irclog2html for #uclibc on 20040119

02:35.34*** join/#uclibc simmo (
02:42.17*** part/#uclibc kingdev (
03:49.40*** join/#uclibc TMM1 (
05:30.22*** join/#uclibc Indian (~Indian@
06:27.22Indianhi all
06:27.32Indiani m using busybox-1.00pre3
06:27.53Indianif i compile busybox as static, init works
06:28.02*** join/#uclibc tech2k (
06:28.03Indianif shared.. doesnt
06:28.09Indianwhats the problem
07:43.56*** join/#uclibc bug1 (
08:52.49mjn3Indian: what arch?
08:53.04Indianmjn3: i586
08:54.10mjn3how is it failing?
09:13.59*** join/#uclibc tech2k (
12:11.59*** join/#uclibc simmo (
12:23.50*** join/#uclibc Indian (~Indian@
12:39.15*** join/#uclibc sjhill (~sjhill@
12:42.31mjn3sjhill: morning
12:47.02sjhillmjn3: good morning
14:12.54*** join/#uclibc kergoth (
14:15.45*** join/#uclibc ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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14:18.21*** join/#uclibc TMM1 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:19.12*** join/#uclibc sjhill (~sjhill@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:19.12*** join/#uclibc mjn3-away ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:22.09*** join/#uclibc ambassador (
14:27.13*** join/#uclibc ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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14:27.13*** join/#uclibc sjhill (~sjhill@
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15:25.12*** join/#uclibc tech2k (
15:29.46*** join/#uclibc dsmith (
15:53.13*** join/#uclibc andersee (
16:52.11*** join/#uclibc Indian__ (~Indian@
17:02.55*** join/#uclibc psypete (
17:03.40psypetei have another feature i'd like to add to httpd, but i'd like some feedback as to how it should be implemented
17:05.02psypetebasically i need a /var/run/ file with the pid of the running httpd. i don't care how i get it personally, but i'd like to make it in a way that the patch would be useful for busybox as well. so if that means a compile-time option or an addition to httpd.cfg, i'm all ears
17:06.13anderseepsypete: sortof like 'start-stop-daemon'?
17:06.43sjhillwhy not just use the command 'pidof httpd' to get the pid?
17:06.52sjhillor are there multiple instances?
17:07.53kergothspeaking of which, does busybox start-stop-daemon support pidfiles atm?
17:07.55kergothmorning :)
17:08.12psypetethe code i'm using makes it much easier for me to have that file there; that way i can tell 1. if it's running, 2. kill it. running another program to do the same thing isn't resource-friendly imho
17:08.51psypetesee, i'm going to have multiple httpd's running at once
17:09.13psypeteand i need to tell the difference between them using a unique identifier
17:09.28psypeteso the PID file would be something like /var/run/
17:10.27Indian__friends i m using busybox distro
17:10.40Indian__today i tried to install proftpd server
17:10.50Indian__i compiled it ... when i try to lanuch it
17:10.54Indian__it gives
17:11.26Indian__getaddrinfo 'prakash' error : Name or service not known
17:11.33Indian__error : unable to determine IP address of Prakash
17:11.41Indian__error: no valid servers configured
17:11.47Indian__error: error processing configuration file '/etc/proftpd.conf'
17:12.20Indian__Fatel-error: error processing configuration file '/etc/proftpd.conf'
17:12.47anderseeIndian__: can you i.e. do a 'ping' from your system?
17:13.41Indian__actually i m creating a distro for embedded
17:13.57Indian__wait i ll test from that target board
17:15.15psypetelooks like he configured proftpd.conf to use a specific hostname that wasn't in his dns server. may want to add it to /etc/hosts
17:15.51Indian__i have /etc/hosts file with ip
17:15.59anderseepsypete: right.  But I wanted to check general dns resoltion
17:16.09Indian__andersee: Resolver Error 0
17:18.59Indian__andersee:r you there
17:19.11anderseeIndian__: can you i.e. do a 'ping' from your system?
17:19.28anderseeIndian__: that gived "Resolver Error 0"?
17:19.49anderseeIndian__: if so, then you need to fix DNS before you will get anything working
17:20.05Indian__how to fix DNS
17:20.24Indian__actually i m going to use this distro on my target board
17:21.05anderseeIndian__: fixing DNS is beyond the scope of the help you can expect here
17:21.23anderseeIndian__: there are lots of howtos and such on the net
17:21.53Indian__why am asking here is... it is related to busybox distro
17:21.56Indian__so that i m asking
17:22.19anderseeIndian__: until you can sucessfully run 'ping' your system does not have correctly configured DNS
17:24.17tech2kIndian__ im on dialup and dont know much but i think u need to look at /etc/resolv.conf   say route -n and also if your in chroot do mount -t proc /proc proc
17:26.31anderseeIndian__: I recommend you go here:
17:26.51anderseeIndian__: and carefully follow their instructions on how to build your own Linux system
17:27.09Indian__friend... i m using busybox
17:27.20Indian__why have to follow all those steps
17:27.37anderseeIndian__: I know what busybox is
17:27.54Indian__yeah you know ...
17:28.06anderseeIndian__: it is not a substitute for knowing how to build your own system
17:28.33anderseeIndian__: and asking people questions is not a substitute for using the fine documentation people have already written
17:46.58*** join/#uclibc DavidM (
18:28.39*** join/#uclibc kergoth (
19:05.00*** join/#uclibc kingdev (
20:13.03*** join/#uclibc ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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20:13.03*** join/#uclibc DavidM ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:13.03*** join/#uclibc psypete ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:13.03*** join/#uclibc andersee (
20:13.03*** join/#uclibc dsmith ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:13.03*** join/#uclibc tech2k ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:13.03*** join/#uclibc TMM1 (
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20:16.30*** join/#uclibc ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
20:16.30*** join/#uclibc kergoth (
20:16.30*** join/#uclibc DavidM ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:16.30*** join/#uclibc psypete ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:16.30*** join/#uclibc andersee (
20:16.31*** join/#uclibc dsmith ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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20:16.31*** join/#uclibc TMM1 (
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