irclog2html for #uclibc on 20041119

01:55.24*** join/#uclibc sjhill (
01:55.29*** join/#uclibc sjhill_ (
02:53.45*** join/#uclibc [g2] (
03:52.53*** join/#uclibc mjn3 (
03:59.04kergothhey mjn3
03:59.13mjn3kergoth: hey
04:13.37*** join/#uclibc Prakash_ (~Prakash@
05:29.15*** join/#uclibc Nicknam1 (
05:56.24*** join/#uclibc Prakash_ (~Prakash@
06:05.52anderseemjn3: so how're you liking Denver thus far?
06:06.12mjn3ok so far... but it hasn't really snowed yet.  ;-)
06:06.14anderseegone anywhere?  done anything?
06:06.38mjn3heh... yeah.  walmart.  the grocery.  walmart again
06:06.55anderseeand getting a shiny new cable modem...
06:07.15mjn3first day i got here, i had to run out and get a shower curtain amongst other necessities
06:07.28anderseebeen there done that
06:08.54anderseefirst day I moved in here, I was so wiped out and feeling slimey I took a shower w/o a shower curtain.  bad idea, but it least I felt better while mopping the floor
06:09.52mjn322 hours of driving with a couple of 2.5 hour naps, so i was pretty wasted sunday night
06:10.22mjn3supposed to snow this weekend
06:10.36mjn3guess i'll stay in and catch up some more
06:11.09anderseedrive go pretty smoothly?  no tire blowouts, drunk drivers, etc?
06:14.00mjn3no problems.  just a little snow in kansas.  well... one problem... no sprint coverage in most of kansas and eastern colorado.  carolyn was concerned when i didn't call her until sunday noonish
06:14.50anderseeglad you made it ok
06:16.04mjn3yeah.  just wish they'd get the IT folks would get their act together.  tough to work on things without perms for internet access
06:17.59anderseeapparently Mordack the Preventor of IT has taken over the whole place
06:25.13jacqueshow does one configure timezone in uclibc ?
06:26.34mjn3/etc/TZ ... see the faq
06:27.48jacquesheh thanks
06:29.13jacquesI don't suppose anyone else has reported ls /dev reporting 0,0 for major minor  or du always reporting 0 size ?
06:29.28[g2]jacques, clearing of tmp/* fixed dmesg
06:29.38[g2]oops wrong window
06:29.46[g2]jacques, clearing of tmp/* fixed dmesg
06:30.26[g2]hey mjn3 wb. Best wishes on the new job/move/etc...
06:30.51mjn3will probably be in catch-up mode through this weekend
06:31.20[g2]well, enjoy and breathe the fresh air
06:32.18mjn3only just got internet access tonight.  probably won't have it at work until late next week... sigh...
06:38.29anderseemjn3: are they going to give you ssh access?
06:38.48anderseeseems to be a scarse commodity...
06:39.01mjn3don't know.  if not, i'll have to do something
06:39.59mjn3i'd be ok to have it limited to your box.  just so i could actually commit stuff from work
06:40.25anderseeI suppose I could setup i.e. openvpn on winder, port 80...
06:41.11[g2]is that why Panama outlawing the VOIP port didn't work ?
06:41.34anderseecould be...
06:41.41anderseetoo easy to tunnel things
06:42.45anderseeworst case, we can setup more exotic things.  Like an IP over DNS tunnul.  Or IP over smtp...
06:43.41anderseehavn't met a firewall yet that can't be circumvented from the inside.
06:45.27mjn3well... i'm beat.  time for bed.  need to stop and get a proper chair tomorrow after work
06:46.15mjn3night all
06:46.43[g2]cheers, sweet dreams
06:49.07anderseemjn3-away: night