irclog2html for #uclibc on 20031201

01:32.21*** join/#uclibc ambassador (
01:34.28*** join/#uclibc ambassador (
01:42.47*** join/#uclibc ambassador (
02:33.52*** join/#uclibc ambassador (
02:59.41*** join/#uclibc TheMasterMind1 (
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08:43.35*** join/#uclibc TMM1 (
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17:03.05kergothmorning mjn3
17:03.14mjn3kergoth: morning.  how goes it?
17:03.32kergothmonday morning, cranky and half asleep
17:03.33kergothbut not bad
17:03.41*** join/#uclibc DaveM_ (
17:04.09mjn3ok.  got some errands to run today, but checking in for a bit
17:04.20mjn3erik should be back sometime today from his travels
17:04.58kergothah cool
17:10.24DaveM_mjn3: Hi Manuel.  While generating the locales over the weekend, I see that a couple crashed (out of memory).  I'm going to add some swap, but after is there a way to just rebuild the ones that crashed?
17:22.43mjn3DaveM_: you mean for glibc?
17:23.35DaveM_mjn3: yes
17:23.55mjn3you could run localedef by hand
17:24.17DaveM_I take it locale-gen is a script?  I never even looked at that
17:25.10mjn3DaveM_: actually, i think if you rerun it then it will only process the ones that are missing.  but i'm not 100% sure
17:26.41DaveM_k, I'll let you know
17:29.58*** join/#uclibc ShortWave (
17:30.07*** part/#uclibc ShortWave (
17:30.10*** join/#uclibc ShortWave (
17:30.11ShortWavehey all
17:30.18ShortWaveAnyone here?
17:31.43ShortWaveHow are you?
17:31.56ShortWaveMe, I'm about to pull my hair out
17:32.21DaveM_alright, you have a uClibc, busybox problem?
17:32.32ShortWaveIt's more of a weird toolchain problem
17:33.11ShortWaveI downloaded the i386 root_fs, and I booted that up under a user-mode linux instance (after I enlarged the filesystem somewhat)
17:33.33ShortWaveMy issue is that autoconf, specifically aclocal is segfaulting
17:34.19ShortWaveI grabbed the source for autoconf, and tried compiling that, and it fails on "autom4ke"
17:34.53ShortWaverather, autom4te
17:35.03ShortWavethat's actually a perl script, from the looks of it
17:35.21DaveM_I was just about to say that
17:35.21ShortWaveit seems that it's invoking something else, but the file is so huge, it's difficult to chase down what the actual problem is
17:35.41ShortWaveheh, I ran file on it just to be sure
17:36.14ShortWaveSo what do you think? Perl crashing perhaps?
17:36.47mjn3what are you trying to do when it crashes?
17:37.04ShortWavecompile stuff
17:37.09ShortWaveaclocal dies with segfault
17:37.27DaveM_I remember some discussion on perl with uClibc about 3 weeks (I think).  I don't remember what the discussion was, but you might want to read the archives
17:37.35mjn3could you be a bit more specific?  what are you trying to compile?
17:37.45ShortWavethe aclocal distributed on the root_fs is segfaulting
17:37.48ShortWave[root@(none) root]# aclocal
17:37.48ShortWaveSegmentation fault
17:37.48ShortWave[root@(none) root]#
17:37.59ShortWaveIt seems the binary on the root_fs itself is corrupt
17:38.18ShortWaveThe last thing I tried was compiling autoconf
17:38.26ShortWavea new version, just in case the local version was hosed
17:38.52ShortWaveWhich made me wonder if perl was somehow wonky
17:39.05ShortWavesince aclocal is a perl script...
17:39.11ShortWaveI wonder if recompiling perl would fix it
17:40.22mjn3could be.  i don't remember if perl is included in the downloadable root_fs or not.  which version of perl, and did you build it yourself?
17:40.35ShortWaveDid NOT build it myself
17:40.50ShortWaveThis is perl, v5.8.0 built for i386-linux
17:40.55ShortWavethere you are
17:42.53mjn3i just tried in an i386 rootfs i built myself.  i built perl 5.8.2 (requires a couple of small patches) and aclocal ran fine
17:43.27ShortWaveI tried buildroot, but that failed on me...
17:43.31ShortWavelet me see why
17:44.18ShortWaveoh yes
17:44.24mjn3the perl patches in buildroot really need to be fixed.  that's why i built perl inside the rootfs
17:44.32ShortWavea bunch of undefined references
17:44.44ShortWavemjn3: So you suggest rebuilding perl in the root_fs?
17:45.02mjn3yes.  but first, what undefined refs are you seeing with buildroot?
17:45.31ShortWaveweird stuff
17:45.41ShortWaveI did some digging and it seemed to be related to floating point stuff
17:45.58ShortWavegive me a few minutes and I'll have a few errors for you :)
17:46.01mjn3there was a bug that was fixed last week.
17:46.33mjn3the i386 soft float patch was always being applied, when it was only supposed to be applied if soft float support was desired
17:47.23ShortWavethat might explain the problem
17:47.35ShortWaveWhich patches should I apply to perl 5.8?
17:48.07mjn3if you want to build perl yourself, you will currently need to
17:48.29mjn3apply at least the first 2 diffs in sources/perl.patch
17:49.00mjn3specificly adding -lpthread to the link helps work around a uClibc shared loader bug
17:49.45ShortWavehrm, ok
17:50.14mjn3only an issue if you build perl with thread support
17:50.35ShortWavethat perl patch is located where?
17:51.12ShortWavewill buildroot handle it?
17:51.48mjn3not if you build perl yourself inside the rootfs
17:51.59ShortWaveso I have to decide now...
17:52.05ShortWaveuse buildroot...or compile perl myself
17:52.22ShortWaveI'm gonna try the buildroot method first, since I really would prefer a clean build
17:53.00ShortWaveWhat must I do to work around the undefined references?
17:53.58ShortWaveactually, better idea
17:54.04ShortWaveI'll do them both at the same time! :)
17:54.27mjn3you don't have to do anything.  the i386 soft float patch was always being applied (as i said above).  this resulted in a broken toolchain if you weren't using soft-float
17:54.36mjn3the problem was fixed last week
17:54.59ShortWavewell I'll see what happens with this buildroot then
17:55.12ShortWaveTho it occurs me I might be using an older buildroot package...
17:55.19mjn3did you cvs up to this mornings version?
17:55.40ShortWaveI probably should
17:55.43ShortWaveI was using a tarfile
17:56.38*** join/#uclibc loid (
17:56.40loidsomebody know how make an only one floppy linux (diskless) with X and rdesktop?
17:57.28ShortWavewhat's the -p level I need for this perl.patch to build it?
17:58.26mjn3loid: that would be challenging.  you might be able to do it with tinyx.  i've never looked at rdesktop though
17:59.28loidi know an site that teach this?
17:59.55mjn3loid: no, i don't know of a site that would show you how
18:00.13mjn3ShortWave: depends on if you are in the perl-5.8.0 dir or in the parent dir
18:01.44mjn3ShortWave: if you are in the perl-5.8.0 dir, then -p 1 i would think
18:04.10ShortWavemjn3: yeah it was 1
18:06.12mjn3loid: try
18:06.23ShortWavemjn3: do you suggest using uml or chroot to do the compile?
18:07.55mjn3either should work.  if normally chroot.  but if you chroot and run some tests as root there, expect a few failures.  they pass if you aren't root
18:08.07mjn3ur.. i normally chroot
18:08.23*** join/#uclibc rfs (
18:09.19ShortWaveI'm building perl in chroot whilst I'm running buildroot seperately, so we'll see what happens
18:09.26ShortWaveI gotta run out for a bit, but I shall return
18:11.15ShortWaveone more question, how much space does buildroot require?
18:23.47mjn3ShortWave: depends on what you're building.  for a full-ish build, figure about 1.5G perhaps.  that's rough
18:28.06*** part/#uclibc loid (
18:59.43*** join/#uclibc ade|desk (
19:10.37*** join/#uclibc jc (
19:19.23ShortWavewell then
19:19.33ShortWaverecompiling perl appears to have solved the segfault problem
19:27.21*** join/#uclibc ade|desk (
20:17.57mjn3ShortWave: good
20:20.53*** join/#uclibc Qui_Gon (
20:33.16*** join/#uclibc andersee (
20:33.25mjn3andersee: welcome back
20:33.30kergothandersee: hey, wb
20:34.38anderseemjn3: thx
20:35.29anderseekergoth: thx
20:54.09rfshola andersee
20:56.51anderseerfs: howdy
20:57.26rfsandersee: I've found some odd behaviour between uClibc and madplay...
20:59.06rfsbasically, the output is noisier - like the math is being done with fewer bits
20:59.48anderseerfs: arch?  soft float?
21:00.05rfsandersee: oh, sorry :)  armv4l (netwinder), nwfpe.
21:00.29rfsits uclibc-0.9.21
21:00.56rfsi would have tried 0.9.23 but the installation options appear to have changed :{
21:01.27rfsbut I didn't see anything obvious
21:01.49anderseerfs: ok
21:02.11rfsafaik madplay is all integer arithmetic, so i am quite puzzled...
21:02.17anderseerfs: indeed
21:02.19anderseerfs: it is
21:03.00anderseeit is totally integer
21:03.31anderseeSo I wouldn't expect any additional noise unless we have real live math bugs somewhere
21:03.33rfsandersee: madplay now has some cpu-specific assembly, but I turned that off, because it was causing distortion (with both uClibg and glibc-2.3.2)
21:04.17anderseerfs: perhaps you just need to recalibrate your ears then.  ;-)
21:04.42rfsi'm comparing against old madplay-0.13beta binary from 2 years ago... :)
21:05.26anderseerfs: you may want to try comparing straces -- uClibc w/noise present vs your old binary w/o
21:05.34rfsandersee: incidentally, I have now managed a kernel+initrd with much of busybox enabled, and loads of kernel modules, still under the magic 1MB size limit :)
21:05.37anderseesee if the same stuff is happening
21:05.46anderseerfs: :-)
21:06.09rfsandersee: yes, good idea, maybe ltrace too
21:07.36anderseeI'll perhaps be able to do stuff this evening
21:08.03anderseeI'm tending my 1.5 year old daughter the rest of the day
21:10.05rfsandersee: "tending"... sounds almost like farming term :)
21:10.32rfsoh, one more bit that may be significant: i'm aiming for a static binary of madplay.
21:10.53anderseerfs: ok
21:11.12anderseerfs: you may then want to tune uClibc a bit for small size
21:11.12rfsusing the mad-0.14.2b.tar.gz which seems to be current stable version.
21:11.39anderseerfs: i.e. disable pthreads and everything else you can
21:12.09rfsandersee: i'll upload my .config at some point and perhaps you can review it...
21:14.08rfsandersee: btw, the httpd in busybox is very cool :)  I have an almost endless list of possibilities for it ;)
21:14.36anderseerfs: heh
21:17.28rfsandersee: so i can theoretically boot ext3/reiserfs with the ramdisk & modules.
21:17.54rfshowever i've yet to work out how to handle the 2nd boot (with a different kernel).

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