irclog2html for #uclibc on 20030215

03:27.52*** join/#uclibc TimRiker (
04:02.20*** part/#uclibc TimRiker (
04:10.26*** part/#uclibc TheMasterMind1 (
04:39.21*** join/#uclibc andersee (
04:52.39TheGoopandersee: i imagine youre dreading any comments i have, but im having a few issues with busybox, i think...
04:53.49anderseeTheGoop: <sounds of dread>
04:54.29TheGoopwhen i boot from an nfs root thats using busybox with uclibc 0.9.18 this is the last line i get: Serial driver version 1.01 (2001-02-08) with no serial options enabled
04:55.15TheGoopif i replace linuxrc with a script that calls an init that i coppied from my hardhat linux install, it gives me an init error after that...which i expected...
04:55.46TheGoopim not saying its a problem with the software, im sure its something ive done, but im not sure where i borked it
04:59.04anderseeHmm.  dunno.  Isn't there and nfs-root howto or something?
05:00.59TheGoopyeah, i have all the files i need...
05:01.08TheGoopill keep playing with it
05:05.43TheGoopive tried it as a ramfs too, and that also did the same thing
05:06.03TheGoopi moved over to using an nfs boot because it saves time when i change things around...
05:08.42TheGoopi did getopenssh built though, btw.
05:08.57TheGoopi havent been able to test it yet...
05:11.54TheGoopthe ram disk half works...
05:12.28TheGoopSerial driver version 1.01 (2001-02-08) with no serial options enabled
05:12.29TheGoopKernel panic: No init found.  Try passing init= option to kernel.
05:12.42TheGoopthats with init pointing at /bin/busybox
05:14.38*** join/#uclibc ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
05:14.38*** mode/#uclibc [+o ChanServ] by
05:14.58TheGooptinylogin is not a shell replacement, right?
05:40.56TheGoopwhere do i change this: /opt/toolchain/mipsel-linux/bin/../lib/gcc-lib/mipsel-linux/3.2.2/../../../../mipsel-linux/bin/ld
05:41.11TheGoopi tried setting LD at compile time..
08:28.43*** join/#uclibc andersee (
08:28.43*** join/#uclibc kergoth`bbl (
08:28.44*** join/#uclibc jenga ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:28.44*** join/#uclibc waldi (~waldi@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:28.44*** join/#uclibc ds ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:28.44*** join/#uclibc TheGoop ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:37.15*** join/#uclibc ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
09:37.15*** mode/#uclibc [+o ChanServ] by
09:45.27*** join/#uclibc bug1 (
09:47.33bug1andersee: do you have any objection to me merging fileutils, textutils and shellutils into one coreutils dircetory/menu like upstream
09:48.12bug1also im working on a sha1sum applet, im making an attempt at doing a minimal ssh implementation
09:49.29anderseebug1: that sounds ok.  Though it may be best for me to do some cvs magic, lest we lose all the history for the files in question
09:50.07bug1sha1sum is 3kB smaller than md5sum, and i havent cleaned it up much, i can probably make md5sum/sha1sum combined applet
09:50.51bug1andersee: yea, didnt think of that, if you just copy all the files into a coreutils dir i can do the rest
09:51.31anderseebug1: might as well do coreutils cksum as well then
09:51.49bug1andersee: have your tried subversion, i had a quick go at it, i doesnt have an equivalent to cvsview i dont think
09:52.08bug1andersee: yea, cksum should be easy
09:52.27anderseebug1: the ieee1394 folks have a cvsweb serived web interface to subversion...
09:53.33bug1i met a local yesterday who uses busybox, said its his favourite program :)
09:55.03anderseebug1: do a 'cvs up'
09:55.36anderseebug1: I only copied the .c files, not the Makefile, and
09:56.03anderseeSo you'll want to merge those, then 'cvs rm' fileutils, textutils and shellutils
09:58.45bug1andersee: ok
10:00.04anderseeI noticed recently the coreutils seems to have a pretty good test suite included with it.
10:00.20anderseeMight be nice to swipe their tests and adapt them
10:03.00bug1yea i noticed that as well
10:03.13bug1sed has good tests as well
10:03.22bug1but they all have different testsuites
10:03.49bug1it would be good if there was one standard test framework
10:05.32waldigood morning
10:05.38bug1morning waldi
10:05.57bug1andersee: cvs server: failed to create lock directory for `/var/cvs/busybox/coreutils' (/var/cvs/busybox/coreutils/#cvs.lock): Permission denied
10:06.51bug1better tests would definetly be good long term thing
10:08.21bug1that did the trick
10:09.41waldibug1: hmm, do you take a look on my latest patch?`
10:16.11bug1waldi: i lost track of it, what the it called ?
10:39.31waldiSubject: busybox patch - reintroduce ip route flush
10:41.36bug1waldi: ok, will look at it after i finish this coreutils tuff
10:54.21bug1the menu/makefiles are done, will doublecheck before removing the directories
11:43.38bug1ok thats done
11:51.28bug1waldi: that patch is in, are you upto date now ?
11:51.50waldilet me look at the commit mails
11:52.56waldithe patch is missing
11:53.06waldino, there is it
12:54.17bug1andersee: networking/hostname.c procps/kill.c procps/uptime debianutils/readlink.c should be in coreutils
12:55.57bug1cal, cmp, dos2unix, length, od, realpath, usleep, uuencode, uudecode, watch shouldnt be in coreutils but i havent looked where they they should be
13:09.03bug1ill put it all into an email and send it to the list
19:28.43*** join/#uclibc TheMasterMind1 (
19:29.50*** join/#uclibc TimRiker (
20:15.39TimRikerandersee: we do a bb reset on bootup, so the penguin goes away.
20:16.00TimRikerhave not tried chvt 2 ; chvt 1 ; startx though.
20:17.39TimRikermoving to #eLinux...
20:19.52*** part/#uclibc TimRiker (
21:06.03*** join/#uclibc TimRiker (
22:47.01*** join/#uclibc bug1 (
22:56.18bug1im confused by md5sums -g option
23:01.41bug1yea, its for reading a string
23:02.10bug1which from the sounds of it should be equivalent to reading from stdin
23:02.34bug1its non-standard from what i can see
23:02.57anderseeIsn't in the debian one.  Feel free to kill it...
23:03.33anderseeThis isn't a good reason
23:04.44bug1k, some other messy code in there as well
23:04.48bug1} else {
23:04.49bug1if (optind == argc)
23:04.49bug1argv[argc++] = "-";
23:04.49bug1for (; optind < argc; ++optind) {
23:05.12bug1that if condition is never going to do anything usefull
23:06.55anderseeLooks pretty stupid
23:07.15bug1looking through the history -g has always bee nin there, maybe it was once in the upstream code
23:07.30anderseeWonder why it is trying to do that -- something later on checking for stdin?
23:07.40anderseemust have been
23:11.04bug1now lookign at coreutils, its md5sum has a --string option, however it isnt mentioned in md5sum -h, so they must be trying to get rid of it
23:55.18*** join/#uclibc TimRiker (
23:57.10*** part/#uclibc TimRiker (

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