irclog2html for #ubuntu-utah on 20070315

00:11.41*** join/#ubuntu-utah linuxalien (
00:22.01atoponceZelut: well?
00:25.02atoponcewhy is it so intriguing to go to wikipedia, and start reading articles on unix/linux
00:26.04*** join/#ubuntu-utah herlo-lap (
00:33.26Zelutdidn't work.  refit worked but won't boot linux yet.
00:44.40atoponcei need to remember to be logged in when editing wikipedia articles
00:52.38atoponcemaquis: why do you use *nix?
02:22.10atoponcei don't know why i bother arguing with mheath
02:22.17atoponcewasted key stroks
02:34.24maquisatoponce: lots of reasons
02:35.20maquisthey range from "i'm cheap" to "i prefer the command-line" to "it gives me a power-trip" to "i like messing around with stuff and i can
02:41.04*** join/#ubuntu-utah [phoenyx] (
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03:36.34*** join/#ubuntu-utah stuporglue (
03:38.56stuporglueWhat music player's does everyone here use? Rhythmbox is good-ish, but freezes frequently enough to be annoying.
03:39.37*** join/#ubuntu-utah TacoJockey (
03:41.37*** join/#ubuntu-utah jfrome (n=jfrome@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:44.31[phoenyx]I use amarok
03:45.00[phoenyx]but I haven't really tried anything else
03:50.25stuporglueAre you on Kubuntu or Ubuntu?
03:53.55*** join/#ubuntu-utah linuxalien ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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04:38.40*** part/#ubuntu-utah linuxalien (i=UNKNOWN@oalug/member/linuxalien)
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05:30.39Zelutwell bootcamp still isn't working but I think I'm closer
05:32.28*** join/#ubuntu-utah sontek (
05:32.48atoponcemaquis: cool
05:32.52atoponcejust curious
05:34.04Zelutherlo: dual-boot for mac.
05:34.29herlowas thinking you were doing an Ubuntu Bootcamp or something
05:34.37Zelutwe should do that :)
05:35.11Zelutbut I've got the EFI bootloader setup so it gives me the ubuntu option at boot, but the ubuntu installer craps out and doesn't finish
05:38.22sontek  has all the pics of your mac
05:38.36sontekI resized them to 500px but if you want the hi-res ones I can upload those too
05:39.05Zelutthat gave me a access denied
05:44.43Zelutsontek: can you email me some of the high-res?
05:45.03herloZelut: nice mac
05:45.45sontekanyone think of a better way to do that? :P
05:45.45sontekmy bash-foo is bad
05:45.45herlosontek: what are you trying to do just convert them all?
05:45.51sontekI'm converting them all, I realize it'd be easier to move them in their own directory and do ls but that seemed like work
05:45.55Zelutherlo: thank you. it'll be a bit nicer once ubuntu is installed though
05:46.46Zelutif I remember there is a gui package that does that.. but I don't remember what it's called.
05:46.59herlofor i in *.jpg; do convert -geometry $i $i
05:47.12herlosontek: there is a search and replace for the second $i
05:47.59sontekZelut: i'm uploading the high res ones now
05:48.26Zelutsontek: you want me to save to disk?
05:48.39sontekwget -r in a few minutes :P
05:49.30sontekthey hi-res are around 2mb each and I have real internet not utopia ;P
05:49.42sontekso give my comcast a little bit to choke and get them up there
05:51.06Zelutlol ok.
05:53.19herlosontek: for i in *.jpg; do convert -geometry 500x500 $i ${i/i_thm.jpg}; done
05:53.22herlotry that...
05:53.36sontekthats much sexier than mine =)
05:53.48herloyep that's right
05:54.02sontekpssh you think you are so smart
05:54.40*** part/#ubuntu-utah [phoenyx] (
05:56.58ZelutI think I'm not going to work tomorrow.  the weather is too nice and I have a new toy.
05:57.42sontekI'm gonna go in at 7am so I can sneakout early and get dinner before byu uug
05:57.57sontekif it wasn't for beastie I would've been starving :P
05:58.00Zelutnice flexible hours
05:58.08ZelutI didn't even try any of beastie
05:58.26sontekI don't like chocalate but the frosting was delicious
05:58.43sontekI had an eye
05:58.52herlosontek: that's because redbeard1 is an excellent chef
05:59.10Zelutherlo: you should have seen it.  beastie wasn't strong enough to hold up his pitchfork.
05:59.27Zelutthe cracks about BSD holding it's own.. well you can imagine :)
05:59.30herloI saw tux, he was neat and very tasty too...
06:00.51Zeluti think maybe I'll upgrade my media server tonite..
06:01.09sontekI accidently updated my file server lastnight
06:01.14sontekI was shelled in and didn't realize it
06:01.31sontekwas like "why is my sources.list forked?" *changes it*
06:01.42sontekand then half way through the dist upgrade I realized what happened
06:02.13herlobeastie looked very cool...
06:04.32Zelutwell here comes 243 packages to update ubuntu-server
06:05.17herlooops, now it's Thursday!
06:05.26Zelutman I still have an hour & a half left on this battery and it hasn't been plugged in forever.  my last machine couldn't last ten minutes!
06:05.51sontekI took a few pics uploading them now
06:05.54herlomine like your mac.  I  love the battery life.  I get around 3 hours and it'll still be going...
06:06.37ZelutFetched 122MB in 1m23s (1458kB/s)                                                                                                                                                                                  Fetched 122MB in 1m23s (1458kB/s)                                                                            
06:06.38sontekI got 7 when I first got my laptop now i'm down to around 4-5 dependent on workload
06:06.47Zelutman utopia is nice
06:07.43maquisit was my idea, anyway
06:16.43Zelutis it bad that I just want to blow off work tomorrow?
06:20.55herloI do too.  Except I get to teach xen for the first time and I'll get to be lazy on Friday...
06:21.23herlotest day...
06:21.24Zelutmy clients have just been lazy all week and I'm sick of dealing with it.
06:21.38ZelutI'm just going to email them and say something has come up. deal with it., my boss is out of town so I'm not worried about him and I am fairly actively looking for another job so I really just don't care that much.
06:22.20Zelutsad. i sound like a slacker
06:23.02herlonah, you are just sick of the environment you are in.  you'd do better elsewhere it seems...
06:23.16Zeluti sure hope so.
06:24.54herlome too :)
06:25.15*** join/#ubuntu-utah Tianon (
06:26.06Zelutmaybe I'll figure out tomorrow how to securely access my nfs share from outside the lan
06:27.19herloZelut: kerberos!!!
06:27.31herlolet me know when you get *that* working.  i wanna see...
06:28.37Zeluti have been thinking about a vpn or something.. there is *so* much yet to learn and only so many years in my life
06:31.14herloopenvpn is good
06:35.13Zelutso my worthless office web server isn't responding so I can't get the emails I need to send to call in sick.
06:35.20sontekyou could just ssh tunnel
06:35.22Zelutexchange is worthless
06:35.36sontekExchange is the best out there
06:35.40sontekeven if it sucks =)
06:36.24Zelutthis server goes down probably once a week. the email goes out just as often.
06:36.26herlosontek: no it's not
06:36.29Zelutits a POS
06:36.50sontekherlo: for a corporate environment theres nothing that matches its shared calendar and tasks support
06:36.52herloyou can run your own mail server and calendaring system and it will be tons better than Exchange will ever be
06:37.13sontekherlo: you can run seperate systems that don't integrate with your mail client
06:37.15herlosontek: I disagree.
06:37.30sontekherlo: outlook and evolution connect to exchange
06:37.54herloI think that Exchange is just the most common option and because microsoft has brainwashed everyone into thinking that an integrated solution is the way to go...
06:37.57sontekbut if you have a better solution I'd love to see it
06:37.59herlosontek: I know that
06:38.02sontekI wouldn't mind getting off exchange
06:38.10sontekI've just never seen anything better
06:38.15herlosontek: you can get all of what you need with open source solutions...
06:38.30sontekplural isn't an option when dealing with desktop users :P
06:38.37sontekit needs to be _solution_
06:38.41herlopostfix, sunbird and what else does exchange do, oh yeah, open ldap
06:39.02herlosontek: define solution, I don't think integrated systems means solution...
06:40.03sontekfor a desktop user who has been using their mail, calendar, and tasks all in outlook, having to switch between multiple applications isn't acceptable
06:40.10herlosontek: all of the contacts and calendaring can be managed by openldap on the back end...
06:40.48herlothe user apps don't have to change.  that's where Open Source is lacking.  Write one app that can integrate any backend solution and you'll make millions like M$
06:40.49sontekwe tried using google calendar for awhile but no one liked it over the exchange shared
06:41.33sontekok, lets write it =)
06:41.58sontekbut I don't need millions, a beer will be fine
06:42.30herlosontek: oh, but millions could buy a lot of beer!
06:42.47herlosontek: I'd love to write it.  What language would you write it in?
06:43.30herlogive me 10 hrs of uninterrupted time and I'll have it architected and well planned.  Probably even partially written....
06:44.15sontekI'll do it in whatever language you want
06:45.00sontekwe just have to build a decent plugin api for it
06:45.27herlosontek: It wouldn't really matter what language to me, I was just curious what you'd choese
06:45.36*** join/#ubuntu-utah Zelut (n=christer@ubuntu/member/zelut)
06:46.06sontekWell, my preference is always mono/C# since thats what I use daily, and because its object oriented cross platform
06:46.41herlofair enough.  I've been re-falling in love with java
06:47.08sontekI like java except for their generics
06:47.35herlowhat's wrong with them?
06:49.36sontekspeed/efficiency wise at compile time all it does is change the Type in the generic to object
06:49.56sontekso its pretty much useless besides code sexiness
06:50.39sontekand you can't use reflection on them to find what the generic type is (on stuff list List<T>)
06:50.49herlothat does suck
06:52.40sontekbut if you want to write our mail plugin system in it i'm down :P
06:53.16herloI'll have to free up some time, but it sounds like fun.
06:54.48sontekChrister and I were talking about starting up a ubuntu-utah code project and hack together for an hour at dinner after the meets
06:55.37herloI'd like to have UTOS do that too at some point...
06:57.10sontekwe should sit down and plan it out some night and see how long it'll take us
06:57.16sontekit'd be cool to present it at utosc
06:57.38herloit would be.  I would have to put in more I said, freeing up time...
06:58.03*** join/#ubuntu-utah Zelut (n=christer@ubuntu/member/zelut)
06:58.12sontekwhenever I need more time I cut out sleep =)
06:58.20sontek(although, I don't have much more to cut out)
06:58.35herlosontek: yeah, it's now 1am...
06:58.43herlooh and I am a bit older than you...
06:58.55Zelutgrumble.. the new bitlbee apparently causes more problems
06:59.19Zelutthe feisty package doesn't even install properly.
06:59.22herloZelut: I am sorry about that...
06:59.29herlostupid feisty
06:59.35sontekhaha, that just means you have more experience at all nighters ;)
06:59.41Zelutherlo: is it too much to ask for a reliable CLI client?
06:59.55Zelutsee ya
07:00.03sontekZelut: have you tried configuring it from source?
07:00.03herloZelut: no it's not.  We could write that instead of what sontek suggested.  The project is already there
07:00.06ZelutI should go to bed too but I don't feel like it :)
07:00.06herlogood night...
07:00.11sontekI never had any problems with it when I was using it
07:00.22sontekherlo: goodnight!
07:00.28Zelutsontek: I haven't.. I don't like compiling much but I might try it.
07:02.40sontekwhat are the errors its giving you/
07:03.19Zelutthe feisty package doesn't install the xinetd service apparently
07:03.33sontekit installed fine for me
07:03.45Zelutand the other version, the one I have been using, will work great until it decides to screw up jabber for a full day.
07:03.54Zelutfeisty package for bitlbee is working for you?
07:04.21ZelutI wonder what I have different..
07:04.31Zelutdo anything with your config file?
07:06.03Zeluti'm going to try compiling.  fingers crossed i stay away from dependency hell.
07:06.34Zeluti'm tempted to try and make a deb for it.. the 1.1dev release from last month.
07:08.38Zelut..and I'm getting compile errors already.  I'm very quickly reminded why I avoid compiling
07:08.55sonteklol what are the errors? you are probably just missing some -dev packages
07:09.44Zelutyeah, missing one already and need an ssl dev apparently too.
07:11.41Zelutif I sat down for an hour I think I could make a .deb for this.. don't feel like it tonite though
07:12.42sontekZelut: all I did was created the /etc/xinetd.d/ircd file and start xinet and it worked
07:13.10Zelutif this compile doesn't work I'll try that.
07:15.17Zelutwhat'd you put in the ircd file?
07:15.48sontekyour the one who wrote the ubuntu wiki page on it ;)
07:16.22Zelutis it updated? I didn't write anything on manually tweaking xinetd
07:16.36sontekoh, well, its updated then :p
07:17.28Zelutlet me look
07:18.20Zeluthow do I restart xinetd?
07:19.01ZelutI don't have that /etc/init.d/xinetd file..
07:20.45sontekdid it not install?
07:21.37Zelutnope. weird
07:22.58Zelutadded that and now i'm fine. odd
07:26.57sontekThats weird, It should've been installed by default (it was for me) and no packages in the repository depend on it
07:28.23sontekif you ever have a question about dependencies on a package you can use a little known tool called apt-rdepends  (sudo aptitude install apt-rdepends)  and then you can do apt-rdepends package  and find all its dependencies or apt-rdepends -r pakage to find what packages depend on it
07:28.42sontekI use the reverse lookup more than anything
07:28.58Zeluthmm. ok.
07:30.09sontekso what does bitlbee do to your jabber?
07:31.29Zelutit'll work fine all week and then suddenly nobody can IM me (although I think I'm connected) and then when trying to reconnect I get 'error 500'
07:31.43Zelut..I then can't connect for 3-4 hours sometimes
07:33.42Zeluteven when trying other clients such as gaim or even gmail-chat. can't connect at all.
07:39.32sonteki'll use it this week and see if I can reproduce it
07:39.59Zeluthave you been using it much?
07:40.13sontekI haven't used it in a few years
07:40.15Zelutherlo gets the same error occasionally but not as much as me
07:40.18sontekI just use centericq
07:40.29ZelutI should try that one out.
07:40.39sontekI prefer centericq for instant messaging over irssi
07:40.56sontekeasier to manage multiple chats
07:41.08ZelutI really like how I can use IRC & Jabber in one client that is easy to navigate & I can run it all over screen.
07:41.46Zelutgaim was too busy for me and nothing else seems to support irc & jabber
07:42.58sontekcentericq supports irc but I don't know how well it works, i've never tried it
07:43.20Zeluthmm.. wget not included in os x apparently
07:43.26sontekirssi is really good at irc and centericq is really good at messaging, never saw a need to combine them
07:44.39Zeluti just like to have my chats, jabber or irc, all in one.
07:52.02Zeluti should probably go to bed. its almost 2:00
07:53.59sontekin mac osx you use curl
07:54.11sontekcurl -LO  [url]
07:54.15sontekits not as powerful but it works
07:54.33sontekyeah i'm gonna head to bed too
12:56.26*** join/#ubuntu-utah redbeard1 (n=redbeard@
13:45.25atoponceZelut: so, i assume you're no longer using irssi, now that you're not using bitlbee for you im...
13:45.51UtahBot4UtahBot 14has been up for:4 0 14week(s)4 5 14day(s)4 21 14hour(s)4 12 14minute(s)4 49 14second(s).
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16:15.03sontekanyone else going to BYU UUG tonight?
16:31.13ZelutI am
16:32.08Zelutatoponce: I'm back on irssi & bitlbee today after installing a later version last nite.
16:47.48*** join/#ubuntu-utah acrid` (
16:49.30Zelutholy crap I just found the coolest thing.
16:50.08ZelutJayce helped me setup virtual desktops on OS X and it is even motion sensitive.  I can tip the machine to right or left to switch desktops
16:57.15*** join/#ubuntu-utah sontek (
16:57.20sontekI'm fully gnome now
16:57.24sontekno more enlightenment
16:59.05Zelutwhy is that?
17:00.06sontekusability, my gf struggled lastnight when trying to use my laptop
17:00.44Zelutcan you simply activate/deactivate like beryl or is it an all or nothing kind of thing?
17:01.06sontekyou can deactivate, its just a window manager
17:01.13sontekbut then you have to load up nautilus or something
17:01.19sontekerr.. metacity
17:02.22sontekI don't mind gnome, I've just been using enlightenment so long it was my comfort bubble :P
17:06.16ZelutI think it's time to jump into bootcamp again.
17:06.20sontekwith gnome-main-menu instead of USP its actually pretty clean to use
17:07.47sontekyou didn't get it working lastnight?
17:09.41Zelutno.  it's either a problem with the feisty install CD (it returns an error) or a problem with syncing GRUB/MBR and EFI
17:10.03sontekhave you tried alternate?
17:10.37Zeluttrying that now
17:14.42Zelutlooks like the same results I'm getting minus the syncing, but he doesn't mention how to do the syncing.
17:17.39sontekso lastnight when I was going through the pics I took katie saw your mac and shes like aww.. I want one
17:17.46sontekso I might get to play with osx a bit
17:18.56Zeluti don't want to start switching ubuntu users to os x but it is nice :)
17:19.05sontekshe really needs a laptop, shes in her senior year at UofU and still doesn't have one :P
17:19.29Zelutthe reasons I got it were 1) price for hardware 2) standardized hardware
17:19.57ZelutI figure, as its standardized, there will be very good chances that all hardware will be supported before long.
17:25.17Zelut..and until I can buy a machine with Ubuntu on it I'm sure as hell not paying for anything with Vista pre-infected!
17:26.33sontekwe order 20 new laptops for one of our clients and we chose xp instead of vista
17:26.42sontekwe get the 20 laptops and all have vista on them
17:27.00sontek(our online receipt showed xp, the one that came with the lappies said vista)
17:27.04sontekwe didn't get charged for it
17:27.13herloI just demoed Xen for the first time today.  It is really cool stuff!!!
17:27.17sontekbut they were accounting laptops and quickbooks isn't compatible with vista yet
17:27.36sontekherlo: when are you going to demo it for us? =)
17:27.52herlosontek: well, I'll be happy to demo it on Fedora anytime...
17:28.10herloUbuntu will be a bit more work for me just because I need to spend some time with it at home...
17:28.28sontekI have nothing against fedora, just put a Ubuntu wallpaper on to trick everyone
17:28.43sontekmaybe install human theme ;)
17:28.49Zelutsontek: so what do you do with 20 laptops with vista?
17:29.07Zelutsontek: you should blog about it. maybe its a conspiracy. get digg'd for sure ;)
17:29.14sontekZelut: you send them back to dell so they can format them because they aren't willing to just send you xp cds
17:29.28herlosontek: whatever...
17:29.50sontekZelut: we wouldn't have had a problem with it if the software we needed to run was compatible
17:33.37Zelutman I would. it's gotta be 10x the overhead one compared with the other.
17:37.59Zelutyou know, one thing that does get me about this macbook is that there is a backspace but no delete key.. none that I can find anyway.
17:38.03maquisZelut: tipping the laptop to switch desktops seems like it could be really bad
17:38.34Zelutmaquis: it could be.  I can turn it off but I thought it was pretty cool.
17:38.44maquismy laptop gets tipped in various directions quite a bit
17:38.53maquisthe poor thing has a hard life... :)
17:39.13sontekI always thought having both was silly on PC's (delete/backspace)
17:39.17Zelutyou should see the duct tape holding together my old one
17:39.26sontekjust have your cursor in the correct place :P
17:39.36sontekhaha I should've taken a picture of that lastnight
17:40.05Zelutmaybe I'll dig out my camera and take some other pictures of the two
17:40.20ZelutI want to get Ubuntu going on the mac before I publish anything though.
17:57.49sontekvmware =p
18:37.02Zelutherlo: ping
18:40.30herloZelut: pong
18:40.52herloZelut: it's lunch time for another 30 mins or so...
18:41.55Zelutherlo: just got off the phone with Dax. presenting up there tomorrow
18:42.59herloI am looking forward to having you work at GL
18:43.09Zelutfile permissions and a topic of my own
18:43.26herlothat should be an easy thing for you...
18:43.38herloIs it a RHEL based presentation?
18:44.16ZelutI think that is my only weakness.  I know I can present but I'm not *really* familiar with redhat
18:44.32herloI don't think it'll matter, pick a general subject...
18:44.44herlosomething you know would be similar in both OSes...
18:45.39Zeluttrying to think of what else I know well that isn't ubuntu specific
18:47.50sontekis it for sys admins or desktop users?
18:48.17herlosontek: what?
18:55.34Zelutmaybe something about securing ssh?
18:56.50sontekherlo: I mean does dax want to see more desktop or sys admin type stuff
18:57.01sontekI was gonna help with a topic :P
18:57.23Zelutmy guess is its more sysadmin directed
18:59.06herlosontek: yeah...
19:02.59herlosontek: its sys admin stuff
19:03.37herlowe don't focus on desktop users as they are all idiots running windows!  Nobody runs linux on the desktop ;)
19:04.22Zelutherlo: any suggestions on a second topic?  what do I know well?
19:04.35herloZelut: uhhh
19:04.38Zeluti feel like i know enough about a lot of things but not everything about any one thing
19:04.50herloshow how to do virtual hosting...
19:06.08Zelutthat could work.. I'm wondering what kind of hard questions they'll hit me with.
19:06.31herloI can think of a few....
19:06.44herloyou do ssh or nfs configs
19:06.50sontekif you did apache you could talk about cacheing
19:06.50herloor lvm and raid
19:07.27ZelutI don't feel like I know lvm or raid well.
19:07.48Zelutssh maybe if I build a few things on my ssh tutorials.
19:08.06ZelutI have yet to setup key-only auth, which I think would be important.
19:08.59herlodo something like Local tunnels and remote tunnels.  They'd be impressed by that...
19:09.33Zelutsuch as?
19:11.46herlossh -L ; ssh -R ; ssh -D
19:12.32herloI don't know enough about them to give you exact stuff.  But I've seen you do something similar...
19:12.38Zelutssh -D won't work for me for some reason.  ssh -L I'm using..
19:13.16herlogotta go teach troubleshooting section...
19:28.36Zelutthe only thing I'm not 100% on is user id, group id & sticky bit.
19:38.56Zelutwhat is an example of a file that has +s or g+s?
19:51.32Zelutok I think I've got it now..
20:01.28redbeard1Zelut: good to see you last night, duder
20:02.03Zelutredbeard1: hope it wasn't too much of a snoozer
20:03.03redbeard1it wasn't. i enjoyed much of it. i wish i hadn't had a project that was taking up part of my attention.
20:04.43Zelutit was nice to hear that many had found / used the blog from google before
20:31.16ZelutI just got bootcamp going.  We're in business baby :)
20:31.49redbeard1so, i missed what the bootcamp thing was all about
20:34.53sontekyay Zelut  :P
20:37.23Zelutredbeard1: its the system to allow dual-boot on mac hardware
20:37.52Zelutredbeard1: its a little tricky so far.  i have to use a different boot loader and do my partitioning in bootcamp to get ubuntu installed.
20:38.13ZelutI think I've got it working now though so, basically, I have an Ubuntu + OSX dual-boot system now.
20:42.48Zelutturns out the problem was getting the refit package installed has dependency problems in dapper (the only CD I had on first attempt) but works in Feisty
20:43.07ZelutI should have a tutorial up this weekend sometime.
20:44.00herloZelut: nice!
20:50.06ZelutI wont worry about it until the GL stuff is done though :)
20:51.19sontekpresent on it! =)
20:51.39HoneyShivAll I hear is blah blah blah....
20:52.04sontekHoneyShiv: did you lose your babel fish?!
20:52.28HoneyShivhaha! I wish.... ;)
20:52.59HoneyShivjust kidding, don't kick me out please!
20:58.13sontekhmm.. only if I had the power.. ;)
20:58.59maquisredbeard1: i still want a pic of beastie!!!!
20:59.01HoneyShivhaha- you wish
20:59.28Zelutmaquis: sontek posted one last nite.
20:59.51sontek  I have a couple up there
21:04.25maquisthat's a good cake
21:06.00sontekI forgot to get pictures after we ate his head
21:06.36sontekChrister had my undivided attention for his wonderful presentation
21:06.40Zelutafter he got fragged
21:06.56Zelutsontek: dude, you were bored
21:08.26sontekI wasn't bored =)   But I read your blog so I read most of those entries already ;)
21:08.43sontekBut you did remind me that I still haven't signed CoC :(
21:09.12sontekYou are a good presenter though, you keep things going
21:09.58Zelutkind of felt like I should have been up & about, but I would have been back & forth to the machine a lot
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21:11.00herloZelut: that's a good instinct if you are gonna be presenting regularly...
21:12.01Zeluti'm more comfortable standing but I was kind of tied to my machine with the way I had things setup
21:12.17herlofor sure...
21:21.56tristanbob_any notes from the gaming presentation?
21:25.06Zeluti don't think he has posted them yet
21:37.57herloI am now just hanging out waiting until the last two of my students leave (at 5:30) so I can install the exam systems and take the new tests...
21:38.09herloIn the mean time, I am installing Fedora 7 Test 2
21:48.03herloits very pretty!
21:48.10herloat least the installation is...
21:50.44Zelut..and now compiz is working.  In feisty on supported hardware it took two clicks :)
21:52.04herloI am building an installation so I can do a kickstart install into xen
21:52.21herloZelut: nice
21:53.17Zelutstill trying to get wireless going though..
21:53.50herlomy xen kernel doesn't do so well with wireless....
22:18.21Zelutcrap. i'm getting kernel panic after adding wireless on both regular & single user mode recovery
22:19.04herloZelut: you know that shouldn't be related right!
22:19.40sontekZelut: you probably forgot to compile everything you need into the kernel (file system support?)
22:19.54sontekyou can fix it but booting into the livecd and chrooting in
22:19.58herloor you specified the wrong root
22:20.06sontekthats another option
22:21.19Zelutyeah, i'll try the live cd & start by removing ndiswrapper from /etc/modules.  i think that is the last thing I changed
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