irclog2html for #uclibc on 20050615

00:14.06*** join/#uclibc GyrosGeier (
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00:20.17*** join/#uclibc vapier ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:24.01*** join/#uclibc kergoth_ (
03:28.51*** join/#uclibc kergoth (
04:00.18*** join/#uclibc ibot (
04:00.19*** topic/#uclibc is uClibc - for discussion of uClibc and Busybox | uClibc 0.9.27 released 12 January 2005 | busybox 1.00 released 13 October 2004
04:09.31*** join/#uclibc kergoth (
05:17.37*** join/#uclibc Jenna (~cherryRed@
05:18.36*** part/#uclibc Jenna (~cherryRed@
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09:22.34*** join/#uclibc ambrose (
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11:49.09*** join/#uclibc GyrosGeier (
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12:42.04*** join/#uclibc sjhill (
12:58.49*** join/#uclibc rgb (
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13:29.34*** part/#uclibc Jenna (~cherryRed@
13:52.07*** join/#uclibc ambroseL (
14:03.27CIA-1003gkajmowi * r10542 10uClibc++/ (9 files in 3 dirs):
14:03.28CIA-10Assume that we offer C99 functions
14:03.28CIA-10Start using proper function hiding in header files
14:12.40*** join/#uclibc ibot (
14:12.40*** topic/#uclibc is uClibc - for discussion of uClibc and Busybox | uClibc 0.9.27 released 12 January 2005 | busybox 1.00 released 13 October 2004
14:44.09*** join/#uclibc lack (
14:44.21lacksolar: ping?
15:48.54CIA-1003gkajmowi * r10543 10uClibc++/ (58 files in 2 dirs): Changes to support symbol visibility attributes.
15:55.45*** join/#uclibc ibot (
15:55.45*** topic/#uclibc is uClibc - for discussion of uClibc and Busybox | uClibc 0.9.27 released 12 January 2005 | busybox 1.00 released 13 October 2004
16:43.41*** join/#uclibc ibot (
16:43.41*** topic/#uclibc is uClibc - for discussion of uClibc and Busybox | uClibc 0.9.27 released 12 January 2005 | busybox 1.00 released 13 October 2004
17:06.07*** join/#uclibc n2n (nobody@n2n.user) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:08.37*** join/#uclibc sjhill (
17:19.07*** join/#uclibc ibot (
17:19.07*** topic/#uclibc is uClibc - for discussion of uClibc and Busybox | uClibc 0.9.27 released 12 January 2005 | busybox 1.00 released 13 October 2004
17:19.57*** join/#uclibc keturn (
17:47.04*** join/#uclibc carlg (
19:34.34*** join/#uclibc pmjdebruijn (
19:34.37pmjdebruijnlo all
19:34.42pmjdebruijni just did a buildroot
19:34.45pmjdebruijneverything went fine
19:35.04pmjdebruijnbut how can I use my toolchain which I just built, to compile something else than the rootfs
19:35.15pmjdebruijnlike another webserver or my kernel?
19:35.47pmjdebruijnmake CC=/blah/xgcc
19:35.52pmjdebruijnwould that do?
19:35.56sjhillexport PATH=top-of-build-root/build_arch/staging_dir/bin:$PATH
19:36.25pmjdebruijnsjhill, that should work for my kernel too
19:37.28lackIs there a "preferred" way of adding libraries to buildroot so that libtool properly links them to applications later?  Like configuring them with '--prefix=$(STAGING_DIR)' or something?
19:38.04pmjdebruijnsjhill, hmm that dir doesn't contain a binary called gcc... it's all prefix with mipsel-linux-uclibc
19:38.28lackpmjdebruijn: It's supposed to be prefixed.  That's why it's safe to add that bin dir to the front of your path.
19:38.48lackKernel build process should automatically prefix 'mipsel-linux-' to all gcc calls.
19:39.28lackWhen cross-compiling apps, ofter doing configure with '--host=mipsel-linux --build=i686-linux' is enough so the build process knows what to do.  Usually.
19:41.26sjhillpmjdebruijn: yes, that's correct
19:42.07sjhillpmjdebruijn: as long as you put that in your path, you should be able to compile the kernel with no problems
19:43.27pmjdebruijnsjhill, thankyou
19:43.31pmjdebruijnlack, you too! thanks!
19:48.53pmjdebruijnhmmm right... quite clever actually :s
19:49.00pmjdebruijnworks like a charm
19:49.45lackKernel cross-compilation is great!  I'm having lots of problems with big ugly software like PHP.
19:54.17pmjdebruijnluckily i don't need to compile anything that complex in addition to my kernel
20:05.21lackLucky indeed.  I'm lucky that the other guy I'm working with has to cross-compile perl and not me :P
20:12.01vapiercross-compiling perl is a pita
20:12.07vapierthey have some ghetto system setup for it
20:12.13vapiervery user unfriendly
20:12.21coobdo you have to shoot someone to compile it?
20:12.23vapierbut at least they offer it unlike python
20:12.26coobor deal some drugs?
20:12.34kergothgoat sacrifice.
20:12.36vapierthat'd prob be easier than trying to cross-compile it
20:12.51coobdealing drugs and shooting people is easy
20:12.56coobgetting away with it is harder :/
20:15.39lackWe're thinking the "best" way may be to make a compiler for the embedded system and then pray we have enough RAM to compile it on the machine.
20:15.53lackThen just release a binary version of it or something.
20:25.25*** join/#uclibc ibot (
20:25.25*** topic/#uclibc is uClibc - for discussion of uClibc and Busybox | uClibc 0.9.27 released 12 January 2005 | busybox 1.00 released 13 October 2004
20:25.33*** join/#uclibc JockeHome (~JockeHome@
20:55.56anderseenothing to sacrifice
21:01.06kergothany spare virgins laying around? that might do
21:05.52lackSorry fresh out.
21:07.20*** join/#uclibc korpx (
21:08.50lackI must say though - buildroot is a kickass tool for cross-compiling.  We may have a bunch of new apps for buildroot shortly, including samba, php, and maybe perl and apache if they're not too damned hard.  Would you want them?
21:09.50anderseelack: probably
21:10.02anderseeminiperl is already present
21:10.18anderseecross compiling full blown perl is, umm, difficult
21:10.26korpxI'm developing a ramdisk based rescue-distro using uclibc and just recently partimage has been acting up. I am using the official 0.6.4 _static_ binary, and I can't move around with the cursor keys nor use the F-keys. Partimage works fine if I use commandline. Any ideas on what could be wrong with my system?
21:10.29lackI know, but apparently that's not "good enough" for the people we're doing this for.
21:10.51lackkorpx: Maybe ncurses or your termcap settings?
21:11.14lackThey only want "real" perl.
21:11.59korpxlack, hmm yes perhaps. Can't remember I've touched anything related to that recently though. hmm
21:12.34anderseelack: you can steal some stuff from kergoth's openembedded for cross compiling full blown perl
21:13.02anderseelack: needs adapting though, as that code was rather arm specific last I looked
21:13.44korpxlack, any pointers on how to punpoint the problem? is it possible to debug the partimage binary and see what resources it's using (or lacking)?
21:14.00korpx(punpoint?... that's a new one..)
21:16.49anderseekorpx: I suspect that doing a strace will reveal needed /etc/termino files are absent, or some such
21:17.52korpxandersee, I guess I'll just have to learn to use gdb then =)
21:19.03korpxTERM=linux. When I set it to xterm-color   I can move around, although the ncurses graphics doesn't look pretty
21:19.36anderseekorpx: and what is in /etc/terminfo/x/
21:19.56andersee/etc/terminfo/x/xterm-color present?
21:20.31korpxNo, my terminfo resides in /usr/share/
21:20.58lackandersee: I'll mention that to the other guy.  My job is samba, php, and apache.  2/3 there... just apache yet.
21:21.16korpxandersee, /usr/share/terminfo/linux and /usr/share/terminfo/l/linux exists
21:22.09lackAny tips on getting that to xcompile?
21:22.40anderseekorpx: just run strace on your program....
21:23.10anderseekorpx: I suspect you will quickly see why it is misbehaving
21:25.51korpxandersee, thanks. I'll see if I can get gdb on my rescue system. I can't debug partimage on my development system because it works there..
21:28.16korpxah strace.. ok
21:29.05anderseekorpx: indeed.  strace is a better choice tha gdb, at least for an initial check
21:34.34korpxandersee, "select(6, [0 5], [], [], NULL)               = -1 EBADF (Bad file descriptor)" is looping until I kill the process
21:43.18korpxthanks for the help. I'll go see if I can learn something :) nite nite
21:53.34*** join/#uclibc mallok (~mallok20@
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22:35.38*** join/#uclibc ngupta (

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