IRC log for #ubuntu-us-ut on 20071201

00:16.47Heartsbaneencryptz: ping
00:34.48Heartsbanewho here uses Thunderbird?
00:34.59*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut Hunding_ (n=denns@VDSL-151-118-128-221.DNVR.QWEST.NET)
00:35.34HeartsbaneI was going thru meeting notes for to fill in the Wiki
00:35.41herloheartsbane: I do
00:35.48Heartsbaneand I turned something on
00:36.06Heartsbaneall my e-mails are showing all the header info
00:36.40herloview -> headers -> normal
00:36.50HeartsbaneMessage-ID, return-address, return path
00:36.52herloyou chose all
00:37.25Heartsbaneya but I don't remember where it is?
00:37.29herloI turn on all headers regularly when im filtering spam
00:37.48herloi just told you
00:38.10Heartsbanek thx
00:38.37Heartsbaneya that what I bugger'd
00:48.31Heartsbaneherlo: where you at? Cali?
00:49.12Heartsbanestill in MD?
00:53.14herloHeartsbane: Cinci right now
00:53.31herloHeartsbane: I was giving you advice as I was getting off the plane :)
00:53.55HeartsbaneROFL nice where you going Utah or Cali?
00:55.17HeartsbaneHow long to your next flight?
00:55.26herlo4.5 hrs
00:55.54HeartsbaneWell get a drink, and if I could impose on you
00:56.04herlohave about 30mins until my next flight
00:56.09herloHeartsbane: already have a drink
00:56.24herlocrown room
00:56.35herloconsidering dinner, but should have it on the flight :)
00:56.43HeartsbaneWell then great minds, I never qualified for the Crown Room
00:57.23HeartsbaneRemind me to give you 5 accross the eyes for just showing off
00:57.36herloyou didn't fly enough or pay any money/miles :/
00:58.47HeartsbaneYa well I did at one time
00:58.59Heartsbaneor atleast almost did
00:59.01herloHeartsbane: what did you do when you flew so much?
00:59.40HeartsbaneI was working for Fleming in the RTS (Retail Technology Support) group
01:00.06herlowhat did fleming d?
01:00.33HeartsbaneFood Wholesaler
01:00.49herlodid you like the job, but not the travel ?
01:01.09HeartsbaneYa I loved the job and the travel, something new every week
01:01.18herlowhy'd you quit?
01:01.27HeartsbaneDidn't quit 9/11
01:01.54herloHeartsbane: how did that make a diff?  I traveled right before/after 9/11
01:02.14*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut Zelut (n=Zelut@ubuntu/member/zelut)
01:02.35HeartsbaneAnd cooperate greed, mismanagement there were a couple things that contributed to 56K employees getting the boot
01:02.51HeartsbaneMarch 23rd after 9/11 I was let go
01:02.57Zelutfinal bug training event in #ubuntu-us starting now
01:03.04herlowow, so it was part of the dot bomb / 9/11 / stupid company
01:03.10herlothat sucks
01:03.17HeartsbaneZelut: thank you
01:04.00Heartsbaneherlo: was wondering if you could do me a favor
01:04.48herloHeartsbane: shoot
01:05.22Heartsbanepart of my Wiki assignment, would you willing to edit the wiki article for Sept 8th, 2007 on page
01:06.28HeartsbaneI would supply my own summary, but I am afraid would lean over my shoulder and say "Well close, but not exactly"
01:07.08Heartsbaneor provide me one and I will enter it
01:09.09herloHeartsbane: to start with, that wasn't Sept8.  Sept 8 was UTOSC.
01:09.34Heartsbaneya I know
01:09.47Heartsbanewe needed a placeholder
01:09.56herloHeartsbane: oh
01:10.13herloHeartsbane: are you saying I should fill it with the Utah Open Source Conference detail?
01:10.35Heartsbaneya a summary of sorts, its your baby...
01:10.56herloHeartsbane: maybe what I'll do is point it to the 2007/Sessions page ?
01:11.58herloHeartsbane: to be honest, I've not very much time to do something like that, but if you put it together (mostly), I can come and give it a look though...
01:12.18herloHeartsbane: don't hate me
01:12.55HeartsbaneI don't hate you, I will just take it out on you but suggesting we upgrade sontek to 2.0
01:13.16Heartsbaneand let him get even
01:13.25Heartsbaneor something
01:13.33herloHeartsbane: oh great!
01:15.05herloHeartsbane: so I'm thinking that if you use those two pages I provided above, you should have most everything you need.  I'll come in and add links for you too
01:19.51UtahViperyawn, boredom, hey all
01:26.48Zelutclutchmm: if you've got bugs that want attention we have bug guys in #ubuntu-us right now
01:26.48Zelutmheath: same for you
01:48.44Zelutanyone on feisty care to help me test something quickly?
02:13.31mheathAnyone who's around happen to be a PHP guru?
02:27.38kkubasikmheath, im no guru
02:27.41kkubasikbut whats the question?
02:30.09*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut thenetduck_ (
02:39.24mheathkkubasik: I figured it out. Just wanted soemone to look over a quick line of code...
02:39.45kkubasikrock on
02:52.25thenetduck_hey if your in the terminal how do you change views
02:52.29thenetduck_to a different terminal ?
02:52.34thenetduck_what I mean is
02:52.54thenetduck_pushing something like <alt> f2 to pop into a different terminal
02:53.40Zelutswitch between tabs?
02:54.20ZelutI need to dump out a database on server1 and import the database (non-existant) on server2.  How can I do that?
02:59.13mheathZelut: Easiest way I'd say is to use phpmyadmin.
02:59.26mheathZelut: wait..I'm assuming MySQL?
02:59.47Zelutmheath: yeah, mysql but I didn't want to install phpmyadmin this time.
02:59.51Zeluti got it figured out
03:00.08mheathAh, OK
03:00.09Zelutimport: mysql -h localhost -u root -p databasename < inputfile
03:00.18mheathmysqldump to get the dump
03:00.23mheaththen input from the CLI
03:17.45*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut troseph (
03:20.28trosephCan I be added to the members list please?
03:21.03Zeluttroseph: the one here?
03:21.33Zelutif you create a launchpad account you can join that list yourself
03:21.41trosephoh awesome.
03:21.51Zelutit'll have you apply, and I'll just approved it.
03:23.53trosephSweet sauce. Thank you.
03:24.43Zeluttroseph: this is you I assume?
03:24.54trosephYes, that is me
03:25.00Zeluttroseph: linked wrong from here:
03:25.07Zelutpoints to Troseph2
03:25.14trosephyeah, I am not sure why
03:25.24trosephwhen I login to the ubuntu wiki it shows troseph2
03:25.40Zelutyou should be able to update that..
03:25.40trosephbut my username is just troseph
03:25.59HeartsbaneZelut: troseph I will make a adjustment to the Utah Nicklist
03:26.16ZelutHeartsbane: the man
03:26.57trosephOh, looks like I have 2 accounts
03:27.05trosephlemme deactivate the other
03:27.51Heartsbane2 launchpad accounts or 2 wiki articles
03:28.08trosephlaunchpad 2 accounts
03:28.59trosephI'll merge them
03:29.11HeartsbaneYou want your realname on the Nicklist
03:29.20trosephsure, why not?
03:37.37encryptzHeartsbane: pong
03:38.46encryptzZelut: if you find out the login for these sparc machines, i'm interested
03:38.54encryptzi can't get ubuntu sparc installed on them
03:39.28encryptzi may just leave solaris 9 on it, if i can get root access
03:40.26encryptzmaybe i should put solaris 10 on there...
03:40.32Zelutencryptz: any specific install errors?
03:40.42encryptz"Illegal operation"
03:40.57encryptzthen puts you to "ok " prompt, which i can't figure out does
03:41.06Zelutencryptz: I'm guessing a runlevel 1 type thing doesn't let you reset the password?
03:41.48encryptzstop-a then 'boot s' is the trick there
03:42.12encryptzmaybe not
03:42.45Heartsbaneencryptz: CHURCH IN YOUR EYE
03:42.50Heartsbanejust kidding
03:43.34encryptz~church Heartsbane
03:45.08encryptzboot -s
03:45.55thenetduck_hehe I am compiling gnome... that takes a while
03:46.34encryptzdo it! do it!
03:48.04encryptzZelut: asking for root password for system maintenance
03:48.13trosephthenetduck_: been there. I compiled gnome for Macintosh... Took about 10 hours..
03:48.14encryptzso, i'm in single user mode, but that does me no good
03:48.32encryptzneed to be in run level 1
03:50.06thenetduck_troseph: ok, I lied, im compiling gnome-light (just wanted to get up and running faster) but still takes a long time... I didn't know gnome ran on a darwin base system
03:50.47trosephIt does with X11, you just have to compile it and on a MacBook its slow as cold tar
03:51.37thenetduck_MacBooks have a dual core  too .
03:51.47thenetduck_very interesting....
03:52.19trosephthenetduck_: It was only a coreduo with the power saving options it ran pretty slow.
03:52.35thenetduck_heh ya that will do it
03:52.47encryptzboot -1 didn't do the trick
03:52.49thenetduck_im running Gentoo..
03:53.22thenetduck_troseph: do you know if you can compile a custom Ubuntu kernal? kind of thing?
03:53.49thenetduck_I man I guess you could but is there a way to edit configs for your Ubuntu kernel
03:53.51trosephthenetduck_: I gave up, sold my macbook now I'm running Ubuntu on a Sony Vaio for $1300 less on better hardware.
03:54.23thenetduck_troseph: how long ago was that?
03:54.23trosephWith no mac related hassles
03:54.34trosephthenetduck_: Yesterday :D
03:54.41thenetduck_troseph: lol
03:54.45trosephSolved everyone of my problems
03:55.17thenetduck_I know Zelut was pretty happy with using a Mac Book
03:55.25thenetduck_not for everyone that's for usre
03:55.35trosephI think he had a newer one than I
03:55.54trosephbecause I had nothing but kernel panics when ACPI was enabled on my macbook
03:55.58thenetduck_ya that new ones have really good support, so they say
03:56.18trosephWhat's funny is my Vaio has the same chipset
03:56.20thenetduck_hum, what FS are you running on your Ubuntu install?
03:56.43thenetduck_have you looked into reiserFS  ?
03:57.03thenetduck_the guy that was the main dev is being held because they think he killed his wife or something lol
03:57.12trosephyeah, but the reiserFS drivers would crash my windows box
03:57.20thenetduck_but overlooking that....
03:57.32thenetduck_how so?
03:57.35trosephand there was not Mac support. But other than that I never considered it.
03:57.39thenetduck_I mean, run Ubuntu on it not Windows
03:58.09thenetduck_troseph: in general for files under 4k it's about 15X faster than ext but when it comes to laptops
03:58.26trosephI dunno. It was the default and it always "just worked" for me.
03:58.34trosephperhaps I'll try it
03:58.35thenetduck_it's good because when you have a poweroff that you didn't expect ... it will run through it's tests faster thant ext
03:58.43thenetduck_saving you a lot of battery power
03:58.51Zelutyeah, there are some benefits to reiserfs but there are also some things to consider
03:59.21Zelutnow that reiser is in jail development is up in the air so people are reluctant.  also doesn't properly support selinux.. in my experience anyway
03:59.23thenetduck_lol ... Zelut might be right... getting advise from me usually isn't the best
03:59.40trosephI might try it. The people at work, SUSE nuts swear by reiser.
03:59.47Zelutreiserfs used to be the default on suse, but they've gone back to ext3
04:00.14thenetduck_dude did you know that reiser when to Berkly when he was 15 that's insane!
04:00.32Zelutmy guess is he's a mad genius that snapped and off'd his wife
04:00.53thenetduck_no one that smart ever does good in society
04:01.00trosephWhile programming his FS my uncle said he often felt like harming family members... Something to do with the job I guess. :)
04:01.33thenetduck_lol well computers can make angery people
04:02.00Zeluttroseph: your uncle should get help?
04:02.08trosephI sold my macbook at the advice of my anger councilor...
04:02.18trosephmy uncle is fine now. :)
04:02.35Zeluthe's fine now. he's in a home with rubber walls
04:03.15trosephNah, I am fine, I have some "keep it inside then break something" issues.
04:03.49trosephYou wouldn't know it until you piss me off and come home to a smoldering heap that was your house.
04:04.11trosephAnd I'm calm as can be.
04:05.30trosephnah I'm a really calm person that tends to dwell on problems (trying to fix them and getting frustrated as hell at the same time)
04:06.02trosephIts a rare occasion that I burn down Zelut's house.
04:07.24findlaywell, duh
04:07.56findlay~bzfrag troseph
04:07.57jbotACTION tries to kill troseph, but troseph finds the shield flag
04:09.37troseph~lart findlay for no real reason whatsoever
04:09.37jbotsays "boot to the head" and knocks findlay over for no real reason whatsoever
05:04.29Zelutencryptz: any luck?
05:11.32*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut knine (n=knine@
05:18.20HeartsbaneNight all
05:30.56ZelutI'm about ready to kill my apache2 server.
05:31.05Zelutcan't get my virtualhosts figured out for some reason
05:31.13Zelut[Sat Dec 01 05:30:07 2007] [warn] NameVirtualHost *:0 has no VirtualHosts
05:32.05*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut mrpull-lt (
05:45.33*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut clutchm1 (
06:09.54*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut thenetduck (
06:16.51*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut clutchmm (
06:23.25*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut findlay (n=justin@
07:01.58Zelutkkubasik: ping
07:02.14kkubasikZelut, pong
07:02.25Zelutkkubasik: ever do much with apache virtual hosts?
07:02.35kkubasik=/ not a ton
07:02.41kkubasiklike small scale configs
07:02.45kkubasiklike 3 or 4 vhosts
07:02.57kkubasiknever like a major mondo setup
07:03.02Zelutfor some reason I can't get mine to work and I'm wondering if I need another set of eyes at this point.
07:03.10kkubasikwanna e-mail it to me
07:03.17kkubasikyour config and ill skim it
07:05.17Zelutthe sad thing is I've taught this a dozen times.. just can't see what I'm missing
07:05.35Zelutkkubasik: did you ever take a look at wxpython? I think a frontend for monitoring folding would be cool.
07:06.22kkubasikyeah, i started skimming
07:06.27kkubasikit doesn't look impossible
07:06.31kkubasikjust a little different
07:06.37kkubasiklike conceptually then gtk
07:08.39Zelutas I understand wx will blend a bit better between gnome and kde vs pygtk?
07:09.06kkubasikit should be pretty much uniform
07:09.20kkubasikgtk will look odd in a pure qt env
07:16.15findlayyou need to start up gnome-settings-daemon
07:16.31findlayto get your gnome theme going
07:17.49kkubasikok, ive got a few demos working
07:18.06kkubasikits just knda a pain as some enums still arent stronly typed etc
07:18.13kkubasikbut def doable with some time
07:30.10*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut bigfox (
07:54.08*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut thenetduck (
09:41.51kkubasikZelut, already doin it in my vm
09:41.55kkubasikits sexytastic
11:12.44encryptzZelut: nothing. can't get past the Illigal Instruction
12:11.36encryptzand it's on its way. w00t
12:11.59encryptzi guess it doesn't like its usb/firewire card i put in it
12:41.12encryptzZelut: i am now unsubscribed from the oh mailing list too, thx to vorian
12:59.47encryptzZelut: and, from what i can see, red hat has modified useradd to behave like adduser
13:00.26encryptzadduser and addgroup are better tools
13:21.28encryptzin fact, useradd, userdel and usermod are lowlevel user management commands
13:21.43encryptzadduser and addgroup are higher level system admin tools
13:22.05encryptzso, i'm assuming that useradd et al is tailored towards scripting
13:35.22encryptzi guess other than the interactive nature too
16:51.30Zelutencryptz: so the -sparc.iso will work, it just didn't live your hardware?
16:53.01*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut redbeard2 (
16:56.39encryptzyeah. it works fine
16:59.16Zelutencryptz: vorian purged you from their list too ehh?
17:01.34encryptzi wonder if he'll kick me from his channel...
17:01.47encryptzor if that's "private" too
17:02.02Zelutdo we raise a stink about being banned from a public mailing list or just drop it?
17:02.13encryptzit's not public
17:02.28Zelutwhy not?
17:02.43encryptzif you go to, the archives are private and all requests to join are moderated
17:03.06encryptzhe's the list admin, so i guess he can do it, it's just childish
17:03.41Zelutbut these lists *should* be public though is what I'm saying.
17:05.31encryptzi agree
17:31.57Zelutencryptz: can you tell me how you're handling your vhosts?  I can't get mine to work.. they're all resolving the same site.
17:32.57encryptzjust a sec. update
17:37.40encryptzZelut: i have one "NameVirtualHost *". it's in my "" file. all the other files don't have it. just <VirtualHost *>...
17:38.43Zelutthen I'm assuming each have ServerName domain.tld & ServerAlias *.domain.tld or something similar to match those names?
17:39.07encryptzyeah. in each file, there is a ServerName and ServerAlias
17:39.51Zeluthmm.. I've tried both NameVirtualHost IP, NameVirtualHost IP:port and NameVirtualHost * ... I must be missing something else.
17:40.19encryptzhere. i'll pastebin 2 files file: file (and all the rest):
17:44.37encryptzhmmm. that first paste didn't catch everything
17:44.42*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut clutchm1 (
17:44.47encryptzand, it looks like i need to get openid support back up
17:45.43Zelutencryptz: this in your sites-available/ file?
17:47.47Zelutand the first one is your default?
17:50.46Zelutany special permissions needed for DocumentRoot?  right now they are christer.www-data
17:51.51encryptz664 is what mine are...
17:52.06encryptz775 for the dirs
17:53.30encryptzyou ran a2ensite, or made sym links from sites-available to sites-enabled, yes?
17:55.52*** part/#ubuntu-us-ut bigfox (
18:11.37Zelutencryptz: if I do vim list of files, how do I toggle between those files?
18:13.43encryptznot sure what you're asking
18:14.35ZelutI just did 'vim *' for a list of files.  After I edit the one and :wq it says "11 more files to edit", but :q again quits.  It would seem I could go through each, but not sure how.
18:16.09encryptznot sure. i have never done that before
18:26.50*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut bigfox (
18:59.15GateZelut: still at a brick wall with sound. Every existing tutorial I have found fails or makes it worse.
19:28.15herloZelut: :next :prev
19:29.50Zelutherlo: by the way, before I could pull off pxelinux.cfg stuff sjansen blew away server1.. didn't ask anybody if they were using it, just blew it away.
19:30.43herloZelut: oh well, I guess I will have to beat him when I see him next
19:31.03Zelutyeah, jphall and myself were a little upset as well
19:31.32ZelutI did hack together a little .sh script to setup a machine for 314 development though
19:32.34herloZelut: cool
19:32.56herloI've got a new pxeconfig for 5.1, I'm thinking of making a simple shell script to do that too
19:33.01Zelutdownloading ubuntu-8.04-alternate-sparc.iso for my new sun sparc 10 machine. w00t
19:33.15Zelut*alpha-1, of course.
19:33.17herloZelut: I'll be doing something similar with mine
19:33.34Zelutherlo: does fedora have sparc images?
19:34.03Zelutwe only have them because debian supports every type of hardware in the known universe
19:35.03encryptzi already have an ubuntu server, so i was curious how debian would compare as a server
19:35.06herloZelut: - looks like they have a plan
19:35.26herloZelut: haha, your namesake is very true
19:36.15encryptzin fact, i even debated openbsd. if only theo deradtt wasn't the project lead...
19:38.10Zelutencryptz: its weird with you not being atoponce anymore.  Usually you're 1st and I'm last on the room contact list.
19:42.13Zelutencryptz: so I've been streamlining the team idea a bit more.. maybe something more simple, like regular participation education.
19:44.05Zeluta regular schedule outlining participation and training for major teams. like openweek, every week.. just that there is a team that organizes those regularly.
19:46.56Zelutthis wget -c ubuntu-8.04-alternate-alpha-sparc.iso is killing my bandwidth
19:54.08undertakingyouHeartsbane: ping
19:55.02herloZelut: use --limit-rate 85
19:55.08herloZelut: use --limit-rate 85k (rather)
20:00.27Zelutman I miss my utopia
20:01.01Zelutso I measured 7.5" of snow on my truck this morning and its still coming down.
20:02.58undertakingyouI just shoveled my driveway.  It is 3 cars wide by 3 cars deep.
20:03.04undertakingyouThere is a lot of snow
20:03.46ZelutI don't plan on leaving my house at this point.  I just hope its a bit better before I have to fly out tomorrow
20:04.52undertakingyouyeah, that would suck if it didn't
20:05.18Zelutthis is making me look forward to my week in San Fran on the 10th :)
20:05.42undertakingyouZelut: is there any restrictions on who can be on the bugsquad?
20:05.59Zelutundertakingyou: there are no restrictions in ubuntu ;)
20:06.26undertakingyou:)  nice, I'll try and be on tuesday.  I am getting alpha right now.
20:07.00ZelutI've installed it in a VM and I'm just finishing the sparc alpha for my new sun box too.
20:07.24Zelutanyone is more than welcome to attend on tuesday nites for the bugsquad.
20:07.49undertakingyouI have a spare box, but I think I am going to do a VM for right now.
20:09.03ZelutI have three computers that I need to build, test and setup today.  I have a busy day ahead of me
20:15.03Heartsbaneundertakingyou: pong
20:16.26HeartsbaneZelut: which sparc machine do you have
20:17.14undertakingyouHeartsbane: have you tried alltray yet?
20:17.37Heartsbaneundertakingyou: and do you load yours at boot?
20:18.05ZelutHeartsbane: Sun Ultra 10 ?
20:18.33undertakingyouHeartsbane: I call it with each command that I want it with.  For shortcuts I have added it their command.
20:19.06HeartsbaneZelut: there is a old Sun machine at 'werq'... I bet they would let me put it on, no one uses it
20:19.19HeartsbaneZelut: is there a minimum requirement?
20:19.48Heartsbaneundertakingyou: I just put it in session, to call up my stuff, I was curious if anyone new a better way
20:20.29ZelutHeartsbane: no idea.  I'm not familiar at all with sun hardware
20:20.37undertakingyouSorry, I only know the one way.
20:22.26Heartsbaneundertakingyou: why aren't you 'werqing' today
20:22.55undertakingyouHeartsbane: I am on a long weekend.  I was off yesterday, and I go back to work on Tuesday.
20:23.37undertakingyouHeartsbane: you can do it too man.
20:24.36HeartsbaneI know I still got vacation, I should use, Its just when I vacation, I like to get away from the world
20:24.50HeartsbaneThat is why I enjoy fishing
20:25.12Heartsbaneundertakingyou: got a sec to gimme a hand since herlo isn't around
20:25.21undertakingyouHeartsbane: sure, whats up?
20:26.08HeartsbaneMy Wiki Project, can review the article for UTOS Sept 8th
20:33.48penoHeartsbane: depending on how old the sun is, you may have to do a tftp install.  Had to do that on a sun IPC back in the day of debian hamm.
20:34.57Heartsbanepeno: thax
20:35.03HeartsbaneErr... thanx
20:36.03penoif it's newer, say a SS10, it should boot from cd with the newer releases.
21:11.02Zelutencryptz: uhh, how do I get this thing to boot to CD? :)
21:17.08ZelutI assume the .iso is legit, but it doesn't boot there by default apparently
21:28.53Zelutgot it.. this stop-A ; boot cdrom nonsense
21:29.40Zelutencryptz: Booting into single-user mode with "boot -s" requires you to enter the root password. However, you can use "boot -b", an undocumented feature, to do the equivalent of "init=/bin/sh".
21:43.56ZelutI think I need a new name for folding
21:46.10mheathThis is probably a stupid question, but why is this giving me an error?
21:46.29mheath<a class="<?php echo (!isset($_GET['page'] ? "activenavitab" : "navitab") ?>" href="index.php">Home</a>
21:47.03mheathThat generates: syntax error, unexpected '?', expecting ',' or ')'
21:58.52mheathI'm an idiot, and I was simply missing a ). I had a case of "stare at my own code for so long I can't even see the obvious solution anymore".
22:15.25*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut redbeard4 (
22:29.05*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut Zelu1 (
22:35.34*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut tonedevf (
22:41.00*** part/#ubuntu-us-ut tonedevf (
22:46.10encryptzZelut: stop-a at boot
22:46.33encryptzthen, at the ok prompt, 'boot cdrom'
22:48.48encryptzoh. you already got it
22:49.30encryptzi just need to figure out what to do with it
22:50.04encryptzherlo: have you picked yours up?
22:52.30*** part/#ubuntu-us-ut bigfox (
23:01.33Zelutencryptz: hardy fails on installing the SILO boot loader though..
23:09.03*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut clutchmm (
23:13.52*** join/#ubuntu-us-ut bigfox (
23:59.11encryptzwhat does it say? does it load the kernel and ramdisk?

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