irclog2html for #ubuntu-utah on 20061128

00:08.04*** join/#ubuntu-utah thenetduck (
00:09.09*** part/#ubuntu-utah thenetduck (
00:23.46Zelutatoponce: leaving comments is also a good way of building up inbound links to your site which can raise your credibility with the mothership.. err, I mean Google.
01:01.41*** join/#ubuntu-utah Sir_Brizz (
01:15.03*** join/#ubuntu-utah redbeard2 (n=redbeard@
02:25.37*** join/#ubuntu-utah linuxalien (n=linuxali@oalug/member/linuxalien)
02:50.48*** part/#ubuntu-utah linuxalien (n=linuxali@oalug/member/linuxalien)
04:20.14*** join/#ubuntu-utah Zelut (i=Zelut@gateway/tor/x-6a837ed28d9ab88a)
04:37.49Zelutredbeard1: did you ever figure out the lid-lock issue?
05:44.21*** join/#ubuntu-utah linuxalien (n=linuxali@oalug/member/linuxalien)
06:41.16*** join/#ubuntu-utah linuxalien (n=linuxali@oalug/member/linuxalien) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:41.16*** join/#ubuntu-utah Sir_Brizz ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:41.16*** join/#ubuntu-utah tristanbob (n=tristanb@oalug/member/tristanbob) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:41.16*** join/#ubuntu-utah redbeard1 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:16.26*** join/#ubuntu-utah MrBrizzio (
14:45.54redbeard1Zelut: nope, never did figure it out.
15:03.18atoponcebecoming an ubuntu member in #ubuntu-classroom now... ask questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat
15:05.40tristanbob_atoponce: cool!
15:05.59tristanbob_Zelut: Wow, I just got another domain hosted by gmail - this time it was instantaneous
15:06.11tristanbob_no more waiting, they just gave me 50 accounts - sweet!
15:07.57atoponcetristanbob_: i'm in there now. i asked my questin in #ubuntu-classroom-chat.
15:08.04atoponcewe'll see if jono covers it
15:08.08tristanbob_are they using the bot?
15:08.12tristanbob_or a moderator
15:08.13atoponceso far, it's pretty good
15:08.22atoponcethey are moderating as necessary
15:08.49atoponceubugto recognizes your QUESTION though
15:17.07tristanbob_did you ask a question?  what was it?
15:18.51atoponceif advocation is enough or should i be doing more
15:23.45atoponceZelut: |.
15:31.04*** join/#ubuntu-utah linuxalien (
16:18.12*** join/#ubuntu-utah thenetduck (
16:59.52atoponceQ&A starting with sabdfl (mark shuttleworth) in #ubuntu-classroom
17:00.48atoponceask your questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat preceding with QUESTION:
17:11.52*** join/#ubuntu-utah herlo (
17:12.02linuxalienCool, what's that about?
17:12.12linuxalienSorry, I'm behind on the emails.  Haven't been feeling grea
17:23.58*** join/#ubuntu-utah Zelut (i=Zelut@gateway/tor/x-97894cbedc25f890)
17:34.31Zelutmissed the loco meeting :(
17:34.37*** join/#ubuntu-utah linuxalien (n=linuxali@oalug/member/linuxalien)
17:36.27atoponceZelut: ?
17:36.50Zeluthad a worldwide loco meeting this morning that I missed the bulk of
17:37.39Zelutwe have them about every two weeks..
17:38.13atoponceQ&A with sabdfl in #ubuntu-classroom, in case you don't want to miss that too
17:39.27atoponceZelut: as an ubuntu member, you know you can get a *@ubuntu/member/* freenode cloak, right?
17:41.07ZelutI have seen that.. just never got around to it
17:41.16Zelutyou should see my Tomboy TODO lists
17:47.31Zelutinteresting QA in there
18:01.51*** join/#ubuntu-utah redbeard1 (
18:22.56*** join/#ubuntu-utah BradyQ (
18:52.42*** join/#ubuntu-utah herlo (
19:50.37*** join/#ubuntu-utah Zelut (i=Zelut@gateway/tor/x-6497ce97ca65905c)
20:17.53atoponceZelut: ping
20:38.37atoponceneed meeting ideas for january?
20:38.51Zelutneed ideas & presenters
20:40.39linuxalienHow to use ubuntu to make the perfect woman!
20:43.52atoponceZelut: i'm thinking of presenting on dvorak, if it's okay with you. not really ubuntu-specific though...
20:44.13linuxalienMy brother does dvorak.  He's insane!
20:49.53linuxalienAnyone know of a store that sells a dvorak keyboard?
20:50.03atoponceonly online
20:50.17linuxalienWow, that's kinda cool
20:50.25linuxalienI might have to get that for my brother for Xmas
21:02.08atoponceZelut: jenda says he just sent you 10 ubuntu posters this morning
21:03.37Zelutsweet.  she did say to expect them this week
21:04.04atoponceahh. jenda is a she? my bad. x)
21:04.50Zelutthat is part of the swag for next months meeting
21:05.11atoponcei'll definitely buy one
21:12.45linuxalienthat does sound pretty cool
21:16.33Zelutatoponce: I wasn't even thinking about selling them but if you want to "donate" for one that's fine :)
21:17.18atoponcenp. currently chatting with jenda about where i can improve in becoming a member
21:17.27atoponcegetting more feedback
21:24.09*** join/#ubuntu-utah mwingle (
21:32.40linuxalienlaters guys
21:35.06Zelutfor those interested in one of these I did order some of these posters for our next meeting:
21:53.02Zelutatoponce: the one about presenting?  I think that'd be fine, yeah.
21:54.25atoponceok. cool
21:55.31Zelutatoponce: do you think that'd take an entire meeting or should we split it up?
21:57.01tristanbob_so is the next meeting going to be about packaging? I read the wiki and it is blank
21:58.06Zeluttristanbob_: sorry, haven't updated it yet
21:58.44atoponcewell, i have been putting a *ton* of evidence of dvorak vs qwerty
22:40.50atoponceZelut: what were the weekly goals for the group? is it still on the wiki?
22:41.47Zelutits still on the wiki but its never been updated :(
22:46.48atoponcei'm hitting the forums. not sure if i'm in the right week or not...
22:50.35*** join/#ubuntu-utah linuxalien (n=linuxali@oalug/member/linuxalien)
22:55.34linuxalienHi guys
23:04.56linuxalienWhere's our team forum?
23:06.22Zelutatoponce: I think that is a good suggestions.. never thought about that too much
23:08.27*** join/#ubuntu-utah mwingle (
23:08.55atoponceZelut: is there a way to set up our forum, so the posts go to the mailing list, and vice versa?
23:09.56linuxalienThanks Zelut
23:11.04Zeluthmm.. not sure.  I'll email Mike about it
23:12.04linuxalienI'd better get going.  I'm sure my mom needs a lift somewhere.
23:19.24Zelutatoponce: how did the topic come up (just out of curiosity) that Jenda sent me posters today?
23:24.37atoponcei was talking to (her? him?) about my wiki and things that i could do to umprove to apply for membership
23:25.26ZelutI love umproving my membership ;)
23:30.33Zelutthat's what he said..
23:37.20atoponce~blame dvorak
23:37.29jbotACTION blames dvorak (and Canada) for all the evil in the world
23:38.00atoponceread it.  print it.  spread it.

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