irclog2html for #uclibc on 20021220

00:21.43sjhillibot: .sk
00:21.45parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, sjhill
00:21.54sjhillibot: prefix sk
00:21.56sjhill: are you smoking crack?
00:32.37*** join/#uclibc kergoth (
01:28.50*** part/#uclibc sjhill (
03:36.20*** join/#uclibc BZFlag (
05:05.24mjn3andersee: wcscoll and wcsxfrm now seem to be matching glibc pretty closely... the differences i'm seeing for various locales all seem to be related to one of two glibc bugs involving either weighting of UNDEFINED wchars or not ensuring that position counts are different from the end-of-pass flag
05:06.50mjn3andersee: so, all that's left for me to do is use a little preprocessor magic to create strcoll and strxfrm.  i'm heading for bed now, so i'll do that tomorrow and then get everything checked in
05:16.32*** join/#uclibc sandman_ (
05:39.12*** join/#uclibc bug1 (
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08:05.22*** join/#uclibc parsley_ ([ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:05.22*** join/#uclibc andersee (
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08:09.25*** join/#uclibc andersee (
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08:09.25*** join/#uclibc TheMasterMind1 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:09.25*** join/#uclibc jenga ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:23.46TheGoopanyone up?
09:03.59*** join/#uclibc bug1 (
09:04.27bug1make dep isnt working, i think i broke it
09:19.54bug1after make distclean, make dep reports *** No rule to make target `dep'
09:22.56anderseebug1: this is what you changed
09:22.58andersee-busybox: .depend $(libraries-y)
09:22.58andersee+busybox: depend $(libraries-y)
09:23.19anderseeBut the dep target is:
09:23.22anderseedepend dep: include/config.h .depend
09:23.59anderseeSo you eliminated the dependancy on include/config.h
09:24.48anderseeTry changing the .depend target to
09:24.53anderseedepend dep .depend: include/config.h scripts/mkdep
09:25.23anderseeAnd remove the old 'depend dep: include/config.h .depend' target
09:26.45bug1andersee: yea, that fixes it :)
09:30.10bug1andersee: hmm, i dont think i should need scripts/mkdep at the end as it is run by the .depend target above
09:30.52bug1actually i misunderstood you i think
09:31.25bug1-depend dep: include/config.h .depend
09:31.33bug1+depend dep .depend: include/config.h .depend
09:31.42bug1that seems to work
09:41.32anderseeOnly woke up since the baby was crying
09:41.38anderseeShe's asleep now
10:57.25bug1bah! Makefile is stufed, dpkg-buildpackage is broken, i cant fix it
13:57.29*** join/#uclibc mjn3 (
16:26.46*** join/#uclibc sjhill (
16:34.24mjn3sjhill: morning
16:44.34sjhillhi mjn3
17:25.10*** join/#uclibc ds-work (
18:28.55andersee_asleepmjn3: morning
18:29.33parsley_andersee: sleep in this morning? ;-)
18:31.30mjn3andersee: hey.  strcoll and strxfrm are working now too.  i'm fixing the stub locale version of nl_langinfo at the moment.  i also need to look into a wprintf buf
18:31.59anderseeparsley_: was up quite late with my wife doing christmas stuff
18:32.21anderseemjn3: wohoo!
18:32.55anderseemjn3: Guess I'd better fix handling of crt1 for powerpc and the others
18:40.43mjn3andersee: the files with the collation rule descriptions are about 2Mb.  but you need them to generate the collation data.  do you want them in cvs?
18:58.51anderseemjn3: We either put them in CVS, or create a seperate uClibc-locales package (and put that in CVS too)
18:59.02anderseeLets just put it in CVS
19:00.57mjn3andersee: i think that the pregenerated locale data should be a seperate download though.  unlike the collation source tables, i expect the pregenerated tables to change a good bit and the .c source is > 1Mb
19:02.38anderseemjn3: Ok.
19:03.11anderseemjn3: I suppose, since it is generated, we can add an option to either generate it, or download it buildroot style from
19:05.54mjn3andersee: it is generated, but in order to generate it you have to build > 300 glibc locales consuming about 40Mb of space.  and i had to tweak some of the locale source to build a few of them
19:06.48mjn3andersee: if the user wants to do that, then all the have to do (assuming they have the locales) is make headers ; make -C extra/locale ; make
19:17.15anderseeDoes downloading buildroot-style sound reasonable?
19:18.40mjn3i suppose.  doesn't matter to me one way or the other.  i'll give you a tar of the data and you can put it wherever for download
19:41.08mjn3andersee: i just put a file pregen-locale-021220.tgz in my home dir on winder.  that should be all the data needed, but the Makefile in extra/locale insists on building everything and i don't have time to look at it at the moment.  we need to run some errands.  back later
20:23.23*** join/#uclibc BZFlag (
21:28.29*** join/#uclibc bug1 (
21:33.08mjn3andersee: i'm back
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21:49.58bug1waldi: i cant build busybox-cvs from source
21:50.56bug1make[1]: *** No rule to make target `dep'.  Stop.
21:51.18anderseemjn3: k
21:51.38bug1Ive treid all the old Makefile from CVS i get the same thing
21:51.49bug1well, not all, hehe, the last 4
21:52.23bug1im sure they were working... i dunno whats going on
21:55.05bug1and when i try compiling busybox against uclibc i get
21:55.07bug1/usr/i386-linux-uclibc/lib/crt0.o(.text+0x13): In function `_start':
21:55.07bug1: undefined reference to `_fini'
21:55.32bug1uclibc as provided by the unstable deb
21:56.11bug1undefined reference to _init as well
22:00.21bug1i havent tried compiling against uclibc from cvs, so i dont know if it has anything to do with the deb
22:00.53mjn3andersee: i'm going to try building on nail...
22:17.09anderseemjn3: I need to fixup the powerpc makefile to copy crt0 as crt1
22:17.28anderseemjn3: Or even better, fix it to use the new ctor setup
22:21.01mjn3andersee: well, it's building now...
22:21.59anderseemjn3: I hear it
22:29.02mjn3andersee: well, looks like locales build on powerpc.  collation is working there too, as well as nl_langinfo
22:33.47anderseemjn3: excellent news!
22:34.17anderseemjn3: Guess its time for me to finish up the last things I've been procrastinating, and work on pushing out a release
22:36.49anderseemjn3: thanks!
22:37.02mjn3andersee: i noted a couple of bugs i need to fix when i updated my todo list.  but we'll be on the road tomorrow
22:37.43mjn3i wouldn't expect to get to them until after christmas
22:38.03mjn3andersee: a release with profiling support?
22:40.27anderseemjn3: yeah, I can finish that off
22:40.38anderseemjn3: I've got it mostly working already
22:41.29mjn3andersee: cool
22:43.11mjn3andersee: i just built a static hello world.  size is about 280k, 250k of which is the locale data
22:49.33anderseemjn3: printf is dragging in the whole pile
22:51.34mjn3andersee: if you want to get an idea of the locale data supported, there's a little app extra/locale/tst_nl_langinfo.c which will dump out all the supported langinfo entries for a given locale.  pretty neat with the UTF-8 locales in an xterm in utf-8 mode with the appropriate fonts
22:52.53mjn3andersee: yes, but anything using the ctype functions would do it too since all the locale data is in one big structure in a single object
22:54.45mjn3andersee: currently, if you want to build static apps and you don't want locale support, then you should build them against a stub-locale-configured uClibc.  that will change eventually, but i wouldn't look for that until early feb at least.
22:55.51anderseemjn3: We can live with that for now
22:56.24mjn3andersee: to do it, i need to rewrite the locale structure to put some of the hard-coded values into the structure header for runtime configurability, as well as rework the {w}ctype functions to not use wired-in constants
22:56.53mjn3andersee: that's stuff on my list, but finishing *wprintf and doing *wscanf come first
23:04.16anderseeAs does making a release

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