irclog2html for #teleconf on 20031208

18:23.44*** join/#teleconf jamey (~jamey@3ffe:4015:ffff:11:2e0:63ff:fe81:cc92)
18:23.44*** mode/#teleconf [+o jamey] by ChanServ
18:23.57jameynote to self: add domain hosting to the agenda
18:45.06*** join/#teleconf bdale (
18:52.53*** join/#teleconf Disconnect (
18:55.57*** join/#teleconf nelson (
19:00.41*** join/#teleconf pb_ (~pb@2002:5160:45ef:0:240:95ff:fe30:aa84)
19:01.10*** join/#teleconf jwaterman (
19:06.24Disconnectany examples of other domains that you expect will want hosting?
19:09.36Disconnectsounds right. you might consider asking for help or - extreme case - doing it colo style for some projects.
19:09.54Disconnect(eg 'here is your [uml/virtual server/whatever] now go manage it')
19:13.28Disconnectafaik he's overly busy personally. but yah - he might have volunteers.
19:13.37Disconnecthe should, in fact, have volunteers.
19:17.10*** part/#teleconf Disconnect (
19:24.04*** join/#teleconf jamey (~jamey@3ffe:4015:ffff:11:2e0:63ff:fe81:cc92)
19:24.23*** mode/#teleconf [+o jamey] by ChanServ
19:24.31jameynelson say: roadmap is really really cool though it is big (8MB)
19:25.55jameysome discussion about getting maps for europe
19:26.11jameymallum is going to package minimoz
19:27.02jameyone more h5xxx issue: pb_ has checked in a change to fix the buzzer on the bootldr
19:28.55jameyh22xx: a bunch of volunteeers
19:29.05jameybut no progress yet
19:32.13jamey0.8: how many of the boot* packages we have source for?  
19:32.49jameyhopefully the list of packages for which we do not have source is shorter
19:33.00jameyI'll try to compile a list for next week
19:33.46*** part/#teleconf nelson (
19:37.45*** part/#teleconf jwaterman (
19:39.28*** part/#teleconf bdale (
20:24.40*** join/#teleconf Harlekin (
21:44.59Harlekinis htere something wrong with
21:46.05Harlekina) fallback to password
21:46.09Harlekininstead of keys
21:46.12Harlekinb) no kerberos email
21:49.40Harlekinjamey: ?
21:51.02jameyyour ssh key is missing?
21:51.05jameyI will check it out
21:51.17Harlekinadded him 20 min ago
21:51.20Harlekinssh dsa pub key
21:51.23Harlekinwith passphrase
21:51.36Harlekinand i think 2 more people had issues last week
21:52.46jameyit sometimes takes longer than 20 minutes for a key to get installed
21:52.58jameybecause admin site is semibroken
21:53.40Harlekinand the kerberos mail?
21:54.04jameysame deal
22:46.28Harlekinjamey: how long can it take?
22:49.41jameyI just gave it another nudge
23:38.52*** part/#teleconf pb_ (~pb@2002:5160:45ef:0:240:95ff:fe30:aa84)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.