irclog2html for #uclibc on 20050918

00:59.08CIA-1003landley * r11493 10busybox/ (include/applets.h miscutils/less.c): First cleanup pass, from Rob Sullivan. More to be done...
02:01.00*** join/#uclibc SpanKY (
04:36.06*** join/#uclibc andersee (
04:42.00CIA-1003vapier * r11494 10buildroot/ ( package/ add sf mirrors list in help (fix by Bernhard Fischer) and allow people to add custom prefix/suffix to builds
04:43.35CIA-1003vapier * r11495 10busybox/miscutils/ (log message trimmed)
04:43.35CIA-10Bernhard Fischer writes:
04:43.35CIA-10Attached patch moves bbconfig's entry in in the alphabetically
05:18.43*** join/#uclibc remus (
05:43.27*** join/#uclibc _cow (
08:02.55JockeHomeSpanKY: ldr ip, .L_GOT+4/* _fini */
08:02.55JockeHomeldr a1, [sl, ip]
08:02.55JockeHomestr a1, [sp, #-4]!/* Push _fini */
08:02.55JockeHomeldr ip, .L_GOT+8/* _init */
08:02.55JockeHomeldr a4, [sl, ip]
08:03.00JockeHomeldr ip, .L_GOT+12/* main */
08:03.02JockeHomeldr a1, [sl, ip]
08:03.20SpanKYah, that'd do it heh
08:05.17SpanKYso wtf, if _fini == 0, what's going to happen to that code ?
08:06.00SpanKYi'll commit my fix for the non-PIC case
08:06.43JockeHomefini == 0 is OK
08:07.09JockeHomebut swapping fini and main isn't
08:07.20CIA-1003vapier * r11496 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/arm/crt1.S: declare _init/_fini weak if UCLIBC_CTOR_DTOR is not defined
08:11.01JockeHomeSpanKY: I think crt is always compiled with PIC for some reseon I don't recall
08:11.15SpanKYi think you're right, i recall seeing that behavior
08:11.28SpanKYi dont think it's right, but what do i know ;)
08:11.30JockeHomelook at powerpc, see if you can use that
08:11.39JockeHomeit isnt :)
08:12.04JockeHomebut it doesn't matter
08:12.22SpanKYwhat you use in ppc i use in some other archs
08:12.25SpanKYlike i386
08:12.36*** join/#uclibc remus_ (
08:12.37SpanKYbut those other arches dont declare _init/_fini like arm does
08:13.15JockeHomeright, so it may not work.
08:13.40JockeHomeIn that case I think you need to force int/fini to zero
08:13.49JockeHome.word 0
08:14.14SpanKYright, but what does the asm do ?
08:14.43SpanKYerr nm
08:15.08SpanKYi'm outs for now
08:16.31JockeHomepossibly like this:
08:16.34JockeHome# ifdef __UCLIBC_CTOR_DTOR__
08:16.35JockeHome# else
08:17.15JockeHomegetting late?
10:39.56*** join/#uclibc steelman (
10:40.02steelmanhello All
10:41.23steelmanoneliner for package/iptables/
10:41.55steelman<                $(BUILD_DIR)/uClibc/include/bits/uClibc_config.h;" $(IPTABLES_BUILD_DIR)/Makefile
10:42.15steelman>               $(BUILD_DIR)/staging_dir/uClibc/include/bits/uClibc_config.h;" $(IPTABLES_BUILD_DIR)/Makefile
10:43.57steelmanoops, the the '>' is wrong, the correct one is
10:44.09steelman>               $(BUILD_DIR)/staging_dir/include/bits/uClibc_config.h;" $(IPTABLES_BUILD_DIR)/Makefile
12:13.24cowsteelman, there's also something amiss in buildroot if you happen to need to pass an argument to the HOSTCC.. try make HOSTCC="gcc -fpermissive" and see it fail in various places (I've got a trivial patch to make this work, fwiw).
12:53.07*** join/#uclibc _cow (
14:14.58CIA-1003jocke * r11497 10uClibc/ldso/ (include/dl-hash.h ldso/dl-hash.c): Remove unused function.
14:18.03JockeHomesteelman: $(BUILD_DIR)/staging_dir/include/bits/uClibc_config.h;" $(IPTABLES_BUILD_DIR)/Makefile
14:18.35JockeHomenot good to have staging_dir hardcoded
14:19.42JockeHomeand use diff -u for patches
14:39.48*** join/#uclibc cow (
17:08.48*** join/#uclibc steelman_ (
17:09.05steelman_JockeHome, back again, no staging_dir? ok what do you suggeest instead
17:10.00JockeHomesteelman: try find a variable that points to staging_dir
17:11.20JockeHomeI think the name staging_dir is configurable, isn't it?
17:11.58steelman_JockeHome, let's see...
17:14.50steelman_JockeHome, yeah, right. $(STAGING_DIR)
17:15.28steelmanJockeHome, wait a moment, i'll patch
17:16.19steelmanJockeHome, works :)
17:16.43JockeHomeread my comments about patch and post a proper patch :)
17:17.21JockeHomeneed to check what my kids are doing, back later
17:17.41steelman--- package-old/iptables/        2005-09-18 12:39:27.000000000 +0200
17:17.47steelman+++ package/iptables/        2005-09-18 19:15:56.000000000 +0200
17:17.52steelman@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
17:18.12steelman-               $(BUILD_DIR)/uClibc/include/bits/uClibc_config.h;" $(IPTABLES_BUILD_DIR)/Makefile
17:18.16steelman+               $(STAGING_DIR)/include/bits/uClibc_config.h;" $(IPTABLES_BUILD_DIR)/Makefile
17:33.10steelmanok I've filed it in the bugtracking system
17:34.31steelmanthere should be, at least one category more: "Building system". there will always be some bugs related to makefiles and other building scripts eg. menuconfigs.
17:47.40CIA-1003jocke * r11498 10buildroot/package/iptables/ Patch from steelman. fixes bug 437.
17:48.39JockeHomesteelman: there is a buildroot category.
18:04.24*** join/#uclibc steelman (
18:19.35JockeHomesteelman: there is a buildroot category.
18:46.25steelmanJockeHome, the category where one can choose between: Architecture Specifig, Documentation, New Features, etc.
20:01.10*** join/#uclibc cow (
20:09.42cowanyone up to applying the fix to make bbconfig compile and work again?
20:15.05*** join/#uclibc andersee (
20:19.37JockeHomeif you want to test x86_64 lazy binding
20:28.23SpanKYJockeHome: hmm i'll try that, thanks
20:49.49*** join/#uclibc ashes (
20:50.32*** join/#uclibc pmjdebruijn (
20:50.54pmjdebruijnexport/tools/lib/gcc-lib/mipsel-linux/2.96/../../../../mipsel-linux/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /export/tools/lib/gcc-lib/mipsel-linux/2.96/../../../../mipsel-linux/lib/, may conflict with
20:51.00pmjdebruijndoes this look familiar to anybody here?
20:51.29pmjdebruijni'm trying to compile a C program which doesn't have autoconf/automake support for different architectures
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20:56.02JockeHomeSpanKY: Anytime soon?
20:57.24SpanKYtoday sometime ;)
20:57.36SpanKYgoing through accumulated e-mails ;)
21:20.47JockeHomegot 1 or 2 hours before bedtime
22:27.34JockeHomeSpanKY: Where is resolve.S for x86_64?

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