irclog2html for tuxscreen on 2002.02.09

00:05:01EGg0_awayis away: I'm reading a book. Do you remember books?
00:10:18EGg0_awayis back (gone 00:05:18)
00:54:44scanlineis away: food(sorta)
01:23:48scanlineis back (gone 00:29:03)
01:31:23collordhrmm... anyone have strace up on tuxscreen?
01:32:22BZFlagheh, on my pivot_root debian system I do. ;-)
01:33:07collordis gdb remote possible?
01:34:08collordyes it's sounding like pivot_root may be tempting...
01:35:08collordthough that means starting portmap/foo on tuxscreen too
01:36:12collordthinks there should be a busybox of server apps
01:42:26collordhrm well strace doesn't like uclibc it seems
01:42:30collordthat would make sense
02:01:33andersee was last seen on #tuxscreen 1 days, 3 hours, 36 minutes and 36 seconds ago, saying: bornet: use batteries, not a transformer... [Thu Feb  7 22:24:56 2002]
02:01:33jacquesibot: seen andersee
02:01:49bzflag was last seen on #zaurus 12 minutes and 57 seconds ago, saying: PanicOpticon: afaik usb client on zaurus and ipaq are the same. might be some gpio differences that I'm not thinking of at present. [Sat Feb  9 01:48:52 2002]
02:01:49jacquesibot: seen bzflag
02:02:21jacquesnaughty naughty
02:02:38jacques: San Jose, San Jose International Airport, CA, United States; (KSJC) 37-21-33N 121-55-27W 25M; last updated: Feb 08, 2002 07:53 PM EST; Dew Point: 37.0 F (2.8 C); Precipitation last hour: A trace; Pressure (altimeter): 30.35 in. Hg (1027 hPa); Relative Humidity: 50%; Sky conditions: mostly clear; Temperature: 55.0 F (12.8 C); Visibility: 10 mile(s); Weather: 0.10 inches; Wind: from the NW (310 degrees) at 13 MPH (12 KT); Windchill: 8 F (-13 C)
02:02:38jacquesibot: weather ksjc
02:03:21jacquesthat windchill looks wrong
02:13:21collordvery wrong
02:18:04boodleany ppl here building 2.4.17-rmk4 or 2.4.17-rmk5 kernels ?
03:12:30scanlineis away: buying junk food
03:37:54pmisfitany closure on strace or remote gdb for tux?
03:38:25pmisfiti need either/both. tried to build strace, like collord, and hit a wall too.
03:38:54collordreg.h ?
03:40:59Morndid tinylogin move from lineo?
03:43:17MornI found it
03:43:54Mornbut 0.80 doesn't compile
03:45:07collord /leave #tuxscreen
03:45:23collordgood night, i need sleep
04:24:19Mornanyone around?
11:41:22Mornis away: helping someone move...
14:48:59EGg0has anyone here played with sqlite on arm?
15:30:52EGg0is away: I'm reading a book. Do you remember books?
16:59:09prpplaguemorning all
17:37:49EGg0_studiois back (gone 02:06:57)
17:40:10prpplagueEGg0: working on saturday too?
17:40:34EGg0prpplague: Well, working is a bit strong.
17:40:48EGg0I'm at home, and in my studio. :-)
17:41:14prpplagueEGg0: more like getting payed to play?
17:41:46prpplagueEGg0: studio as in photos? or studio as in electronics shop?
17:41:48EGg0Essentially. "Do what you love and never work a day in your life."
17:42:02prpplagueamen to that
17:42:02EGg0prpplague: Sorry, studio as in pottery.
17:42:31EGg0Gave up on robotics in favor of clay... go figure.
17:42:34prpplagueany particular style?
17:42:55EGg0Wheel thrown, functional. Bowls, vases, etc.
17:43:12prpplagueand his son(4.5 years old) were talking about build a robot last night
17:43:38prpplaguei used to collect native american pottery from the new mexico tribes
17:43:44EGg0I've got a room full of robotics stuff. I keep thinking of selling it.
17:44:01EGg0prpplague: I *am* native american, but from the northeast :-)
17:44:34EGg0That's probably some of it's appeal.
17:44:50EGg0I have alot of African and Indian designs on my pots.
17:45:01prpplaguei have several santa clara pieces from around 1970
17:46:14EGg0Beautiful stuff. I love Maria Martinez's work.
17:46:36EGg0I can't hold a candle to that :-)
17:47:24EGg0prpplague: (segway) Have you seen any one talk about using SQL engines on the tux?
17:49:04prpplagueyes, CosmicPenguin and i have been playing with sqlite
17:49:58EGg0prpplague: I just built that on the skiffs. I was looking into the ODBC drivers.
17:50:08EGg0prpplague: Pretty big though.
17:50:25prpplaguethe ODBC drivers?
17:51:12EGg0I want to access the library from within Python.
17:51:58prpplaguehmm,i thought that sqlite had some python bindings
17:52:03EGg0is away: (I... uh... gotta go :-)
17:52:15EGg0is back (gone 00:00:13)
17:52:28EGg0Just kidding around on :-)
17:52:38EGg0prpplague: I didn't realize that.
17:54:44prpplagueEGg0: oops i miss spoke, looks like there are only tcl bindings
17:54:49EGg0I only see TCL bindings..
17:54:58EGg0hates TCL.
17:55:02prpplagueEGg0: sorry to get your hopes up
17:55:47EGg0I don't mind working with an ODBC driver, it's just more work to set up.
17:57:35prpplagueis db challenged
18:07:17prpplaguebegins to convert usb ipaq cradle to rs-232
18:30:47prpplaguehas finished the usb to rs-232 ipaq cradle mod, now for smoke test....
20:33:36TomWpmisfit: I posted the partial schematic on
21:07:48TomWTomW: test
21:09:17WN3LTomW: test
21:10:00bornetTomW: test seems OK ;)
21:13:55WN3Lbornet: Yes,  but I was trying to figure out which event text setting in xchat controlled a sound when I got a message directed to me (as in 'WN3L: hello Tom')
21:15:13WN3LTomW: test
21:16:06WN3LTomW: test
21:16:28borneti see...
21:16:34WN3Lbornet: Ok, I got it..  I am just so used to alert sound when I use gAIM.
21:17:49TomWnow I can assume my 'real' identity.  IRC is pretty cool, I haven't used it before this.
21:19:02AeroSpaceTomW: You know if you you want to play around you can create your own channel.  If you think IRC is cool you should try a MOO.
21:19:48TomWAeroSpace: I am a farm-boy, I don't need no stinkin' cattle cluttering up my living room!  ;-)
21:20:09prpplaguejumps for joy, pixil is running on his ipaq
21:47:23Tux420whats tux screen?
21:47:57TomWanother "toy"
23:54:20scanlineis back (gone 20:41:50)

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