irclog2html for #uclibc on 20030918

00:10.39*** join/#uclibc TheMasterMind1 (
01:05.02*** join/#uclibc sjhill (
04:29.28mjn3andersee: hey.  i was out most of this evening
04:30.13anderseemjn3: doing something fun I hope
04:30.32mjn3yeah.. visiting with a friend
04:31.13mjn3got scanf fixed this morning, i think.  constructing and running more tests
04:33.42anderseeI finished off that last of that windoz garbage I was doing.  So hopefully I won't need to mess further with win for a good long time.
04:34.04mjn3eating supper at the moment
07:43.38*** join/#uclibc ofauchon (
07:44.50ofauchonmjn3: thx again for your support, my job is done now. my nice small distribution fits 2.88 Mo .
08:37.09*** join/#uclibc solar ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:46.26*** join/#uclibc bug1 (
13:31.16mjn3ofauchon: you're welcome
13:47.40*** join/#uclibc rschwebel (
13:47.59*** part/#uclibc rschwebel (
14:29.05*** join/#uclibc sjhill (
17:41.48psypete[root@meatwad linux]# make dep
17:41.49psypetegcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -o scripts/mkdep scripts/mkdep.c
17:41.49psypetescripts/mkdep.c: In function `add_path':
17:41.49psypetescripts/mkdep.c:221: `PATH_MAX' undeclared (first use in this function)
17:42.11psypetewhen `make dep`ing the kernel in a root_fs
17:42.31psypeteafer i removed scripts/mkdep because it was compiled on a glibc system
17:43.55psypetei can't seem to find where PATH_MAX originates
17:44.12psypeteit doesn't appear to be in /usr/include or /usr/src/linux
17:52.24mjn3psypete: include/linux/limits.h
17:57.36mjn3psypete: try this.  create a pm.c file containing
17:57.51mjn3#include <limits.h>
17:57.52mjn3"PATH_MAX" is PATH_MAX
17:58.30mjn3then run 'gcc -E pm.c' to see what the preprocessor is including and what it sets PATH_MAX to
18:00.53psypetek, thx :)
18:04.40psypeteadded #include <linux/limits.h> to mkdep.c and it compiled fine
18:05.59mjn3was it not including <limits.h>?  that should have caused <linux/limits.h> to be included automaticly
18:10.16psypetei explicitly used linux/limits instead
18:10.22psypetei'm dumb that way
18:44.30*** join/#uclibc TheMasterMind1 (
18:44.35*** join/#uclibc TMM1 (
19:56.27*** join/#uclibc mrallen (
20:29.34mrallenis there a diff or diff3 applet for busybox?
20:32.44mrallenwhat is --> Using fallback suid method
20:35.57psypetestrace it
20:36.07psypeteit looks like it prints that if it doesn't find /etc/busybox.conf
20:36.31psypeteall the smart people seem to be out at the moment though...
20:46.43mrallenheh. thanks.
20:46.55mralleni thought i turned that off in the config
20:47.51psypeteso did i..
20:47.54psypetebut it comes up anyhow
21:33.13*** join/#uclibc mjn3 (
21:42.07psypetemjn3: <mrallen> what is --> Using fallback suid method
21:43.36mjn3psypete: talking about busybox?
21:43.58psypete<psypete> strace it
21:43.58psypete<psypete> it looks like it prints that if it doesn't find /etc/busybox.conf
21:44.10psypetebut i'm unsure
21:44.17psypeteas to the -exact- cause
21:44.52*** join/#uclibc andersee (
21:45.06anderseemjn3: hey
21:45.35mjn3andersee: hey
21:45.38mjn3psypete: looking
21:46.00psypeteandersee: hey
21:46.17anderseepsypete: hey
21:46.39*** topic/#uclibc by psypete -> Discussion of uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, and related stuff | Sept 9 -- uClibc 0.9.21 released | Sept 12 -- Busybox 1.0.0-pre3 released | it's Talk Like Fanzi day on #uclibc
21:48.15*** topic/#uclibc by psypete -> Discussion of uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, and related stuff | Sept 9 -- uClibc 0.9.21 released | Sept 12 -- Busybox 1.0.0-pre3 released
21:51.26mjn3psypete: see applet/applets.c.  suid busybox tries to read the /etc/busybox.conf file to check for applet permisions.  if parse_config_file fails, it falls back to using the info compiled into busybox
22:03.04*** join/#uclibc Dave (
23:57.39*** join/#uclibc dbass (
23:58.28dbass/msg Dave hi
23:59.33*** part/#uclibc dbass (

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