irclog2html for #ubuntu-utah on 20060719

00:12.45*** join/#ubuntu-utah herlo (n=herlo@
00:14.50twystedhaha that big burst of thunder that just came through set off 3 car alarms
00:32.41*** join/#ubuntu-utah tristanbob_ (
00:40.58atoponce!w 84107
00:41.01atoponce!w 84405
00:41.02Dapper606Murray, Utah; Updated: 18:30 (July 18, 2006); Conditions: Light Thunderstorm Rain Blowing Widespread Dust; Temperature: 75.9°F (24.4°C); High/Low: 97/72°F (36/22°C); Humidity: 61%; Dew Point: 62°F (16°C); UV: 2/16; Wind: WSW
00:41.04Dapper606Ogden, Utah; Updated: 17:55 (July 18, 2006); Conditions: Mostly Cloudy; Temperature: 95°F (35°C); High/Low: 97/70°F (36/21°C); Humidity: 18%; Dew Point: 45°F (7°C); UV: 2/16; Wind: SW at 8 MPH (13 KPH)
00:47.08atoponce!fc 84405
00:47.10Dapper606Ogden, Utah 5-Day Forecast (High/Low); Tuesday: Partly Cloudy, 97/70°F (36/21°C); Wednesday: Chance of T-storms, 93/68°F (33/20°C); Thursday: Partly Cloudy, 96/67°F (35/19°C); Friday: Clear, 91/65°F (32/18°C); Saturday: Clear, 92/64°F (33/17°C)
01:11.28Kuyaedzso quiet tonite
01:16.07herloKuyaedz: it could be less quiet if I knew you were on...
01:16.15herlooh, but wait, I know you are on...
01:16.29herlosounds like you are really busy with your new job...
01:17.20Kuyaedznot terribly busy yet but tomorrow it's going to hit the fan
01:17.38herloreally, why?
01:17.46Kuyaedztomorrow I start teaching
01:18.35herlooh boy
01:18.53herlonow that you've been trained, they expect you to work or something?
01:19.12Kuyaedzyeah, what a joke
01:19.43herlois it teaching like you taught me?
01:20.06herlobtw, any suggestions for physical extents on my lvm volume groups?  I am thinking that 16M might just work as I will be doing mostly pictures and video....
01:20.07Kuyaedzsame concepts, yeah
01:20.21herloor do you have an opinion at all...
01:21.02herloalso, I wanna setup bind on my box as a forwarder.  I was gonna call Lamont to get a better opinion on how to do it again...
01:21.17KuyaedzI'm not one to talk to about bind.  I need to figure that all out myself
01:22.58herlookay, what about lvm, opinions?
01:28.41Kuyaedzno suggestions here..
01:41.35Kuyaedz20min to go
03:17.12*** join/#ubuntu-utah Kuyaedz (
03:18.47twystedpeople, give me dollars
03:20.09maquistwysted: i'll give you 2 dollars if you'll give me 5 dollars
03:22.05twysted!rr maquis
03:22.05Dapper606*CLICK* Close one, huh twysted
03:22.07twysted!rr maquis
03:22.08Dapper606*CLICK* Close one, huh twysted
03:22.10twysted!rr maquis
03:22.11*** kick/#ubuntu-utah [maquis!] by Dapper606 (You're dead -4-)
03:24.19*** join/#ubuntu-utah maquis (
03:24.27maquis!rr twysted
03:24.28Dapper606*CLICK* Close one, huh maquis
03:24.30maquis!rr twysted
03:24.30Dapper606*CLICK* Close one, huh maquis
03:24.31maquis!rr twysted
03:24.32Dapper606*CLICK* Close one, huh twysted
03:24.33maquis!rr twysted
03:24.35Dapper606*CLICK* Close one, huh maquis
03:24.36maquis!rr twysted
03:24.37*** kick/#ubuntu-utah [maquis!] by Dapper606 (You're dead -5-)
03:24.48*** join/#ubuntu-utah maquis (
03:26.42maquisDapper606: kick twysted
03:27.21Dapper606maquis: I will do no such thing.
03:31.05maquisDapper606: why not?
03:31.24Dapper606maquis: Perhaps it is God's plan.
03:31.25maquistwysted is being mean
03:32.30maquisDapper606: lart twysted
03:32.42twysted~lart maquis
03:32.47Dapper606maquis: Ungh.
03:33.01maquisjbot: lart twysted
03:33.18maquisjbot: lart twysted again
03:33.42maquisjbot: dog twysted
03:33.45jbotACTION stares at twysted until twysted whimpers and pees all over himself.
03:37.07twysted~lart maquis
03:55.12maquisi'm not getting any sound
03:56.00Kuyaedzthis worries me that the people making these decisions DONT FREAKING UNDERSTAND HOW IT WORKS AND HOW WE'RE GOING TO GET SCREWED
04:01.34twystednows a great time to move to japan
04:01.43twystednice fiber internet
04:05.16Kuyaedzor Orem?  nice fiber internet, $42usd
04:07.01twystedyea but no morons deciding on "neuturality" for the internet
10:00.04Dapper606If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge, would they call the resulting company Fed UP?
15:33.43*** join/#ubuntu-utah Kuyaedz (
15:55.08Dapper606Do Lipton Tea employees take coffee breaks?
15:59.09Kuyaedz~lart Dapper606
16:07.57atoponce~smash Kuyaedz
16:07.59jbotACTION flings an anvil in Kuyaedz's general direction
16:23.50*** join/#ubuntu-utah herlo (
16:25.23herloKuyaedz: you're back!!
16:34.48herloyou said you had to run last night
16:36.11herloKuyaedz: at least I think you did
16:36.26Kuyaedz..and I think you're nuts.
16:43.40Kuyaedz~lart herlo for being nuts
16:45.18herlo~lart Kuyaedz for thinking herlo is nuts as Kuyaedz is really nuts
17:53.07atoponce!rr twysted
17:53.08Dapper606*CLICK* Close one, huh atoponce
17:53.11atoponce!rr twysted
17:53.12Dapper606*CLICK* Close one, huh atoponce
17:53.14atoponce!rr twysted
17:53.14Dapper606*CLICK* Close one, huh twysted
17:53.16atoponce!rr twysted
17:53.17*** kick/#ubuntu-utah [atoponce!] by Dapper606 (You're dead -6-)
17:53.18*** join/#ubuntu-utah atoponce (
18:04.53*** join/#ubuntu-utah Kuyaedz-work (
18:37.56*** join/#ubuntu-utah linuxalien (
18:42.40tristanbobnot here either
18:42.55Kuyaedz-worktristanbob: surprised to see you actually responsive
18:43.13tristanbobI know - been awhile since I talked in IRC
18:43.33tristanbobjust busy at work doing actual work ;)
18:43.57tristanbobat least I blogged the other day
18:44.11tristanbobI am going to post another one today, and started a few others
18:54.31Kuyaedz-workI've got some stuff I'd like to blog but its busy today here
19:02.25*** join/#ubuntu-utah DougE (
19:09.56herloKuyaedz-work: like what?
19:10.15linuxalienI ordered 1 gig of ram!
19:10.18linuxalienI'm excited!
19:10.28Kuyaedz-workherlo: what to blog?
19:12.25herloKuyaedz-work: yeah, what do you wanna blog?
19:50.40atoponcewhy is that no surprise?
19:51.02atoponceand i thought xp was bad
19:51.33atoponceand what is up with the command prompt in windows?  why can it not have the same window border and features as the rest?
19:51.41atoponceis it really that difficult?
19:52.18atoponceyes, i spelled it that way on purpose
19:52.34atoponce~lart widnows
19:55.51atoponceherlo: having an utos meet today?
20:01.00*** join/#ubuntu-utah DougE (
20:09.04herloatoponce: yes, was going to announce it shortly actually
20:09.10herloits at 6pm
20:16.16herlosorry about what?
20:16.23atoponceearly announcing
20:16.56herloKuyaedz-work: atoponce: tonight we are having a party over at #utos.  It'll be great, lots of Ice Cream and sexy women and the like.  Come along, 6pm #utos on
20:17.06herlodo you think that will get people's attentions?
20:17.14atoponcegot mine
20:17.41herloIce Cream, or sexy women?
20:19.23herloKuyaedz-work: you enjoyed that ey?
20:22.39Kuyaedz-worki did
20:26.03herlolooks like I am generating some good interest in #utah
20:29.57*** join/#ubuntu-utah HoneyShiv (
20:32.22herlohi HoneyShiv
20:32.26herlolong time no talky
20:34.30HoneyShivlol- not much going on
20:34.48HoneyShiv-in the chat room it seems ;)
20:35.25herloits actually been pretty busy today...recently
20:36.23HoneyShivhmm- good to know
20:36.36HoneyShivso I here you ar in chicago- how's that?
20:37.28herlono, Detroit, but its good
20:37.34herloHow are you doin?
20:39.40HoneyShivoh... uhm- ok just at work, My last day at Blockbuster is Saturday so I'm pretty excited
20:40.18herlocool, you gonna rent a crap load of movies before then?
20:41.00HoneyShivI got my emplyee amount already and we still have our pass so I'm not too worried
20:41.37HoneyShivmy spelling is really bad today- I'm half asleep right now
20:44.32HoneyShivthat would be fun
20:45.43HoneyShivwith marathons you have have to watch a series like lord of the rings or indiana jones...
20:46.34herloor you can watch multiple series, like superman or comedies or dramas too
20:47.09HoneyShivyeah- but it's fun if you have a theme-
20:48.10herloright comedies is a theme
20:48.19herloor porn is a theme too
20:48.31HoneyShivno that's too broad- have to narrow it down
20:48.42HoneyShivlike movies about shoes
20:49.18HoneyShivor superheros
20:49.30herloor kwanza?
20:51.27herlowell, okay, if you are going to be that specific, I will name something really odd.  That's what the last comment was about
20:52.20HoneyShivi know ;)
20:52.30HoneyShivbut it'll be fun
20:52.40atoponcei did both lotr and star wars
20:52.46atoponcetook a full saturday each
20:52.49herlowhat about crappy 60's spaghetti westerns?
20:53.00herlolike "Paint your Wagon"
20:53.25atoponcewill watch all xmen when that's available on dvd
20:53.38atoponcemaybe spiderman too
20:54.52herloor Rustler's Rhapsody -
20:55.00*** join/#ubuntu-utah linuxalien (
20:55.37HoneyShivI'll have to check out that link give me a sec
20:55.47herlookay, its a funny show
20:57.24herloHoneyShiv: btw, I gotta head back to the hotel, should be back on within the hour
20:57.30herlolinuxalien: who you talking to?
20:58.30HoneyShivherlo: ok
20:59.02HoneyShivoo that's an old one! (which means it'll be good)
20:59.44HoneyShivAndy's Griffith plays in that?
22:34.01*** join/#ubuntu-utah herlo (n=herlo@
22:40.51HoneyShivherlo: i told you- no action here
22:47.29*** part/#ubuntu-utah HoneyShiv (
23:12.13*** join/#ubuntu-utah herlo (n=herlo@

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.