irclog2html for #uclibc on 20040806

02:17.44bug1is the 64 bit test applet a compatability issue ?
02:25.22bug1bash test is 32bit for me
02:40.37mjn3not a compatibility thing.  think the debian installer folks needed 64 bit test
02:40.59mjn3same with the 64 bit shell arith
02:46.15bug1mjn3, ah ok
02:46.42mjn3thought the stuff was supposed to be configurable.  but i honestly haven't looked
02:47.33bug1maybe they are using it to handle disk sizes or something, would require >32bit
02:49.10bug1mjn3, there is an option in ash to "Extend Posix math support to 64 bit"
02:49.55bug1but that must only be internal to ash.
02:56.52*** join/#uclibc [g2] (~gentoo@