irclog2html for #uclibc on 20030717

00:47.56*** join/#uclibc andersee (
00:48.28*** join/#uclibc Shagoon (
00:49.01Shagoonandersee: hi, are you here?
00:50.04anderseeShagoon: howdy
00:50.06anderseeShagoon: I
00:50.10anderseeI'm here
01:37.34*** part/#uclibc Shagoon (
02:39.35*** join/#uclibc TheMasterMind1 (
04:08.22mjn3andersee: you around?
04:09.22*** join/#uclibc bug1 (
04:12.42anderseemjn3: yep
04:13.25mjn3i'm adding all my size-tuning options as i type.  many people will be confused in the near future...
04:14.08anderseeI suppose only those that can't Read The Fine Docs... :)
04:14.57mjn3hey.. i'm adding help sections
04:15.31anderseeexactly.  :)
04:15.44anderseecourse I'd add 'em if you don't
04:16.01mjn3but for instance, i'm making /etc/TZ support configurable.  i'm making the path configurable.  there are also 2 options... read the file just once, and read the file and keep a copy of the sting to do a fast compare
04:16.16mjn3scanf has 3 or 4 options
04:16.17anderseeBut I figure that that can't read can sign up for a support contract if they prefer us to do it for them. :)
04:16.26mjn3stdio in general will have a number of options
04:16.34mjn3hey... works for me
04:16.42andersees/that that/those that/
04:18.05mjn3on the premise that those who don't read will be the ones to ask why something isn't working, i'm makeing the default settings to be 'glibc-ish' in nature.  i.e. everything gets enabled for maximum functionality.  those who are interested in tuning are less likely to ask stupid questions
04:18.07anderseelooks like I'll be doing some surgery on my wife's laptop.  It has decided it doesn't wish to boot, making her grumpy.  :-(
04:19.30anderseeSeems it was trying to do a suspend to disk, when the battery died.  Now on boot it tries to resume from that suspended session, and chokes.  With no was to tell the bios to not do that
04:19.47andersees/no was/no way/
04:20.49mjn3i'm proably going to move some things around in the config menus
04:20.58anderseeshe already uses openoffice and mozilla.  I wonder if quicken works under wine these days?  Maybe its time for her to ditch windoz
04:21.15mjn3i think it does
04:21.18anderseemjn3: suites me.  The current structure is ad-hoc at best
04:22.19mjn3good enough
05:10.41mjn3andersee: i'll catch you tomorrow.  i need to get up early and take my van in for a checkup
05:53.44*** join/#uclibc kergoth`bbl (
05:57.36*** join/#uclibc andersee (
06:59.23*** join/#uclibc loic (
08:25.19*** join/#uclibc TheMasterMind1 (
12:05.25*** join/#uclibc bug1 (
12:49.02*** join/#uclibc sjhill (~sjhill@
15:06.17*** join/#uclibc mjn3 (
17:26.57*** join/#uclibc TheMasterMind1 (
18:14.31*** part/#uclibc sjhill (~sjhill@
19:01.32*** join/#uclibc andersee (
19:01.46anderseemjn3: morning
19:01.50mjn3andersee: morning
19:02.03anderseeHow goes it?
19:02.26mjn3i was actually just about to take a short nap.  got up early to take the car in for an oil change and a recall thingy
19:02.47anderseeAh, yeah you mentioned you were doing that
19:02.48mjn3fixed a bug someone found in {v}sscanf
19:03.11mjn3still adding config options...
19:03.45mjn3how about with you?
19:08.20anderseeJust got up
19:08.42anderseeWas up a bit late.  Did manage to revive my wife's laptop
19:09.39mjn3that's good
19:10.48mjn3i'm just fixing a long-standing thread safety issue.  i'm disabling the getc/putc macros if uclibc is built with thread support.  i'm also adding getc_unlocked and putc_unlocked macros as allowed by SUSv3
19:24.12anderseesounds good
19:28.36mjn3just finished making inclusion of the error message and signal text configurable.  the sys_errlist[] and sys_siglist[] stuff is configurable too, but requires the associated text to be included in the lib
22:07.59*** join/#uclibc TMM1 (~aman@

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