irclog2html for #uclibc on 20030315

01:18.09*** join/#uclibc bug1 (
05:02.13*** join/#uclibc taco_ (mikael@
05:02.29taco_anyone using uclibc for doing chroots?
05:10.04*** part/#uclibc taco_ (mikael@
06:32.43mjn3ugh... there sure is a lot of cruft in libbb.h
12:40.30*** join/#uclibc psypete (
12:41.20psypetefile networking/udhcp/clientpack.c line 249:        DEBUG(LOG_INFO, "oooooh!!! got some!");
12:41.37psypetei'm gonna guess udhcpc has been worked on lately :)
12:42.17psypetei'm also gonna check out the latest development snapshot, but basically the udhcpc i have is wreaking havoc with my CPU and syslogd
15:05.55*** join/#uclibc mjn3 (
16:01.47*** join/#uclibc TheMasterMind1 (
16:18.57*** join/#uclibc hobbit (frank@
16:54.13*** join/#uclibc chouimat (
19:38.13*** join/#uclibc andersee (
20:22.47TheGooppsypete: which version?
20:23.29*** join/#uclibc TheMasterMind1 (
20:27.26psypeteTheGoop: unstable-20030301
22:48.40*** join/#uclibc andersee (
23:21.33TheGoopi think im using stable
23:21.58TheGoopi wonder if i can getaway with just gzipping a kernel and booting on my mips board
23:22.17psypetemost kernels are already g/bzipped
23:22.45TheGoopits not.
23:23.04TheGoopthere isnt even code to do it for mips
23:52.33TheGoopJan  6 03:40:04 pb1000 sshd[474]: Accepted password for dragon from port 36952 ssh2
23:52.33TheGoopJan  6 03:40:05 pb1000 auth.crit sshd[476]: fatal: login_get_lastlog: Cannot find account for uid 1000
23:52.43TheGoopwhat is causing that? anyone have any ideas?
23:52.47TheGoopi cant figure it out

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