IRC log for #ubuntu-us-ut on 20081024

00:20.17*** part/#ubuntu-us-ut Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)
01:32.12*** part/#ubuntu-us-ut AlmostThere (n=Woody@
01:59.57*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut Yorokobi_ (n=Colby@unaffiliated/yorokobi)
02:16.45Zelutany screen gurus around?
02:50.51eightyeightso, my wife snapped her ibook power adapter in the power slot. trying to get out the snapped piece is a pain
02:57.50Zelutthat doesn't sound like much fun
03:01.08eightyeightyeah. right now, i'm super gluing the end of a cut qtip, and seeing if i can glue the qtip and snapped power rod together, and pull itout
03:02.55ZelutI just pimped out my screen footer based on eightyeight and Yorokobi's examples
03:02.57eightyeightmovable type is garbage
03:03.49eightyeightZelut: ... fine. i won't ask
03:04.10*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut Zelut (n=christer@ubuntu/member/zelut)
03:05.02Zelutsweet.  auto-launches irssi, mutt and htop.  shows the hostname, displays the windows + name in [ ] centered.  Finally displays load avg date and time on the right.
03:05.28eightyeightscreen shot?
03:06.04Zeluthardstatus alwayslastline '%{gk}[ %{G}%H %{g}][%= %{wk}%?%-Lw%?%{=b kR}[%{W}%n%f %t%?(%u)%?%{=b kR}]%{= kw}%?%+Lw%?%?%= %{g}][%{Y}%l%{g}]%{=b C}[ %D %m/%d %C%a ]%{W}'
03:06.07Zelutthere's the magic
03:08.15Zelutanyone else think it looks a lot like perl? ;)
03:08.19Zelutyeah, I can't read it either.
03:46.27*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut tristanbob (n=tristanb@ubuntu/member/tristanbob)
03:49.53*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut Randal2 (
03:49.56*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut tristanbob (n=tristanb@ubuntu/member/tristanbob)
03:50.16Randal2k, so when i go into system >Administration >Hardware drivers and enable my video card Ubuntu always tells me when I reboot it that it can't detect my video card and has to start in low-graphics mode. is there a solution to fix this? (that isn't ENVY, since i tried it already)
03:50.22Randal2i'm from utah btw
04:00.53Randal2someone help plz?
05:10.22*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut tonedevf (
07:22.12*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut bulletbikeguy (
07:23.06bulletbikeguyso is anyone actually on?
13:28.28*** mode/#ubuntu-us-ut [+o eightyeight] by ChanServ
13:28.30*** topic/#ubuntu-us-ut by eightyeight -> | Next Meeting: Nov 8th - Release Party | Dec 13 Meeting - Beginning to Advanced Irssi - eightyeight | Ubuntu 8.10 Release Candidate Out
13:28.33*** mode/#ubuntu-us-ut [-o eightyeight] by ChanServ
13:29.09eightyeightHeartsbane: what was the place you recommended for the release party? i need to give them a call, and make sure it's ok we crash the place
13:39.59*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut AlmostThere (n=Woody@
13:40.08*** part/#ubuntu-us-ut AlmostThere (n=Woody@
13:58.50*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut thaddeusq (n=thaddeus@
14:17.02*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut mocoloco (
14:45.34*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut thenetduck (n=tikiman@
15:02.37eightyeightso, i got a wordpress plugin that grabs my GL blog feed, and posts it in my personal blog
15:13.13thenetduckanyone play glest before?
15:15.09Zelutnot I
15:16.01thenetducklooks like a cool game
15:17.07mocolocoI've tried it.  found some aspects difficult to figure out
15:18.04mocolocolike some units only being able to go a certain distance and having to "rest" for a bit
15:18.50mocolocoseemed good but not completely polished.  of course this was over a year ago, so a lot may have changed
15:30.01Yorokobimmmm, Loco Moco
15:45.01Zeluterg. can't get DVD playback on FreeBSD to work without a lot of scrambled nonsense
16:08.13Zelutthis is driving me crazy.
16:10.35*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut mindjuju (n=mindjuju@
16:19.37*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut |phoenyx| (n=|phoenyx@
16:36.27*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut synic (n=squish@pdpc/supporter/student/synic)
16:38.19*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut Yorokobi (n=Yorokobi@unaffiliated/yorokobi)
16:39.01*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut synic (n=squish@pdpc/supporter/student/synic)
16:43.47*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut synic (n=squish@pdpc/supporter/student/synic)
16:56.06*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut thenetduck (n=tikiman@
17:06.45*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut thenetduck (n=tikiman@
17:16.40*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut Zelut (
17:23.11*** part/#ubuntu-us-ut mindjuju (n=mindjuju@
18:13.40*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut thenetduck (n=tikiman@
18:22.07*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut bigfox (
18:51.02*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut mindjuju (n=mindjuju@
20:45.28*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut mheath (i=62ca86f9@gateway/web/ajax/
21:02.36Heartsbaneeightyeight: The Bakery (aka Gourmondi's)
21:03.42Yorokobithe meeting is at Gourmadies?
21:06.34HeartsbaneI should have tinyurl'd that ... oh well
21:07.00HeartsbaneYorokobi: that was the idea thrown out at the last meeting
21:07.18Heartsbanethe Wifi is decent and the atomsphere is cool
21:07.43Heartsbaneand it doesn't have alcohol, so you don't have to worry about us drunks
21:08.01Heartsbanelooks around to see if anyone is paying attention.
21:08.08YorokobiI know, I've been there on many occasions
21:08.53tonedevfw00 drunks!
21:09.29tonedevfhow many people show up?  
21:10.39Heartsbane12-15 usually I hope more because the atomsphere in Gourmadies is cool
21:11.03Yorokobiliterally and figuratively--unless they've turned off their A/C
21:11.46Heartsbanelaid back ... and the food, anything they put on the light rye ... mmmmmmm
21:12.05HeartsbaneYorokobi: ya that is why suggested at night for the release
21:12.08YorokobiBest of all, the desserts
21:12.29HeartsbaneYa ... they have everything
21:13.00YorokobiHeartsbane, you might be able to get a bit of a buzz if you eat enough of their rum cakes :)
21:13.31HeartsbaneNah, Alcohol evaporates at 85 degrees don't ask why I know that
21:13.47Heartsbanehides the still.
21:14.20tonedevfthe wine store is accross the street, Heartsbane.  you can brown bag it.
21:25.27HeartsbaneAnyway I like it. It has a nice feel, I hope everyone else does
21:26.49HeartsbaneYorokobi is right the dessert counter is a diabetic sugar coma waiting to happen
21:38.24*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut thenetduck (n=tikiman@
21:45.43*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut tonedevf (
21:57.52tonedevfnice little distraction...
22:32.55Heartsbanewhy are portions of it blurry :(
22:34.36ZelutHeartsbane: thats just your blurred retinas from brown baggin' it.
22:38.16Heartsbaneoh ok
22:46.44eightyeightHeartsbane: oh. i've been there. didn't know it was called that. just knew it as "the bakery"
22:50.37Heartsbaneits known as both
22:57.48eightyeightyeah. that place rocks. too bad it's not summer, we could do it out on the patio

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