irclog2html for #uclibc on 20050511

00:02.50CIA-1003vapier * r10287 10busybox/libbb/getopt_ulflags.c: now that mjn3 explained it to me, add documentation for the 3rd field in long opts
00:25.48CIA-1003vapier * r10288 10busybox/ (7 files in 4 dirs): import eject by Peter Willis / Tito Ragusa
00:39.06CIA-1003vapier * r10289 10busybox/ (11 files in 6 dirs): change the hardcoded error constant (0x80000000UL) to a nice flexible define (BB_GETOPT_ERROR)
00:46.39SpanKYandersee: any way the bug page could be fixed ?  whenever you try to view a patch, the webserver reports it as a BIN file instead of plain text, so browsers force downloading of it instead of viewing inline
01:54.32*** join/#uclibc rgb_lmno (~rgb@
02:00.56CIA-1003sjhill * r10290 10uClibc/libpthread/nptl/ (cond-perf.c perf.c sockperf.c): Remove additional test programs.
02:02.28CIA-1003sjhill * r10291 10uClibc/libpthread/nptl/Versions: Remove extraneous file.
02:04.26anderseeSpanKY: probably
02:04.33CIA-1003sjhill * r10292 10uClibc/libpthread/nptl/pthread-errnos.sym: We already have these defined.
02:21.44CIA-1003vapier * r10293 10buildroot/toolchain/binutils/ (8 files in 2 dirs): released
03:02.05*** join/#uclibc simmo (
03:59.54CIA-1003vapier * r10294 10busybox/ (5 files in 2 dirs): import ether-wake applet by haveaniceday Bug 252
05:04.09*** join/#uclibc CIA-10 (
05:36.16*** join/#uclibc CIA-10 (
06:18.50*** join/#uclibc ashes_ (
07:33.23*** join/#uclibc GyrosGeier (
07:59.07*** join/#uclibc CIA-10 (
07:59.34*** join/#uclibc CIA-10 (
09:00.22*** join/#uclibc GyrosGeier (
09:35.38*** join/#uclibc vrm (
09:50.33*** join/#uclibc rgb__lmnop (~rgb@
09:54.46*** join/#uclibc vrm_ (
11:30.53*** join/#uclibc ambrose (
12:57.35*** join/#uclibc ralf`away (
13:05.49*** join/#uclibc sjhill (
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14:22.17*** join/#uclibc ambroseL (~bjb@
15:13.46sjhillmjn3-work: hello
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15:17.28mjn3-worksjhill: hey.  how goes it?
15:18.17sjhillhmmm, what's that cliche???
15:18.19sjhilloh yeah
15:18.25sjhill"Asses and elbows"
15:18.59sjhilli've started compiling nptl with uclibc
15:19.05sjhillit's not pretty
15:19.24sjhillthe header dependencies are taking a lot of time
15:19.35sjhillglibc is overly complicated imho
15:21.05mjn3-worknot just your opinion
15:24.38sjhilli'm not concerned about getting things compiled as much as i am about the link stage
15:24.49sjhilli'm also torn on what to do about unwind code
15:25.02sjhilli'm out of my element with that stuff
17:46.10*** join/#uclibc rgb_lmno (~rgb@
18:26.38*** join/#uclibc andersee (
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18:29.38*** join/#uclibc [g2] (~g2@g2.nslu2-linux)
18:29.46[g2]hey andersee how goes ?
18:29.53*** join/#uclibc GyrosGeier (
18:30.01[g2]it was nice seeing you bop in to wrt
18:31.01andersee[g2]: not too bad
18:31.15[g2]what's new these days
18:31.19anderseewas up late fighting with some crypto code with endianness issues
18:31.28anderseeI think I have that solved now
18:31.46[g2]Consumer device or special
18:32.53anderseenot the first time I've corrected Dr Gladmans crypto code -- I've have my name in the credits for his sha code as well
18:33.05andersee[g2]: a commercial product
18:33.53anderseeand a few of his AES modes
18:34.26andersee[g2]: so whats shaking?  Doing anything new or cool?
18:35.14[g2]the NSLU2 project has been awesome
18:35.37[g2]I'm looking into building hw now
18:36.05anderseebuilding hardware?
18:36.07[g2]I'll be launching a portal RSN
18:36.20[g2]like devices
18:36.22anderseeto replace the nslu2?
18:36.46[g2]in a fork-lift upgrade mode
18:38.01anderseeI think the nslu2 would look nice with a set of spider legs, and a laser cannon mounted on top.
18:38.07anderseewould make a nice security device
18:38.27vapierfrickin laser would be nice
18:38.32[g2]Voodooz is the robot guy from nslu2
18:38.46anderseemobile storage applications
18:38.52[g2]he's got the one doing machine vision and running around
18:38.53anderseeand demolition
18:39.10[g2]there's pictures on his website
18:39.19[g2]hey vapier
19:50.16rfshmm is it just me or what happened to CONFIG_NICE ?
20:29.49*** part/#uclibc [g2]-away (
20:54.34*** join/#uclibc CIA-10 (
21:13.28*** join/#uclibc rgb (~rgb@
21:49.24*** join/#uclibc JockeHome (~JockeHome@
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22:41.40CIA-1003andersen * r10295 10uClibc/libc/sysdeps/linux/powerpc/crt0.c: This file is no longer used. kill it.
22:43.25CIA-1003andersen * r10296 10uClibc/ (12 files in 12 dirs): Teach svn to ignore a bunch of generated stuff
22:56.42*** join/#uclibc xilun (
22:57.25*** join/#uclibc SecretSquirrel (
22:57.51*** part/#uclibc SecretSquirrel (
23:06.36CIA-1003andersen * r10297 10uClibc/ (extra/locale/ libpthread/): Teach svn to ignore more generated stuff
23:12.50CIA-1003landley * r10298 10busybox/ (5 files in 3 dirs): Small comm implementatin from Rob Sullivan. Needed to build perl.
23:20.09CIA-1003andersen * r10299 10busybox/e2fsprogs/
23:20.09CIA-10This makefile was a mess. Fix it to work as intended.
23:41.36CIA-1003sjhill * r10300 10uClibc/libpthread/ (Makefile linuxthreads/Makefile): Cleanup original linuxthreads and update top-level threads makefiles.
23:44.34CIA-1003sjhill * r10301 10uClibc/libpthread/nptl/ (8 files):
23:44.34CIA-10Backwards compatability? wonder why glibc is so
23:44.34CIA-10bloated. *oink* *oink*
23:48.34anderseecompatability?  We don't need no stinkin
23:48.40anderseecompatability?  We don't need no stinkin compatibility
23:53.20CIA-1003sjhill * r10302 10uClibc/libpthread/nptl/ (12 files): More glibc backward compatibility cruft. Oh the horror!

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.