irclog2html for #uclibc on 20030819

04:35.37*** join/#uclibc bug1 (
04:36.07bug1Compiling busybox statically i get a messgae; Using 'getnetbyname' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking
04:36.14bug1(against glibc)
04:37.15bug1the whole point of compiling statically is so you dont need the shared libraries
04:40.21bug1maybe we should give up the static busybox deb
04:41.41bug1bring it back when we can compile statically against uclibc
04:56.26anderseeglibc is kindof stupid that way.  Wants all the nss crap
04:56.57anderseeit dlopens them, so it should otherwise work
06:02.12anderseehelp ibot
06:02.21andersee~ibot help
06:04.53bug1so if the nss stuff is missing some functions will fail
06:06.47anderseebug1: glibc has an /etc/nsswitch.conf file that specifies the nss libraries that are dlopened to do various things
06:07.31anderseebug1: the default /etc/nsswitch.conf file specifies the get*byname as accessed via nss_files
06:08.30anderseebug1: We have generally tried in busybox to add sane fallback values, so the right thing happens even when glibc nss depending apis fail
06:09.07bug1andersee: fair enough, i will ignore it then
06:10.08anderseelibbb/inet_common.c is the only spot where getnetbyname is used
06:10.56anderseeSo INET_resolve() may fail if nss_files goes missing.  Not the end of the world...
06:15.10bug1andersee: also 'endgrent' in libbb/change_identity, 'gethostbyname' in  udhcp, 'getservbyname' in rdate
06:15.48bug1same deal
06:16.49anderseeFor the static build, CONFIG_USE_BB_PWD_GRP and CONFIG_USE_BB_SHADOW should be enabled, so endgrent shouldn't be a problem
06:17.06anderseejust the getfoobyname funcs
06:17.28anderseeI suppose I could port the lot over from uClibc, but ugh...
06:18.41bug1seems like the problem should be fixed in glibc to me
06:19.34anderseeThey do have an --enable-static-nss gcc compile option
06:20.13bug1ah ok, so if glibc was compiled with that it would be able to compile truely static binaries
06:20.15anderseeIf there were used with the glibc packages, presumably ststic busybox wouldn't have a problem
06:21.07anderseeThough it would be worth a test run to check that theory
06:37.59*** join/#uclibc tristate (
06:52.10*** part/#uclibc bug1 (
06:53.18*** join/#uclibc tahorg (
08:36.20*** join/#uclibc kergoth_ (
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10:39.09*** join/#uclibc mjn3-away (~mjn3@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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14:37.26*** topic/#uclibc by andersee-sleep -> Discussion of uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, and related stuff | 1 August -- mjn3 checked in a massive update to the stdio, wchar, and locale code | 19 August -- andersee just fixed the "dlopen()'ing libraries that depend on libraries" bug
16:40.42*** join/#uclibc andersee-sleep (
22:04.19*** join/#uclibc TimRiker (
22:05.03*** part/#uclibc TimRiker (
22:35.06*** join/#uclibc tristate (

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