time being I go using patchs of buildroot
21:05.39enervpsm, thanks psm
21:07.44psmI would rather use gcc-3.4.4
21:08.11psmthat is far more tested then gcc-4
23:15.15*** join/#uclibc _cow (
23:19.51CIA-803vapier * r12178 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/sparc/sys/trap.h: old header file
23:20.09CIA-803vapier * r12179 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/ (alpha/bits/types.h sparc/bits/types.h): use the common/bits/types.h since it has proper 64bit support now
23:41.12CIA-803vapier * r12180 10uClibc/libpthread/linuxthreads/ (internals.h pthread.c): implement __pthread_init_max_stacksize() which is required for FLOATING_STACKS

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