irclog2html for #ubuntu-utah on 20060705

00:01.00*** join/#ubuntu-utah maquis (
00:05.39twystedcomputers dont like rain
00:17.00maquistwysted: no.. but it didn't rain most of the day... it was actually quite warm...
00:17.22maquiseven if it was just handing out cds/fliers/whatever, it'd be really cool (and think about how many cds you could hand out)
00:24.31*** join/#ubuntu-utah herlo (
00:24.36herlowindows is dumb
00:26.47herloxp sp2 doesn't recognize my sata hard drive.  I discovered that I will need to load them from a disk, however, no floppy disk on my machine, sucks because I gotta find a usb floppy and hopefully that;ll work
00:27.28maquisherlo: ick
00:29.26herloso does herlo, but he cant get his webcam to work in any linux app with any windows netmeeting
00:31.48herlovmware, any other good suggestions?
01:18.46herlommm, yummy pizza, lucky its free day
02:53.28*** join/#ubuntu-utah linuxalien (
02:54.09linuxalienHappy 4th
03:17.43linuxaliennite nite
03:17.45*** part/#ubuntu-utah linuxalien (
03:55.10*** join/#ubuntu-utah Kuyaedz (
14:03.46maquis~destroy Dapper606
15:36.57herlo_homeKuyaedz: same to you
15:37.22Kuyaedzherlo_home: I'm going up to Guru thursday.  Tryind to decide what to present on.
15:37.48herlo_homecool, I will be there...
15:38.36KuyaedzHe suggested user/group account admin or file permissions, but said if I preferred I could present on any linux topic I was comfortable with.
15:39.50herlo_homeKuyaedz: well, good luck
15:46.28*** join/#ubuntu-utah HoneyShiv (
15:59.15herloKuyaedz: HoneyShiv: where did you guys watch fireworks last night?
16:00.02HoneyShivwe went to my sisters and did some of our own and then just watched some from our place
16:01.34herlocool, did you guys have a good time?
16:02.49HoneyShivyeah we did- one of them shot under my chair and I was holding my nephew so I couldn't see what was going on... that was funny only after I realized we weren't going to catch fire LOL
16:03.16herloits nice to just chill at home sometimes
16:03.44herloHoneyShiv: I burned my pinkie while I was trying to light one firework from another...
16:04.30Kuyaedzthe best part was what I learned from the IE web designer (queue HoneyShiv rolling her eyes)
16:05.16herloHoneyShiv: its not a laughing matter, I can't use my pinkie anymore...
16:05.31herlobut seriously folks...
16:05.48HoneyShivdid you bandage it up? are you going to be ok?
16:06.09HoneyShivKuyaedz: I didn't roll my eyes ;)
16:06.47HoneyShivherlo: I learned how to skateboard last night- something that I always wanted to do!
16:11.51herloHoneyShiv: my pinkie is fine, just burned it on a piece of ash near the firework...hurts but its just looks like a big callous
16:12.08herloHoneyShiv: cool, but you know it takes more than one day to learn how to skate
16:12.51HoneyShivwell of course but I can officially stand on it with out falling and I can steer it where I want it to go
16:13.52herloahh, I see, you fell off a lot before, and now you don't, well congrats.
16:15.09herloyou know you can't spell 'slaughter' without 'laughter'
16:15.10HoneyShivlol actually I just never got on them because it would move out from under me... but thanks anyways
16:15.46herlowhat kind of friend would I be if I didn't tease you?
16:16.01HoneyShivherlo: aren't you suppose to be working or something ;)
16:16.26herloHoneyShiv: not today, I took today off...
16:16.36HoneyShivoh nice- still have shaun?
16:16.53herloHoneyShiv: yes, he's here till lunch time....
16:46.25herloshower time....
18:48.54Kuyaedz[Enron's Kenneth Lay Dies]
19:12.35KuyaedzI've got a file with no permissions, user or group & I can't delete it..
19:12.37Kuyaedz?--------- ? ?    ?      ?                ? A.F.I.
19:13.05HoneyShivthat's scarey
19:13.10Kuyaedzany ideas on how to kill it?
19:19.17*** join/#ubuntu-utah [Utah]tristanbob (n=tristanb@
19:21.00Kuyaedzwelcome back Tristan
19:28.11herloKuyaedz: to delete that file, well first what's the filename
19:33.34Kuyaedzherlo: ls -hal displays ?--------- ? ?  ?  ?  ? A.F.I.
19:34.13herloKuyaedz: can you do ls -hal \?<tab>
19:34.19herlowhat do you get?
19:35.02herlo? proves to be used for regex stuff as well as file globbing functionality
19:35.22Kuyaedztab completes no results (system beep error)
19:35.56herlok, can you do a ls without any options, and copy and paste the filename...
19:36.43herloone thing to think about is what special characters you have....
19:36.53herloin your file
19:38.07Kuyaedz?--------- ? ?    ?      ?                ? A.F.I.
19:38.25Kuyaedzls returns: A.F.I. (its in dark blue bg)
19:39.01herloan rm A\.F\.I\. doesn't work?
19:41.36herlooh, and you are on Ubuntu?
19:41.38Kuyaedzrm: cannot remove `A.F.I.': No such file or directory
19:41.57KuyaedzI'm on ubuntu.  Its a secondary HDD, vfat, mounted with full rw permission for all users
19:43.25Kuyaedz/dev/hdb1       /media/backup   vfat  iocharset=utf8,umask=000  0    0
19:43.34Kuyaedz(fstab entry for the drive)
19:45.48herlodoing it as sudo?
19:47.41Kuyaedzdoing it as root his-powerful-self
19:50.09*** join/#ubuntu-utah impeto (
19:50.12impetohi to all
19:50.24herloon vfat right
19:50.27herlothat's what sucks
19:51.10KuyaedzI had it in an XP machine so I did vfat for global rw.. not sure if I have enough accessible drive space to backup, wipe & format as something useful
19:51.13herlohere's something I do that generally works.  Move everything else out of the directory
19:51.20herlothen rm -r the directory.  Usually works
19:51.30Kuyaedzherlo: tried that.. returns the same error
19:51.32herloyou may have to rm -rf
19:51.43herlofdisk /dev/hdb
19:52.10impetoHi Guys someone can help me to learn why my ubuntu dapper don't send multicat udp traffic ( out of the box?
19:52.15herloits a really wierd file.  Don't actually know what to tell you...
19:52.44herloI've never had it not delete when you remove the directory
19:52.48Kuyaedzherlo: sounds like I might need to wipe it.. if I can just move the needed data I'll do it.
19:52.59herlosucks, but probably
19:53.36Kuyaedzimpeto: what are you trying to do that's giving you trouble?
19:54.35impetoI'm still trying to stream a multicast with VLC but locally it works ..... but over my switch nothing
19:54.52impetoI thing that there's some trouble on my eth1 nic
19:55.08impetoI have 2 100BaseTX 100Mbps nic's
19:55.56impetosome ideas?
19:56.09Kuyaedzso the streaming works inside your LAN but not out over the wire?
19:56.15impetono no
19:56.23impetoonly into the same dapper machine
19:56.57impetoover the lan I've tryied to stream from win to dapper and it works.. then lan is ok....
19:57.19impetobut now I've this headache with this trouble!!!!
19:58.17impetosorry for my bad english... I'm italian :)
19:59.57impetoI've kernel 2.6.15 i686 with perfect working ivtv module
20:02.29KuyaedzI'm not sure what to suggest, sorry.  I'm assuming you've tried on #ubuntu ?
20:02.46impetonow i'll try
20:02.50impetothank a lot
20:02.56impetothanks *
20:02.57Kuyaedzthere are a lot more people in there that may have more to offer
20:03.06impetolet me try ;)
20:38.56*** part/#ubuntu-utah HoneyShiv (
21:21.36*** join/#ubuntu-utah lars-ut (n=lars-ut@
21:31.13*** join/#ubuntu-utah Guest37970 (
21:37.11Kuyaedzlol found mysqldump backups from february :)
21:37.24Kuyaedzgood 'ol cron.  truckin' away long after i've forgotten about it
21:47.45*** join/#ubuntu-utah linuxalien (
21:49.48linuxalienHi guys
21:59.34herloKuyaedz: hey, 30 mins until utos meeting
22:05.43Kuyaedzthanks, forgot
22:27.05*** join/#ubuntu-utah linuxalien (n=linuxali@
23:03.38herloKuyaedz: congrats on the job offer
23:24.47Kuyaedzlooks like I got torrentflux to work now.  I must have had somethin' screwy on the first machien I tried
23:25.12herloI sure hope so, it runs like a champ on ours...except the queueing stuff
23:28.08Kuyaedzrunning fine on FC5 now after turning off SELinux.. probably not the best solution but sometimes easier to open things up & tighten-down when troubleshooting vs trying to find the hole
23:29.50atoponce~lart atoponce for missing the utos meeting
23:37.37*** join/#ubuntu-utah twysted (
23:44.39*** join/#ubuntu-utah atoponce (

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