irclog2html for #uclibc on 20030907

06:55.03*** join/#uclibc TheMasterMind1 (
07:56.28*** join/#uclibc bug1 (
07:58.09bug1andersee: busybox list is relatively quiet, perhaps it would be a good time for a pre3 ?
08:07.45anderseebug1: yeah
08:07.55anderseebug1: I just wish the primary server were working
08:08.08anderseebug1: keeps falling over dead
08:09.08anderseetell you what
08:09.13anderseeLets make it monday
08:09.39anderseemjn3 and I have finished about everything for a new uClibc release
08:09.59anderseeWe have decided on monday for that
08:10.23anderseeSo we'll get both bb-pre3 and uClbic 0.9.21 out on monday
08:11.48anderseewith luck, the primary server will be back online then...  Otherwise my home box will get crushed..
08:12.24bug1sounds good
08:14.22anderseethen I should be able to spend a bit of time getting the replacement server ready....
08:14.41anderseeThe current server is (obviously) complete crap
08:25.56bug1with the primary server do you provide the hardware, or is it a virtual host ?
08:26.14bug1its pretty bad if your paying for hosting and there hardware is dying

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