irclog2html for #uclibc on 20050530

01:42.51*** join/#uclibc ambroseL (~bjb@
03:40.13*** join/#uclibc robert_ (~chatzilla@
03:40.34*** part/#uclibc robert_ (~chatzilla@
03:45.53*** join/#uclibc sjhill (
04:16.14*** join/#uclibc divan (~divan@
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05:28.08*** join/#uclibc jenna (~cherryRed@
05:28.37*** part/#uclibc jenna (~cherryRed@
05:37.26*** join/#uclibc ashes (
06:13.42*** join/#uclibc provolone (
06:18.40provolonehow do I configure busybox to find uclibc ? how do I build mipsel-uclibc-gcc ? I have been using mipsel-linux-gcc.
06:21.58ashesmake CC=mipsel-uclibc-gcc menuconfig ?
06:22.03ashesi guessing
06:27.20provoloneI was just asking if it makes a difference and how everyone else is getting that file. I am having another problem related to "mipsel-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lc" and I was trying to back track and see where I have done things differently than everyone else
06:46.06provolonewhat if I want to supply the kernel headers directly with buildroot instead of downloading them
06:46.50*** join/#uclibc simmo (
07:13.23*** join/#uclibc psaksa (
08:33.51ashesthe kernel doesn't seem to get stripped very well
08:33.52*** join/#uclibc jenna (~cherryRed@
08:34.06ashesstrip -R .comment -R .note vmlinux
08:34.10*** part/#uclibc jenna (~cherryRed@
08:34.22ashesthat removed like 700KB
08:41.00*** join/#uclibc psaksa (
08:52.01*** join/#uclibc Jena (~cherryRed@
08:52.41*** part/#uclibc Jena (~cherryRed@
09:13.47*** join/#uclibc GyrosGei1r (
09:29.55*** join/#uclibc Jenna (~cherryRed@
09:30.07*** part/#uclibc Jenna (~cherryRed@
10:06.37*** join/#uclibc Md (md@md.staff.freenode)
10:07.57MdI need to compile an uclibc (cross)toolchain but I cannot use buildroot (because I must use the patched to death tarball provided by AXis), can somebody point me to some instructions?
10:24.28*** join/#uclibc ralf (
11:20.35*** join/#uclibc vrm (
11:21.15*** join/#uclibc Jenna (~cherryRed@
11:21.31*** part/#uclibc Jenna (~cherryRed@
12:14.44MdI finally managed to create an almost-working toolchain... the last issue is that binaries use /lib/ instead of the proper /lib/ how can I fix this?
12:35.57GyrosGeierMd, -dynamic-linker
12:36.14GyrosGeierMd, your specs file can set that
12:38.35Mdbut how can I build the toolchain correctly in the first place?
12:43.12GyrosGeierMd, patch the file that generates the specs file
12:43.41GyrosGeierMd, at least that's what I did to make it all work on the picotux
12:43.50GyrosGeierMd, and what I will submit to CVS as soon as it has been forward-patched to CVS
12:44.35GyrosGeierMd, (and which is what led me to accept armeb-unknown-uclinux-uclibc as a sane host triplet)
13:02.24MdGyrosGeier: it did not work... I added %{!dynamic-linker:-dynamic-linker /lib/}} to the "*link:" section of the specs file but looks like it's being ignored. do I need to put it somewhere else?
13:02.58GyrosGeierMd, no, that should work
13:03.44MdI checked with strace, and the file is being read. but cris-axis-linux-gnu-gcc -dumpspecs does not show my change, so I'm a bit puzzled...
13:04.19GyrosGeierMd, dumpspecs dumps the default specs, not the current ones AFAIK
13:04.50Mdyes, I see that it's not reading any file
13:05.47GyrosGeierMd, do you really close the single opening brace with two closing braces?
13:06.25Mdoops... yes, I pasted it from another specs file :-)
13:06.45Mdthis time it worked, thank you
13:09.38*** join/#uclibc vrm_ (
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13:36.47*** join/#uclibc mr_claus (
13:52.47GyrosGeierCan I always expect a PHDR at offset 0x34?
13:53.01GyrosGeierin a loaded ELF image, that is.
15:01.48*** join/#uclibc ambroseL (~bjb@
16:04.21*** join/#uclibc rfs (
16:44.41solardumpelf {/usr,}/{s,}bin/* | grep "Program Header #0" | sort -u
16:44.59solarand did not find a single case where the initial phdr was not at 0x34
17:10.59*** join/#uclibc JockeHome (~JockeHome@
17:22.57*** join/#uclibc SpanKYx (
17:32.42provolonein buildroot how can I specify a different kernel header ?
17:35.01*** join/#uclibc JockeHome (~JockeHome@
17:43.58*** join/#uclibc ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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17:45.45provoloneanyone ? I have a different kernel for my target than what is in the buildroot menconfig. How can I change to the correct one like in the uclibc config
17:55.44rfsprovolone: see toolchain/kernel-headers directory.
17:55.57rfsin particular the and files.
17:57.34solarGyrosGeie: still here?
18:12.25provolonecant I just use uclibc without buildroot ?
18:12.48provolonethis buildroot is overbloated
18:14.21provoloneit has a menuconfig but then it drops me to the annoying prompt system for uclibc config. uclibc menuconfig accually asks for the kernel header location
18:16.12provolonethis is a poor ui
18:18.36provoloneand it makes me frustrated
18:20.17rfsprovolone: go into uclibc build directory and run make menuconfig there...
18:20.30provoloneright and copy the config
18:22.34provoloneI think im going for a bike ride first.
18:28.29rfsah, priorities, good ;)
19:06.55*** join/#uclibc ashes (
19:24.41provoloneI wonder why on earth I should copmpile yet another gcc cross compilier when I have one that already works. I wonder why I should download one automatically with buildroot. I wonder why I would want to waste disk space. I wonder why busybox didnt find all of the uclibc libraries. I wonder why I am forced to use this 'all inclusive' trying to be everything to everyone'  bloat package of buildroot just so I can use uclibc
19:26.12Mdtalking about this... I know /why/ I should build a new cross compiler, but I can't (because I need to use the hacked gcc tree from AXis). how can I use the system toolchain instead of building a new one?
19:38.22*** join/#uclibc mallok (~mallok20@
19:59.06solarsymlinks guys :)
20:03.43Mdsolar: ok. where?
20:19.50*** join/#uclibc GyrosGeier (
20:41.59solarwell assuming your attempting to make use of buildroot
20:42.22solaryou would symlink build_$ARCH etc.
20:42.37solarbut if you already have a toolchain built I'm confused why one would need buildroot
20:42.40ashesi combined the disc encryption howto, the encrypted root filesystem howto, the loop-aes readme, and made 8 encrypted partitions, including a randomly keyed swap, encrypted partition table, and gnupg encrypted disc key, in a 400 lines, 2300 words, of notes
20:43.16solarthats alot of encryption.
20:43.17ashesand im adding squashfs and lzma floppies
20:43.33solarif your rootfs is encrypted does that mean you must enter a password in the bootup process?
20:44.03solarahh so not really ideal for embedded things then
20:44.47ashesdepends how often you reboot
20:44.47Mdsolar: I need it at at least to build uclibc
20:44.51Mdbut it's useful for busybox and other stuff too
20:45.03solarwhat arch are you building for?
20:45.17solaroh thats right you said axis already
20:45.47ashesand then
20:46.04ashesim running grsecurity on it with all the options enabled
20:46.19solarMd: I thought axis pushed most/all of the patches into uclibc/buildroot
20:47.15Mdsolar: I don't know about uclibc, but the official binutils and gcc are patched to death and I do not want to risk trying the official releases
20:50.22solaraxis sent erik the cris development board as far as I know. I also see an axis dev active on the uclibc ml from time to. But being that Erik has had one for a while should mean that everything should already work
20:52.16solarbut if you really want to trick buildroot into it. Your going to have to hack on the build system itself
20:52.22solaror make alot of symlinks
20:52.40solarand touch a few files (.compiled|.patched|etc..)
20:52.57solarin the end I can't really see that being faster than using buildroot itself.
20:53.43solarand if patches are indeed needed to resupport cris then probably best imo todo the trial and error thing with building so it gets done right
20:54.10Mdme neither... I'd like to play with my axis board but the official toolchain is very depressing
20:55.11MdI manually built my own to have decent uclibc support (the official toolchain only provides a gcc wrapper), but I'd rather work improving some already established project than reinvent my "build world" scripts from scratch
20:55.30solara while ago zynot forked off from gentoo and added support for cris
20:56.50Mdfound it... but I'm not really a gentoo person
20:57.01solarI know your deb
22:09.35Mdsolar: FYI, I see that a recent uclibc snapshot has all the patches in the cris tarball (which is based on 0.9.27), so I would "only" need to make the toolchain fit
22:18.19solarthats pretty good news
23:18.19ashesi got a usb drive :)
23:18.42ashesi can boot this thing
23:18.47ashesi hope
23:19.00ashesthere's a penguin on the box
23:48.42*** join/#uclibc ralf`away (

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