irclog2html for #uclibc on 20031124

00:00.27mjn3last time i checked
00:00.28Qui_Goni've found thx
00:01.35Qui_Gondo u know if via 800 motherboard accept usb boot ?
00:01.57mjn3no idea.  sorry
00:02.36Qui_Gonthx for all and good night
00:02.42Qui_Gonc u soon
00:03.12mjn3good luck
00:04.36Qui_Gonthx i will be back ;)
00:06.12mjn3libdl isn't being built with soft float
00:50.59*** join/#uclibc ade|home (
03:51.47*** join/#uclibc ZaM (
05:43.56*** join/#uclibc andersee (
05:44.03mjn3andersee: hey
05:44.47anderseejust got home
05:44.53psypeteandersee: did you ever boot a kernel on the dreamcast via serial or ethernet?
05:45.13anderseepsypete: only from cd
05:45.23mjn3andersee: i checked in a couple of changes today
05:46.04anderseeI'll try to look
05:46.08mjn3ldso and libdl weren't being built with soft float.  neither were the uClibc utils
05:46.13mjn3i'm doing test builds now
05:46.54anderseeI've been up since 5am finland time, so I'm fading fast
05:47.00mjn3i bet
05:47.56mjn3there's a problem with the cris build.  some needed libgcc funcs are static.  i'll look into that tomorrow
05:48.10mjn3assuming all the other builds look like they are working
05:48.25anderseemjn3: very cool
05:48.46anderseemjn3: suppose yet another release would be order?
05:48.51anderseebefore we break something
05:49.02mjn3yeah.. that's what i was thinking
05:49.18mjn3i'd like people to test the various archs
05:50.07mjn3tomorrow i plan to put the soft float rootfs on winder
05:50.29mjn3then i want to build perl and python and run their self-tests
05:52.31mjn3one issue i haven't looked into is strace not building for arm
06:03.43anderseeoff to bed
06:04.05anderseecatch you tomorrow after some sleep so I can think again
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16:14.14*** join/#uclibc miguelanxo (
16:14.35miguelanxodoes sh support this lines?
16:14.40miguelanxo. file_to_source
16:14.56miguelanxo? It looks like busybox port of ash doesnt support that
16:17.48mjn3miguelanxo: busybox ash does suppot 'dot' to source a file
16:18.01miguelanxook I know that
16:18.07miguelanxobut what about plain sh?
16:18.19miguelanxoI mean, is that a feature of bash or what
16:18.54mjn3sourcing a file with '.' is a standard bourne shell feature.  it isn't a bash-ism
16:19.12mjn3i haven't used any of the busybox shells other than ash though
16:19.32mjn3we are talking about busybox 1.0pre*, right?
16:19.46miguelanxojust let me confirm...
16:20.18miguelanxobusybox-1.00-pre3 in fact
16:20.47miguelanxodo tou know of any other little sh which does support . source_file?
16:21.04mjn3ash should be supporting it.  let me look
16:21.13miguelanxoI need to execute hotplug (depending on bash) in busybox
16:21.32miguelanxowhat a bout a uclibc version of bash, will it compile?
16:21.53mjn3yes, you can compile bash using uClibc
16:23.20miguelanxowhat should I spect as of its file size?
16:25.11miguelanxothank mjn3
16:25.20miguelanxoyou guys just rock!
16:25.54mjn3bash linked with uclibc is about half a meg
16:25.58mjn3on x86 anyway
16:26.09miguelanxothat is HUGE for me
16:26.42mjn3i just checked and busybox ash (sh) dot sourcing is working here
16:27.00miguelanxowhich version
16:27.51mjn3snapshot of a few days ago.  but there haven't been any busybox shell-related changes in a while
16:27.58mjn3yes, bash is stripped
16:30.51miguelanxolook at this
16:31.01miguelanxoyou have hotplug?
16:32.03miguelanxolook at /etc/hotplug/default/default.hotplug
16:32.07miguelanxoline 27
16:32.24miguelanxothat cd /etc/hotplug                                                    
16:32.24miguelanxo. hotplug.functions
16:32.26miguelanxojust fails
16:32.41miguelanxomaybe its related to cd insead of .
16:33.03miguelanxono no
16:33.05miguelanxono no
16:33.11miguelanxojust forget about that
16:33.57mjn3miguelanxo: ahh... i see
16:34.19mjn3it is failing for a file without a specific path
16:34.35miguelanxono really
16:34.38miguelanxoor yes?
16:35.00miguelanxoI'm just trying to make hotplug firmware agent to work using busybvox sh
16:35.20mjn3well, ". filetosource" fails bug ". ./filetosource" works
16:36.08mjn3so, a bug in busybox ash
16:36.08miguelanxoit fails even using cd before
16:36.21miguelanxopwd shows correct /etc/hotplug
16:36.27miguelanxobut . fails
16:36.35mjn3checking the source...
16:36.39miguelanxobut using full path it uns
16:36.50miguelanxos/uns/runs ok
16:43.08miguelanxolooks like touching here and there (mainly adding full path to . and substituting /bin/bash for /bin/sh) now firmware agent kind f works
16:45.41miguelanxomjn3: do you knoq anything about hotplug?
16:45.51mjn3not really.  i've never looked at it
16:47.55miguelanxo#       ACTION=%s [add or remove]
16:47.55miguelanxo#       DEVPATH=%s [in 2.5 kernels, /sys/$DEVPATH]
16:47.55miguelanxo#       FIRMWARE=%s
16:48.28miguelanxomaybe the kernel set $ACTION $DEVPATH and $FIRMWARE befre calling hotplug?
16:48.39miguelanxothat would be just the info I know
16:49.14miguelanxomjn3 if you find ". file" to be a bug would you report it?
16:49.25miguelanxook thenks
16:49.28mjn3actually, i'd fix it.  :-)
16:49.38miguelanxoso you're a developer?
16:50.42miguelanxogood work, dude. Maybe I could invite you some beer next time you visitr Spain
17:03.55*** join/#uclibc andersee (
17:06.29mjn3miguelanxo: hmm... apparently, busybox ash dotcmd behavior is correct.  according to the standards, if the filename doesn't contain a slash, then PATH is searched.  so unless the current dir or '.' is in your path, ". filewithoutpath" will fail
17:08.08mjn3miguelanxo: see
17:08.12mjn3andersee: morning
17:08.25anderseemjn3: morning
17:08.59mjn3andersee: i fired of 12 buildroot builds last night
17:09.06anderseeoh my
17:09.20anderseemjn3: you fired them all huh?
17:09.39anderseemjn3: now what'll they do for work?
17:09.41mjn3arm, i386, mips, mipsel (all with and without soft float) plus cris, powerpc, sh4, and sparc
17:09.52mjn3andersee: fired off that is
17:10.16anderseehow'd it go?
17:10.26anderseedid they all finish?
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17:11.26mjn3sh4 failed in busybox build.. pivor_root requires syscall()
17:12.22mjn3mips and mipsel builds finish, but genext2fs fails due to lack of space.  probably because i'm using reiserfs and the size calculation is off
17:13.00mjn3cris and sparc both fail in busybox build for insmod (lack of support)
17:13.30mjn3arm build fails for strace
17:14.01anderseehmm.  for genext2fs run on reiserfs, I suppose you could just set GENEXT2_SIZE=100000 or some such
17:14.06miguelanxook, anyway i've just created a single file hotplug-firmware-agent that just works with sh
17:15.05mjn3andersee: yeah... that just needs some tweaking
17:16.03mjn3there are a couple of things i need to look at this morning buildroot-wise
17:17.07anderseemjn3: insmod support for cris and sparc may need some attention.  Or may not be possible.  Guess that needs some checking.  If not possible though, then we need to make sure the stubs within busybox are used.
17:17.22anderseestrace on arm concerns me though
17:17.33anderseethat is one we _do_ want to be certain is working
17:17.57anderseemjn3: was that arm w or w/o fpu?
17:18.49mjn3invalid use of undefined type `struct pt_regs'
17:19.06mjn3in syscall.c
17:20.10anderseethats bad
17:20.27anderseeI've got arm w/o fpu built
17:20.34anderseelemme take a look
17:23.55*** join/#uclibc DaveM_ (
17:24.23mjn3andersee: i just turned off pivot root and insmod and am continuing the sparc, cris, and sh4 builds
17:27.58mjn3andersee: cris build fails.  undefined refs to __Div, __Umod, __Mod, and __Udiv, which are all present in libgcc but as statics
17:30.03mjn3that should be easy enough to patch in gcc
17:31.00mjn3andersee: sparc build failed for openssl.. no libdl
17:31.13mjn3hmm... actually, no shared libs at all
17:31.51anderseemjn3: oh, right
17:32.02anderseemjn3: I never even started that
17:32.54anderseemjn3: we have some basic support that was there prior to our adopting our current ldso codebase, but I've never even tried to compile the sparc stuff
17:33.18anderseemjn3: I think I also forcably disabled shared libs for sparc
17:33.26anderseesince I knew it would be totally broken
17:33.33mjn3yeah, since nothing got built under ldso
17:33.55anderseemjn3: I had no problem building strace for arm
17:33.59anderseelemme blow away what I have and try again
17:34.14anderseecould be due to an older version of something
17:34.59mjn3which version did you build?  4.5?
17:38.00anderseeusing today's uClibc snapshot
17:39.26mjn3andersee: somebody reported a problem a while back re gawk.  something about uClibc's shared loader making requirements re the names of shared objects
17:39.37ambassadorwhat builds root_fs_mimpsel?
17:39.45ambassadorand is that an ext2 fs?
17:39.54anderseeambassador: buildroot does it
17:39.58anderseeambassador: and yes
17:40.07ambassadorhow does buildroot do it?
17:40.19ambassadori.e. how does it create the ext2fs?
17:40.20mjn3ambassador: just set ARCH:=mipsel
17:40.33mjn3in the buildroot Makefile
17:40.40anderseemjn3: gawk?  perhaps prior to my ripping out the awk generated crti.o and crtn.o?
17:40.40ambassadorI have it, I just want to know how it happened :-)
17:41.00anderseeambassador: little pixies sprinkle magic dust
17:41.08ambassadorandersee: ahh... that explains it :-)
17:41.13mjn3andersee: no. something about building gawk.  looking in the archives
17:41.14anderseeambassador: and root_fs magically appears
17:41.18anderseemjn3: k
17:41.26ambassadorso where do I get pixies?
17:42.17dsmithambassador: see make/
17:42.26ambassadordsmith: yeah, I saw that
17:42.33ambassadorbut it didn't build it
17:43.02ambassadorthere it is
17:43.06anderseeambassador: yeah, that
17:43.18ambassadorwait you said it was pixies! :-)
17:43.25anderseeambassador: it takes a directory of stuff and makes an ext2 fs from it
17:43.27ambassadorhow can I ever believe you again! :-)
17:43.38anderseeambassador: I guess we need to get a divorce now
17:43.54ambassadorand I suppose you'll need a "pixie" lawyer!
17:44.11anderseeambassador: the only major problem with genext2fs is it doesn't handle hard links
17:44.28ambassadorandersee: I'm cool w/that - hard links just confuse me anyway.
17:45.04anderseeambassador: i.e. hard link file A and B on the host system, run genext2fs, and the generated fs will have 2 copies, rather than a single hard linked copy
17:45.20anderseeambassador: I've been intending it fix that sometime
17:45.23ambassadoryeah, yuck
17:45.32ambassadorbut in practice I guess it's no problem
17:45.37anderseeambassador: on my todo list somewhere
17:45.49anderseeambassador: but not exactly close to the top....
17:46.30mjn3andersee: found it.
17:47.25mjn3i was misremembering.  it wasn't the shared lib loader
17:47.55*** join/#uclibc yashi_ (
17:48.38ambassadorbuildroot provide inetd/telnet
17:49.16anderseemjn3: hmmm
17:50.03mjn3ambassador: you can configure busybox to provide them
17:51.23anderseeambassador: using the busybox version is also nice since you won't need to use inetd
17:51.43ambassadorwoohoo! I didn't know busybox had
17:51.46ambassadorvery cool
17:52.01ambassadorthat is pretty new I think must be
17:52.42mjn3ambassador: you might want to do a 'make menuconfig' in busybox just to browse what's available
17:53.38mjn3andersee: Gdb does not support native target sh4-unknown-linux-gnu
17:54.08mjn3otherwise, the sh4 build went fine
17:54.16anderseemjn3: I think thats one we will not be able to fix
17:54.25mjn3once i modified the busybox config
17:54.36anderseemjn3: I know I'm not feel especially motivated to write the gdb support
17:54.48mjn3andersee: one of the things i want to do is add some comments to the buildroot makefile
17:55.23anderseei.e. "Doesn't work for sh4 due to lack of upstream support"
17:59.03mjn3hmm... forgot to try m68k.  starting a build now
18:02.16dsmithDid you guys see my patches to get tinyx to build under mipsel?
18:03.04mjn3dsmith: i saw them.  but one line was hard-coded for mips.  that's why i didn't apply the patch
18:03.37dsmithmjn3: Yeah.  Not sure what's the best way to handle that.
18:03.46ade|deskdo you use xfree86 4.3 or the xc-01xxxxx thingy still ?
18:04.15dsmithade|desk: I'm using the xc-xxxx stuff.  I haven't gotten it running yet.
18:04.34dsmithLearning about initrd's and things.
18:05.32ambassadorso I can locally modify sources/busybox.Config.h?
18:05.39ambassadoris that the idea?
18:05.45anderseeambassador: yep
18:05.53ambassadorwhat about locally patching busybox?
18:06.02anderseeambassador: that works too
18:06.34ambassadorto do that I adjust make/
18:07.37anderseeambassador: yup
18:07.44ambassadorvery cool, thank you
18:08.24anderseeambassador: you would then of course, blow away build_<arch>/busybox/ and then just run 'make'
18:08.25mjn3ambassador: busybox.Config.h is for the older stable version
18:08.42mjn3ambassador: busybox.config is for the 1.0pre
18:09.02dsmithTO get uclib to quit asking about mmu, I added "echo 'UCLIBC_HAS_MMU=y' >> $(UCLIBC_DIR)/.config" to make/
18:09.39dsmithTo the $(UCLIBC_DIR)/.configured target
18:09.50dsmithIs there a better way?
18:09.55ade|deskright home time, cya folks
18:10.07*** part/#uclibc ade|desk (~adavey@
18:12.44mjn3dsmith: set it in buildroot/sources/uClibc.config
18:13.25mjn3should probably be the default in buildroot anyway, since buildroot pretty much assumes shared libs
18:17.11anderseemjn3: agreed
18:17.43mjn3andersee: hmm... i tried an m68k buildroot build.  it doesn't build shared lib support either
18:17.52anderseecomplete with a current pic of the mountain behind my house
18:17.59anderseemjn3: right
18:18.39mjn3so ldso/m68k is broken?
18:18.40anderseemjn3: HAVE_NO_SHARED in extra/Configs/Config.m68k
18:18.44anderseemjn3: yep
18:18.49dsmithandersee: Cool.
18:19.09anderseemjn3: I forcably disabled it since I have maintained it
18:20.02anderseehave _not_ maintained it
18:20.07mjn3andersee: oh... someone popped in the other day and said to tell you that he had succeeded in getting nptl to do create and join
18:20.16anderseemjn3: cool!
18:20.33mjn3andersee: i automaticly inserted the missing negative
18:20.41anderseemjn3: there was a guy that said he was working on getting nptl working with uClibc
18:21.06anderseemjn3: nice to hear he is actaully working on it and making progress
18:22.06anderseemjn3: arm build finished sucessfully
18:22.12anderseemjn3: including strace
18:22.17mjn3i wonder why i'm seeing a problem
18:22.45anderseemjn3: perhaps you need to order more pixie dust?
18:24.16mjn3andersee: nope.. still dies.  what kernel headers are you using?
18:25.26mjn3oops.. didn't blow away the unpacked code
18:25.50miguelanxomjn3, just about now I have tested the uDisttribution, and my uFirmware Agent just works ok!
18:26.09miguelanxothanks for your help
18:26.20mjn3miguelanxo: you're welcome
18:26.42mjn3andersee: it still dies.  do you have any strace patches that you haven't committed?
18:26.49anderseemjn3: everything is stock buildroot except for enabling some more targets
18:26.54anderseemjn3: nope
18:27.29anderseeI have a minor change to sources/hotplug.patch I've not committed, but I didn't build that
18:28.15anderseeI have make/ setup to do a build for my little wireless elan router, but I didn't enable that
18:28.23anderseeother than that, stock...
18:28.44mjn3i'm still getting struct pt_regs undefined type errors
18:29.52*** part/#uclibc miguelanxo (
18:30.48dsmithmjn3: So you never do a make clean, you just rm the build dirs?
18:31.21mjn3dsmith: actually, i generally move them so i have a base of comparision if the next build breaks
18:31.41dsmithmjn3: ok.
18:47.32mjn3andersee: what are your proc and arch symlinks for arm in the kernel headers?
18:49.03anderseemjn3: I just use what I have in /usr/src/linux/include/asm/ on winder
18:49.27andersee$ ls -l arch proc
18:49.27anderseelrwxrwxrwx    1 andersen src            12 Aug  4 19:31 arch -> arch-ebsa285/
18:49.27anderseelrwxrwxrwx    1 andersen src             9 Aug  4 19:31 proc -> proc-armv/
18:54.01mjn3ambassador: what are you trying to patch?
18:54.06ambassadordeclarative programming is not my forte
18:54.35ambassadorI have some local patches to busybox
18:54.47ambassadorlike a mtdcp that insulates nand/nor differences in mtd
18:54.54ambassadorand an mtderase to erase flash
18:55.27anderseeambassador: BUSYBOX_PATCH:=$(SOURCE_DIR)/busybox.patch
18:55.37anderseeambassador: cat $(BUSYBOX_PATCH) | patch -p1 -d $(BUSYBOX_DIR)
18:55.57anderseeadd the first line after the first "endif"
18:56.26anderseeadd the second line after the call to BUSYBOX_UNZIP to untar busybx
18:56.51ambassadorI'm thinking that might double patch if make rerun?
18:57.28mjn3andersee: look at how patching is done in
18:57.41ambassadorI saw some .patched fussiness in the valgrind .mk
18:57.45mjn3urr... ambassador that is
19:02.14ambassadoris busybox ifupdown like the debian one? uses /etc/network/interfaces ?
19:03.56anderseeambassador: yes
19:03.57ambassadorbusybox has gone crazy!
19:04.14ambassadorwhen did you guys like add *every app in the world* to it?
19:04.59mjn3ambassador: while you were sleeping.  it was the pixies
19:05.22mjn3helped by the shoemaker's elves
19:05.31ambassadoryou saw Elf right?
19:05.46ambassadorI laughed *out loud* and *a lot*
19:06.52mjn3wow... somebody has time to take in a movie
19:07.26ambassadorwhy busybox.Config.h *and* busybox.config?
19:07.57mjn3the config system changed between the old stable and the newer version
19:08.03ambassadorok, that was my guess
19:08.16ambassadorso for snapshot use I'll adjust busybox.config
19:08.41ambassadorso when will busybox have an x server? :-)
19:09.11mjn3someone actually suggested that on irc this weekend
19:09.13dsmithambassador: tinnyx is there, but it's broken.
19:09.25ambassadordsmith: no...
19:09.35ambassadordsmith: tinyx in busybox?
19:09.38kergothheh, he said busybox not buildroot
19:09.48dsmith"Never Mind"
19:10.38ambassadorbusybox is like the blob :-)
19:10.45ambassadorit just keeps consuming other apps :-)
19:11.39ambassadormjn3: I think there is some rule about that :-)
19:11.56dsmithNow I should have thought of that.
19:12.02ambassadorI picture Escher's hand-drawing-hand
19:29.12mjn3andersee: well, strace 4.4.94 builds fine for me on arm.  but no other 4.4.9* builds, nor does 4.5 or 4.5.1
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19:33.03anderseemjn3: odd
19:33.11mjn3yeah.. doing a diff now
19:33.20anderseemjn3: strace 4.5 for arm built fine for me
19:33.34anderseewhat was the exact error again?
19:34.00mjn3struct pt_regs wasn't being defined.  asm/ptrace.h was never included
19:35.39anderseemjn3: is asm/ptrace.h even present in staging dir?
19:35.52anderseemjn3: or is asm perhaps a broken symlink?
19:37.18mjn3no.. staging_dir/include/asm/ptrace.h is fine.  so is asm/proc/ptrace.h which it includes
19:37.36anderseehow strange
19:38.08anderseedunno man
19:38.12anderseeback shortly
19:38.17anderseegotta run to the store
19:38.36mjn3ok.. i'll be away myself for a bit
20:18.44ambassadormy root/lib/ isn't stripped
20:18.59ambassador$ file build_mipsel/root/lib/
20:19.00ambassadorbuild_mipsel/root/lib/ ELF 32-bit LSB MIPS-I shared object, MIPS, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped
20:19.12ambassadorso it's kinda big and so is rootfs
20:19.31ambassadort$ ls -l build_mipsel/root/lib/
20:19.31ambassador-rw-r--r--    1 brad     brad     34637377 Nov 24 11:42 build_mipsel/root/lib/
20:20.13ambassadorshould buildroot strip (almost) everything?
20:23.52ambassadorext2root: genext2fs
20:51.59psypeteanyone awake that can tell me the mknod line for /dev/nfs ? the "symbolic name" doesn't seem to be sticking...
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20:55.19DaveM_psypete: there is no /dev/nfs
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22:13.28mjn3ambassador: hrm??
22:14.47ambassadorI thought we had -Os for ldso mips
22:14.58ambassadorbut it's still -O0 in the snapshot
22:16.09mjn3ambassador: do you have ld debugging turned on?
22:16.22ambassadoroh... no
22:16.28mjn3secificly SUPPORT_LD_DEBUG
22:16.43mjn3urr.. specificly
22:17.53ambassadorso snapshot is still broken
22:18.00ambassadorfor mips
22:18.40mjn3ambassador: what is the date of your snapshot
22:19.21ambassador$ ls -l sources/dl/uClibc-snapshot.tar.bz2
22:19.21ambassador-rw-r--r--    1 brad     brad      1601647 Nov 24 02:16 sources/dl/uClibc-snapshot.tar.bz2
22:23.54mjn3ambassador: in uClibc/ldso/ldso/Makefile, is the ifeq (,powerpc) test insize the ifeq ($(SUPPORT_LD_DEBUG  block?
22:24.46ambassadorit's inside
22:24.55ambassadorI must have it on
22:25.33ambassadorI'm just not thinking
22:25.35ambassadoryou were right
22:25.51ambassadorI'll test again from scratch soon and confirm that it's all well
22:26.18mjn3well, i did a bunch of builds last night
22:26.56ambassadoryeah, it builds fine, then segfaults
22:27.27ambassadorno :-)
22:27.36ambassadorwell, -Os fixes the segfault
22:27.47ambassadorbut I had SUPPORT_LD_DEBUG so it segfaulted :-P
22:27.54ambassadorI think we must fix that Makefile
22:28.43mjn3i told erik it was broken, and he moved the cflag overides into the debugging block
22:28.46ambassadorand put a comment "MIPS requires inlines"
22:29.01ambassadoryeah, but it's broke with debug
22:29.16mjn3actually, i'd imagine powerpc and mips probably aren't alone in this
22:29.53ambassadorcould be...
22:29.59ambassadorif _dl_memmove isn't inlined
22:30.06mjn3i really wonder if it is inlines... i didn't think Os turned on inlining
22:30.21ambassadorthen anything that requires special setup before function calls would be broken
22:31.15mjn3well, it would be nice to know what exactly was failing.  and most people aren't going to turn on ld debugging
22:31.48mjn3one problem was that it was keyed on the overall debugging build option before
22:31.54*** join/#uclibc bug1 (
22:32.30mjn3bug1: hey
22:33.03ambassadorstill I think a) it's ok to debug with -Os, and b) if it's completely broken why send people on wild goose chase when debugging ldso (like I went on)
22:33.09bug1mjn3: hi
22:33.48mjn3ambassador: i agree... but erik dislikes debugging with optimizations turned on
22:34.15ambassadorme too, but he accepts it for powerpc, and he has no mips hw :-)
22:34.28ambassadorbtw, it looks like on mips libgcc_s isn't making it to root/lib
22:34.55mjn3g1: someone was in earlier having problems with busybox ash and hotplug scripts.  turned out that hotplug uses the dot command to source some files and it is failing
22:35.37mjn3bug1: the problem is that the source'd files are not in the PATH (as required by susv3) and so it isn't finding them
22:36.05mjn3bug1: just giving you a heads up.  busybox ash behavior is correct.  but hotplug is assuming a bash-ism
22:36.38mjn3ambassador: re the ldso stuff, i'll talk to erik about it tonight
22:36.47ambassadormjn3: k
22:36.49mjn3ambassador: i'll look into the libgcc_s problem on mips
22:36.56ambassadormjn3: :-)
22:39.21bug1mjn3: ok, thanks
22:40.37mjn3ambassador: do you mean the build_<arch>/root/lib or the rootfs image lib?
22:42.13ambassadorand then of course it dooesn't make it into root_fs
22:42.20mjn3it is there for me
22:42.40ambassadorI will start from scratch and try again
22:42.50ambassadormaybe I messed something up
22:43.09mjn3now, i did build gcc for the target as well.  but the commands to copy them to root/lib appear to be in the stage to gcc
22:44.47mjn3ambassador: i've got an i386 build going and it hasn't gotten to the gcc target build yet.  but libgcc_s is in root/lib
22:59.09*** join/#uclibc miguelanxo (
22:59.56miguelanxomjn3: I'm now connected using uclibc distro
23:00.16mjn3miguelanxo: cool
23:01.10miguelanxofinally, the mini firmware agent  was what I needed
23:01.37mjn3miguelanxo: i mentioned the hotplug problem to bug1, as he is more involved with busybox
23:02.10kergothoh, the ". cant load files without a path" thing? . ./blah works, . blah doesnt
23:02.20kergothhad to patch my hotplug too to be happy with that
23:03.29mjn3kergoth: yeah.  that should be sent upstream
23:03.50kergothyeah, no reason to not specify the path..
23:03.57mjn3kergoth: of course, they may have already been assimilated by the 'Borg Assimilastion SHell'
23:04.16kergoththere are many bashisms in those scripts
23:04.23mjn3no doubt
23:04.37kergothtype -p, $(()), fun stuff
23:05.35kergothevery time i see someone use $(()) instead of expr i just want to hit something :)
23:05.50mjn3well, busybox ash supports it now
23:05.56kergothoh really? thats cool
23:05.58mjn3shell arithmetic that is
23:06.18mjn3i think it might be a config option.  but it has been there for quite some time
23:06.20ambassador$ ls -l ../buildroot-old/toolchain_build_mipsel/linux/include/asm
23:06.20ambassadorlrwxrwxrwx    1 brad     brad           10 Nov 24 11:29 ../buildroot-old/toolchain_build_mipsel/linux/include/asm -> asm-mipsel
23:06.36ambassadorno such thing as "asm-mips"
23:06.43ambassadorboth mips and mipsel use "asm-mips"
23:06.53mjn3ambassador: ok... i'll fix it
23:07.16miguelanxoI've actually talked to hotplug developer Marcel holtmann, and he suggested the use of "diethotplug" package instead of hotplug
23:07.45miguelanxoin systems that doesn't have bash
23:08.06ambassadormake/ looks right though
23:08.23kergothdiethotplug is nice, but often not sufficient.  the missing extensibility is annoying, and it'd be nice to see diethotplug support the new /etc/hotplug.d/ scripts
23:08.35ambassadorunless $(NOMMU) contains "el"
23:09.27ambassadorlooks like $(TARGET_ARCH) instead of "$(ARCH)" ?
23:11.01ambassadoris that it you think?
23:11.34mjn3could be.  i'm looking at the make logs to see what was actually done
23:11.47ambassadorchanging it to $ARCH fixes it for me
23:13.59ambassadorthat has @if so cannot see in log?
23:14.00mjn3ambassador: yep.  that should be it
23:17.21mjn3ambassador: although, i don't think it really makes a difference since those are only used by uClibc, which fixes the links anyway.  was it actually causing a problem?  or just something you noticed
23:18.46ambassadorsomething I noticed
23:18.56ambassadorI don't know if it caused a problem or not
23:19.15ambassadorthis was in tooolchain_build_mipsel
23:19.27ambassadorso that's used by gcc
23:19.34ambassadorbut apparently the asm isn't used at all
23:19.50ambassador(used by gcc even static build too I mean)
23:20.03mjn3actually, the toolchain build uses the uClibc headers.  erik just put the kernel headers there
23:20.31kergothhmm thats odd, my gcc 2nd pass cant locate to link against, yet i was able to build 1st pass and glibc just fine with teh same configure options and it looks like its in the right place. odd.
23:20.31ambassadorok, so don't need them in toolchain_ at all?
23:20.31mjn3or it should anyway
23:20.45mjn3well, they need to be unpacked somewhere
23:21.05ambassadorthey eventually end up in staging_dir
23:21.06mjn3uclibc makes a copy and hacks the symlinks
23:21.27ambassadoraha, uClibc copes from toolchain_ to build_/staging_dir and fixes the symlink?
23:21.53ambassadorwell, I found a latent bug then :-)
23:22.10ambassadormaybe it would bite someone someday :-)
23:22.23mjn3could be. i'm going to check in the fix
23:23.37ambassadoractually it looks like uClibc doesn't put a symlink in toolchain_, but copies the right asm-* right to asm/
23:24.42ambassadorwhere is that copy?
23:25.06mjn3uClibc/Makefile... part of the headers target i think
23:26.39ambassadortoo deep mystery for me to find :-)
23:26.50ambassadorbut it appears to work so I'll not plumb it
23:28.47mjn3ambassador: uClibc/Makefile headers target invokes uClibc/extra/scripts/
23:28.54ambassadoroh, thx
23:29.05mjn3ambassador: then a miracle occurs...
23:29.23ambassadorthis is like glibc fix-includes I guess
23:29.56ambassador(I still don't see any "cp" in fix-includes)
23:30.33mjn3it does symlinks in uClibc/include.  the actual install does the copying
23:31.10ambassadorwow :-)
23:39.37bug1hmm, im having problems extracting binutils with bb tar
23:40.50bug1yea, looks like a serious tar bug
23:41.29bug1ahh i bet i know what it is too
23:41.43bug10 length files cause it to read to eof
23:42.08bug1from when i merged it with copyfd
23:52.42DaveM_Is there a reason that libpthread is completely stripped?
23:53.02ambassadorDaveM_: in root/lib/ ?
23:53.39ambassadorno libs are stripped in root/lib/ for me unless I modify
23:53.50DaveM_I don't use buildroot, so I'm not sure on your directory naming, I just looked at the output of uClibc installs
23:55.32DaveM_mjn3: ahhh... are you asking me? or are you trying to get bug1's attention?
23:56.19DaveM_well not stripping symbols isn't really a bug since everything still works, but I was wondering if there was a reason behind this
23:57.24DaveM_libpthread on Arm changes from 82362 bytes to 67828, so it isn't a huge deal, but still measureable

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