irclog2html for #uclibc on 20031014

01:14.01*** join/#uclibc ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
01:14.01*** join/#uclibc andersee (
01:14.01*** join/#uclibc waldi (
01:14.01*** join/#uclibc kergoth`bbl (
01:14.01*** join/#uclibc mjn3 (
01:14.01*** mode/#uclibc [+o ChanServ] by
01:44.47*** join/#uclibc Flimzy (
01:45.37FlimzyWhen compiling uclibc 0.2.21, I get the following error: + ln -fs /home/jonhall/ob/uClibc-0.9.21/kernel-source-2.4.20/include/asm-i386 include/asm
01:45.37Flimzy+ unset -x
01:45.37Flimzy./extra/scripts/ line 154: unset: -x: invalid option
01:46.01FlimzyI'm building using the Debian facilities...
01:46.06Flimzydpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -us -uc
01:46.24FlimzyAny ideas what the specific problem is?
01:50.14Flimzywhat is 'unset -x' supposed to do?
01:50.24Flimzy-x does not appear to be supported in my shell...
02:10.48mjn3Flimzy: i think that was fixed in cvs last week
02:12.49anderseeFlimzy: as mjn3 said...  fixed in the latest from cvs
02:14.58Flimzyah, okay.  Thanks
02:16.22FlimzyAre there CVS snapshot tarballs on the FTP site?
02:16.55Flimzyn/m I answered my own question
05:39.21*** join/#uclibc ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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07:13.14*** join/#uclibc tahorg (
13:24.13*** join/#uclibc dsmith (
14:28.41*** join/#uclibc rfs (
18:27.17*** join/#uclibc dsmith (
19:18.54*** join/#uclibc andersee (
19:18.59mjn3andersee: morning
19:19.11anderseemjn3: morning
19:19.29kergothhey mjn3, andersee
19:19.41mjn3kergoth: hey
19:19.57kergothwhats goin on?
19:20.18anderseekergoth: just waking up
19:20.40anderseekergoth: was up late hacking together yet-more .debs
19:20.51kergothah, cool
19:21.15kergothplaying around with zeroconf and multicast dns a bit myself
19:22.19mjn3i'm still working on the new stdio, and sending the dietlibc list a link to a publicly available draft of the C99 standard (since they could really use it)
19:22.52kergothhehe. how subtle of you
19:25.27mjn3kergoth: subtlety is lost on many...
19:26.50kergothtrue that.
19:27.46mjn3kergoth: felix got on my case for not reporting some bugs a while back.  so i've been trying to be helpful while still avoiding doing their work for them
19:28.33mjn3kergoth: part of that process is elevating their awareness of how buggy their code is, and emphasizing the need for testing and code review
19:29.23kergothmakes sense.  good luck
19:30.45anderseemjn3: maybe they'll instead decide to give up
19:31.06mjn3andersee: either that or ban me from the mailing list  :-)
19:31.14anderseemjn3: or (heaven forbid) decide to copy working code
19:31.27mjn3i doubt that will ever happen
19:39.23dsmithandersee: What kinda .debs?
19:40.30anderseedsmith: the kind you get when you have a uClibc only system, and you run 'apt-get source -b <package>' to compile a package from debian woody and then run 'dpkg -i <package>' to install it
19:41.09anderseedsmith: I've been working on bootstrapping such a system for a couple of weeks now (I think)
19:41.49anderseedsmith: just as an fyi -- bootstrapping such a system is a _lot_ of work
19:44.08dsmithBringing up a woody nftroot system was relativly painless.
19:44.21dsmithandersee: What arch?
19:44.54anderseedsmith: x86 thus far
19:45.19anderseedsmith: I'm not sure if I will do mipsel
19:45.21dsmithOh well.
19:45.34anderseedsmith: the bootstrapping process really needs to be done natively
19:46.04anderseedsmith: and my mips box is so slow, and has so little memory, it would probably take me a year and half
19:48.05anderseedsmith: of course, if someone were to, say, send me a really fast mips box with plenty of ram
19:55.24anderseeI wonder if a company like broadcom would be willing to sponsor such a thing?
19:55.50anderseethey seem to be selling a lot of mips cpus to the various wireless ap folks
19:56.23anderseeOf course, they do so under a "Broadcom owns all theis open source so you can sell it all you want" illegal license
20:17.06*** join/#uclibc rfs (
20:18.45anderseerfs: pong
20:19.11rfsandersee: long time no hear :0
20:19.18anderseerfs: :-)
20:19.28anderseerfs: I've been busy I suppose
20:19.35rfsandersee: i was going to report a bug in 0.9.1 but I see it was already fixed in CVS :(
20:20.00anderseerfs: and there has not been much netwinder traffic that seemed worthy of response
20:20.14rfstrue, things are pretty dead right now...
20:20.25anderseerfs: yeah, there were several little gotchas in the last release
20:20.38anderseerfs: we really should push out another release
20:20.48rfsandersee: or at least a new tarball :)
20:21.47rfsI got caught on the $(subst -g,,$(CFLAGS))
20:21.55rfstook a while to spot it :)
20:23.07anderseeThat one was sortof nasty
20:23.47rfsyeah... i fixed it using patsubst instead of subst, but your way is probably more portable ;)
20:24.15rfsI did manage to build a working uclibc and busybox for my winder
20:24.30rfsstatic exe was 270kB though :(
20:24.48rfsstill, got my kernel down to 570kB, so the two fit into 1M flash :0
20:26.14anderseebusybox can get a bit large, depending on what you enable
20:26.19anderseebusybox version?
20:26.33rfslatest released
20:26.40rfs-pre3 or somesuch
20:26.45anderseerfs: hmm, so you are replacing the netwinder firmware?
20:26.50anderseerfs: ok cool
20:27.44anderseeAnd honestly, without tab completion and w/o even a choice of kernels to load, the firmware does leave a bit to be desired
20:27.58rfsyeah, multiple profiles would be nice
20:29.19dsmithI always wanted to get a netwinder.
20:29.30anderseeI suppose I have gotten a bit spoiled from using grub
20:29.53anderseerfs: so something grub like would be awfully cool
20:29.54rfsandersee: i'm not entirely happy with grub either...
20:30.14rfssome features are cool, but its not intuitive enough
20:30.22anderseerfs: oh it has its warts (what were they thinking with the (hdX,Y) scheme?)
20:30.23rfsand did they have to invent yet another way of naming devices?
20:30.54rfsi think it came from sun bootloader or somesuch.
20:31.11anderseerfs: but I do really like reading files direct from your partitions with tab completion
20:31.48rfsandersee: yes, and its easy to do as well - for some subset of filesystems anyways.
20:31.52anderseerfs: and having a menu of kernels to boot proved awfully handy when you hose up your kernel
20:32.10rfsyup, or have moved disk drives between units and dont' remember what is on it ;)
20:32.22anderseerfs: with the netwinder, when I build a broken kernel it is quite painful
20:33.05rfsah, i move drives around a lot, and some of them have different partition setups, etc...
20:38.33anderseeback later
20:47.03rfscu Erik...
20:57.32*** part/#uclibc rfs (

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