irclog2html for #uclibc on 20050806

00:05.23nitinkgandersee, how can I configure uclibc for UCLIBC_HAS_SOFT_FLOAT=y
00:05.38nitinkgI know its in TODO
00:06.19nitinkgbut just curious, if I should hack my way in Rules.mak or command line
00:09.32nitinkgoops, nm, its __UCLIBC_HAS_SOFT_FLOAT__
01:19.33*** join/#uclibc ShadowJK (
01:28.50*** join/#uclibc n2n (nobody@n2n.user)
03:21.52*** join/#uclibc paravoid (
04:19.33*** join/#uclibc tadow (
04:20.08tadowoh, i am root, nevermind
04:20.30tadowhey i wanted to thank you guys for the buildroot tools, so far its working great!
04:20.42tadowI am building a toolchain so I can cross-compile apps for MIPS
04:22.55*** join/#uclibc tadow (
04:23.35tadowanyone still logged on tonight?
04:34.50*** join/#uclibc El-Lotso (~Lotso@
05:36.25*** join/#uclibc simmo (
05:36.41simmobuildroot gives me an error with dm
05:37.00simmorm: cannot remove `/mnt/hda1/buildroot/build_i386/root/usr/lib/': No such file or directory
05:37.38simmopresumably at # Makes a symlink to
05:37.52simmoin package/dm/
05:38.39simmoi'm not sure how to fix the error.
05:39.58simmoi will probably try to continue build without dm for now
05:42.34simmoi'm not sure what's a quick way to pick up the build from where i left off, minus dm
05:43.24simmoi also got some other error/wierdness earlier, fyi
05:43.53simmobuildroot uclibc says:
05:43.53simmoCurrent kernel version is 2.4.31
05:43.53simmoUsing kernel headers from 2.4.31 for architecture 'i386'
05:44.08simmodespite i asked to build with 2.6.12 headers, and they were downloaded
05:44.28simmoearlier i started a build with default headers, dunno if this may be why
05:44.40simmoor if its supposed to do that?
05:44.53simmoinstead of
05:45.05simmothe version of dhcp is moved on the file server
05:46.33*** join/#uclibc SpanKY (
07:23.18*** join/#uclibc El-Lotso (~Lotso@
07:28.45*** join/#uclibc andersee (
08:53.16*** join/#uclibc alex-ii (~alekseyb@
08:53.59alex-iiWhat are the main differences between dietlibc and uclibc?  Is there documentation available on this matter?
09:20.09simmouclibc is more generic i think
09:20.18simmoand more mature
09:22.00alex-iiI did google.  Even more, I did source.
09:22.26alex-iithe only big problem i noticed with diet is absence of good dynamic linking
09:23.36simmook, then you know more than me
09:24.06simmosomeone has compiled all/most of debian using uclibc i think
09:25.40alex-iiyes, i read about this in the news -- woody
09:27.40simmoi am only a wannabe user
09:29.58simmoi answered because i think everyone else here is asleep
09:30.30alex-iishould be mostly from usa
09:31.00simmo"In general it tries to provide glibc compatibility so that porting applications to the smaller uClibc is quite easy."
09:31.44simmoi think this is the main thing .. uclibc tries very hard and is very successful at that
09:32.13simmoother small c libs tend to be more aimed at people developing for those libs, and maybe get a bit smaller because of it
09:33.25alex-iithank you
09:35.31simmowhat is your impression? have you tried building code with it yet?
09:35.46alex-iii did with diet, not much with uclibc
09:35.54alex-iidiet appears to be always smaller
09:36.20alex-iii haven't seen diet based distros, but apparantly a lot of djbware could run on it without problems
09:36.43simmoyes, i think diet can only get you so far
09:37.10simmoand if you need to go further and still stay small, mixing them wouldn't help
09:37.17simmosince as you mentioned, the static linking
09:37.43simmoin the long run, dynamic linking means smaller overall size
09:38.35alex-iiyes --- i know of a single floppy distro usinc uclibc (called nethack) --- no static asm coded binaries
09:47.13simmojust found this has much more info than the buildroot site
09:50.04anderseealex-ii: dietlibc is also GPL, vs uClibc's LGPL
09:50.19alex-iithat's not too big of a difference
09:50.37anderseealex-ii: dietlibc being GPL prevents all commercial use...
09:51.06alex-iiyes.  so?
09:51.27alex-iithe author could negotiate a separate license for $$$
09:51.57simmobut when its authors its harder to do that
09:52.03simmoand gpl usually means authors
09:52.09anderseealex-ii: nope.  The author of dietlibc has included code from others and is thus not exclusive copyright holder
09:52.20alex-iiaah, more interesting here
09:52.55anderseeuClibc on the other hand is LGPL and I began working on it from day one with the intention of allowing commercial use
09:54.12anderseemany many commercial products use uClibc these days
09:54.21alex-iicould somebody explain me why people hate locale system so much?
09:54.31alex-iiIs there a better alternative to it?
09:54.40anderseealex-ii: because it is huge?
09:54.46alex-iiI noticed the same craze in openbsd
09:55.02alex-iiisn't it extra 300k for *all* locales in uclibc?
09:55.51anderseealex-ii: true, due to a great deal of work by mjn3 to eliminate many types of encoding redundancy in the data...
09:55.54alex-iiand, i could go with only a few kbs if i need only a few locales...
09:56.19alex-iiso, what's the problem with the system then?
09:56.50alex-iithe other question: it seems that more assembly is used in dietlibc.  why does not uclibc take this approach?
09:57.08alex-ii(are benefits of assembly simply not worth it?)
09:57.34anderseealex-ii: because writing asm is hard and often processor specific
09:57.59anderseethe most efficient for for a 486 may cause pipeline stalls on a p4
09:58.07alex-iiI could say that writing in c is hard too.  Same as learning ml after c
09:58.22alex-iilanguage gets easy with more experience
09:58.28alex-iiyes, i understand
09:58.42anderseeusing C allows compiler improvements to directly improve the code
09:59.03anderseeusing C greatly simplifies makes changes and fixes
09:59.19anderseeusing C allows much more code to be shared across architectures
09:59.58alex-iiwere the benefits better in the long run?
10:00.11anderseeusing C is the unix way...
10:00.12simmouclibc has grown very quickly imho
10:00.29simmoi think assembly would have slowed that growth significantly
10:00.40simmobut i am not a coder ;) i just watch many projects
10:01.16anderseeasm code written for the PDP-11 is now worthless, while C code written for the PDP-11 is generally still usable with minor tweaks....
10:01.54anderseeit has been my goal for uClibc to only use asm when using C is simply not possible
10:02.04alex-iisimmo: asm is used because it's sometimes more expressive than C.  Even more, compiler generated asm is not always the most efficent.
10:02.22anderseewhich is an effective strategy for cross arch support
10:02.29alex-iithe point is that good handcrafted asm if used appropriately could provide big benefits
10:02.39alex-iinote, i'm not advocating more of its use in uclibc
10:03.16anderseealex-ii: nobody cares how fast strtok is...  The stuff folks care about are memcpy, strcpy, etc
10:03.17simmoa good approach generally seems to be first write in C then improve key sections using asm replacements
10:03.44anderseealex-ii: and for those, uClibc does use (optional) platform specifc asm
10:03.51simmobut keep compatibility with the old C so archs can be ported easily
10:04.14alex-iiyes, i noticed that asm
10:04.22alex-iiwhat about math?
10:04.36alex-ii(actually, the only question, others are moot)
10:04.43simmoalex-ii, do you code asm?
10:04.43alex-ii..about asm
10:04.53alex-iiyes, for x86 mostly
10:05.12alex-iiwhen i get access to arm, i'll take onto its asm
10:07.26anderseealex-ii: folk concerned only with x86, and yerning for absolute max hand coded asm performance with min possible size for x86 asm would do well to stick with
10:08.09alex-iiyeah, x86 is very common now
10:08.15alex-ii... and horrible ;-)
10:08.27alex-iibut, it smells like a flamewar
10:08.33anderseealex-ii: uClibc has somewhat similar goals, but is intended to be 100% standard compliant, and more flexible, complete, and cross platform
10:09.16alex-iidiet supports a lot platforms too
10:09.26alex-iinot so much about standards, indeed, though
10:09.52alex-ii100%?  it scares me.  does it mean bloat would be introduced?
10:10.08anderseealex-ii: as with everything there are tradeoffs.  you pick what is important to you are go with it.
10:10.54anderseealex-ii: uClibc is configurable.  Dont need posix wordexp(), rpc support, etc.  fine.  Turn those off.
10:10.58simmo  <-- i love this, but it's not very useful
10:13.16alex-iithat looks very good
10:13.27simmoyes, it's incredible
10:13.44simmobut not very portable
10:13.48alex-iiwhy is rootfs so big?
10:13.58alex-iisimmo: ~12 architectures...
10:13.58simmorootfs is small
10:14.10alex-iiit's big
10:14.14simmoit has gcc
10:14.29alex-iihas anybody tried to use a smaller compiler?
10:15.00simmowell then i think you lose a lot of optimisations, so really would need to use asm a lot
10:15.10simmobut i don't know many smaller free compilers
10:15.31simmo. o O (you were made as well as we could make you)
10:16.07anderseealex-ii: alledgedly tcc works --
10:16.57anderseealex-ii: from the dude that does qemu
10:17.44anderseealex-ii: tcc it small and very fast, though the resulting code is nowhere near as good as what gcc produces
10:17.55alex-ii"not as good" ?
10:17.59alex-iiwhat do you mean
10:18.37simmolike you were saying re asm vs gcc output
10:19.32anderseenat as good means if you care much much more about compiler speed than code speed, by all means use tcc
10:19.51anderseeif you care more about code speed, gcc is a much better choice
10:20.04LeaChimwhat about code size?
10:20.38anderseeand tell the rest of us
10:21.48paravoidiirc tcc is having one single goal: compile speed
10:22.08alex-iiwhat about digitalmars?
10:22.12paravoidthey've managed to make a working Linux system to be compiled on the fly...
10:22.53alex-ii"on the fly"?
10:23.19simmocompiles the kernel before booting
10:23.44simmopresumably boots only in a limited range of hw
10:24.03simmoand he mentions only one version of kernel tested
10:24.11simmobut again, incredible
10:24.55anderseei.e. bootloader executes tcc, which first compiles the kernel, then boots the newly compiled kernel all in about 15 seconds
10:25.26anderseenot all that useful, but a pretty neat trick
10:25.37alex-iiwait... but does tcc need to use system calls at all?
10:26.15simmowhat is the answer to this question? if i specify 2.6.12 in buildroot, should it compile uclibc with 2.6.12 as well?
10:26.27simmoi guess i shoulda used a snapshot uclibc ...
10:26.42alex-iithank you
10:28.02anderseesimmo: that shouldn't have happened.  disconnect between buildroot .config and uClibc .config I suspect
10:29.19simmoi am wondering if i should build the last release version of buildroot first, then use that to build a snapshot
10:29.29simmoor something
10:29.39simmolots of variables to untangle when something gets wrong
10:30.08simmowhat is the make target if i want to clean up but leave the downloaded sources intact?
10:30.33paravoidandersee: so should I/we expect .28 any time soon? :P
10:30.44paravoidandersee: I want to create usarge before september
10:31.16anderseeparavoid: I've stated it a few times, but the current plan is for mid august
10:31.28paravoidandersee: oh, I'm sorry, haven't seen it.
10:32.14alex-iithank you
10:32.19alex-iii have to go now
10:32.20alex-iicu later
10:32.56paravoidandersee: I'm trying to figure out a way to build usarge (or etch/sid for that matter) easily every time uclibc's ABI breaks
10:33.06paravoidandersee: something like buildroot but for Debian :)
10:33.14*** join/#uclibc LeaChim (
10:33.28anderseeparavoid: some work to that effect using has been done using scratchbox
10:33.33paravoidandersee: maybe cross-compiling with a proper toolchain in a standard Debian...
10:33.39anderseeparavoid: some work to that effect has been done using scratchbox
10:34.53anderseeparavoid: see this paper
10:35.22paravoidI wanted to make it to dc5 soo much :/
10:38.14paravoidthanks, seems very helpful :)
12:27.35JockeHometrying to run ltp on ppc, but ltp needs getopts. Where do I get getopt?
12:28.02JockeHomeDo I need perl also?
12:49.26JockeHomefound getopts, now I get:
12:49.33JockeHome./runltp -i 1024 -m 128 -p -q  -l /tmp/resultlog.80 -d /root/ltp-full-20050707/
12:49.49JockeHome[: /root/ltp-full-20050707/runtest/syscalls: unknown operand
12:49.49JockeHomeFATAL: missing scenario file /root/ltp-full-20050707/runtest/syscalls
12:51.56JockeHomelooks like [ isn't working:
12:52.04JockeHome> [
12:52.20JockeHome-sh: Cannot fork
13:01.35JockeHomewill try latest busybox
14:05.03solar[ starts a subshell?
14:57.34JockeHomesolar: looks like it, but now it seems like ltp is doing something that corrupts my system
15:00.38JockeHomehmm, ltp causes lots of .nfsxxxxxxxx files to be created
15:14.12*** join/#uclibc tadow (
15:19.03JockeHomeI get this when I run ltp and after that my system is nonfuctional:
15:19.07JockeHome[: /root/ltp-full-20050707/runtest/syscalls: unknown operand
15:19.07JockeHomeFATAL: missing scenario file /root/ltp-full-20050707/runtest/syscalls
15:20.14JockeHomemaybe a bug in uClibc that corrupts something?
15:49.14*** join/#uclibc GyrosGeier (
17:03.16*** join/#uclibc mfisch (
17:03.58mfischhas anyone built the au1500 buildroot before?
17:22.08*** join/#uclibc bl0w3r (~elven@
17:22.38*** join/#uclibc tony (
17:49.13bl0w3rhow can I activate the CGI from httpd ?
17:49.45*** join/#uclibc El-Lotso (~Lotso@
17:49.46bl0w3rhttpd -p 3120 -h /www -c /etc/httpd.conf -r "Autenthicate"
17:50.00bl0w3rand when the URL .cgi its call he can download!
17:55.58*** join/#uclibc agentgates (
17:57.29bl0w3r-d ? -e ?
18:11.26*** join/#uclibc JockeHome (~JockeHome@
22:32.58*** join/#uclibc tadow (
22:33.10tadowhey all
22:35.33tadowany gotten buildroot to work for MIPS recently?
22:36.02mjn3i've done at least 10 mipsel buildroot builds in the past 2 weeks
22:36.20tadowits working for me, sorta
22:36.57tadowthe compiler it builds is making Big Endian binaries, unfortunatel
22:37.35mjn3when was the last time you updated buildroot.  there was a problem like that some time back.  but that was perhaps 2 months ago
22:37.48tadowdownloaded last night's edition
22:37.56tadowtriple checked my settings....
22:38.31tadowthink an older edition might work?
22:38.39mjn3i'm using current
22:39.07tadowcould you email me your config (or put it somewhere), I would like to diff mine
22:41.53tadowone idea
22:41.55mjn3if your buildroot .config has BR2_mipsel=y and your uClibc .config has ARCH_SUPPORTS_LITTLE_ENDIAN=y, then you should be set
22:42.08tadowlemme check
22:46.06*** join/#uclibc tadow (
22:46.38tadowmjn3, I have BR2_mips=y
22:46.42tadownot mipsel=y
22:47.07vapierdid you select 'mipsel' in buildroot ?
22:47.31vapierTarget Architecture (mipsel)  --->
22:48.04tadowbtw, this tool is cool
22:48.54tadowI did find one bug though
22:49.14vapieri'm sure there's a bunch
22:49.18tadowin the menu, where it asks "How many jobs to run similtaneously"
22:49.31tadowit defaults to 1, and I cannot use the "Backspace" key
22:49.38tadowso when I try to change it to 2, I get 12
22:49.55vapiersounds like a terminal issue
22:50.05tadowjust using an xterm
22:50.20tadowanyway, try it next time you do a build
22:50.24tadownot a big deal
22:50.39vapieri just test it, works fine
22:50.48tadowok, my fault then
22:51.35tadowI selected mipsel
22:56.45tadowwell vapier, I am heading to a picnic, I will let you know if it works.  Thanks for the info
22:56.51tadowthanks mjn3 too
22:57.37*** part/#uclibc tadow (

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