IRC log for #ubuntu-utah on 20071104

00:35.12mheathZelut: Are you planning on sticking with Hardy through the entire development process?
00:50.32Zelutmheath: unless it completely breaks, but I will probably do quite a bit yes.
00:53.49mheathZelut: Well, its a stable release....
00:54.03mheathMOST of the work will just be tweaking and perfecting things in Gutsy, making it ready for LTS
00:54.14mheathI don't imagine it will break as much as Gutsy did
01:02.11ZelutGutsy never broke for me, but yeah this is really going to focus on polishing what we've done since 6.06
01:16.28*** join/#ubuntu-utah thaddeusq (
01:16.37*** join/#ubuntu-utah undertakingyou (
02:10.49*** mode/#ubuntu-utah [-o Zelut] by ChanServ
02:20.11*** join/#ubuntu-utah Hunding_ (n=denns@VDSL-151-118-128-221.DNVR.QWEST.NET)
04:14.35GateZelut: not if you are on the U of U though, apparently Dixie has fiber going straight to them
04:17.26ZelutGate: well that is helpful
04:21.38Gateyeah, while I was up there last weekend we got 4500 KB/s uploading from Dixie to U of U
04:21.55Gates/last/the other/g
04:53.21*** part/#ubuntu-utah Gate (n=gate@
05:57.02*** join/#ubuntu-utah linuxalien (i=UNKNOWN@oalug/member/linuxalien)
06:13.25herloZelut: its untrue that I only blog once a week.  In October alone, I bloged over 15 times
06:14.44herlosontek: you can use either, i do subscribe to feedburner
06:18.41*** join/#ubuntu-utah Zelut (n=Zelut@ubuntu/member/zelut)
06:18.41*** mode/#ubuntu-utah [+o Zelut] by ChanServ
06:34.49sontekherlo, most of your blog posts were informative though :P  what is a distribution, what is the best code name, red sox, why is infobot a girl
06:43.28herlosontek: thank you...
06:44.19herlosontek: I've been trying to blog more now.  I'm trying to do more there and with UTOS too.  Its been a bit of a transition for me, but I think I can blog 2-3 times a week now and build up a good audience
06:53.49*** join/#ubuntu-utah Gate (
07:49.29findlaythe mogul bloggeth
07:49.44findlay~lart me
07:49.44jbotteaches findlay that M$ Access is a database. No, really, a database. A real live multi-user... well, ok, not multi-user, but a database. Yeah, that sounds right.
16:49.27*** join/#ubuntu-utah Gate (
18:12.50herlosontek: ping
18:52.13sontekherlo: sup
18:53.28herlosontek: you still planning on coming to the MDRP and bringing your POS box for those who wanna install SUSE?
18:54.57sontekYeah, I can bring 64bit and 32bit isos on NFS, but I won't have any bootable cds, so you should bring some so we can burn, or only people with usb boot will be able to install
18:55.55herloI can bring the CDs
18:56.15herloand they should also be able to boot from pxe if I get it set up correctly...
18:56.30herloI'll need to obtain the suse installer kernel and initrd
18:56.36herloI'll provide a menu for the options...
18:56.49herloThen, they just point it to your box to install from
18:56.54herloI think that'll work...
18:57.09sontekyeah, as long as you can offer a menu to select kernel and initrd
18:57.17sontekI've only ever offered one on pxe
18:57.28herlothat's what i mean
18:57.37herlooh, I see, yeah
18:57.43herloI can do a menu, pretty easy actually
18:57.51sonteknice =)
18:58.15herlowe have one at GL I am going to steal (borrow) this week :)
18:58.33herloplus, I've done it before...
19:00.42sontekMake the menus say "Gutsy"  "Werewolf" "Silver Bullet"
19:02.34herlosontek: we'll see
19:29.14*** join/#ubuntu-utah jonathanabrahams (n=jonathan@
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20:10.16*** join/#ubuntu-utah jonathanabrahams (n=jonathan@
20:10.29*** part/#ubuntu-utah jonathanabrahams (n=jonathan@
20:39.57HeartsbaneDoes anyone know the command to show what type of encryption you have if you chose encrypted LVM at setup
22:36.34*** join/#ubuntu-utah synic (n=squish@pdpc/supporter/student/synic)
23:08.56*** join/#ubuntu-utah troseph (i=troy@nat/novell/x-6d2b240ae48176ce)
23:32.53*** join/#ubuntu-utah Yorokobi (n=Yorokobi@unaffiliated/yorokobi)

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