irclog2html for tuxboxproject on 2002.08.28

02:36:25Bakemono|Awayis away: "busy"
09:06:13Bakemonois back (gone 06:29:47)
20:50:07EpABakemono: u there?
20:52:21EpABakemono: do you know a little about the video gaming history?
20:52:34Bakemonoa bit
20:53:26EpABakemono: well, at first they used "logic circuits" , and then they had LSI Circuits. You know if ths is true? =)
20:53:46Bakemonologic circuits eh?
20:54:40EpAyeah, thats what I saw..
20:54:44EpAisn't it correct?
20:54:52BakemonoI don't know
20:54:57Bakemonosound right
20:55:22EpAheh, ok
22:05:28EpAHmm i got this question, what is it dependant on that Linux improves/ expands gaming?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.