irclog2html for uclibc on 20021105

00:03.09mrbrownandersee, ok, patch to build script Makefile is up
00:03.19mrbrownI'll check out those sh patches now
00:25.26mrbrownwhen I sent patches to the list, they kept getting cut off
00:25.27mrbrownuntil I took out my gpg signature
00:37.20anderseemrbrown: I see the second patch in all 3 emails, regardless of gpg sigs
00:38.06mrbrownthen wtf?
00:38.44mrbrownbecause I checked the physical files in my Maildir, and they were incomplete except for the last one
00:39.25anderseemrbrown: I'm using postix/spamassassin/procmail/mutt here, and it all works for me...
00:39.45mrbrownandersee, I think one of my ad filters kicked in
00:40.24anderseemrbrown: Quit trying to sell stuff.  ;-)
00:40.24psypetemrbrown: THATS why i don't use email scanners :)
00:41.13mrbrownoh well, you got the patch, so it's all good
00:43.30psypeteandersee: is there an ETA on menuconfig going into a stable snapsot? *grovel grovel*
00:44.43mrbrownandersee, btw, static works perfectly with stock 3.2 + binutils 2.12.1 / 2.13
00:44.46mrbrownno patches necessary
00:44.55anderseemrbrown: excellent
00:45.13mrbrownGOT found at 0x2956b084
00:45.14mrbrownLib Loader:     (0x29556000) /lib/
00:45.14mrbrownsearching for library: ''
00:45.14mrbrownsearching RPATH: '/lib'
00:45.14mrbrownSegmentation fault
00:45.19mrbrownthis is what I'm trying to fix atm :P
00:45.29anderseemrbrown: Have you tried the resolv.S change in that patch I sent you?  Looks likly....
00:46.04mrbrownyeah, that's what it's running
00:47.46mrbrownthere's no difference
00:48.16mrbrownthat patch itself looks fine to me code-wise
00:48.46psypetea good debugger'll shed some light :)
00:49.51mrbrownyeah, I'm trying to avoid that though :P
07:59.36mjn3 w
10:21.01mjn3andersee: morning.  i'm looking at wcwidth this morning
10:30.20anderseeI'm currently moving the ldso debug options into the new config system
13:58.47sjhillandersee: around?
13:59.33anderseesjhill: nope
13:59.53sjhillandersee: has anyone tried compiling uClibc with soft float?
14:00.52anderseesjhill: Not that I know of.  I just added an option in the other day, but I've not tried it.
14:03.03anderseesjhill: hehe.  I just looked closer, and I got that option wrong.  Fixing...
14:12.14anderseesjhill: Did you try to use that option?
14:12.25sjhillnot yet
14:16.01anderseesjhill: care to give it a try?
14:16.06anderseesjhill: Do a cvs up
14:16.31anderseesjhill: then enable UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS but disable HAS_FPU
14:17.08sjhilli will also have to configure gcc for use of soft float also iirc
14:18.21anderseesjhill: probably so. I just build for FPU-less x86, and it listed a bunch of stuff missing from libgcc
14:50.38cyberlokhello all
14:50.48anderseecyberlok: howdy
14:51.08cyberlokhave I hit the right channel for uclibc help?
14:51.49cyberlokI am a developer but need help in making uclibc behave how I need it too
14:52.10mjn3how do you need it to behave?
14:52.29cyberlokI need to be able to make the source tree so that one can compile it as a normal user and then use that to compile source to use with my diskette distro
14:52.46cyberlokthis is just in case a user does not have root access on a linux machine
14:53.42cyberlokummmm ok I have a tarball serverdisk-tarball I need to be able to compile all the apps using the uclibc source tarball within that tree and able to do it in normal user
14:54.18anderseeHave you looked at some of the existing uClibc build systems, such as buildroot?
14:54.34anderseeYou can grab a tarball from the webpage
14:54.46cyberlokI can get it to compile but it then when I point it to ~/serverdisk-tarball/uClibc/_install/usr/i386-uclibc/bin/i386-uclibc-gcc
14:54.58cyberlokI get errors of
14:55.39cyberlok./usr/i386-uclibc/include/blah blah does not exist
14:55.53cyberloksee I know how to compile it I have used it a lot
14:56.19cyberlokI just cant get it to configure it to behave in a isolated envirement
14:56.20anderseeDid you install uClibc using 'make install'?
14:56.35anderseeBut isolated, do you mean chrooted?
14:56.54cyberlokI have after tweaking the config
14:57.27cyberlokI just need ~/serverdisk-tarball/* to all be within that
14:57.52cyberlokso that they dont need really much other then gcc on the actual linux machine and they can do it using a normal user account
14:58.13anderseePerhaps some of the others on the channel will be able to help you...
15:00.15mjn3cyberlok: how do you have your paths set up in the config file?
15:00.34cyberlokummmm let me check one sec
15:02.07cyberlokDEVEL_PREFIX = $(TOPDIR)/_install/usr/$(TARGET_ARCH)-linux-uclibc
15:02.25cyberlokDEVEL_TOOL_PREFIX = $(DEVEL_PREFIX)/usr
15:02.32cyberlokPREFIX = $(TOPDIR)/
15:02.41cyberlokthose are all the paths in the config right now
15:17.47cyberloksorry about that my sshd went all wierd
15:17.54cyberlokdid you get my paths?
15:18.16cyberlokhow I want it to behanve is something like this
15:18.48cyberlokwhen compiled and installed it
15:18.51cyberlokjesus still issues
15:20.03cyberlokok now then
15:20.59cyberlokwhen compiled I want it to install in ~/serverdisk-source/uClibc/ then when I compile the other programs I want them to look for the libs in /lib in the new rootfs of the diskette ramdisk
15:21.21cyberlokand that basically sums up what I need to configure
15:23.57mjn3cyberlok: the main problem people run into is that the path of the shared loader is set at build time.
15:25.01mjn3i think you can fiddle with the paths to get what you seem to want.  you just wont be able to test on the build machine
15:27.58mjn3cyberlok: you need to adjust the shared lib loader path to get the behaviour you want.  that doesn't address your compile include path problem though.  what does the gcc wrapper output when you invoke it with the -v option?
15:28.47cyberlokone sec phone
21:09.47mjn3andersee: you there?

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