irclog2html for #tfp on 20050220

00:59.48*** join/#tfp themaximus__ (max@themaximus.user)
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02:57.07*** join/#tfp Tryblithe (
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02:57.28Tryblithehi everyoen
03:09.10*** join/#tfp ashanks (
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03:10.59Tryblithei got a ciours question
03:11.16Tryblitheif i got a Dell computer,  can i replace some DIY parts for it?
03:11.28Tryblitheor is it stuck to Dell parts only
03:11.48ashanksDepends on what parts you want to replace..
03:11.58Tryblithewhihc works which doesnt?
03:12.02kbrooksI want to advertise. Can I?
03:12.09Tryblitheno -_-"
03:12.10ashankskbrooks: PM me.
03:12.29kbrooksadvertise here.
03:12.42Tryblitheyou cant
03:12.45ashanksMust be approved by me.
03:13.14kbrooksIt's an Ruby obfuscation contest. (part of the ad)
03:13.31ashankskbrooks, PM me what you want to advertise.
03:13.38Tryblitheashanks: whic parts doens't work
03:14.03ashanksTryblithe, easier put: which parts do you want to replace?
03:14.28kbrooksHolld on. :0
03:16.05Tryblitheram, hard drive, moterh board, processor, video card, sound card,
03:16.09Tryblitheeverything  :) *if*
03:16.23kbrooksif what?
03:16.26ashanksProbably not the motherboard.
03:16.34Tryblitheoh the rest is good? :)
03:16.46kbrooksnot the hard drives
03:16.46ashanksVideo and sound cards most likely could be replaced.
03:16.58Tryblithenot the hard drive? :(
03:17.04ashanksRAM, you can buy expansion RAM from Dell, or find some on eBay.
03:17.10ashanksHarddrive, no.
03:17.37Tryblithethat's very dell
03:17.49kbrooksran, processor, video card, sound card
03:17.52ashanksDell, Gateway, Apple, etc, do that so you can't build their products cheaper by putting cheaper HDDs in them and packaging them as "Dell"s at a lower price.
03:18.33kbrooksashanks, and SHOULD you try to?
03:19.03ashanksYou should not, for it's easier to start your own computer line (-:
03:19.07Tryblithek that sucks, but what about IBM?
03:19.26ashanksTryblithe, all major companies (for profit) basically live by the rule above.
03:19.41ashanksOtherwise, some geek would've put them out of business by now (-:
03:20.25ashanksBuild a computer from Radio Shack, buddy. :)
03:21.40ashanksYou can get parts (but don't make your own motherboard LOL, buy one from eBay) and just put them together by following a tutorial, start it up, and load that processor's OS (if it's like a PPC processor (Apple Manufactured), you have to load OS X, or PPC linux)
03:21.53*** join/#tfp themaximus_ (max@themaximus.user)
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03:21.59Tryblithenever apple -.-
03:22.07ashanksBut a standard P4 would work for Linux/Windows.
03:22.31Tryblitheim very confused. but on well
03:23.12ashanksI'm very mad. Our school has just abolished 8-Block schedule after failing the state tests for the 3th time in a row.
03:23.14ashanks* 3rd
03:23.33Tryblitheschool sucks. i skipped it
03:23.38Tryblitheand got high marks
03:24.13kbrooksabolished WHAT?
03:24.15Tryblithei wana buy a computer
03:24.48ashanksIt is the fault of a) the Illinois Board of Education, b) The Governer, c) The School District Board, d) The Administrative and Staff (Teachers, Principal, etc) but NEVER the Students'
03:24.56kbrooksabolished WHAT?
03:24.57kbrooksabolished WHAT?
03:25.07ashanks8-Block Schedule.
03:25.52ashanksWhere you have it setup to have 4 classes that are 85 mins each, and on one day you have a set of four classes, on the next you have the other set.
03:26.12Tryblithei have that here
03:26.18kbrookswait wait
03:26.26Tryblithesemestr's the same really, i dont mind if they cahnge it
03:26.34kbrooksdid u say 85 minutes
03:26.35ashanksIt's good because the homework you do the first 4 classes is not due until 2 days, instead of the regular one evening to do it.
03:26.54ashankskbrooks, Yes. It's not bad at all.
03:27.04ashanksYou get more time to sleep. (-:
03:27.22kbrooksashanks, but now...?
03:27.37ashanksonly _7_ classes, and all on one day, 25 mins each.
03:27.47ashanksIt starts the beginning of next year.
03:28.09kbrooksyou are lucky that it starts next year
03:28.15ashanksAnd that won't solve the problems with failing state tests. It's the teachers fault, dammit! :-P
03:28.36Tryblithe25 minutes each?
03:28.39TryblitheARE YOU JOKING?
03:28.42Tryblithei love this
03:28.55TryblitheUnited States is very interesting
03:28.57kbrooksashanks, and that means?
03:29.12kbrooks4 classes in 1 hour
03:29.23Tryblithe7 classes 25 each
03:29.25Tryblithethat's SWEET
03:29.29ashanksFor stuff like Shop, and P.E. it sucks because .. once you get into the Shop, prepared to start, or all dressed in PE, you get 10 mins then it's time to clean up or get dressed.
03:29.34kbrooks40 classes in 40 hours
03:29.56ashanksTryblithe, actually, it's more like 40 or so.
03:30.24Tryblitheyou over stated it
03:30.33Tryblitheso its 40, not 25
03:30.36Tryblitheya that's not bad
03:30.41Tryblithewow i wish i hae that here
03:30.45TryblitheLOL i can skip
03:30.53Tryblithesince once i skip, i sip the entire day
03:31.04ashanks8 - 2:45 is when we go .... - homeroom (that's a joke LOL) .. so you have 8:25 - 2:45 which is like 6 hours and 15 minutes.
03:31.14ashanksMinus Lunch / Recess
03:31.30ashanksSo, you divide about 6 by 7.
03:31.44ashankspurl, what is 6 / 7?
03:31.46purlashanks: what are you talking about?
03:32.06Tryblithe51 minutes
03:32.06ashanksOkay, that can't be right.
03:32.18Tryblitheok ahsanks dont exaggerate like taht
03:32.24Tryblithe51 minutes aint bad
03:32.50ashanks48, this news article says.
03:32.51ashanksBut, they
03:33.00ashanks'll prolly extend the school day :-(
03:33.03Tryblithelol im gona eat diner
03:33.08Tryblitheashanks: they wont
03:33.16Tryblithei can guarentee u that
03:35.28ashanksDude, according to our dumbfounded governer, he set the standards so that if we fail ONE more year, they have to increment the school year each time we fail again.
03:42.54Tryblitheif you fail, you have to say at taht grade whats wrong?
03:43.37ashanksIf the school overall fails the state tests, you have to EXTEND the school day by x amount per each year you fail the state tests.
03:44.42ashanksSo if we fail 6 years in a row, and they add 1 hour per year our school fails, we could go from 6 to 4 PM or whatever.
03:45.16ashanksBut, at a certain point, the military gets to takeover. :-)
03:45.52Tryblithethat's impossible. the teachers wil go on strike before u even get a word about it ;)
03:45.56Tryblitheteachers dont wana work too, u know
03:46.02Tryblithethey wana get out of school more than u
03:46.07ashanksMaybe that would be a good thing, our school would be smarter and less lazier... PE would suck though, a commander of the air force saying "GET YOUR BUT OFF THAT GYM FLOOR AND GIVE ME 500 PUSH UPS, SON!"
03:47.26ashanksBy using the term "Military", it means probably the government hiring STRICT, and ACTIVE (not lazy) teachers... but probably not a commander of the air force being in charge of PE class ;-)
03:48.14ashanksGuess what? The High School kids are going to purposely fail them (like they're doing all over the US) because our high school doesn't want to get rid of 8-Block.
03:48.47ashanksSo, I talked to a few High Schoolers and they said they will all put "A, C, D, C" patterns for their multiple choice answers. :-P LOL
03:49.03Tryblitheu knwo what
03:49.07Tryblithejust get ur parents to write notes
03:49.12Tryblitheand so you can skip asoem classesLOL
03:49.15Tryblitheevery now and then
03:49.46ashanksIf I were the people who grades the test, I would just say "Okay, you want to do that, huh? Well guess what, we made all the correct answers be 'A, C, D, C'.... " LOL
03:50.06ashanksSo you get a perfect when you purposely tried to fail. :D
03:50.40ashanksI don't think writing notes helps ... our school has a policy on how many notes you can have before it's unexcused.
03:51.05ashanksThen you get a big fat ZER-OO for the day in all your classes...
03:51.54Tryblithelol u can move to canada ahahhaha
03:51.58TryblitheOh well
03:52.07Tryblithethere isn't many school day s anyways
03:52.11Tryblitheu can cut back quite a lot by that
03:52.18ashanksLOL.. that's like a phrase for something "Ah, screw it. Move to Canada...."
03:52.31ashanksOh yeah, isn't that for growing pot?
03:52.38Tryblithelol no
03:52.53ashanksSome Canadian-IRCer said that one time...
03:53.09ashanks"WOW they're gonna legalize pot in Canada. YEAH"
03:53.24ashanks"<some other dude> so you can start growing it in your front yard?"
03:53.50ashanks"<him> no, so I can move the crop from the backyard to the frontyard, and grow some more in the back ;)"
03:54.14ashanksor maybe that was at
03:56.15*** join/#tfp themaximus__ (max@themaximus.user)
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03:58.32ashankshi themaximus__
04:06.16*** join/#tfp pankey (the@pankey.user)
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04:08.06pankeycache will be back tomorrow maybe
04:08.11pankeyhe's taking a vacation
04:09.04pankeytired-of-nick syndrome
04:09.11pankeyascii abuse got to her
05:57.19*** part/#tfp Tryblithe (
06:38.02*** join/#tfp Tryblithe (
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06:45.47Gokee2Goodbot, name cache
06:45.50GoodbotGokee2: Error: "name" is not a valid command.
06:46.12*** mode/#tfp [+o cache] by ChanServ
06:47.21TryblitheGookee ur so not friendly today
07:07.27Gokee2I am very friendly
07:11.27Gokee2Tryblithe, still there?
07:20.06Tryblithesorry il be in and out a bit
07:21.57Gokee2 <-- download and lisen to that
07:22.05Gokee2Its weard as hell
07:46.39*** join/#tfp pankey` (the@pankey.user)
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07:59.09Gokee2pankey, how did you get the vhost?
07:59.32Gokee2* pankey` (the@pankey.user) has joined #tfp
07:59.48pankey'the' is from identd :P
07:59.55pankeyrest is freenode
08:00.31Gokee2How did you get freenode to do it?
08:02.37pankeyjust set up identd
08:02.42pankeyforward port 113
08:02.53pankeyim using fakeidentd uner gentoo to do it
08:03.02pankeyfakeidentd == daemon
08:03.58Gokee2hmm I see
09:10.53Tryblithegood nite
11:09.07*** join/#tfp ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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16:58.46tektikHello World !!!
17:47.26*** join/#tfp themaximus__ (max@themaximus.user)
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19:03.50*** join/#tfp ashanks (
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19:03.57ashanksROFL themaximus_
19:04.19ashanks  << (Posted in his blog)
19:04.22cacheTitle: A parent's primer to computer slang (at
19:04.43asiammyselfhi ashanks
19:04.49ashanksyo asiammyself! ;)
19:05.01ashankssaw you posted on the forums and realized it was a sunday.. :P
19:05.21ashanksGo to that link I posted. ( )
19:05.24cacheTitle: A parent's primer to computer slang (at
19:05.37ashanksIt's hilarious. "Help protech your kid from things like w00t and what they mean"
19:07.28ashanks""w00t" or the smiley character \o/: A common interjection, analogous to "woohoo!" or victory in a game."
19:08.21xbmodderWTF?!? EMINEM MAKES WIERD SONGS - toy soldier there is like singing and raping to marchin' musaic!
19:08.34ashanksI wonder if there's a bunch of 40 year old guys paid 250,000 a year to go into AOL and the like chat rooms and get this "valuable information".
19:08.36xbmodderpurposely said musiac not music
19:09.03asiammyselfthats just sad
19:10.00cacheTitle: (at
19:10.05asiammyselfsuckest web site ever^
19:10.27asiammyselflook at the bottom scroll!?
19:11.14ashanksDude, they forgot the most common "leetspeak" word ... M$ .... ;)
19:11.40ashanks"M$ - used to talk poorly about the company Microsoft, our company"         :-)
19:16.11ashankswhat's up? I've been coding and I'm at line # 200 and need another good 200 more :-)
19:19.08asiammyselfbeing bored...:P
19:19.20asiammyselfand crying about
19:20.02ashankswhy ?
19:21.07asiammyselfDNS delegation and dynamic web forwarding will not be offered for domains registered after November 20th, 2004. The free DNS service has reached the maximum number of domains it can handle to work efficiently. Unfortunately, it was not possible to upgrade our servers by February, 2005. We are still working to make the necessary changes to UNI.CC's systems.
19:22.13asiammyselfthat sucks monkey^!
19:23.09asiammyselfanyway ill bbl
19:26.08*** join/#tfp Tryblithe (
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19:27.12Tryblitheasiammyself wont be back till a week later :-|
19:27.16Tryblithe:( lol
20:08.16*** mode/#tfp [+o cache`] by ChanServ
20:08.21Gokee2kick cache
20:08.30Gokee2cache`, kick cache
20:08.32*** kick/#tfp [cache!] by cache` (Gokee2)
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20:08.42Gokee2cache`, nick cache
20:08.44cache`Gokee2: Error: Someone else is already using that nick.
20:09.06Gokee2cache`, nick BotDude
20:09.18Gokee2BotDude, deop BotDude
20:09.19BotDudeGokee2: Error: I cowardly refuse to deop myself.  If you really want me deopped, tell me to op you and then deop me yourself.
20:09.25Gokee2!deop BotDude
20:09.25*** mode/#tfp [-o BotDude] by cache
20:31.44Gokee2!say hi
20:31.44BotDudeGokee2: Error: "say" is not a valid command.
20:32.07Gokee2!annonce hi
20:32.08BotDudeGokee2: Error: "annonce" is not a valid command.
20:33.27Gokee2!announce hi
20:33.27cacheGokee2: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
20:33.37BotDudeAnnouncement from my owner (Gokee2): hi
20:50.33BotDudeGokee2: Error: "cool" is not a valid command.
20:50.54cacheGokee2: (cache <url>) -- Returns a link to the cached version of <url> if it is available.
20:51.20Gokee2!say hi
20:51.26Gokee2`say hi
20:51.27BotDudeGokee2: Error: "say" is not a valid command.
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.