irclog2html for #uclibc on 20050326

01:01.25cromdSgt-Donan: although i get a working system, capable of pinging the network, etc, when i boot up i get some VFS and FAT error messages ... do they ring a bell to you at all?
01:10.23Sgt-Donani don't know
01:10.47cromdthanks anyway.  do you do any work on either busybox or uclibc?
01:25.14Sgt-Donanno cromd
01:25.33Sgt-Donani just use it
01:25.48Sgt-Donangood night
01:42.56CIA-103andersen * r10058 10buildroot/toolchain/gdb/ Overwrite any existing link should there be one
02:31.59*** join/#uclibc Sgt-Donan (~Loutre@
02:35.05*** join/#uclibc simmo (
02:35.46simmohi, can i build buildroot using different kernel headers to the ones in my system? eg use 2.6 headers on a 2.4-based system?
02:36.08simmoi don't intend to run the stuff in the 2.4-based environment
02:36.13simmoi'll run it in qemu
02:36.31simmoi guess i can just try and see
02:37.13simmobut i'd like to know for sure, for my docs
02:38.56cromdsorry simmo, i don't know.  I'm just about to try using it, do you know what the current stable version is?
02:39.20simmoi know that eric always says to use the latest cvs when i ask about that
02:39.47simmobut it's been a while since i asked
02:40.21cromdta simmo
02:40.48simmoerm prolly wrong directory
02:41.14cromdactually, they look a look a mite cutting edge to me
02:41.19cromdaha ... ta
02:42.00cromdhow do you differentiate between testing and stable?
02:42.07simmoi don't think they do
02:42.36simmoif you hit problems, discuss in here and/or try again next day etc ;)
02:42.45cromdaha ... allright, i'll get the hang of it, thanks for your advice
02:43.03simmoyeah a bit frustrating .. busybox has stable releases afaik
02:43.39simmodocs for buildroot
02:43.40cromdexcellent ... i don't want any bleeding edge functionality, just something to get working to start off with
02:43.50cromdthanks simmo
02:44.37cromdhave you used that buildroot tool before?
02:45.50simmonot really, i have tried building it, but not really using/testing the end product
02:47.01cromdeasy enough to wrap your head around?
02:47.22simmoeasy to use in a basic way
02:47.44SecretSquirrelI've had a pretty easy time getting buildroot going.
02:47.51simmoand the docs and stuff are quite good now, the make config tool etc
02:47.58cromd"basic way" means creating a root fs?
02:48.16simmothough now there are several options for it, which i have yet to figure out
02:48.37simmoused to be pretty much only one way to run it
02:48.58cromdi tried modifying the tclDisk and found myself out of my depth, so i'm having to find another way.  This is just for firewall ramdisk really
02:49.00simmonow it can produce different filesystems etc .. not sure what effects those choices imply
02:50.02cromdSecretSquirrel: do you think buildroot lends itself to linux-on-a-floppy distros?
02:50.29simmoit's almost made for it
02:50.43cromdthanks simmo, i'll start looking at it, give it a go
02:50.46SecretSquirrelI think it would greatly facilitate someone building a very cut down system with usable functionality, so yes.
02:51.10SecretSquirrelYou can have everything but the kernel built automagically in one go.
02:51.57cromdthat's what i'm after, just a pretty full busybox and the libs/scripts to support it
02:53.43SecretSquirrelI'm using it to build toolchains and filesystems for an embedded system, so I would expect you should able to do pretty good with a floppy
02:54.45SecretSquirrelBuilt a complete image, kernel and filesystem in 1142808 bytes.
02:54.54SecretSquirrelIt's pretty cut down though.
02:55.03cromdoneday i'd like to find a cheap to manufacture, cheap to run architecture to run it on, but floppy will do me for now :)
02:55.15cromdthat's pretty cool :)
03:04.35simmoSecretSquirrel, do you know what 'board support options' means in the config?
03:05.12simmoit offers 'linux' but i don't know what this means? 'board' to me means 'board' so what linux board is there?
03:06.03simmodo these select groups of options in the package selection perhaps? looks that way
03:08.45SecretSquirrelsimmo: I'm assuming it allows for customization of the system for certain development boards, but I really don't know.  I've always just chosen "linux"
03:14.00simmoyes, perhaps it does that also
03:14.12simmobut it provides what seems to be 'group selections'
03:14.25simmo'generic development system' 'generic firewall' etc
03:14.46simmothen you can go back to the package selection set and customise
03:14.58simmoso provides a quick way to set a basic set of choices
03:15.16cromdthe snapshot link on generates an error and the snapshots at doesn't seem to include a buildroot snapshot ... where else can you get it?
03:15.39simmouse the most recent of the snapshots listed
03:15.47simmowhich is what that link should point to ...
03:16.28cromdbut they're titled uClibc-somedate ... is the buildroot snapshot included in those?
03:16.29simmothe second of the two urls i gave you
03:16.58simmoignore this one:
03:17.07cromdyes, that's what i'm looking at ... i think
03:17.18simmoyeah i made a typo :)
03:17.27simmothat's just the uclibc package by itself, not buildroot
03:17.40cromdtada! :)
03:17.44simmonot much use unless you are hardcore developer and know how to build a toolchain
03:17.56simmosorry i didn't make it clearer earlier
03:17.59cromdjust take the latest one?
03:22.42cromdallright, do i need to download source for busybox and uclibc before i use buildroot (i've been using other's precompiled binaries 'till now)
03:23.02SecretSquirrelnope, buildroot will pull all the needed tarballs for you.
03:23.16cromdwow ... i half-hoped ... that's fantastic :)
03:27.14cromdblast, have to install ncurses, on a woody system ... i've done it before, it's a complete pain in the neck
03:32.26cromdno, i've got ncurses ... make menuconfig can't seem to find my Ncurses libraries, is that a common problem?
03:38.14cromdis that just a library naming issue?
03:46.43cromdis there a way to work out what ncurses library buildroot is looking for?
03:48.57cromdor a better channel to ask such questions?
06:46.03CIA-103andersen * r10059 10buildroot/toolchain/gdb/ (5 files in 5 dirs): update gdb a bit. remove support for ancient versions.
08:20.23*** join/#uclibc GNUisNotUnix (
10:23.33*** join/#uclibc andersee (
10:45.37GNUisNotUnixis there any easy way to build a toolchain with buildroot and uclibc 0.9.12?
10:48.47simmoermm sorry i dunno what versoin buildroot uses if you don't use the snapshot
10:48.58simmo<-- newb
10:52.23GNUisNotUnix0.9.26 or 27 I think
11:08.43simmooh you want old?
11:08.51simmoyuk :(
11:53.37*** join/#uclibc ibot (
11:53.37*** topic/#uclibc is uClibc - for discussion of uClibc and Busybox | uClibc 0.9.27 released 12 January 2005 | busybox 1.00 released 13 October 2004
12:04.12GNUisNotUnixanyone knows a way to have 2 uclibc's in one system?  I want to install a new uclibc and make new compiled applications use the new uclibc and leave the old applications use the old uclibc
13:48.28*** join/#uclibc rfs (~rsiemsen@
14:01.05*** join/#uclibc tiny (
14:02.02tinyHi! Where can I read about multilib? I'm building a system with buildroot and it's asking me if I want multilib enabled.
14:39.58solarmultilib is when you have a 64 bit system and your building 32 & 64 bit bins and libs
14:40.09solarchances are you do not need this.
14:47.43asheswhat about for installing two versions of gcc, and both to /usr ?
14:48.31solarwhat about it? that would fail
14:49.13solarmultilib systems use /usr/lib /usr/lib64 etc
14:50.26solarin the case of buildroot I think the MULTILIB use flag only signals gcc to build support for building multilib
14:50.34solarso it supports -m32 -m64
15:24.13*** join/#uclibc thomaskorwed (
15:25.14*** part/#uclibc thomaskorwed (
16:38.10*** join/#uclibc GyrosGeier (
16:59.39mjn3morning all
17:00.21*** join/#uclibc GNUisNotUnix (
17:17.57solarls morn mjn
17:18.11solarskip the ls
17:21.24*** join/#uclibc Gnat42 (~gnat@
17:24.13solarlooks like we might not have to patch up binutils anymore.
17:24.19solarincase you did not see.
17:24.44mjn3saw that.  cool
17:24.46solarthey bastarized it a little from -linux-uclibc to -linux-*
17:37.24mjn3on a related note, i'm still concerned about how  lt_cv_file_magic_test_file is set in the binutils/gcc configure stuff
18:12.07*** join/#uclibc bjbL (~bjbL@
20:09.18*** join/#uclibc andersee (
20:29.38*** join/#uclibc SecretSquirrel (
21:11.27*** join/#uclibc ShadowJK (
23:07.06telmichhow to programm libcrypt? are there any manuals?
23:16.14mjn3telmich: man 3 setkey

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