IRC log for #ubuntu-us-ut on 20071223

00:00.58penomaybe that's the problem, they're a little short on their medicine
00:01.12HeartsbaneYou ever noticed that if you google Fun utah county the 3rd thing on the list is The Utah County Jail
00:02.39trosephInmate Search -- even better
00:03.01penobut if you google heartsbane+fun+utah+county you get a few results.
00:03.24penoirc logs ftw
00:03.57Heartsbanepwn'd by Tim Riker and his bot
00:04.22Heartsbane~slap jbot
00:04.23jbotACTION slaps jbot, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
00:04.40Heartsbane~lart jbot.
00:04.40jbotchops jbot. in half with a free AOL CD
00:06.56penough. lousy mismatched duplex settings.
00:08.16trosephI worked in a print shop for years.
00:08.24penoeither that or the 1841 can't handle the same throughput as the 2621.
00:08.30trosephoh lol
00:10.34penogood to know though, tells me which rooter to use whenever Utopia is rolled out to my area.
00:44.48bigfoxDoes anybody know how to make Sound Juicer encode MP3 (All codecs are installed.)
00:45.03bigfoxIt just won't actually let me select MP3 as an option.
01:02.59bigfoxThere appears to be a couple bug reports already.   109849  &  84007
01:19.27*** part/#ubuntu-us-ut bigfox (
03:27.43HeartsbaneFESTIVUS is tomorrow
03:53.06*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut AlmostThere (
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03:55.31*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut Heartsbane (
04:12.30*** part/#ubuntu-us-ut AlmostThere (
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05:40.39*** part/#ubuntu-us-ut AlmostThere (
05:46.53Zelutherlo: ping
06:11.03herloZelut: pong
06:12.06herloZelut: quit and come back, you'll enjoy it... :)
06:17.14HeartsbaneZelut: tomorrow is Festivus
06:17.39herlofor the rest-of-us
06:19.30herloimmediately afterward, we must perform our "Feats of Strength"
06:22.27mheathEvening all
06:22.47mheathHeartsbane: sorry I didn't catch you earlier, I ended up going to a movie with my fiance
06:22.57Heartsbaneits okay
06:23.37HeartsbaneI kinda got pre-occupied talking to that crackbaby HERLO
06:23.58mheathHeartsbane: Want me to take a screenshot of my desktop?
06:24.19HeartsbaneYa I would like to see that
06:25.53mheaththey always move that around on me
06:26.05mheathused to require a third party app, then it was integrated with gnome, now I can't find it again
06:27.33herloonly takes a pic of the current window
06:28.15mheathHeartsbane: no, we want the whole desktop :)
06:28.57Heartsbanethen touch the desktop and hit printscreen, works for me
06:30.06herlome too
06:32.48mheathYes, I like the look and feel of Mac OS X somewhat
06:33.33mheathHeartsbane: It has interactive applets, too. That terminal icon on the right pops open a hovering quick-access terminal window right above the bar
06:33.57mheathTheres teh CPU applet, the trash applet, clocks, media control, and others
06:34.39mheathI was going to show a screenshot with the mini-terminal popped open, but I wanted to show off my global menu bar too, and that doesn't show anything there.
06:34.39Zelutherlo: I was wondering if you know what port 50
06:35.00Zelutherlo: used for.  I notice it in the default F8 firewall as ACCEPT.
06:35.26mheathZelut: "Remote Mail Checking Protocl"
06:36.01Zelutmheath: I saw that in /etc/services too.. just wondering what it means.
06:36.13Heartsbanemheath: interesting you have giving me something to think about
06:36.37herloZelut: quick google search turned that up
06:36.50mheathHeartsbane: I really like my global menu bar :)
06:37.07herloseems unhelpful though
06:37.18mheathOnly downside is, I had to switch to Epiphany as Firefox doesn't work with it (it's a GTK patch, doesn't effect XUL stuff)
06:38.38mheathApparently, it's a quick mail checker
06:38.59mheathrather than having to deal with the overhead of POP or IMAP, its a real simple protocol for quickly checking if you have new mail
06:39.28Zelut..something I won't use.  DELETED
06:39.39mheathI'd never heard about it before
06:39.47mheathCurious that'd be supported in your routers default settings
06:40.00mheathI wonder if some common bit of Microsoftness makes use of it or something?
06:40.56Zelutwhat about 51?  I don't see that even in /etc/services
06:41.38mheath"IMP Logical Address Maintenance"? hmm
06:42.24Zelutla-maint         51/tcp    IMP Logical Address Maintenance
06:42.25Zelutla-maint         51/udp    IMP Logical Address Maintenance
06:42.29Zelutnever heard of it
06:42.41Heartsbanemheath: I will have to give it a shot on another box
06:43.08mheathHeartsbane: takes Compiz support, just so you know
06:43.16HeartsbaneZelut: there are a buncha things in there that are not even common anymore
06:43.24mheathZelut: Apparently its some antiquated part of Arpanet?
06:43.31HeartsbaneZelut: I have never heard of it either
06:43.44mheathIMP = "Interface Message Processor" I think?
06:43.53mheathWhich is the Arpanet version of a router
06:43.57Zelutodd. its a default line in the firewall on fedora 8 on the box I'm tinkering with
06:44.21ZelutI'm actually putting together a "default" firewall for distributing in ubuntu.. trying to cover all the bases
06:44.24peno50, 51 are used for vpn these days
06:44.39herloipsec, to be exact
06:44.46Zelutright now it allows ssh, dns and mdns is all..
06:44.59mheathZelut: thats the thing, you can't go with what a port is 'supposed' to be fore
06:45.07mheathYOu have to go with what its frequently used for
06:45.48mheathZelut: as its been pointed out, I guess 50 and 51 are used by VPN, even though VPN stuff officially has no entitelement to it.
06:45.56mheathWait, though...
06:46.39penocisco uses 50,51 & 500 commonly for vpn connections.
06:48.41mheathnight, folks. Gotta open tomorrow at 5:30AM :(
06:49.39ZelutI'm going to bed too, but if there are any suggestions on this:
06:52.00*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut tonedevf (
06:56.51HeartsbaneZelut went to bed before Festivus
07:02.04herloHappy Festivus!!!
07:02.52Heartsbanepeno: Festivus is your heritage
07:04.19HeartsbaneNight all
07:05.09HeartsbaneZelut: is that the IPTables for your laptop or your server?
07:07.33penoHeartsbane: uh. ok.
07:15.24*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut bigfox (
07:23.16bigfoxHay Heartsbane,  I am at a night job I do every so often and I have the thin client with me.  What is the program to check the temperature?
07:25.50*** part/#ubuntu-us-ut troseph (
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07:39.18*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut kkubasik (
07:41.07herlokkubasik: !!! welcome!
07:41.24kkubasikherlo: happy holidays!
07:41.32kkubasikhehe, sorry home to md
07:41.36herlokkubasik: are you in Utah still? Or did you go home for holidays
07:41.48herlohey, np, just thought I'd say hello
07:41.59Heartsbanebigfox: conky or lmstat(I think)
07:42.03kkubasikhahaha, yeah its good to see linux didn't disapear
07:42.06HeartsbaneHey Kevin
07:42.16kkubasikHeartsbane: hows it going?
07:42.18herlokkubasik: like it would...
07:42.35kkubasikbtw, im seeing janx tomorrow
07:42.40Heartsbaneits going alright
07:42.42kkubasikin dc, it will be funny
07:43.16Heartsbanekkubasik: when do I get my wua hook up
07:43.50kkubasikHeartsbane: wua?
07:43.50bigfoxHeartsbane:  got conky installed, but it isn't saying anything about cpu temp.
07:43.57bigfoxhow do I configure it?
07:44.19herlobigfox: here
07:44.36Heartsbanebigfox: hold on
07:45.49herloHeartsbane would be correct, but it is Heartsbane's .conkyrc file
07:46.19HeartsbaneFrack that
07:46.39kkubasikbtw i just finished season 3 of bsg
07:46.45herlobsg rocks!
07:46.46kkubasikHOOOZOLLLY FRACK!!!!
07:46.59Heartsbanekkubasik: do you have the original DVD's?
07:47.05Heartsbaneor just rips?
07:47.17kkubasikrips on 3
07:47.22kkubasikoriginal of 1 and 2
07:48.22Heartsbanekkubasik: same here I have originals on 1 & 2, and that looks pretty slick
07:48.39kkubasikoooo yeah
07:48.44kkubasikits soooo oawesome
07:49.15Heartsbanebigfox: you will need to make some adjustments
07:49.41Heartsbaneto the .conkyrc that is
07:49.44bigfoxJust creating the file now.  Machine is a bit on the slow side.
07:51.33bigfoxOk, the file is created.
07:52.23Heartsbanek hack it to hell of being cut to peices
07:52.28HeartsbaneI am going to bed
07:52.40Heartsbaneand someone get me a part time job like bigfox
07:52.44Heartsbanenight all
07:53.19bigfoxI can probably get you one here.
07:53.34bigfoxWill you pass a background check?
07:56.38bigfoxCPU temp 32F
07:56.56herloits freezing?
07:57.13bigfoxThats the reading it gives.
07:57.20herlocould be busted
07:57.27bigfoxIts warm to the touch.
07:57.30herloor its in C
07:57.53bigfoxIt has an F in back of the 32 in back of where it says Temp:
07:57.56herloits in the format
07:58.10herloTemp: ${acpitempf}F
07:58.23herlowhich probably means its based upon what acpi reports...
07:58.33herloand the .conkyrc is just reporting F
07:58.44herloeven though it would have to be C for it to be semi-accurate
07:58.53bigfoxI doubt this thing knows what its temp is.  Its possible that this CPU cannot tell.
08:06.22bigfoxIt has no idea what the temp is.  I covered the vent for a bit while the processor was being hammered and it hasn't changed from 32 F
08:06.44herlohaha, yeah, that's probably the default reporting from acpi
08:08.53bigfoxThe machine doesn't get very warm.  I had to cover its vents for a while to get it to feel hotter to the touch.  Even then, it isn't that warm.
08:09.46herlomine runs at 158F right now
08:09.54herloits a lappy
08:10.46bigfoxIts also a million times faster then this thin client.
08:11.24bigfoxIts a Via low power chip running at 800 MHz
08:11.56herlo:) yeah for sure
08:12.17bigfoxI was planning on using it as a car computer.
08:12.31bigfoxAll solid state makes it perfect.
08:12.48bigfoxIt also accepts a 12 volt power supply.
08:13.25bigfoxOnly problem I am having now is figuring out where to mount the monitor.
08:15.52herlounder the radio imo
08:16.29bigfoxI can't find a monitor that small that has a VGA input.
08:16.59herloooh, they are out there, I've used them...
08:17.07herlobut you could just modify one as well...
08:18.23bigfoxThere is also the problem of protecting the monitor from the cold and heat.  The computer isn't hard, just put it in the trunk with solar powered fan to keep it aired out.
08:19.26herlolcd is *much* more resistant to temperature changes.  I recommend this for both size and temp handling among other visual reasons.
08:19.52bigfoxIt is?
08:20.22bigfoxIn my experience, too much heat or cold will destroy them.
08:20.26herlowhy wouldn't it be?  LCD is just a diode
08:20.42herlowell, sure, they'll degrade over time, but not compared to a crt IMO
08:21.43herloand that there is much more to a crt than the lcd panel
08:22.25bigfoxA CRT is not an option anyway.  I already looked into that.  There is no space big enough to install one.
08:23.19herloI'd say that the biggest thing is the cold, heat is only an issue if its direct sunlight and can melt the bezel and stuff
08:23.47herlohaving the car warm up before turning on the display might be a recommendation I would make...
08:24.00bigfoxI'll have to keep a sun block for the windshield.
08:24.16herloyeah, or just have a cover
08:24.25herlowhich might help in both cold and hot
08:24.35herlosomething simple like a lid
08:24.41bigfoxHow would it help in cold?
08:26.30herlowell, I was thinking it would keep the heat in a bit and cool it down slower
08:26.51herloand when you warm up the car, it would be able to warm a bit more even...
08:28.56bigfoxAnother idea I came up with would be to build a low power heating element into the monitor.
08:29.39bigfoxNot very hot mind you, just a few hundred miliamps.
08:29.42herloyeah, tunnel some of the vehicle heater core heat back into the
08:30.14herlobut a heating element might work too, it might be a small drain on the battery, but hopefully not too much
08:30.19bigfoxThe heater in my saturn and LeSabre is a heater core that gets its heat from the engine.
08:30.38herloyeah, pretty standard these days...
08:31.07bigfoxIt would be less then the dome light.  With a good Diehard battery (The only kind I will use) it won't be a problem.
09:11.46RedHeronAnd install Ubuntu as the control OS for the distributor, right?
09:24.01sontekmy friend has a touch screen lcd that hasn't had any problems in the heat or cold
09:42.12bigfoxNo, I will only rig the computer will only monitor the cars computer through the cars ODB2 port.
09:44.26bigfoxThat will come after I get the computer installed and working.
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17:09.39ZelutHeartsbane: when do you sleep?  I see you in here until the wee hours of the morn.. and you're back
17:18.21HeartsbaneI don't want to sound weird or nothing .....hahahaha..... but I usually do about 6 hours a night then by like the 4th or 5th day ... I do a 10 to 12 hour death coma
17:18.50HeartsbaneThe funny part is I am always up at 4:00AM
17:18.59Heartsbanefor breakfast
17:22.32HeartsbaneZelut: BTW Happy Festivus
17:43.02*** mode/#ubuntu-us-ut [+o Zelut] by ChanServ
17:43.52*** topic/#ubuntu-us-ut by Zelut -> Happy Festivus! - | ...and for everyone else, have a Happy Tuesday!
17:43.58ZelutHeartsbane: how's that?
17:45.00*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut Yorokobi (n=Yorokobi@unaffiliated/yorokobi)
18:09.38Heartsbaneworks for me
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19:39.48tgelterhey all
20:12.58ZelutI have been tinkering with XP in VirtualBox and I realize I don't trust pretty much anything!
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20:13.52Zeluthow much I take gpg-signed package management for granted anymore.  There is no way to tell that *anything* you've installed isn't corrupted or altered with spyware.
20:15.01mheathHmm, anyone here use Thoggen?
20:15.49Zelutmheath: I've been using acidrip vs Thoggen, but I have used it before.
20:16.50mheathI'm just wondering...if you do the option to determine output size by quality %, it only lets me go up to 63%. Why?
20:29.36herlodepends on the codec, size of the output and compression
20:30.18mheathherlo: well, you can't alter any of that in thoggen can you?
20:30.24mheathI have the picture size set to full
20:30.38herlofor instance, if you have a DVD at 4.3G, its encoded MPEG-2 at a higher bitrate than a 700M CD of the same video encoded in Xvid
20:31.02herlomheath: well, I've not used thoggen, but you can tweak things to make it look better, but it depends on what you are trying to accomplish...
20:31.19herloif thoggen can't do it, try acidrip as I know it can
20:33.03mheathherlo: I just use thoggen because its so simple.
20:33.13mheathA couple of clicks through two simple menus and your ripping
20:33.26mheathEverything else I found required complex configurations and multiple steps
20:33.27herlomheath: acidrip isn't much harder
20:34.02mheathyeah, I used to do the same.
20:36.45herloanyone heard of revolution?
20:36.48herlothe movie
20:38.23HeartsbaneAl Pacino & Don Sutherland in it?
20:39.01herloits a indie film about a boxer...
20:40.21herlobeware, flash!
20:40.37herlothis also looks good:
20:42.27herloanyone heard of userful?
20:46.50herlolooks interesting, but non-free
20:47.00herlowonder if there's anything like that that's FOSS
20:54.24herloundertakingyou: ping
20:59.16mheathHave any of you used Wine Doors before?
20:59.20mheathI'm amazed by it.
21:00.22mheathRedHeron: It's a utility for Wine, to install applications with
21:00.24mheathreally sleek
21:00.28mheathreally neat
21:01.01mheathFirst time you run it, it (for legal reasons) firsts asks you if you have a Windows license. If you reply yes, it then goes and downloads a bunch of extra stuff that makes Wine work better
21:01.19mheathThen, it brings up a sleek graphical list of programs you can install off the internet or local media..
21:01.20RedHeronHrm! And it just so happens I do. :-)
21:01.24RedHeronAnd it's not in use.
21:04.18mheathit even automatically handles the applications installer for you
21:04.33mheathI just installed a working copy of Steam with one click, on Ubuntu :P
21:35.36Zelutfa-reak there are way too many people shopping today
21:36.06herloreally? that sucks
21:39.04Zelutmheath: so is doors a package available or part of wine?
21:39.42Zelutherlo: my VirtualBox solution is working great now, and it can rip to .avi too
21:40.57mheathZelut: a package (though not in any repos at the moment, apparently)
21:41.43Zelutmheath: got a link?
21:42.51mheathZelut: Its really neat
21:43.08mheathZelut: Metainfo for various programs is pulled from an online repository and/or locally
21:43.37mheathZelut: This metainfo can instruct on how to install a Windows program on CD, or it can download the program.
21:46.46Zelutmheath: I haven't used Wine now for ages.  The one app I want to work doesn't
21:48.04mheathZelut: Which app is that?
21:48.45Zelutmheath: anydvd and clonedvd2
21:49.10Zelutmheath: dead-easiest solution I've found for archiving my DVDs and shrinking to DVD5
21:49.35mheathhey, can anyone point me to a tutorial on setting up a Ubuntu third party sotware repo on a non-ubuntu-or-debian host?
21:50.13Zelutmheath: I do that pretty regularly using my local mirror
21:50.23Zelutmheath: creating a repo however I don't know how to do
21:51.09mheathTheres a couple apps that theres .debs for, but no repo, and I figured I'd be nice and setup a repo for the benefit of others.
21:51.54Zelutmheath: I think the unofficial common way to do that is use a PPA on launchpad.
21:52.18mheathZelut: PPA?
21:52.33Zelutmheath: personal package archive
21:54.04Zelutmheath: on your user home page there is an 'activate PPA' button to allow you to add packages and share them in repo form with others
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22:49.59Zelutanyone use evolution with gmail imap?
22:55.37herloZelut: I think sontek does/is
22:59.40Zelutseems slow to me
22:59.56sontekZelut: gmail's imap is slow
23:00.15sontekZelut: but I switched to thunderbird, it seems to handle it a little better
23:01.21sontekZelut: gmail doesn't tag their messages properly, so youo wont be able to filter new messages properly either
23:02.04Zelutsontek: does it work right if the filtering is done on gmails side?
23:03.08sontekZelut: Yeah
23:03.15sontekZelut: you just have to tell it to check every foldr
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