irclog2html for #uclibc on 20050505

02:08.15ambroseLHi, I'm compiling uclibc so I can statically link a small app to it.  The uclibc build stopped with the following error:  (hand-typed, sorry)  In file included from timer_create.c:12:      
02:08.17ambroseLkernel-posix-timers.h:29: error: parse error before "pthread_attr_t"
02:08.19ambroseLand there's more
02:09.05ambroseLI wonder if I need to include more features?  I don't really want to include pthreads... I don't need pthreads to be able to use fork, do I
02:09.50*** join/#uclibc edrx (
02:10.09ashesim not sure. maybe experiment with the config a bit more
02:21.52ambroseLWell, ok.
02:33.33ambroseLI suppose pasting my .config here would be a big no-no, eh?
02:33.42*** join/#uclibc simmo (
02:41.14mjn3apparently someone added librt recently and didn't make sure things still built with threading disabled
02:46.43ambroseLThat looks like the problem I saw
02:48.18ambroseLI was just starting to recompile uclibc with as few changes to the defaults as I could do to see if the problem was still there, but it is my background task so it's going a bit slowly.
02:48.34mjn3ah... wait.  no.  looks like pthread.h wasn't previously included and was fixed later
02:51.07ambroseLI downloaded the 0.9.27 tarball, but the change you pointed out isn't in it.
02:51.22ambroseLIs there a later tarball?  Or do I get to try svn?
02:52.49mjn3you can either try svn or simply apply that patch to 0.9.27
02:53.00ambroseLheh, true.  Thanks mjn3
02:53.08mjn3all they did was include pthread.h
02:57.35ambroseLyay, it compiled!
03:04.49ambroseLOk, it seems to compile my little application I need a special gcc that works with uclibc... that will have to wait for tomorrow.
03:05.10ambroseLActually, if I'm statically linking with --nostdlib, do I still need the special gcc?
03:07.49mjn3probably not.  but make sure you build with the correct headers
03:08.55mjn3certainly we used to build things all the time with the old gcc wrapper.  there shouldn't be any problems for static
03:09.20mjn3umm... depending on what it needs from libgcc of course
03:13.03ambroseLMy app sits around waiting for network connections, and responds in ascii form over the network.  It is designed not to touch the disk because we want to see if the nand flash is broken when a certain bug occurs.
03:13.46ambroseLSo it is a simple app, no fancy stuff, basic open, read, write, close, opendir stuff to read from tmpfs and /proc
03:14.41ambroseLAll in one file
03:15.38ambroseLI'm going to see if I can stuff in a fork with alarm to execute risky tests like reading/writing nand
03:15.57ambroseLpipes to talk to child
03:16.00mjn3i don't forsee any problems
03:16.13ambroseLThanks very much mjn3, your advice is much appreciated
03:22.07mjn3grr... sjhill...
03:30.45SpanKYdelete the conf patch on you
03:30.56SpanKYat least i'm not the only one now ! :D
03:31.39mjn3he's focused on what he's doing and not seeing the bigger picture i think
03:32.05mjn3can't complain too much.  he did most/all of the initial mips port way back when
03:35.20SpanKYyou ever get a min to rip me a new one for the coreutils/stat.c ?
03:36.29mjn3afraid not.  wound up doing some toolchain stuff (as you know) on saturday and spent sunday with carolyn since she's working all of this coming weekend
03:37.09mjn3actually, i'm starting to work on my libm rewrite again so the stat applet has dropped a bit on the priority list
03:38.53SpanKYah yeah, libm is huge
03:38.57mjn3that and i've _been_ meaning to tweak things so that the prebuilt locale stuff was arch-independent (barring endianness of course).  then i'd write a util to convert to the other endian.  shouldn't really take lonk
03:38.58SpanKYstill looking forward to that :)
03:39.37mjn3and psm was asking me about an iconv implementation for the stub locale build
04:03.12*** join/#uclibc andersee (~andersen@
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05:49.48*** join/#uclibc ambrose (
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13:19.08mjn3you rang?
13:19.39mjn3thomasez: make it quick.  i'm leaving for work in < 20 minutes
13:21.42thomasezthe lzma you have used and the sdk are not really compatible.
13:21.49thomasezand mine are neither.
13:22.20thomasezbut it's in line with other embedded usage of lzma.
13:22.23thomasezhappy trip.
13:22.34thomasezthe doorbell rang.
13:24.21mjn3not compatible in what way?  storage format?  api (such as it is) ?
13:56.41thomasezyou can't uncompress if it's compressed by another library.
13:57.05thomasezthere are three, the stream/zlib I use, the lzmalib, which you use and the lzma SDK.
14:16.23mjn3-workok.  what are the differences between the 3?  i know that the stuff i looked at had no real error checking for instance
14:19.49mjn3-workwhen i originally q
14:20.19mjn3-workwhen i originally looked at it, the lzmalib stuff closely matched the sdk
14:34.35thomasezI just compiled the lzmalib compressor and lzma sdk stuff and tried compressing/decompression teh same files and it just didn't work.
14:35.38thomasezand we went the zlib/stream route because it was the easiest.
14:39.07*** join/#uclibc Sgt-Donan (
14:40.47thomasezand it works.
15:50.16*** join/#uclibc ambroseL (~bjb@
16:44.39*** join/#uclibc andersee (
16:44.48mjn3-workandersee: morning
16:48.36anderseemjn3-work: morning
17:03.27ambroseLNeat!  Going forward from my work last night, I compiled my little program against uclibc, and had unresolved symbols __u{div,mod}si3
17:03.34ambroseLI googled, and saw those are in libgcc
17:03.49ambroseLTried linking against the libgcc in our existing toolchain
17:04.01ambroseLand the program compiled, linked, and even runs on the target!
17:04.30ambroseLfun, fun, fun!
17:05.21anderseeambrose: congrats
17:05.32mjn3-workglad to hear it.  grabbing the math support funcs from libgcc should be fine.  there are other things in libgcc you need to avoid though
17:05.48mjn3-workwhich is one of the reasons we build uClibc toolchains
17:06.31ambroseLyes... I will try that eventually
17:06.57mjn3-workguess i should do a klibc comparision again as well
17:07.36mjn3-workwhy they ever started klibc i'll never know
17:07.43ambroseLSo my app in it's new form (normal gcc/uclubc) is just over 200KB vs over 500 KB (both stripped) compiled with full gcc/glibc
17:07.47ambroseLstatic link
17:08.17ambroseLAlthough, the md5sum stuff was in the non-uclibc version and has been removed from the uclibc version
17:08.40mjn3-workthere's md5sum code in busybox
17:08.56ambroseLHmmm :-)
17:10.15ambroseLAnd we have included it in our build... but my app needs to use a library.
17:10.35ambroseLmy app must avoid going to disk for anything - shared libs, other executables, etc
17:11.09ambroseLI've been told by our senior guy to just leave it out for now.  Oh well.
17:37.48Lethalmjn3-work, klibc was initially intended for moving out things like ipconfig and the do_mounts stuff for initramfs. so the reasons for starting it are quite sensible, but I dont see a lot of point in building on it to any huge extent as a general system thing.
17:49.24mjn3-workLethal: you're missing the point.  you can build uClibc in a stripped-down mode that is approximately same size (static), less buggy, and more featureful
17:50.32Lethalmjn3-work, and did you point this out to hpa?
17:51.39mjn3-worki never did.  both andersee posed the question of "why start another small libc project" on the lkml at the time.  so did fefe of dietlibc
17:52.49Lethalah, don't remember that thread. suppose i'll grep later.
17:54.37*** join/#uclibc ashes_ (
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18:32.37vapiersomeone feel like lending me their GNU as ninja skills ?
18:33.02vapieri got this package which defines setjmp.S ... inside it defines both 'setjmp' and '__sigsetjmp'
18:33.22vapierbinutils assembles it just fine but 2.16 errors out
18:34.49vapier2.16 (understandbly) aborts because of the .endp without a .proc for __sigsetjmp
18:35.06vapierif i put '.proc __sigsetjmp' just before the __sigsetjmp: label, it assembles fine under both
18:35.25vapiermy question is, it shouldnt affect the final binary right ?
18:48.14*** join/#uclibc GyrosGeier (
19:04.07ambroseLEek I'm out by a decimal place again.  The program is actually a bit over 20KB stripped, down from 500KB stripped.  :-)
20:28.14*** join/#uclibc ashes (

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