irclog2html for #teleconf on 20040112

06:25.17*** join/#teleconf ibot (
06:25.17*** mode/#teleconf [+n] by
19:00.43*** join/#teleconf jamey (~jamey@3ffe:4015:ffff:11:2e0:63ff:fe81:cc92)
19:00.43*** mode/#teleconf [+o jamey] by ChanServ
19:09.18*** join/#teleconf pb_ (
19:09.32*** join/#teleconf nelson (
19:10.18*** join/#teleconf jwaterman (
19:10.51*** join/#teleconf Harlekin (
19:11.51jameynelson is seeing a problem with ipaq not going to sleep with hh30
19:12.17jameytry apm -s ?
19:12.38jameyshould move hh36 into 0.7.2
19:12.40nelsonpb_ has a new kernel, -hh36
19:14.44*** join/#teleconf TimRiker (
19:14.44*** mode/#teleconf [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
19:15.10TimRikerCELF sessions in LV were interesting.
19:15.27TimRikerbootup time group is doing some interesting things.
19:15.40nelsonjg will be at LinuxWorld, as will nelson
19:15.50TimRikerplanning to rewrite all the startup scripts to run in parallel
19:16.36TimRikerchanges planned to use bb init and bb shells (ash mostly)
19:16.52nelsonTimRiker: interesting.  For handhelds or general use?
19:17.52nelsonpb_ reports that mallum has a new matchbox, that gpe has a new developer.
19:18.07nelsonpb_ says that said developer is patching like crazy.
19:18.10jameyTimRiker: that is cool
19:18.20jameyTimRiker: any plans for CELF to go to 2.6 kernel?
19:18.21nelsonpb_ gpe now has drop shadows.
19:19.45TimRikernelson: CELF = consumer electronincs linux forum.
19:20.03nelsonTimRiker: Hahaha!  I was just googling for it.
19:20.18TimRikerjamey: yes. they are on 2.4.20 mv kernel now, planning to move to 2.6.x asap
19:20.27Harlekinjamey: no big updates, new mailer ready
19:20.36Harlekinjamey: new image viewer soon
19:20.37nelsonpb_ reports that 5400 working better than 3900 at this point.
19:20.51nelson.. that nobody is working on fingerprint reader
19:21.39nelson.. that the mmc slot driver isn't quite working right  yet.  It's reading the id.
19:21.57TimRikermuch of the CELF work is on TI OMAP Innovator boards. Don't know if I can still get them, but I'll have similar hardware soon. email me with what you'd like it for if you'd like one.
19:21.59nelsonno news on 19xx or 22xx.
19:23.08TimRikerany talk here of uclibc? or still trying to maintain debian compat?
19:23.42jameyjamey will repost list of packages that need source field filled in
19:24.06jameyTimRiker: we used uclibc for bootldr :)
19:24.24nelsonTimRiker: debian compat, for better or worse.
19:24.42nelsonTimRiker: do you have any numbers for what it would save us?
19:26.59Harlekinnelson: quite a lot, also in mem footprint
19:27.36nelsonHarlekin: I would guess "quite a lot" also, but before we push people into having to use uclibc, I'd want numbers to wave at them.
19:27.43nelsonHarlekin: call it a selling point if you wish.
19:27.52Harlekinthe busybox guy hat numbers afair
19:28.15jameyit reduces by 1MB or so
19:28.23Harlekindisk space
19:28.27nelsonOh, really????
19:28.30Harlekinand 30 % memory footprint afair
19:28.43nelsonThat's nearly 10% smaller.
19:28.44jameythat sounds about right
19:28.58Harlekinnelson: 1 mb for libc package
19:29.06Harlekinapps also a bit smaller
19:34.21nelsonHurdle #1 is "compiling from source".
19:34.43nelsonOnce we pass that hurdle, then switching to uclibc suddenly becomes much more possible.
19:36.01TimRikerwith c++, theads and locales enabled?
19:36.05TimRikerer threads?
19:36.38TimRikershould produce striped libs and locales that are about 4M smaller (uncompressed)
19:37.04Harlekincounted without locales
19:37.22TimRikerare locales in the current images?
19:42.47jameyyes, and in the feeds
19:44.21TimRikerso that's a lot of savings... ;-)
19:44.54jameywe only install one or two locales by default -- others on demand
19:44.56jameybut still
19:45.08jameyC++ support is complete with uclibc?
19:46.15*** part/#teleconf jwaterman (
19:47.57TimRikerc++ libs are a bit larger than the glibc versions. more work is needed there. but the savings on uclibc is much larger than the loss with the uclibc c++ libs.
19:48.05TimRikerso overall it's still a big win.
19:52.32nelsonI have a better solution to that: don't include any C++ programs.  :-)
19:52.43nelsonThink of the savings!
22:01.43*** part/#teleconf nelson (
23:01.49*** part/#teleconf Harlekin (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.